[QUOTE=andrewc]1. take it out of the foil packaging.
2. pinch the tip of it to let some air into it.
3. holding the base, roll it onto your manhood. contact tranman if you can't do it properly.
well there is no such thing as a perfect first time, so make sure your girl is understanding and compassionate if the unthinkable happens.
1. contact dissection and arrange a time and place.
2. we don't call him "dicksucktion" for no reason, so be prepared.
3. this should be enough vocal exercises to go out and record your debut album.
hope i helped

Yeah, that's helpful if I want to make a Blink 182 cover album. But I'm trying to go for my own thing. Much heavier. And no, don't say a black guy's dick. I want something even heavier. And no, not Oprah. So there, maybe those sex jokes or overused by now and I look like an idiot. But I was just wondering, for example, what James Hetfield does to exercises his voice. I heard he uses certain ways to help (and I doubt it knobhobbling). Also, I read that Tom Araya has been at the edge of losing his voice before. So I was just curious how these guys keep it up. My singing style sounds between Pro-Pain, Pantera, and the really low growl on some of Pig Destroyer's songs (not that high-pitched crap). Soooo, maybe that helps some of the other people get an idea of what I'm doing with my voice in the first place. And as for you andrew, I think dissection would beat the shit out of me if I even got near him with the intent of blowing his luger. So if that's my only option, I think I'll just play in an instrumental band.