2005-03-23, 21:26
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ibanez rg 220
are these models any good playability wise.
all i know is that they are now discontinued models.

2005-03-23, 21:48
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My friend has one, replace the trem and pickups and you have a nice guitar.
Alexi Laiho recorded Something Wild with an Ibanez RG 220B through a 5150.
Just some info you might like..
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-03-23, 21:50
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not bad. pretty cheapass sounding though, obviously you're better off with a rg550/750/770 etc.

2005-03-23, 21:52
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ibanez rg 220
just say for e.g i changed the pickups what would i put in that sounds
megadeth iron maiden etc

2005-03-23, 22:00
New Blood
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your amp and eq set up would be what would shape your sound more so than the pup. any high gain pup would work fine though. doesn't mustaine use a duncan jb in the bridge and a jazz in the neck?
edit... forgot to mention, i think i used to own that exact guitar. where did you get that pic?
Last edited by nydeath : 2005-03-23 at 22:03.

2005-03-23, 22:03
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ibanez rg 220
before i tell you you tell me where youve seen it
Last edited by garr1 : 2005-03-23 at 22:04.
Reason: adding something

2005-03-23, 22:22
New Blood
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in my hands. lol. i traded it to justin from jcguitars. that pic looks exactly like the one he took of the guitar when he got it from me.

2005-03-23, 22:33
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speed lives
got it in one 

2005-03-23, 22:43
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speed lives
what did you think of the guitar

2005-03-23, 22:52
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Originally Posted by BLS
My friend has one, replace the trem and pickups and you have a nice guitar.
Alexi Laiho recorded Something Wild with an Ibanez RG 220B through a 5150.
how'd you find that out? Anyways, I have an rg 270dx and the trem isn't the best. I don't know pickups, but at the moment I'm fine with the way it is now. the only thing I hate about this guitar is the fact that my forearm touches the guitar body not on that shaped flat part so it can be uncomfortable sometimes.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2005-03-23, 22:54
New Blood
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i've got an rg550 and i had an rg470 and it was very comparable to both. i swapped out the bridge pup for an x2n as soon as i opened the box so i honesstly don't know what it sounds like stock. before i got rid of it i dropped the original pup back in. it came set up perfectly. the intonation was right on. i honestly don't know why i ever bought it. money to burn i guess. i had like 5 or 6 guitars all ready including the rg470. that's kind of why i got rid of it.

2005-03-23, 23:00
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ibanez rg 220
i've got an rg550 and i had an rg470 and it was very comparable to both. i swapped out the bridge pup for an x2n as soon as i opened the box so i honesstly don't know what it sounds like stock. before i got rid of it i dropped the original pup back in. it came set up perfectly. the intonation was right on. i honestly don't know why i ever bought it. money to burn i guess. i had like 5 or 6 guitars all ready including the rg470. that's kind of why i got rid of it.
so is that a good thing or a bad thing because if your happy with your
rg550 and rg470 and this ones very comparable im guessing a yes.

2005-03-24, 03:21
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Originally Posted by nydeath
doesn't mustaine use a duncan jb in the bridge
Yes, so do Maiden.. so Its pretty obvious what pickup he would like..
Originally Posted by powersofterror
how'd you find that out?
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-03-24, 05:17
New Blood
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Originally Posted by garr1
so is that a good thing or a bad thing because if your happy with your rg550 and rg470 and this ones very comparable im guessing a yes.
yeah. if you can live without the sharktooth inlay and you plan on picking up new pups then it's a great guitar. especially for the money. i don't know if you can find a better guitar in that price range. i may be wrong but i believe the 220b's are made from all the same materials as the 470's and the 3xx's from that time. the pickups and electronics were where they cut the cost down. and the bridge. it's not the lo pro or whatever it's called. it's the ibanez import type. but it's still decent, imo.

2005-03-24, 11:56
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ibanez rg 220
by the looks of it i think justin has added a new locking trem
it actually looks like a licensed floyd.

2005-03-24, 12:01
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ibanez rg 220
was this the same locking trem when you had it.

2005-03-24, 16:26
New Blood
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Originally Posted by garr1
by the looks of it i think justin has added a new locking trem
it actually looks like a licensed floyd.
yeah. that's the same trem. all floyd-style locking bridges like that are licensed by floyd rose. he has a patent on the design. all the jackson, ibanez, bc rich, esp, etc are all licensed by floyd rose. even if it's their own offshoot like the lo pro form ibanez. the trem on this guitar is just an import version of the lo pro. same shit, made in a different place. justin also had an ibanez 7 string of mine. it looks like it's gone now though. did you check out brian hoffman's custom bc rich's he's got?

2005-03-24, 16:31
New Blood
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here's hoffman's beast that justin has....

2005-03-24, 16:33
New Blood
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and here's a shot of on eof the warlock's he has. i think he had like 4 or 5 of hoffman's guitars at one point.

2005-03-24, 16:36
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ibanez rg 220
is the trem on the rg 220 good
e.g staying in tune etc

2005-03-24, 16:44
New Blood
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yeah. it'll definitely stay in tune. you should actually consider picking up one of those rg270dx's he's got. they're just like the 220 with a bound neck and the sharktooth inlays.

2005-03-24, 18:06
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ibanez rg 220
i would but thats all i can afford at the moment because ive
already ordered my dean custom 450 tiger eye so really im broke
and i want 2 guitars so i chose the ibanez rg 220

2005-03-24, 19:05
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The trem sucks... it is NOTHING like the Edge.. NOTHING.
Its a worthless peice of pot metal, Ever since my friend installed a OFR on his he has bene muhc happier.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-03-24, 22:09
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ibanez rg 220
would and edge trem fit it?

2005-03-24, 22:53
Join Date: Apr 2003
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why dont u look into the second hand market and get somet like an old japanese made ibanez, an aria pro ii mac series or a charvel 
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
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2005-03-25, 00:08
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ibanez rg 220
okay i'll do that but just one thing the ibanez rg 220 im talkin about is 2nd hand

2005-03-25, 01:15
New Blood
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you might have to mod the arm side of the bridge route to make the edge fit. i think i read somewhere that the part near where the bar goes in is a little wider or something like that. you might also need to dowel the holes where the current trem is if the pivots don't match. you should be able to find either an ofr or a schaller that will literally go right in.

2005-03-25, 01:29
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ibanez rg 220
thanks for your help
but its just too much hassle i mean who would do it how much is gonna cost
is it really worth buying at all i mean i change my mind all the time. 

2005-03-25, 01:58
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you dont have to put in a title for each post you know..
This is my signature.

2005-03-25, 02:00
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2005-03-26, 00:14
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hey dude, all i can really say is go for a guitar that you really like and which feels good for you. I ve played many expensive guitars and if they dont feel right i dont buy them. My mates got a usa fender strat and another mate of mine has a standard fender mexican strat and the one i like most is the mexican because it feels so much better.
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2005-03-26, 00:21
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thanks for that man
your probably right i will try the guitar
and let you guys know how it plays.
if thats all right with you guys 

2005-03-26, 02:40
New Blood
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Mordor, you're forgetting one thing: tone.
Tone is more important than feel. Although if you want to buy a new guitar I wouldn't recommend getting a new one until you find one that SOUNDS good and FEELS good.
Everyone has different opinions on both things I stated above, and it's ultimately up to you what you purchase. I'm just saying, don't buy an axe just cause it feels good.
And back on topic, I own an Ibanez RG 320 DX, great guitar for the 400$ price tag, the stock pickups weren't cutting it for me though, so I got DiMarzio Evolutions off of ebay for about 80$. In my opinion, it's one of the best guitars you can get for under 500.
Dimebag Darrell

2005-03-26, 10:05
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thanks for all your help much appreciated.
but i think im gonna go through with actually buying this one
just need some more help from you guys on what PU's to put in.
i definatley want seymour duncan's but what model.
anything heavy soundin 

2005-03-26, 16:56
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Originally Posted by garr1
would and edge trem fit it?
no, but an OFR would.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-03-26, 17:22
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thanks man
what does that stand for or is it called OFR

2005-03-26, 17:30
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Official Floyd Rose 
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2005-03-26, 17:39
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oh okay im a dumb ass 

2005-03-26, 18:41
New Blood
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dimarzio x2n. that's what i had in it and almost all of my guitars. i love them. if they were to ever stop making it i would buy at least 15 of them.

2005-03-26, 19:56
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Originally Posted by ManOwaR
Official Floyd Rose 
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2005-03-26, 19:57
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thanks man 

2005-03-26, 20:16
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No problem, welcome to the ibanez cluuub  .
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2005-03-30, 23:46
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a friend of mine has a 220 and it sounds pretty cool, yet he doesnt use the tremelo often.
i myself own an ibanez, a rg370dx, beautiful guitar, shark tooth inlay, edge pro II tremelo system.
what really got me pissed off is two and a half weeks later ibanez released their second version of the guitar, with an edge pro III tremelo system and replaced the outer pickups with those metal ones made by ibanez, excuse me for being a parts noob i dont know wtf u call them.
other than that its a beaut.
love my guitar.
sounds awsome even with stock pickups on.

2005-03-31, 20:03
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could you ask your friend if the stock pickups
sound good enough to keep in or need to be replaced. 

2005-04-01, 16:47
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I have a Ibanez RG220DX. The tremolo sucks major fuckin balls. I hate it so badly. It's the one where the strings slide in the rear of the bridge. The fine tuners suck ass. I have to turn em almost all the way to get a half tone raise. Most of the time I hear em pop when I'm turning em, and sure enough it drops the tune, but as long as I'm not just slinging the shit out of it, it stays in tune just fine. The pickups are pretty decent for stock. Mines the H-S-H config, not sure what model they are. I'm content with keeping stock pickups in mine, but that's a personal thing if you wanna change em out. Only paid $185 USD for the guitar. The best thing about this guitar is gotta be the neck, I love it.
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2005-04-01, 17:13
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hi man
in the first page of this thread there is a locking trem
picture attached is that the same trem as yours. 

2005-04-02, 00:34
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No, his dosent lock at the bridge.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-04-02, 00:38
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by Def
not bad. pretty cheapass sounding though, obviously you're better off with a rg550/750/770 etc.
Anything under a 370 is a POS. 350s are OK, but anything below that is just absolute crap.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-04-02, 00:43
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what do you have

2005-04-02, 00:50
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it wouldnt make a difference anyway because when i get it
or should i say if i get it theres no way i'm keeping
the stock pickups in because im installing some diMarzio paf 50's
the same as paul gilberts.also i will eventually change the trem
and put a ofr on it or an edge pro if i can get it to fit. 

2005-04-02, 01:00
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by garr1
what do you have
I've got a 370dx. Put new pickups in it. Plays like a dream. I've gotta get the bridge and shit re-set up, though.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-04-02, 01:22
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cool man
any chance of a picture 

2005-04-02, 01:23
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-04-02, 01:31
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i love guitars with shark inlays but all i can afford at the moment is the rg 220.(what were you playing in the picture)rock on dude 

2005-04-02, 01:34
bugfucker strikes back.
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370dx. I got it for $382. But you can get it for cheaper. Save up for it. Its worth it.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-04-02, 01:41
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okay thanks man
i actually thought it would cost more than that
i might get one.

2005-05-06, 15:01
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i have just recieved my ibanez rg 220
and im really pissed off because
the locking trem is at an angle and the strings are just buzzing.
when i push down on the bar the string are really slack but i can hear them
but as soon as i let go of the bar the trem go at an angle
and my string are literally touchin the pickups.
please could someone tell my why this is
e.g how do i higher the action on it how do i make the trem paralell
to the neck.how do change the strings.
please i need some help.

2005-05-06, 15:17
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2005-05-06, 15:25
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Originally Posted by garr1
i have just recieved my ibanez rg 220
and im really pissed off because
the locking trem is at an angle and the strings are just buzzing.
when i push down on the bar the string are really slack but i can hear them
but as soon as i let go of the bar the trem go at an angle
and my string are literally touchin the pickups.
please could someone tell my why this is
e.g how do i higher the action on it how do i make the trem paralell
to the neck.how do change the strings.
please i need some help.
adjust the springs at the back (takes a bit of time/practise/patients) untill the trem is level with the guitar intune, then use an allen key to raise/lower the bridge.
or take it to a pro
"The complexity of the penguins' lifestyle testifies to a Divine Creator," said one commentator on Christian Answers. "To think that natural selection or even the penguins themselves could come up with the idea to migrate miles and miles multiple times each year without their partner or their offspring is a bit insulting to my intellect. How great is our God!"

2005-05-06, 15:32
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and thats it
do i have to put the springs at an angle(diagonal)

2005-05-06, 15:34
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one more thing
how do i take the strings off

2005-05-06, 16:46
New Blood
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Hi, man.
A friend has the RG 220 DX - it's not so bad, the stock pickups sound quite good, but the trem really does suck.
Anyway, to answer your question: if you don't know what you're doing (and you certainly sound like it, sorry to say that) you'd better not take ALL of the strings off. If you need to change strings, you better change them one by one, or it will be very difficult for you to set up your guitar again after removing them all.
And about setting up your guitar - here's a nice page about setting up Ibanez guitars (same goes for almost all other Floyd-equipped guitars):
It's not difficult at all. If you think it's too much hassle for you, though, better give it to a pro.

2005-05-06, 18:31
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how do i stretch the springs in the back cavity of my guitar.

2005-05-06, 18:38
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stretch the springs?
do you mean put more tension in them, so the bridge sits lower? you just turn those screws a little bit.
"The complexity of the penguins' lifestyle testifies to a Divine Creator," said one commentator on Christian Answers. "To think that natural selection or even the penguins themselves could come up with the idea to migrate miles and miles multiple times each year without their partner or their offspring is a bit insulting to my intellect. How great is our God!"

2005-05-06, 18:44
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what angle do you put your springs
do you do an arrow shape or just 3 springs in a row

2005-05-06, 19:17
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There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell

2005-05-07, 22:49
New Blood
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okay, to where to start?
I bought an Ibanez RGR 220 dxbk in august of 2003 in Berlin/Germany. it was my first guitar and it cost 400 Euros, pretty much like 350$. It was more than I planned to invest, as I first wanted to buy the cheaper RG 170. Well,in all shops of my town the RG 170 wasn't in stock so a shop owner suggested the RGR 220. It was nearly nw, with a light scratch, nearly invisible.
It got the shark inlays, which I first thought of to be useless gimmicks but which turned out to be very helpful for beginners to find the right fret.
The RGR means reverse headstock, so the locks aren't up the neck but down which is neither useful or useless as it seems to me. The guitar had all I dreamed of, a luxury look of a heavy metal guitar, the black finish, the beautiful inlays who turn the look into a more aggressive and extraordinary one and the strat-like form I prefer.
Now the goals of this baby:
I invested 100 euro more I planned, but 30 % more costs DO MATTER a lot if you take a closer look to the crap you get besides the RG series, especially Stagg and no-name shit.
1. The neck. This part is very important for beginners and especially for heavy metal guitar playing. You need to be fast, you need to have fitting frets for your fast playing and for beginners to find the right tone.
Therefore the 220 has a bolt-on wizard II neck made of maple and rosewood, which is very flat but wide so you can play with intense speed when you slide and can jump between the strings because they aren't so close to each other. For example, a Les Paul has a much taller neck with strings very close.
2. The pick ups: very important for a good tone. They could be better in clean playing, but do fit a fat distortion sound very well regarding to them as passive pick ups. They don't buzz around much like cheaper guitars often do, or suck around with to much feedback.
3. The electronics: Wires look like taken from a 50 year old door bell or telephone, they could be better, the knobs are good.
4. The body: Solid wood, maple I think, it is very heavy but has a good intonation. The finish is made very smooth and there are no bad spots.
5. The tremolo and this string stuff: The tremolo is a floyd rose licensed, it works good, and the stringst stay tuned if you don't use it excessively. BUT: The FR-tremolo makes it hard for beginners tio change strings or to tune, it takes nearly half an hour and sucks hard. The strings stay in tune for about 1 and a half week when seldomly played or not played.
Regarding to the small lacks of this very nice guitar I took some modifications:
1. I locked the tremolo by blocking the springs inside the guitar with wood plates. Now I can't use the tremolo but I didn't used it so often and I can change the strings as fast as with a solid bridge, an the guitar stays in tune better than before.
2. I look forward to change the PU's. May be I take some active EMG's. They would make this guitar a perfect heavy metal axe.
With this slight modifications this nearly perfect guitar becomes one equal to the 550 series and other much more expensive babys, ok you can't use the trem anymore, but I don't need it anyway.  .
For the price I think you can hardly find a better guitar (don't even think of stagg and jackson and Epiphone low-cost series) , the RG 220 is perfect for beginner with locked trem and for Pro's it's okay too, trust Alexi Laiho!
2 years after buying it, it still fulfills my needs in death and black metal, other people have bought 2 guitars the same time, becaus they started with crap.
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