2005-03-19, 01:05
Life is pain.
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The Berzerker to begin recording on Album 3
Well, title pretty much says everything as far as the info I can got so far, but Ill try to update this as much as possible. In the meantime here's some pics of the band doing there stuff recording.
Hope it's good!

2005-03-19, 01:11
Registered Sex Offender
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Wow, I can't wait. I just can't get over how normal they look without the masks.
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“I'm as firm as red clay and as constant as... drinkin'. I'm constantly drinkin'.” - Early Cuyler

2005-03-19, 01:16
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Originally Posted by Infinity
Well, title pretty much says everything as far as the info I can got so far, but Ill try to update this as much as possible. In the meantime here's some pics of the band doing there stuff recording.
Hope it's good!
damn, not a moment too soon either! dissimulate is an extremely good album, and with a frontman as dedicated as luke is, this should be good stuff!

2005-03-19, 18:46
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Toronto
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Should be good. Although I only own their first CD and have only heard one song off of Dissimulate. I really liked the first one cause it was different and all but Dissimulate just sounds like a regular grindcore CD IMO. But that's judging from one song so is the album better than the first?
"I miss the days when it was acceptable to listen to everything."
-Chuck Schuldiner (R.I.P)
Truer words were never spoken.

2005-03-19, 23:26
Life is pain.
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Australia
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Hmmm, that's a hard one. TB was defniately a good record and pretty out there with it's sub techno grindcore, but Dissimulate showed far greater song writing prowess. On the whole, I think I like Dissimulate better, but the first was good too.
I hope to be tabbing the songs from Dissimulate - Noone Wins, and Disregard, and maybe Death Reveals

2005-03-20, 00:31
Life is pain.
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Ok so I just did Disregard, hope you guys like it!

2005-04-01, 23:47
New Blood
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Posts: 4
yeah the berzerker is pretty good but do you know if the drums are distorted and sound like a drum machine on this one?
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2005-04-02, 00:22
Life is pain.
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Yeah, they will be. Of course to reitterate we do ALL KNOW THAT THE BERZERKER HAVE A LIVING BREATHING DRUMMER that played on Dissimulate.

2005-04-02, 00:26
My Ass, Your Face
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The guitar player is wearing the same exact shirt I'm wearing at the moment!
A little section of Requiem's "I finally got laid" posts.
Originally Posted by Requiem
Wore her out before I could finish(which im grateful for)
Funeral Mulch; My brutal death metal band from West Michigan.
Last edited by Zionist : 2005-04-02 at 00:28.

2005-04-02, 01:21
bugfucker strikes back.
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How can anyone listen to this crap?
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-04-02, 02:07
Life is pain.
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Because you are gay and we aren't. 

2005-04-02, 02:15
bugfucker strikes back.
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Location: 19713, Delaware
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Makes sense.
Maybe I heard some bad stuff, but it sounded like noise.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-04-02, 02:36
Life is pain.
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Australia
Posts: 4,510
That's the point man, they create a wall of noise with the frantic riffing and drumming, you have to have a keen ear to tab this shit... And to take it.

2005-04-02, 02:57
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 137
Originally Posted by Infinity
That's the point man, they create a wall of noise with the frantic riffing and drumming, you have to have a keen ear to tab this shit... And to take it.
Tabbing yes, taking it...no not at all. One has to have a deaf ear to be able to ignore how fucking dreadful this mortician rip off is. Well maybe they didn't rip them off, but they sound to close for comfort and just as borring. Thier drummer is fast as lightning but he does sound like a god damn drum machine. The Berzerker is pretty hard but they aren't anything ridiculous. Still, I'm curious about the new album, so thanks for the news Infinity.

2005-05-04, 15:17
Life is pain.
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Australia
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Ok so I have some more info.
Gary [drums on Dissimulate] and Matt [guitars on Dissimulate] have nothing to do with the new record. They have both joined other bands.
Sam [Bass and guitars on Self Titled] is still an active member of the band but is now delving into his own recording. It's disputable whether he will play live or not yet, although he definately still wants to write and compose for the band.
Doing the guitars on this new album are the old guitarists from Self Titled, and also Sam has done some aswell. Over 90% of the record has been made so far, which is quoted to be ther eaviest to date, with some riffs reaching an amazing 330BPM.
It was origianlly set to be released in March, I'm unsure of the hold up.
As for live acts, I'm not sure what the hell is happening there. It's my belief that Luke [vocals] is touring doing som Speedcore DJ'ing. While Matt has joined Akercocke and Gary went back to his former band 'the Plague'. Sam as I said is unsure about playing live as far as I know, an I'm pretty sure he dosn't want to tour with the band.
Keep your eyes out on Earache's site for some Sample MP3's. They may or may not appear. The album is using a drum machine, and while keeping the death metal groove of Dissimulate, is going to have more of the grinding techno type shit that you heard on Self Titled.
Keep your ears out 

2005-05-05, 04:04
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Originally Posted by Infinity
Ok so I have some more info.
Gary [drums on Dissimulate] and Matt [guitars on Dissimulate] have nothing to do with the new record. They have both joined other bands.
Sam [Bass and guitars on Self Titled] is still an active member of the band but is now delving into his own recording. It's disputable whether he will play live or not yet, although he definately still wants to write and compose for the band.
Doing the guitars on this new album are the old guitarists from Self Titled, and also Sam has done some aswell. Over 90% of the record has been made so far, which is quoted to be ther eaviest to date, with some riffs reaching an amazing 330BPM.
It was origianlly set to be released in March, I'm unsure of the hold up.
As for live acts, I'm not sure what the hell is happening there. It's my belief that Luke [vocals] is touring doing som Speedcore DJ'ing. While Matt has joined Akercocke and Gary went back to his former band 'the Plague'. Sam as I said is unsure about playing live as far as I know, an I'm pretty sure he dosn't want to tour with the band.
Keep your eyes out on Earache's site for some Sample MP3's. They may or may not appear. The album is using a drum machine, and while keeping the death metal groove of Dissimulate, is going to have more of the grinding techno type shit that you heard on Self Titled.
Keep your ears out 
330BPM  Fucking beautiful!!!!!! I'm all excited about this record  

2005-05-05, 09:30
Life is pain.
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Australia
Posts: 4,510
Yeah, should be awesome, fuck that's fast. I hope they don't turn Fuck Im Dead on us in the drums department though...

2005-05-05, 10:42
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Liverpool, England.
Posts: 1,485
Originally Posted by Infinity
Hmmm, that's a hard one. TB was defniately a good record and pretty out there with it's sub techno grindcore, but Dissimulate showed far greater song writing prowess. On the whole, I think I like Dissimulate better, but the first was good too.
I hope to be tabbing the songs from Dissimulate - Noone Wins, and Disregard, and maybe Death Reveals
^ my berzerker tabs i never sent you to.
Keep in mind i did these a few months after dissimulate came out and never went back to check over them.
That snatch is like a glove fit for God.
Last edited by SARS : 2005-05-05 at 10:44.
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