2005-03-30, 12:53
New Blood
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Florida
Posts: 30
How did you get in your band
I sadly am no longer in a band
so im just wondering how you got in one, did u start one with your friends or something else
Fuck Milk..........Got Pot
Rules of life
1. I rule
2. You suck
3.Get Fucking used to it
Last edited by pyrofromhell : 2005-03-31 at 12:34.

2005-03-30, 12:59
Pokémon Master
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I don't have one, I was in one, but other people were not commited to either the style, or abnd in general. So now i am waiting till i find another guitarist to play with and posibly a drummer, then I will have my power slam band!
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2005-03-30, 13:01
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.
Last edited by Dissection : 2005-03-30 at 13:04.

2005-03-30, 13:02
Life is pain.
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Hope this can help. I put the same doc in 2 formats in case one fucked up on ya. This has alot of my mistakes in it, so maybe you can learn from them.

2005-03-30, 14:00
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i started one

2005-03-30, 14:30
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i started two 
I, Himself - An asshole's gotta do what an asshole's gotta do!!!

2005-03-30, 16:03
Join Date: Apr 2004
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Some friends thought I was good at guitar and wanted me in, sadly it was a skate punk band.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2005-03-30, 16:28
Master Killer
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I was asked to join. one of the guys knew me from another band.

2005-03-30, 17:38
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i was in a band for two years and then we split just before christmas last year. I was just asked to join by some mates, so i did. We were pretty good, played a mixture of black/death metal but it went down hill due to the other guitarists bad ego, a constantly drunk drummer and just shitlike that 
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2005-03-30, 18:11
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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unfortunately, i am my band... for now.

2005-03-30, 19:14
Supreme Metalhead
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I'm minding my own business practicing guitar on my couch and my buddy Chad comes bustin' into the house with a drummer friend of his and goes "Hey, let's start a fuckin' band man!!!!"

2005-03-30, 20:13
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Mordor/England
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i dont sugest getting into a band with friends to much, as it can fuck things up
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2005-03-30, 20:17
Master Killer
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eventually they become friends anyway, so I don't think that's much of a problem... might just be me though!

2005-03-30, 20:34
Senior Metalhead
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My best friend plays guitar too, i met him in middle school and we becamse friends because we both played guitar. We tried to make a full band for a long time, but eventually after i droped out of high school he found a band that had only needed 1 guitarist and he was playing with them. then he took me over there to check em out and at the end of the day after smoking a shit load of pot they asked me to join too and do a 3 guitar player thing.
Jaron(best friend) quit after like 2 months cause he didnt like the guys in the band at all. but i stayed in the mean time just to have somthing to do until a better oportunity came up for me and jaron. then brian(the original guitarist) started turnin into a bitch and never showing up, and turning into a core fag didnt help either.
I became really good friends with the remaing 3 members though. and things were going good for the next 3 or 4 months, the drunkest time in my life too. THings are alot shittier here in North faggot fuck Carolina. Ill be returning to the same band when i get back there pretty soon.

2005-03-31, 03:26
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Originally Posted by Mordor
i dont sugest getting into a band with friends to much, as it can fuck things up
Yes, get in a band with people you absolutly despise.. always works better. 
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-03-31, 03:29
The Mountie From Hell
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I thought you were in a band.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2005-03-31, 06:13
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was gonna play in a freinds side project melo death band kinda thing, but then he left his other band and so we started playing his normal material (power metal stuff)
so yeah that is how
omg t3h @x1s p3d@ls @r3 t3h b3st!!!!!!1!!11

2005-03-31, 06:18
Join Date: Jun 2004
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Originally Posted by Mordor
i dont sugest getting into a band with friends to much, as it can fuck things up
lol it does its happening right now with me

2005-03-31, 06:22
I am a tax on the world..
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I met a huge fat guy last year who can really play bass and he loves morbid angel and death and slayer. We started jamming, and now a year or so later, we have maybe met 2 new additions for drums and lead guitar. They're 17 and very very good. They both live more than an hour from my home, and with me at uni now, we jam over AIM talk.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2005-03-31, 12:33
New Blood
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Posts: 30
(This is all before i got my guitar like 2 years ago) I got an offer from my friends for a punk band like Anti-Flag and NOFX, i went to check out if they were any good, my friend Tyler (Drums)....fucking insanely crazy.......Andy (vocals and guitar) and Kevin (guitar) both not bad at guitar but Andy is the worst fucking singer ever, and i played the Tuba in place of a bass guitar (i play tuba in school.........cool i know) it sounded pretty cool actually, but then like 3 weeks later my friend Zak who actually played the bass is asked to play instead of my tuba, and from then on ive been bandless ever since.
Fuck Milk..........Got Pot
Rules of life
1. I rule
2. You suck
3.Get Fucking used to it

2005-03-31, 12:49
Senior Metalhead
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I think we were drunk...
But it all worked out somewhat okay, haven't done anything in a while but we've got a lot of tapes recorded.
But yeah, I think being drunk and music-obsessed is what started it all.
... Flamage ...


2005-03-31, 12:58
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 472
i have a long history of bands,
i started off years ago, with three lead guitarists, i think it was my idea.
it didnt work out because we didnt want to play music, just to turn our amps up louder than the other two. this went on for ages, making noise and getting drunk. then i got fed up and found a drummer, and we started to play songs.
as my musical tastes got heavier, i got rid of the other two guitarists (who were just getting in my way anyway) and found a bassist and another guitarist who liked metal. then i found a singer. we were still messing around at that point,
not really being very good, and attempting to cover really good songs.
can you imagine 4 incompetant people playing davidian? then the singer and the bassist quit, and the other guitarist decided to sing, and we recruited his friend, also a guitarist. back to square one. so i played drums, but occasionally got up to play guitar because the other two werent that good. they took turns in playing bass
we went on like that for a while, untill we found a real drummer!
only, i didnt know, but the guitaist/singer fired the other guitarist, and told this drummer we were a stoner rock band. (they can be a stoner rock band if they like, im going to thrash)
he then decided he was going to give up guitar and just sing.
then we found a really fucking good bassist, to go with our really fucking good drummer, both of whom wanted to play thrash, and not listen to the singers out of tune down type vocals and song writing.
so i politely suggested to him that he drop singing and pick up guitar again, and he hasnt spoken to me since. ha oh well.
we found a singer, got rid of him (a very long story), found another one and well see you on tour fuckers...
axe attack.
"The complexity of the penguins' lifestyle testifies to a Divine Creator," said one commentator on Christian Answers. "To think that natural selection or even the penguins themselves could come up with the idea to migrate miles and miles multiple times each year without their partner or their offspring is a bit insulting to my intellect. How great is our God!"

2005-04-01, 23:41
New Blood
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 4
I started mine with my friends then we singer tryouts and now we are complete 
Who Has Won??? Who Has Died??? BENEATH THE REMAINS!!! 

2005-04-02, 00:54
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Originally Posted by h4x5k8
lol it does its happening right now with me
Take charge, took awhile for me to motivate the others, and I kicked the bassist out (awesome player, great friend) because he wouldnt stick with one instrument and refused to buy his own amp.. and used MY bass amp instead.
Band meeting are important, make sure everyone had their chance to speak out without being flamed.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-04-02, 08:35
Senior Metalhead
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I joined a abnd because they thought i was good at that. After a year, I took the singer of that group, the drummer from other group and other guitarplayer from another group and I,m making my own project.
I think its important to "take" the musicians you like and not to change them from time to time because you don´t like them. Its important starting almost perfect, its sure that you´ll got other problems except the members.
Make sure you join in the correct band.

2005-04-02, 11:30
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choose commited musicians over technically gifted musicians,
Technically gifted can often have no trouble about walking out, but the Commited do even if he starts off playing like crap will get better.
omg t3h @x1s p3d@ls @r3 t3h b3st!!!!!!1!!11

2005-04-02, 16:43
Join Date: Dec 2004
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In my school there are only 3 bassist worthy of anything, with them being Dathen, Liam and I. Liam is quite good on bass, but refuses anything and everything heavy. Dathen is pretty poor on bass and plays in a nu metal band.
Around October of last year I was looking a new band to play in because I had left my previous band for not being heavy enough. Soon after that band disbanded. I ran across a kid named Pablo. He was into the entire gothic get up, but I figured I had very limited options considering metal in my town is defined as slipknot. So I talked to him and we got together and jammed one weekend. There I met his younger brother Rudy, who, at the time, played drums. I had two months more of this band before Pablo's "I'm the next virtuoso!" attitude pissed me and Rudy off. Pablo was pressing to be a emo goth band like atreyu, and was telling us to dress up and paint our nails. I have been to practices where Pablo would solo all day and we would get nothing done. Rudy and I got fed up with his shit (us believing that all that is necessary to rock is work ethic and a good attitude) confronted him and told him to stop with the bullshit, but he decided it was easier to kick me out of the band since I was the one causing all the problems. (<--sarcasm) Rudy wasn't having any of it and quit that night too. Pablo replaced me with a guy named Zakk for a while, but soon the second guitarist (Kenny) and the vocalist (Derreck) got sick of Pablo's cocky attitude and left. So Pablo broke that band up and him and Zakk are currently working on a nu-metal band. So about a month later (mid-January) I got my shit together and approached Rudy with the idea of a thrash band. Rudy was really skeptical at first, wether because we weren't sure of how to continue or because I had asked him to play guitar, I'm not sure. So we got together and played. We wrote two songs that night, more than anything we had done with Pablo. We now have five songs total and are working on two or three more. I've asked Derrick to be the vocalist but I haven't gotten any word back. And a drummer seems virtually non-exsistant. But nontheless we have high hopes.
Worker bees can leave,
Even drones can fly away.
The queen is their slave.
Last edited by Tulvox : 2005-04-02 at 16:54.

2005-04-02, 16:58
Muffin Ass
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I'm in a Band of one...Me...with an audiance of zero.....so I can add very little here.
Heh heh heh

2005-04-03, 18:14
Supreme Metalhead
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My band's been a long time in the making. It started out as a joke between me and a friend who is an awesome guitarist, (Darko). We met at a New Years' Eve party, and he had his guitar with him, so he played a lot of stuff. Everyone kept asking him to play Nothing Else Matters, and then I approached him and asked if he could play Seek and Destroy. I love that song. We became fast friends, and hung out every once in a while. He actually used to date the sister of the guy who is our drummer now, (Igor). Back then, I used to hang out with Igor a lot, and every now and then we'd hook pu with Darko and hang out and drink and shit.
I did not play an instrument at the time, but was fascinated by the guitar. I always daydreamed about becoming this awesome guitar player in a kick ass band, and finally, one day, decided to go out and buy a damn guitar and give it a shot. I started playing about a year ago, and am getting pretty decent at it. I can play about half of Seek and Destroy along with the CD no problem. I'm affraid to learn the whole song, cause then I may no longer be motivated  .
Anyway, after I got my axe, I told Darko about it, and he invited me over to his place to jam. He showed me how to play the intro to Smoke on the Water and Iron Man. He helped me out a lot and still does. We jam all the time now.During one jam session we were watching the Dream Theater Live at Budokan DVD. We were jamming and watching the DVD at the same time, and all of a sudden, I hear the words "Constant compromise, endless sacrifice". I didn't know at the time that "Endless Sacrifice" was the name of the song, but I thought it was a cool name, so I suggested we name our band that. Darko agreed, and that's how we got our name.
Igor has been our official drummer the whole time, even though all three of us were never actually in one room at the same time with instruments in our hands. We're gonna have a band meeting one of these days where we're gonna try to get a little more organized and to give ourselves a direction. Darko and I have written a lot of awesome riffs, but we have no official songs as of yet. We're gonna take a break from writing orignal material and do some covers to get a feel for playing together and develop a chemistry.
That's pretty much the story. Like I said, I've always dreamed of playing guitar in a band. Now that dream is coming true, and I couldn't ask for more. I've spent roughly around $1000 on gear, maybe a little more. I have a BC Rich Warlock Bronze, and a ESP LTD Explorer EX-102, hooked up to a Marshall MG DFX30 amp. It's 30 Watts of bone crushing metal mayhem!!! hahaha. I use a Boss MT2 Metal Zone distortion pedal. I also have a Lauren nylon string accoustic which I bought at a garage sale for 50 bucks, (w/case). I don't regret a single penny I spent on my gear, and plan to spend a lot more. We are planning to slap together a three song demo by the end of the year, so we'll see how that goes. I have some MIDI files of stuff we wrote in Power Tab that I'd like to post somewhere for you gys to criticize, nothing fancy, just some simple power chord progressions, but it sounds pretty cool. It won't work as an attachment, so I'll have to post it to my server. Link's coming soon.
BTW, we play heavy metal, influenced heavily by Pantera, Metallica, Megadeth, and old school metal in general. Everyone these days seems to be tuning their guitars really low, trying to sound heavy and shit. We are heavy, and we don't need to tune to C flat to prove it. Nu metal is shit and we try to distance ourselves from that crap as much as damn possible. One of the reasons why our stuff is all played at standard pitch.

2005-04-03, 18:19
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Whorelando, FL
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Here's the link to a midi file of a song, (if you wanna call it that), that I'm working on.
Riff 1

2005-05-18, 13:36
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: hell
Posts: 82
i started a band with a few pl and we couldnt find a bass, then we quit for a while for sum reason but now were back and all we haev is drummer guitar(me) and singer

2005-05-18, 13:59
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Massachusetts
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Originally Posted by HatecrewESP
i started a band with a few pl and we couldnt find a bass, then we quit for a while for sum reason but now were back and all we haev is drummer guitar(me) and singer

2005-05-18, 14:03
New Blood
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 3
one days i was sitting around wif kermit (me paw) he told me to sit on his lap. soes I did and in no time I lernt how to play the flute! I've been in a band ever since.

2005-05-18, 14:12
Schrodinger's Cat
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I'm glad I've just banned your worthless excuse of an e-existence from this site.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2005-05-18, 16:32
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Baltimore, MD
Posts: 138
I was sitting in a local (empty) music shop blasting through a 5150 combo just chilling and playing for a few hours since I had no life and spent all my free time in this little shop. Two guys (now my singer and drummer) walked in and stood there listening, then when I stopped to ask them what they wanted, they asked if I was in a band. They gave me a number and I called it a week later, we got together, jammed a bit, and found we had some chemistry. And the rest, as they say, is history! 

2005-05-18, 16:47
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one time i resurected an old thread

2005-05-18, 18:34
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Maastricht, Netherlands
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i'm in a band. But i get into them by auditions. Never tried to form a band with friends. We play a dying fetus style music. We have 8 own written songs now at the moment and we play 2 dying fetus covers. So 10 songs total. We also tune to C# and we're not trying to prove anything by tuning that way like I_hate_nu_metal says 
.+-+ .....::::: Alive to Live, Not to Believe....In a God that I cannot see :::::..... +-+

2005-05-19, 03:16
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by johnmansley
I'm glad I've just banned your worthless excuse of an e-existence from this site.
Maybe we could start a new thread called "How did you get yourself banned?" which is an ongoing collection of last words from the damned...

2005-05-19, 03:35
Pirate Lawd
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Originally Posted by Kylito
Maybe we could start a new thread called "How did you get yourself banned?" which is an ongoing collection of last words from the damned...
Fucking awsome Ideal.

2005-05-19, 03:48
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Liverpool, England.
Posts: 1,485
Originally Posted by Mordor
i dont sugest getting into a band with friends to much, as it can fuck things up
I second that one, I hardly speak to any of my first band anymore...... Except for the other guitarist whom I used to work with till I quit. I ended up having a go at the drummer for being an arrogant, loud mouthed twat and the vocalist for being an arrogant, self-centered, narcacistic twat.....which was a bitch since we were the main writing three.
My last band, wasn't so much like that...cos we as a band didn't seem to be full of ego's. But it did all fall apart due to musical/direction differences, me(being the vocalist and person who wrote a bulk of the riffs) and one guitarist wanted a more at the gates/carcassy kind of sound, were as the drummer and the other guitarist wanted a more cannibal corpse sound....plus, I was working in another town when we practiced so it was hard to get to practice in time for writing and listening to what had already been put together so I could add vocals. I got into that band because I've known the CC guitarist since i was 15, he was looking for a vocalist....I said I could do it, mainly because I had done some gigs with my first band on vocals, plus the writing side of things wasn't a problem....until it developed that the guitarists found it difficult to learn what I was writing straight away...
That snatch is like a glove fit for God.
Last edited by SARS : 2005-05-19 at 10:12.

2005-05-19, 05:13
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Whorelando, FL
Posts: 589
Originally Posted by Six_Feet_Under_420
i'm in a band. But i get into them by auditions. Never tried to form a band with friends. We play a dying fetus style music. We have 8 own written songs now at the moment and we play 2 dying fetus covers. So 10 songs total. We also tune to C# and we're not trying to prove anything by tuning that way like I_hate_nu_metal says 
Well, actually, I said nothing about proving shit, just trying to sound heavy. I simply don't think it is necessary to tune your guitars really low in order to be heavy. Also, I said C flat, you said C sharp, hahaha.
If C sharp is your thing, more power to you, bro. I don't particularly like Dying Fetus but I do respect them, simply for being out there and doing their thing and also for their riffs, which sound pretty damn good. Thank you for reading that long ass post in its entirety, though. I should have used some more paragraphs. BTW, did you check out that MIDI? If you haven't please do, and let me know what you think. I handle criticism pretty well, so you can just go ahead and let me have it. I haven't worked on that one since I posted it originally, but plan to do so in the near future.

2005-05-19, 06:29
I am a tax on the world..
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Originally Posted by Infinity
Hope this can help. I put the same doc in 2 formats in case one fucked up on ya. This has alot of my mistakes in it, so maybe you can learn from them.
Holy fucking Christ that's confusing.   .
I've had a few bands in my life, most were not meant to be in the first place. Back in high school, I was recruited for these guys for one cover only--that we never even played in front of people cause our "show" was canceled. I also stated a band with this singer with very awesome lyrics, but with him as singer and me as a mediocre guitarist, we had absolutely nothing. Then I started a band with a long time drummer friend of mine, bad idea. With just us 2, nothing got done. Last year I started a band with this cool bass player and me, and same with just us 2, nothing is really getting done. But the one difference is that we have 6 originals together, and he has a very good drummer and lead guitarist lined up for later this fall--which will make a full band. Also, I've met these verrrrry good players on the internet to start a band with. With me joining them, we have 6 covers and 5 or so originals.
Incidently, heh, we have that many songs and covers, and tomorrow will be our first jam!  We've only spoken over aim, and played guitars together on aim talk, but I've never met these guys face to face before.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2005-05-19, 20:37
My Ass, Your Face
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One day my friend came to me at school and said I was the new bassist to their band and I said ok.
A little section of Requiem's "I finally got laid" posts.
Originally Posted by Requiem
Wore her out before I could finish(which im grateful for)
Funeral Mulch; My brutal death metal band from West Michigan.

2005-05-19, 22:06
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Maastricht, Netherlands
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Originally Posted by i_hate_nu_metal
Well, actually, I said nothing about proving shit, just trying to sound heavy. I simply don't think it is necessary to tune your guitars really low in order to be heavy. Also, I said C flat, you said C sharp, hahaha.
If C sharp is your thing, more power to you, bro. I don't particularly like Dying Fetus but I do respect them, simply for being out there and doing their thing and also for their riffs, which sound pretty damn good. Thank you for reading that long ass post in its entirety, though. I should have used some more paragraphs. BTW, did you check out that MIDI? If you haven't please do, and let me know what you think. I handle criticism pretty well, so you can just go ahead and let me have it. I haven't worked on that one since I posted it originally, but plan to do so in the near future.
To start off with. C flat doesn't exist. Or you're just being "sarcastic"  c flat is B tuning 'cause there is no half note between C and B if i'm correct  And i was just messing around woth the whole proving things  And I checked out the midi file you postes. It is not my style, but it has some potential if that's spelled correctly.
If you tweaked it a bit you can make a cool simple song out of it. 
.+-+ .....::::: Alive to Live, Not to Believe....In a God that I cannot see :::::..... +-+
Last edited by Six_Feet_Under_420 : 2005-05-19 at 22:09.

2005-05-19, 23:29
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posts: 1,816
i started one with my friend after i found out he was a drummer...
i joined another when my guitar teacher suggested that he knew some people who needed a second guitar
Originally Posted by Dahmers Fridge
In the US "fanny" is a word used to describe the ass or butt. Here in the UK "fanny" is a lady garden (vagina)
I was very bemused as a youngster watching the Golden Girls when Blanche said she was going to "spank her fanny" I had visions of a geriatric vertical bacon sandwich red and bruised from being disciplined!!!

2005-05-20, 05:45
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Whorelando, FL
Posts: 589
Originally Posted by Six_Feet_Under_420
To start off with. C flat doesn't exist. Or you're just being "sarcastic"  c flat is B tuning 'cause there is no half note between C and B if i'm correct  And i was just messing around woth the whole proving things  And I checked out the midi file you postes. It is not my style, but it has some potential if that's spelled correctly.
If you tweaked it a bit you can make a cool simple song out of it. 
Yeah, the whole C flat deal was just kind of an off the wall type of deal. I can never remember which notes have half steps between them and which don't. I don't know anyone who tunes to B, but I just said that to emphasize how low some people tune today.
Yeah, I haven't messed with that file in months. I will get back into it shortly. I just completed something of a song, it too is a MIDI, I will post it here sometime soon, ( in the correct thread, of course).


2005-05-25, 07:23
Senior Metalhead
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Location: With a noose around my neck.
Posts: 296
My first band, I started because I just got a fender squire and wanted to play rythm and vocals. I did not have a g b or e string, because I hated solos. Nothing ever happened other than some really gay riffs.
My second band I started with a man name Tyler. He played finger bass excellent for being 13. We began writing our first demo, shot in the face. Shot int he face was never recorded, thus the band slowly fell apart and Tyler is now into rap anyways so....hehe yeah!
My third band I was asked to join, I had played for 3 years now, and my skills were still weak. I held a rythm position. I was also submitted to my bandmates many personalities. I was often the subject of ridicule, and eventually the nickname black dick was given to me for a certain reason. This black dick nickname spread around town, and actually got me laid more than anything else. The myth is true bitches!!!! hahaha it's funny though cause it is.
My fourth band was funny, I started it with two of my good friends from Washington. It is currently being resurected. The title Dark Matter was given to us by Richard who is a master drummer for hard rock, but for metal...eh?
My fifth band was just myself. I used a drum machine and got to work with guitar. I used no bass, since bass was not needed for this project. I released a demo tape called Eternal Chaos under many different band names. Draconian Empire being the original band title. This band is still in existence. It is almost all guitar solos and insane drum machine stuff. I am now using real drums instead of a drum machine. I play everything.
My 6th(66) band is Midnight Empire. I put all my effort forth into this band, and it is going very well. We play melodic, technical blackened heavy metal with death metal influences.

2005-05-25, 08:32
Life is pain.
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Australia
Posts: 4,510
Yeah, I add stuff to it as it happens, it's pretty damn long now, I'll re-attach the latest one...
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