2005-03-21, 05:45
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Vic, Aus
Posts: 240
me and some friends decided to have a day dedicated to being wasted, and at midnight we went outside and counted down then screamed "PUTRID" (putrid being the word describing all things maggoted, wrecked, and all around wasted) and the dudes from down the pub screamed incoherant shit back at us...
then we went inside and continued listening to music that kicked ass. it was pretty cool but you probably had to be there.
we also held a tribute to rambo for some reason which we dont know why, and this wrecked car up the back of my paddock got even more pulverized because my friend went mental... i laughed, i laughed hard.
once when me and some friends were out camping i was dead from sleep deprivation and being generally maggoted, and i swore i could hear cannibal corpse blasting, when in reality it was led zep's 'whole lotta love'. but still, listening to CC even though it wasn't playing was cool.
man im bored.
... Flamage ...
