2005-03-30, 01:29
New Blood
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Ildjarn \m/
Ildjarn is one of the greatest bands ever. \m/

2005-03-30, 02:10
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Ildjarn is the most dischordant steaming pile of black metal garbage that ever disgraced a pair of speakers. At least, they were the last time I bothered to listen to them. The vocalist sounds like he's trying to cough out an abortion.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2005-03-30, 02:14
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Ildjarn is the most dischordant steaming pile of black metal garbage that ever disgraced a pair of speakers. At least, they were the last time I bothered to listen to them. The vocalist sounds like he's trying to cough out an abortion.
Duh! Thats grim, raw black metal! You obviously don't know the difference between giving an oral abortion and screaming like having your nipples twisted, testicles squeezed, and pubic hairs plucked 

2005-03-30, 03:29
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Originally Posted by Thou Shall Suffer
Ildjarn is one of the greatest bands ever. \m/
Don't know about that but I like his shit a lot.

2005-03-30, 18:57
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Originally Posted by Thou Shall Suffer
Ildjarn is one of the greatest bands ever. \m/
I listened, and I hope you're kidding. This stuff sucks.

2005-03-30, 20:10
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Ildjarn's very raw and primitive style of representing his mind leads from his ideology of "animal's anger vs. man's intellectuality", and if one knows that, it somehow glows from the music and makes it (in a very odd way) atmospheric. This truely has attidute, not just boring believing into equation of "raw Black Metal must be always good", no. It needs the feeling.
Also the music is very hypnotic, though it might take time to recognise that from Ildjarn's very harsh music. But if one listens to them for a lot (I would recommend "Forest Poetry") the repeative structures causes very hypnotic effect to you. You live the music, the music equals to you. Like listening to Summoning for example, if one concentrates to the music carefully enough, it draws you with it. In this case, one must get that hypnotic effect from Ildjarn's music but the result is still the same. Without that, the music might sound good for a while (as same time feeling this some sort of ferality/nature theme from the harsh style), but eventually it might sink to boredom.
There are also different styles in Ildjarn's music (though not very big ones, except his ambient era).
Metal releases from Ildjarn and Nidhogg co-operation are the most clearest, and easiest releases to approach. Vocals style are very original (in Black Metal), the music is not so harsh (but still quite) and it has very clear and simple structure with almost catchy melodies. Eg. Ildjarn-Nidhogg - Norse or Svartfråd.
Their ambient releases are also fine, not any dark ambient what so ever, just ambient about norwegian nature (can be recognised from the theme). Releases: Hardangervidda 1 and 2.
Other releases (except Landscapes, which is also nature themed as above ambient) are metal. Forest Poetry and Strength and Anger releases are maybe his finest ones, though the self titled album and Det Frysende Nordariket are also great, but there are much harder to reach this hypnotic effect.
Newer stuff are then just re-releases of old stuff, but for example Ildjarn-Nidhogg compl. is a very good release to get. All possible Ildjarn-Nidhogg metal songs on one disc.
I could also recommend Ildjarn's project, Sort Vokter. They make quite similar music as Ildjarn, but have much more dimmy/nebulous feeling and the music is deeper. Also they have synths there, those are quite overwhelming but just therefore they fit very fine to that harsh and raw music making it very odd atmospheric.

2005-03-30, 21:55
Join Date: Aug 2003
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Ildjarn's black metal stuff seems sorta mediocre to me.......Im going to check out his ambient offerings because ambient is cool.

2005-03-31, 01:02
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Originally Posted by CannibalXampire
Ildjarn's black metal stuff seems sorta mediocre to me.......Im going to check out his ambient offerings because ambient is cool.
His ambient shit is awesome,almost as good as Burzum's.

2005-03-31, 01:03
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Fuck Burzum. Everyone is better than him.

2005-03-31, 01:05
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Originally Posted by CannibalXampire
Fuck Burzum. Everyone is better than him.
His shit is better than all your bullshit noisecore. 

2005-03-31, 01:35
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2005-03-31, 02:25
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They convey the ancient battle of nature against man. Thier subject material is mostly about destroying humanity or being at one with nature. They represent this with thier ultra-minimalist song structures. The guitar is the only thing that changes, but the drums and singing style stay predictable. With thier four track recording, giving the sound that garage feel, one can only hear the slowly changing sway of thier trance-like guitar rhythms. When one sees nature as an ever present but slowly evolving form, completely devoid of obvious complexities, then one can see how ildjarn reflects nature in its music. But like nature the true complexity of ildjarn is in the subtleties. How it evolves, how it was formed, and once one can begin to consider these things then one will be able to view it as the abstract art form it is. Of course pure minimalism is not for everyone, but it's a hell of alot cooler than opeth or cannibal corpse, with thier generic song structures and obvious meanings. There is just no real depth to these over rated "extreme" bands, beyond the already seen guitar solos and complex drum break downs. To create music that is seemingly simple like the nature it represents, and to draw one into an energetic, trance-like frenzy is something one does not see everyday.

2005-03-31, 02:41
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Ildjarn is the Ryan Parry of black metal - a new level of substandard (in an already substandard genre)

2005-03-31, 02:54
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Originally Posted by blizzard_beast
Ildjarn is the Ryan Parry of black metal - a new level of substandard (in an already substandard genre)
Who the hell is Ryan Parry? And since when is an entire genre substandard? Did you make these standards? So what does make the official metal standards? I hope to god you say Opeth...because it would explain so much.

2005-03-31, 03:00
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Posts: 4,723
Eh, I didn't really make myself clear.
I find most black metal pretty, well shit actually, thus it's my opinion that most music labelled under the term "black metal" is substandard.
Yes I do make the standards, my own standards (duh), on what I judge to be good music, but I won't derail this thread by stating how I judge good music.
Opeth? What hat did you pull that one from?
Oh heres a little diagram to clarify my viewpoint:
10 ---------Most Black Metal----------
-20 ---------------Ildjarn--------------------
Oh and Ryan Parry: http://ryanparrymusic.nstemp.com/
Let's keep this thread on topic by keeping the bickering down. 
Last edited by blizzard_beast : 2005-03-31 at 03:02.

2005-03-31, 14:03
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,216
Originally Posted by LordofStorms
His shit is better than all your bullshit noisecore. 
I don't listen to noisecore.
He makes crappy wannabe-evil, shit ambient music. Guy gets buttraped in prison so he becomes a nazi cause he's soooo hardcore and evil. He also never played black metal.
Last edited by CannibalXampire : 2005-03-31 at 14:05.

2005-03-31, 19:14
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Originally Posted by bloodredthrone
They convey the ancient battle of nature against man. Thier subject material is mostly about destroying humanity or being at one with nature. They represent this with thier ultra-minimalist song structures...
I'd hate to spoil this pretentious delusion for you, but the 'ancient' battle between nature and man has only been going on a few hundred years. Humans were created through nature and therefore a part of it. Humans were (and still are) just as dependant on nature as any other part of nature. The only difference is that humans are the only part of nature actively working to destroy the rest of it, oddly enough considering humans themselves can't exist without it.
Originally Posted by bloodredthrone
Of course pure minimalism is not for everyone, but it's a hell of alot cooler than opeth or cannibal corpse, with thier generic song structures and obvious meanings. There is just no real depth to these over rated "extreme" bands, beyond the already seen guitar solos and complex drum break downs. To create music that is seemingly simple like the nature it represents, and to draw one into an energetic, trance-like frenzy is something one does not see everyday.
I'm not sure what's so generic about the song structures of a Cannibal Corpse song that would be improved on by pompous, ambient pap. I do enjoy the way you pontificate this as some sort of special music that simply goes over the heads of we unsophisticated philistines, but I'm afraid you're quite wrong about that. There music isn't seemingly simple, it's just plain simple. Nature, on the other hand, neither seems to be simple or is.
Now that I've knocked you off your high horse, I'll gladly step down from mine as well. You actually seem quite similar to myself in some respects. Pure minimalism simply isn't possible in this day and age when taking into account two significant things- A. how terribly bloated the human population on this planet is, and B. how badly we've already degraded natural habitat. This isn't really the right place to elaborate, but if you'd like to continue this discussion, feel free to either PM me or start a new thread about this in chit chat.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-03-31, 19:19
Senior Metalhead
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Who are you talking about? It's clearly not Ildjarn. For one, he wasn't in jail so you might be thinking of Varg. Secondly, they only have two ambient releases (Landscapes (2CDs), and Hardangervidda (2CDs)). The majority of thier releases of which "Forest Poetry" is thier most famous are most definiltey black metal. He's also worked with the singer for emperor on one of his demos, and his bassist Sameal was in Satyricon too. None of his song titles have any reference to nazism, only about nature or evil. You can't hear or find his lyrics anywhere either, and since you don't like this band you obviously didn't read them. The nazi thing is just another terrible assumption. So who were you talking about again?
This is a love it or hate it band for sure, but at least get your facts straight, instead of just making up crap you know nothing about.

2005-03-31, 19:24
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I was talking about Varg. Please learn to read.

2005-03-31, 19:30
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Cannibal, you really didn't specify...

2005-03-31, 19:32
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Originally Posted by CannibalXampire
I don't listen to noisecore.
He makes crappy wannabe-evil, shit ambient music. Guy gets buttraped in prison so he becomes a nazi cause he's soooo hardcore and evil. He also never played black metal.
Yup, nothing about varg here. It's a little late for a rebuttle to a pro-varg post, especially in an ILDJARN thread. Varg was also a founder of black metal, to say he didn't play it is ridiculous. He only has two entirely ambient releases also. He wrote lyrics for darkthrone for christ sakes, and he has many a classic black metal album, if you're into black metal. If you aren't than why did you post here at all?

2005-03-31, 21:52
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Originally Posted by bloodredthrone
They convey the ancient battle of nature against man. Thier subject material is mostly about destroying humanity or being at one with nature. They represent this with thier ultra-minimalist song structures. The guitar is the only thing that changes, but the drums and singing style stay predictable. With thier four track recording, giving the sound that garage feel, one can only hear the slowly changing sway of thier trance-like guitar rhythms. When one sees nature as an ever present but slowly evolving form, completely devoid of obvious complexities, then one can see how ildjarn reflects nature in its music. But like nature the true complexity of ildjarn is in the subtleties. How it evolves, how it was formed, and once one can begin to consider these things then one will be able to view it as the abstract art form it is. Of course pure minimalism is not for everyone, but it's a hell of alot cooler than opeth or cannibal corpse, with thier generic song structures and obvious meanings. There is just no real depth to these over rated "extreme" bands, beyond the already seen guitar solos and complex drum break downs. To create music that is seemingly simple like the nature it represents, and to draw one into an energetic, trance-like frenzy is something one does not see everyday.
The only reason someone would listen to this band and try to render it as some sort of innovative, profound, GOOD music is to be cool and fit in with the black metal crowd. This is nothing more than garage punk rock with crappier vocals. I agree with Chris's statement. Anyway, I like some black metal, but this is utter garbage. Ildjarn's music can't even be compared to the likes of Opeth in complexity, musicianship, or probably any aspect. To me it sounds like you're creating some profound message of Ildjarn to compensate for his awful and simple song writing abilities.
If you want something naturesqe, why don't you go outside for a change, maybe read a book about nature and humanity, and save your ears from this crap.

Last edited by Kalmahswamp : 2005-03-31 at 22:33.

2005-04-01, 01:03
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,216
Originally Posted by bloodredthrone
Yup, nothing about varg here. It's a little late for a rebuttle to a pro-varg post, especially in an ILDJARN thread. Varg was also a founder of black metal, to say he didn't play it is ridiculous. He only has two entirely ambient releases also. He wrote lyrics for darkthrone for christ sakes, and he has many a classic black metal album, if you're into black metal. If you aren't than why did you post here at all?
Varg claims now to never like metal and never play it and all that shit
Fuck Varg

2005-04-01, 01:41
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Originally Posted by CannibalXampire
Varg claims now to never like metal and never play it and all that shit
Fuck Varg
Just shut the fuck up,all I did was compare Ildjarn's ambient to Burzum's and you go off on this fucking rant.Ok you don't like Burzum you have made that perfectly goddamn clear so drop it.

2005-04-01, 01:43
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Dude, LordStorms guy. You're never on AIM, why?

2005-04-01, 01:44
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Originally Posted by DameFraMorkum
Dude, LordStorms guy. You're never on AIM, why?
Don't have anyone to talk to. 

2005-04-01, 01:51
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 Go on and talk to me!!!
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