2005-03-27, 09:46
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Maastricht, Netherlands
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What's your most embarrassing moment during a gig ?  Share it with us...Another lame thread but hey.
My most embarrassing moment was when one of my dreadlocks got stuck behind the floyd rose -_-
.+-+ .....::::: Alive to Live, Not to Believe....In a God that I cannot see :::::..... +-+

2005-03-27, 09:56
Join Date: Jan 2004
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errr...i got my foot caught in the mic lead once.

2005-03-27, 10:00
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Ive never gigged but just playing wrong is embarrassing.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2005-03-27, 10:00
New Blood
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Posts: 17
My keyboard fell of the stand and smashed into the floor..
It survived though and still works..

2005-03-27, 10:10
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i forgot the words

2005-03-27, 11:04
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Originally Posted by Nordvang
My keyboard fell of the stand and smashed into the floor..
It survived though and still works..
keyboard?? awesome. do you write tabs? we may have to tab together sometime....
Originally Posted by The Doctor
i forgot the words
hahahaha, just sing anything. or better yet, mime 

2005-03-27, 11:25
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yeah but covering motorhead often gives you a crowd that know the words better than you 

2005-03-27, 14:01
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hmm our band was playing in front of a small croud and when it was time for my solo my pick fell  .

2005-03-27, 15:27
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I put on the wrong bank for a switch from an acoustic setting to a distorted one and got some fruity automatic riff effect.

2005-03-27, 20:17
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Originally Posted by younguitarist
hmm our band was playing in front of a small croud and when it was time for my solo my pick fell  .
daymn, another victim of pick slippage... 

2005-03-27, 20:47
Master Killer
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hm, I guitar-moshed into a mic stand
wasn't that bad I guess, I just kicked the remains into the crowd!!

2005-03-27, 21:29
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the funniest thing was getting my hair wound round my strings, i cant remember how that happened but i was moshing and then all of a sudden my hair just got caught in my strings, it was fucking gnarly , but it came loose so i was fine
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2005-03-27, 21:33
Senior Metalhead
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Long hair. Tuning pegs. The horror, the horror.

2005-03-28, 06:22
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Stage fright.Not on a gig though
Killer,intruder,homicidal man

2005-03-28, 06:27
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Never played a gig, just always got a shitload of my friends to come over and watch us jam, always was fun. Worst thing that happened? I decided to be cool and smack the drummer's cymbal, and the cymbal tilted and nearly fell over. That, and other miscellaneous shit, like gettin' smacked in the face with a bass. But, my new band's gonna dominate my old one!
Originally Posted by Infinity
Everything is funny you just gotta look at it the right way.
You know I believe in a ruling class, particuarly since I rule.
-Randal, Clerks

2005-03-28, 07:18
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Maastricht, Netherlands
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If you make 3 little holes in a pick ( with that device You use to make holes in a piece of paper, Sorry I'm dutch, don't know the word in english :P ) It will not slip anymore btw 
.+-+ .....::::: Alive to Live, Not to Believe....In a God that I cannot see :::::..... +-+

2005-03-28, 07:25
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Originally Posted by Six_Feet_Under_420
If you make 3 little holes in a pick ( with that device You use to make holes in a piece of paper, Sorry I'm dutch, don't know the word in english :P ) It will not slip anymore btw 
Cool, thanks.
Originally Posted by Infinity
Everything is funny you just gotta look at it the right way.
You know I believe in a ruling class, particuarly since I rule.
-Randal, Clerks

2005-03-28, 09:47
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Originally Posted by Six_Feet_Under_420
( with that device You use to make holes in a piece of paper, Sorry I'm dutch, don't know the word in english :P )
it's called a holepunch. silly dutchman 

2005-03-28, 12:06
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: vlissingen, the Netherlands
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u mean a passer(dutch)??  
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-03-28, 12:32
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Maastricht, Netherlands
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yup =P I mean no  What andrew C said 
.+-+ .....::::: Alive to Live, Not to Believe....In a God that I cannot see :::::..... +-+

2005-03-30, 02:14
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 166
ha ha, most embarrasing thing that happened to me, was my drummer sucked, and another thing i forgot how to play a chorus in a different tuning, the song is in B but i was in A and i totaly forgot how to play it in A 
...farewell to the flesh...

2005-03-30, 02:15
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Location: Glen Burnie, Maryland
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Happens to me too, drummer will start playin' somethin' like Painkiller and I'll be like, I'm not in tune for that!!!
Originally Posted by Infinity
Everything is funny you just gotta look at it the right way.
You know I believe in a ruling class, particuarly since I rule.
-Randal, Clerks

2005-03-30, 02:28
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I was nursing a Corona and I was keeping it in front of me because I planned to use the bottle as a slide for a Sepultura solo. During a short break I lit up a cigarette. After finishing the cigarette I realized there was no place to put it out other than my almost finished beer. After the next song I was zoning out on some chick and took a swig out of the beer bottle. When the hideous taste of ash hit me I must have had the most hilarious look on my face ever. I calmly set the bottle down and turned around so I could spit the beer out in the direction of the drummer. Nobody told me that they saw it, but I couldn't help thinking someone must have noticed and I had to be beet fucking red with silly embarrassment at that point. 

2005-03-30, 02:34
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haha i would have spit it on the crowd. 

2005-03-30, 03:22
Wasted Custom User title
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I've never gigged, because I DONT HAVE A BAND!!!
but I have performed at things and stuff. No real embarrassing things happened..
This is my signature.

2005-03-30, 04:13
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This didnt happen to me, but a fellow bandmate, We were playing and in the middle of a song i noticed my bassist leaning backwards farther and farther, he normally doesnt do that, then at the interlude, his pants just drop and he couldnt pick them up till the end of the song. It was pretty humorous though, the crowd just cheered.
If im not back in 15 minutes...
Wait longer

2005-03-30, 20:42
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haha thats funny, just to continue the song with his pants down. when shit like that happens you just gotta run with it and make it bad ass.

2005-03-30, 23:49
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hahah kylito thats pretty awesome

2005-03-31, 00:12
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fucking hell, how about playing a charity gig as the support slot in a bloody huge venue, and singing everything about as far out of tune as you can get. then my mate came on as a guest guitar player and was so stoned he was just strumming a G chord out of time on an untuned guitar before he fell of his stool.
every fucking time i play i forget everything. set list, song arrangements. everything.
once i lit a ciggarette before a song, started playing, and realised it was a 5 minit song where i needed both hands constantly. after a while smoke got in my eyes and i couldnt help but start crying on stage. then eventually i tried to spit it out, and it stuck to my bottom lip, where it hung, so there i was trying to play guitar while trying to get this fag off of my face. i must have looked very retarded untill it fell on my hand and burnt me so i stoped playing guitar and shouted "ouch fucker".
or having the singer ( i gave up after the first example) start a song while i was changing a guitar. that was funny.
or thinking that a dumb arse freind of the drummer could be a guitar tech and tune a floyd rose. "here ya go... yeah i tuned it"
or deciding impromtue to do the nigel tufnel thing falling over backwards while soloing, only to find that there was nobody to help me back up again.
or putting my pedal board at the front of the stage, where the crowd kept leaning on the pedals, altering my sound every 10 seconds. it was good fun kicking them away though
or having my amp blow up just as my crowning glory moment solo came along.
ha ha, the rythum section just carried on while i swore kicked my amp and made loud bangs by unplugging jackleads. the singer just sort of looked at me for a while, then told the crowd that it was a really good solo, and they should come to our next gig to hear it.
or having the whole fucking PA blow up.
actually this is all topped by a band i saw whos guitarist decided to take his t-shirt off, and got it stuck on his head. that had me laughing for days
"The complexity of the penguins' lifestyle testifies to a Divine Creator," said one commentator on Christian Answers. "To think that natural selection or even the penguins themselves could come up with the idea to migrate miles and miles multiple times each year without their partner or their offspring is a bit insulting to my intellect. How great is our God!"

2005-03-31, 00:55
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 Amon Ra, that was hilarious! 

2005-03-31, 02:38
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Originally Posted by Amon rA
.or putting my pedal board at the front of the stage, where the crowd kept leaning on the pedals, altering my sound every 10 seconds. it was good fun kicking them away though
Hahah I can picture that, you back off ur pedal to play like a solo and a guy starts fucking around with ur pedal and you run up while playing at the same time and you kick the guys away and you back up and they start fucking around again so you have to run back and kick 'em again. After a while it starts lookin like a whack-a-mole game where you hit 'em and they go away and they keep coming back.

2005-03-31, 13:10
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Posts: 472
shit i just thought of a few more
years ago in my first metal band we played 2 gigs,
the first was a support slot in a church hall, and the audience were all ravers.
hah they loved us so much they all hung around outside and at the back of the hall, then 7 of them came up to the front, lined up, turned round, and dropped their trousers. then they turned the power off on us and shunted us offstage. then the main band covered the same song we did, only 1000x better.
the second gig we did a open mic night in a hippy pub.
we loaded all our gear in, amps drumkit, and everything, and waited.
the audience were all sat around on the floor smoking weed, and we played after 2 guys with acoustic guitars sining slow mellow songs. after we got ofstage, the next act came on, a bloke dressed as a fairy reciting poetry and hitting a triangle in between verses. we did get the loudest applause though, and the pub owner still remembers us 6 years later.
"The complexity of the penguins' lifestyle testifies to a Divine Creator," said one commentator on Christian Answers. "To think that natural selection or even the penguins themselves could come up with the idea to migrate miles and miles multiple times each year without their partner or their offspring is a bit insulting to my intellect. How great is our God!"

2005-03-31, 13:11
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Posts: 472
Originally Posted by Silent Night 6 6
Hahah I can picture that, you back off ur pedal to play like a solo and a guy starts fucking around with ur pedal and you run up while playing at the same time and you kick the guys away and you back up and they start fucking around again so you have to run back and kick 'em again. After a while it starts lookin like a whack-a-mole game where you hit 'em and they go away and they keep coming back.
now i put my board at the back off the stage, but i still kick the crowd every now and then for old times sake

"The complexity of the penguins' lifestyle testifies to a Divine Creator," said one commentator on Christian Answers. "To think that natural selection or even the penguins themselves could come up with the idea to migrate miles and miles multiple times each year without their partner or their offspring is a bit insulting to my intellect. How great is our God!"

2005-03-31, 14:23
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Originally Posted by Amon rA
a bloke dressed as a fairy reciting poetry and hitting a triangle in between verses.
hahaha.. ENCORE!
............_ )).........................
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.......| ____ |........................

2005-03-31, 15:20
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hahaha @ amon ra
I'm not in a band and never have been so...
There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell

2005-04-02, 03:34
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amon ra ur my hero
but back to the point, i was playing a solo for my school in a talent show and when i soloed i was picking really fast but i hit the string below what i was suposed to , so it just sounded like me galloping on the b string muting out the note, its was bad but the rest was good... and we still got the best cheer and won... 
Originally Posted by IlikeRiffseveryone
im 50 percent irish and 100 percent pain. (SHAKE DOWN!!!!)
Canadian Brutal Death (So you know it's good)

2005-04-02, 23:10
New Blood
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Posts: 14
i was playing one of my songs and right before my solo my strap falls off and i had to solo holding the guitar with my legs, i pulled her off though it was killer

2005-04-02, 23:21
Join Date: Oct 2004
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one word dude... STRAPLOCKS
lol, yea i need one aswell...but then again, i hardly ever play standing up

2005-04-03, 03:03
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Having to open for an EMO band consisting of 13 year olds..
We did cover two of their songs just to piss them off though 
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-04-03, 03:16
Wasted Custom User title
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Originally Posted by BLS
Having to open for an EMO band consisting of 13 year olds..
We did cover two of their songs just to piss them off though 
haha thats awesome!
This is my signature.

2005-04-03, 03:20
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Yeh, especially because they only had around 4-5 original songs 
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-04-03, 03:45
Muffin Ass
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Never gigged or been in a band....but the first time I decided to show off in front of a group of friends....about 9 people.....the volume knob on my pawnshop Ibanez decided....at that very moment start fucking up....and kept going in and out.
Everyone was starring at me like...."Well.....stop doing that and play"
I had it repaired the very next day.

2005-04-03, 04:09
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Originally Posted by BLS
Having to open for an EMO band consisting of 13 year olds..
We did cover two of their songs just to piss them off though 
hahahhahahaha fucking classic
i might have to steal that idea.
most embarrasing thing that happened to me was probably coming this <> close to falling off the stage because i got so dizzy from rocking out

2005-04-03, 06:38
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Location: Glen Burnie, Maryland
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Emocore is everywhere here. But, it's normally pretty good.
Originally Posted by Infinity
Everything is funny you just gotta look at it the right way.
You know I believe in a ruling class, particuarly since I rule.
-Randal, Clerks
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