2005-03-18, 04:44
New Blood
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 38
Need advice.
Okay, I am currently saving for a new half stack, and I have little knowledge of amps and such. I think the highest I wanna go for a head is around $1,200, and around $800 for the cab. I am considering a Peavey 5150 (Or 6505 or whatever they are called now), a Peavey XXX, or maybe a Mesa boogie Duel rec or somthing like that. Not really sure what kind of Cab I want, so suggestions would melt faces. I play music in the style of The red chord, Between the buried and me, Slayer, Necrophagist, Sleep Terror, At the gates, etc. I know there are quite a few people on these boards that know alot about whats good for what, what's a rip off, what's good for the price, etc. Thanks in advance, and sorry for yet another thread like this.

2005-03-18, 12:16
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: PEI, Canada
Posts: 1,103
Id save up a few extra bucks an Get an ENGL top, as for a cab, i dunno much about cabs

2005-03-18, 12:21
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Maastricht, Netherlands
Posts: 1,506
I would go for the mesa boogie dual rectifier with a matching mesa boogie 4x12" cab. I own a mesa boogie dual rectifier and it sounds awesome. I can get almost every tone you can imagine. bloodgasm, six feet under, nile. But also metallica, Killswitch and Slayer. Buy it and i garantue you will like it
But I don't know of a mesa boogie dual rectifier goes under 1200 $. Or I got ripped of with mine 
Last edited by Six_Feet_Under_420 : 2005-03-18 at 12:24.

2005-03-18, 19:37
Alumni Staff
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: The West.
Posts: 4,433
meh, mesa... good stuff, but to much price. especially if you're not in the u.s.
and they certainly arent for everybody. to me the rectos are abit to much on the loose and saggy side. throw some el34's in them and it helps though. i like them and i don't.
now is not the time if you're looking into a 5150 or 6505.. 6505's arent quite out yet and 5150's are at a temporary insane price jump.
for $1,200 a new engl is out of your range unless you're looking at the 50w-60w heads. and out of them i'd say the fireball is the most brutal. it's basically a hella simplified powerball.. it's half the power(60w), only two channels(shared eq) and hella tiny. plus a couple other things arent there... but tonaly it can pretty much cover the same ground and it's voiced alot like it.
the rivera knuckle head II is pretty tuff.. i almost bought one for like $900 used. great clean channel and even better high gain tones.
then there is rack gear too, but that's a completely different world...from my experience. if you go rack you'll never be able to make up your mind. constantly swapping out poweramps and preamps. throwing in and yanking out processors, eq's, and all sorts of little gizmos...
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