2005-03-11, 14:35
Life is pain.
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The T.o.t.M. Thread!
Ok so here it is as discussed in the RTT. Thanks to Marino [Obrien] the Brazilian MOFU for the idea!
Ok so outline - A Powertab, TXT Tab and all round Tabber of the Month award will be given... Every month! TXT Tabs are graded on accuracy, simplicity [Easily readible or not] and complexity of the song which has been tabbed. So don't just vote for a tab because its from your favourite band and you've been waiting for the tab for ages bla bla bla.
Powertabs, aswell as being judged on the former points will also be judged on
Awards will be given for the following categories:
TXT Tab of the Month
Powertab of the Month
Guitar Pro Tab of the Month
Tabber of the Month
Tab Whore of the Month [Posting stupidly simple songs eg. Anal Cunt  ]
Any other suggestions or comments just post away until we have a purely refined system of voting. I would suggest 3 Authors for each of the categories, except Tab Whore, who just gets impaled with that tag whether he likes it or not.
Example of vote: [Italicised, Underlined and Bolded just for AndrewC]
TXT Tab of the Month should go to Cloaca - Psycroptic - Skin Coffin
Powertab of the Month probably should be Yura - Disgorge - Atonement
Guitar Pro Tab of the Month is The Doctor - Motorhead - Ace of Spades
Tabber of the Month has definitely got to be Infinity - Anal Cunt - Song #5 
Tab Whore of the Month goes to AndrewC for posting all these bllshit tabs like Burzum and Mortician  j/k...
However to elect the 3 authors for each category, we need to work out which 3 are in the run in. So Im thinking that maybe if 2 other people were to help me out it could be something of a T.O.T.M. Committee, where we choose which authors are to be voted for for each category? I see that as probably the most tidy and easy way of getting this going but if you have a better Idea throw it out at us
Lets try to make this work!
Last edited by Infinity : 2005-03-13 at 11:27.

2005-03-11, 14:46
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TOMB OF THE MUTILATED!!!!  oh..............
Myles, I declare that you should be the one who looks after this thread. Maybe at the end of each month, tally up what people have voted for and declare winners in each of the categories. Then declare voting for that month over, and start fresh.

2005-03-11, 14:48
Life is pain.
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Yeah sure I can do that if everyones happy with it.

2005-03-11, 16:05
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pfft, no guitar pro?

2005-03-11, 16:23
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I better start tabbing then
Good luck everyone 

2005-03-11, 17:48
Dog farts
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Nice thread. I like.
I'll pass my vote to Yura & Cloaca, for tabber(s) of the month so far.
But if John started tabbing again, I'm sorry to say, you'd all be left in the dust.

2005-03-11, 18:15
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by The Doctor
pfft, no guitar pro?
gp tabs should be added !
It's Good To Be Bad!!! 

2005-03-11, 18:43
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by Nihilist
Nice thread. I like.
I'll pass my vote to Yura & Cloaca, for tabber(s) of the month so far.
I second this motion.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
But if John started tabbing again, I'm sorry to say, you'd all be left in the dust.

Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2005-03-11, 23:00
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,216
I thought this was Tit Of The Month. Fuck.

2005-03-11, 23:31
Life is pain.
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Australia
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Alrighty, my mistake! An award will be given for "GP Tab of the Month". I will add this to the original post  I am also going to add some extra little things to looks at so read closely.

2005-03-11, 23:57
Life is pain.
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Ok, new stuff added to the previous post 

2005-03-12, 00:44
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Posts: 2,471
good work milo, i like this idea! hooray for tab whoring! 

2005-03-12, 01:22
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Tab of the month: STACHIO!!!! Culinary Hyperversity (damn fucking accurate, powertabed, nicely formatted with riff labelings etc).

2005-03-12, 01:33
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by CannibalXampire
I thought this was Tit Of The Month. Fuck.
Yes, I thought it was Tomb of the Mutilate. Tee Hee. 
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-03-12, 07:32
Pokémon Master
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theDoctor gets tab whore of all time for his SOD tabs 
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2005-03-12, 08:42
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Originally Posted by Cloaca
Tab of the month: STACHIO!!!! Culinary Hyperversity (damn fucking accurate, powertabed, nicely formatted with riff labelings etc).
haha yeah i second that, he did two other Necrophagist tabs(that i saw) theyre are both extremly accurate as well

2005-03-12, 08:56
Life is pain.
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Location: Australia
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Ok so we have our first candidate.
TXT Tab of the Month
Powertab of the Month - 1.Stachio
Guitar Pro Tab of the Month
Tabber of the Month
Tab Whore of the Month
Lets fill them all up and get the candidates going.
I was thinking that maybe if a tab wins, lets say, Powertab OTM award, and it has also within the month been submitted as txt, it can no be elected for a position, otherwise Stachio could just Win pretty much all of the awards with 1 tab...

2005-03-12, 09:00
Pokémon Master
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Why not just say that the same tab, submitted by the same user can not win the award for two different formats?
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2005-03-12, 09:14
Life is pain.
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That's exactly what I said, but in different words. Why not say this, even: 2 or more Tabs of the same song by the same author but in a different format can only get elected for 1 award?
It's just that I chose to say what I said instead of what you said, probably because we have different ways of thinking, due to our brains being different/we not being the same person.
You might even choose to say this: You cannot submit a tab that has been elected for TXT tab of the month in Power Tab format to be used in PT of the Month award.
You see there are so many different ways of saying the same thing, you know?
I provided an example with my suggestion as so people wouldnt get confused, they might have a mental image to think of while they read, making it easy, thats why I worded mine the way I did. The differenve between what I said and what you said is that you didn't provide that mental image, which may or may not be necessary.
So to your questoin, why not just say what you said? I have no fucking idea, but you just said it anyway so I guess there is no argument as to why we shouldnt say wat you said.

2005-03-12, 10:41
Pokémon Master
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I interpreted what you said as that a person could submit the txt tab one month, and win the award, then submit a guitar pro tab the next month and win the guitar pro section the next, my thought was to remove that as a posibility.
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2005-03-12, 10:44
Life is pain.
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Well bfldblbgdfbldfgbl then.
Im sure noone will mix it up now anyways hahahaha 

2005-03-12, 21:21
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Originally Posted by Cloaca
Tab of the month: STACHIO!!!! Culinary Hyperversity (damn fucking accurate, powertabed, nicely formatted with riff labelings etc).
Yeah, if I were to vote, it would definitely go to Stachio. I don't feel comfortable voting, though, because I only look at maybe 1 out of every 25 tabs submitted, if that.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-03-13, 04:15
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Yeah, same here, but generally it's not too hard to figure out what the good tabs are.

2005-03-13, 11:08
Schrodinger's Cat
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OK here's my votes up to now:
Powertab nominations
Stachio: Necrophagist - Extreme Unction
Yura: Disgorge - Demise Of The Trinity
GuitarPro nomination
SpiritCrusher: Spawn Of Possession - A Presence Inexplicable
Text tab nomination
Hot Spicy: Cryptopsy - Voice Of Unreason
Tabber(s) of the month nominations
Cloaca: for all the Psycroptic Powertabs
Yura: for all the brutal death submissions
Stachio: for all the Necrophagist and Suffocation submissions
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2005-03-13, 11:19
Life is pain.
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Powertab nominations
STACHIO PT: Necrophagist - Culinary Hyperversity
GuitarPro nomination
N/A [not have GP sorry]
Text tab nomination
YURA G: Decapitated - The Negation
Tabber(s) of the month nominations
Cloaca: Psycroptic
Yura: John's reason
Stachio: For that absolutely crazy sweeping song by Necrophagist [extreme unction?]

2005-03-13, 11:28
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Powertab nominations
N/A [not have PT sorry]
GuitarPro nomination
N/A [not have GP sorry]
Text tab nomination
YURA G: Decapitated - Names
CLOACA G: Cryptopsy - Emaciate
Tabber(s) of the month nominations
if yura gets on with my krisiun tabs by the submission date, he can win single handedly 

2005-03-13, 13:15
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So we're doing awards for tabs prior to this month this time around? I don't think we should. Keeping it to Feb/March I think is best. Also, to make it less confusing, if you change your nominations, just edit your original post. And as John stated previously, I think we should make a new thread each month.
PT Nominations:
Stachio - Culinary Hyperversity, Yura - Demise Of The Trinity
GP Nominations:
Spiritcrusher - A Prescence Inexplicable (as if he won't win this one)
Txt Nominations:
Johnmansley - Nas Akhu Khan She En Asbiu
Tabber Nominations:
Yura, Stachio, Hot Spicy
Last edited by Cloaca : 2005-03-15 at 08:47.

2005-03-14, 01:25
Join Date: Dec 2004
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I wanna be nominated
I tabbed out an entire ulver song today out of request by a fellow board member...thats gotta count for something 

2005-03-14, 02:41
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if only I could do drum tabs on a program and send them in, I would own this compo!!!
omg t3h @x1s p3d@ls @r3 t3h b3st!!!!!!1!!11
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