2005-03-16, 06:09
Senior Metalhead
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Bad downpicking habit?
Ok, I have noticed recently If I try to downpick with my wrist for a while, I cannot really attain a fast speed. If I downpick with my arm though, I can downpick much faster. A song that helped me do this is http://metaltabs.com/tab/845/ this one. I can downpick with my arm for a while without it getting too sore. Should I stop this and concentrate on doing this with my wrist, or was this song intended to be played with your arms?

2005-03-16, 06:18
Senior Metalhead
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i find that its better to downpick using your wrist, when you use your arm you have to mover your entire arm to strum the string(or just your fore arm) you have to move less when you use your wrist, comprared to useing youyr arm. anyway, i try to alternate pick as much as i can, i dont really like downpicking, you can be alot faster with alternate picking

2005-03-16, 07:15
Senior Metalhead
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You should always try and pick using your wrist, it's much more effecient than using your arm. Eitherway, you should try concentrating on alternate picking.

2005-03-16, 07:29
Senior Metalhead
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Yeah, unless you want to develop potentially serious problems with your arm, start using your wrist and thumb and index finger muscles. Ideally you want no arm movement at all.
I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous....
Liberals ate my baby. 

2005-03-16, 11:03
Senior Metalhead
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make sure your whole arm is COMPLETELY relaxed, like it feels in that splitsecond before you go to sleep, then pick with the most natural motion you can find.
the more natural your motion is, the faster you will be able to go, and if you are tensed, not only will it slow you down, but it will give you wrist/arm problems like tendonitis.
"The complexity of the penguins' lifestyle testifies to a Divine Creator," said one commentator on Christian Answers. "To think that natural selection or even the penguins themselves could come up with the idea to migrate miles and miles multiple times each year without their partner or their offspring is a bit insulting to my intellect. How great is our God!"

2005-03-16, 11:45
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Youll fuck your elbow if you use your arm, in the mean time, use one of these and practice using only tour wrist whils tremelo picking, and downpicking (Mille-style)
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-03-16, 22:54
Senior Metalhead
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I need help on that too,but not that which is better but,how to downpick faster,since i get all tensed up and tired from downpicking quickly,I got used to alternate picking and I'm fast at it,but as rythm downpicking,I can't even do Master,I have to do it alternate.So,help if possible.
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2005-03-17, 00:30
Muffin Ass
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The thought has never crossed my mind until reading this......so I picked up the guitar just now and whipped something out and saw it pure wrist for me......little forearm movement......what's cool is when the wrist goes so fast it almost looks like it's vibrating.

2005-03-17, 05:51
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Originally Posted by Bia
The thought has never crossed my mind until reading this......so I picked up the guitar just now and whipped something out and saw it pure wrist for me......little forearm movement......what's cool is when the wrist goes so fast it almost looks like it's vibrating.
That's what it looks like when I jerk off - 220 WPM - Wanks Per Minute.
On the topic though, some riffs need to be downpicked for a certain sound/rythym, if a band plays a riff all downpicked, IMO it just won't have the same feel if you play it with alternate picking. I use my wrist as much as possible, but my arm moves a little too.

2005-03-17, 05:57
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Originally Posted by Meesh
That's what it looks like when I jerk off - 220 WPM - Wanks Per Minute.
440 WPS
wanks per second.....
Killer,intruder,homicidal man

2005-03-17, 08:50
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Originally Posted by Sam Hudson
440 WPS
wanks per second.....
 sam copped a handy from muhammed suicmez!!!

2005-03-17, 14:15
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Originally Posted by andrewc
 sam copped a handy from muhammed suicmez!!!


2005-03-17, 15:59
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Originally Posted by kin
Ok, I have noticed recently If I try to downpick with my wrist for a while, I cannot really attain a fast speed. If I downpick with my arm though, I can downpick much faster. A song that helped me do this is http://metaltabs.com/tab/845/ this one. I can downpick with my arm for a while without it getting too sore. Should I stop this and concentrate on doing this with my wrist, or was this song intended to be played with your arms?
I think it has been discussed before, but for your information, some rythm guitar players like J. Hetfield ONLY downpick all their riffs. Downpicking is of course a much more powerful way to play any metal riff, but depending on what you want to play, it's good to develop both techniques equally. Like, most death metal you won't be able to play using only downpicking ; however downpicking you can use anytime for basic heavy metal/old trash metal.
Also, try using your wrist instead of your arm. For all the reasons listed by other people in this thread.

2005-03-18, 12:03
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this sounds weird, but if you wear like a band around your wrist really tight. Then less blood will reach the hand and your hand will feel kinda numb. Then you can play real fast downpicking really long

2005-03-18, 22:33
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ya i use my wrist and elbow to downstroke, but i usualy galop solos and fast stuff... but back to the point... i do that to (not alot though) but i dont have a problem with it at all... just do what ur comfortable with... thats what gives u ur own style...
Originally Posted by IlikeRiffseveryone
im 50 percent irish and 100 percent pain. (SHAKE DOWN!!!!)
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2005-03-19, 00:13
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Originally Posted by Six_Feet_Under_420
this sounds weird, but if you wear like a band around your wrist really tight. Then less blood will reach the hand and your hand will feel kinda numb. Then you can play real fast downpicking really long
That reminds me.....are sweatbands good for guitar playing? Or are they just some fad and have no real purpose?
I can't even play master of puppets up to speed. I'm a lot better at alternate picking, like the interlude to silent night bodom night around 2minutes. But I can almost play the fast riff of Death's Misanthrope. The rest of that song though I can downpick all.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2005-07-25, 12:07
New Blood
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Originally Posted by Six_Feet_Under_420
this sounds weird, but if you wear like a band around your wrist really tight. Then less blood will reach the hand and your hand will feel kinda numb. Then you can play real fast downpicking really long
For real? How tight dos it have to be? I stopped wearing my sweat beands about 2 months ago after one got stolen 

2005-07-25, 15:06
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i up-pick where i'm usually supposed to downpick.. i don't know why.. i'm just really comfortable with it 
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Bottle of Vodka, $25
Fucking on the couch while posting on Metaltabs and getting caught by your mother....

2005-07-25, 15:07
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Originally Posted by newHELLonEARTH
i up-pick where i'm usually supposed to downpick.. i don't know why.. i'm just really comfortable with it 
my friend also does that wierd shit

2005-07-25, 15:19
Pirate Lawd
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Everyone has already stated to use your wrist while down picking. This is true but its kinda like twisting your forearm a bit back and forth too. The forearm will move some so don't freak out. That is normal. The wrist joint isn't actually moving as much as the forearm is twisting for speed. That is why I think using a wrist band helps some people. It stablizes the wrist joint better so you can relax and not compensate as much. That way you don't get that look of struggling with the picking hand fingers stretch strait out. This allows the forearm movemant to be more precise and overall faster and more comfortable.
Having great down stroke and alternate picking technique, and being able to switch between the two seemlessly is a must for controling the overall feel and tone of a song. Knowing when to switch between them can add lots of dynamics to the way you play too.
Last edited by Soulinsane : 2005-07-25 at 15:23.

2005-07-25, 22:06
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This thread was kinda dug up, but much thanks for the info. I found that I was actually picking incorrectly (banana fingers), even though I didn't realize it due to its subtleness. I should hopefully aquire a new wristband in the future (preferably orange or red).

2005-07-26, 19:45
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Originally Posted by SmotPoker
i find that its better to downpick using your wrist, when you use your arm you have to mover your entire arm to strum the string(or just your fore arm) you have to move less when you use your wrist, comprared to useing youyr arm. anyway, i try to alternate pick as much as i can, i dont really like downpicking, you can be alot faster with alternate picking
alternate picking is not the best thing to do all the time. downpicking has more chug and balls, were as alternate picking doesnt.

2005-07-26, 21:26
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and lets face it.....we all need chug and balls
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2005-08-04, 04:00
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I'm on the same page with the dude that started this topic, I use half arm and half wrist. I can't seem to get my forearm to shut the f**k up and just let my wrist and fingers do the moving. As long as I'm warmed up good I can downpick fast as hell for quite some time without my forearm getting too sore. I've tried to practice just the wrist and finger technique, but I don't have the patience to sit there and start slow and work my speed up. Plus doing it with jsut fingers and a little wrist hurts more for me. This is just the way I play though, and prolly always will. Everyone else has the gift.

2005-08-05, 05:42
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Originally Posted by active corpse fucker
and lets face it.....we all need chug and balls
i quoted kerry king for one asshole and two yes chug is good. alternate picking ruins the power its has to it.

2005-08-05, 11:48
Pirate Lawd
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I say use both Down picking and Alternate picking depending on the sound you are trying to achieve. Keep it dynamic. MoP uses both but most of it is just fast Down picking.
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