2005-03-31, 05:36
The Mountie From Hell
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Halifax N.S. Canada
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Fucked? Yes.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2005-03-31, 06:14
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Longmont, CO, USA
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the human race fucked up. I always thought it would be cool to live but work for your shit in a more primitive fassion, like have some dope waterfall do a generater to make electricity for your house, and farm/hunt your own food and what not. It wouldnt work that great but it wouldnt fuck the earth up so much.
edit-im north american and i agree all these Urban soccermom cunts with there Hummers and giant soccermom SUVS are fucking cunt twatlclipping clam licking whores, and need to be fucking shot. Why cant we all drive hondas, they get like crazy gas milege. Also gas here used to be 1.30 like a year ago and is now 2.20 its skyrocketed atleast 40 cents in the last 2 weeks.
Last edited by h4x5k8 : 2005-03-31 at 06:16.

2005-03-31, 06:19
I am a tax on the world..
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Soccer moms are hot...
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2005-03-31, 06:28
The Mountie From Hell
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Halifax N.S. Canada
Posts: 3,017
Originally Posted by h4x5k8
edit-im north american and i agree all these Urban soccermom cunts with there Hummers and giant soccermom SUVS are fucking cunt twatlclipping clam licking whores, and need to be fucking shot. Why cant we all drive hondas, they get like crazy gas milege. Also gas here used to be 1.30 like a year ago and is now 2.20 its skyrocketed atleast 40 cents in the last 2 weeks.
dude the "average north america" rides their car to the 7-11 2 blocks over durring the break for CSI. does not give 2 fucks about the ozone, and thows out a whole thing of meat just because it hits the floor for less the a second.
And i live in a well income area and i have an old 94 jap car thats working fine, while my aunt who has a HUGE income has: an suv, new mini van, jeep, and a lexus in her drive way. 4 kids her and my uncle.
Something is not adding up.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2005-03-31, 08:49
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Sydney.
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We needed another climate study to tell us we're destroying the planet?
Flog. Dead. Horse. Blah.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2005-03-31, 09:56
Schrodinger's Cat
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Unfortunately, until the money in the biggest offending industries dries up, we're not going to change anything. Money makes the world go round - it's a harsh fact, but it's as certain as taxes and Death being a great band (and humanity destroying the planet).
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2005-03-31, 10:15
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 472
were all screwed anyway. once india decide they all want cars.
they mesure achievement by western possesions over there.
i saw a documentary, in which a bussines man was living and working with his family of 7 in a one room flat. (training people to get jobs working for telesales companies, haha it was so funny, he made his family go outside while he trained his clients in the room). he considered himself rich because he had a cd player, 2 madonna cd's from the 80's and a microwave. his next purchase was going to be a car.
they said if everybody in calcutta gets a car, in ten years, the damage will be irriversable.
"The complexity of the penguins' lifestyle testifies to a Divine Creator," said one commentator on Christian Answers. "To think that natural selection or even the penguins themselves could come up with the idea to migrate miles and miles multiple times each year without their partner or their offspring is a bit insulting to my intellect. How great is our God!"

2005-03-31, 10:18
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
We needed another climate study to tell us we're destroying the planet?
Flog. Dead. Horse. Blah.
Yeah, the studies aren't solving shit. Mass genocide is the only sure fire solution. After another million years or so the decayed human corpses will have created a fresh batch of oil reserves for the next evolutionary stage of walking viruses.
FBS, I love the "Fuck Terry Schiavo" rant on that link in your sig. This week's episode of South Park made a complete mockery of the whole Schiavo thing quite nicely... 

2005-03-31, 13:28
Crusher of Skulls
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Originally Posted by Kylito
Mass genocide is the only sure fire solution
 , thats fucking awesome. I don't think america or the world for that matter will ever change.
When I read articles like that, I can't help but think about Noah's Ark, if you have ever read the bible....(I was forced to go to christian school as a kid) you should know what I am talking about.
Anyways, god spoke to Noah and told him to build an ark blah blah blah, because he was going to flood the earth to get rid of all the sinful people and whatnot.......
I don't think that would do the trick anymore though.
My Trust is in WHISKEY and WEEDand SLAYER
Long live DIMEBAG
ROGspace Cunts. Book us
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2005-03-31, 14:05
Master Killer
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typical american bullshit. *yawn*

2005-03-31, 14:12
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
We needed another climate study to tell us we're destroying the planet?
Flog. Dead. Horse. Blah.
Yeah seriously. If you don't already know this, you are either a right wing conservative who has their gas guzzling truck plastered in Bush 04 and 'I Love Love My Country (ironically enough)' stickers, OR, you are Terri Shiavo.
Now, I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea, and misinterpret my views as "Republicans are destroying this planet." While they are slowly choking this country to death, thats a different story. No, even worse than republicans:
Morons. The dreaded "duh-duh-duh-DUMBASS" is killing our planet. Rather than get on with our lives, and try to make the world a better place (yup, you should've seen this coming), the dreaded moron is wrapped up in the Terri Shiavo case, taking off work to protest, and have fat kids OWN the shit out of you ( http://i149.exs.cx/img149/6074/starwars5se6gg.jpg).
These are the same people who have such a lack of intelligence, or any kind of common sense what so ever, that stand outside abortion clinics acting as if they were making a difference by shoving their opinions down someone else's throat.
You know what folks? Sit down, shut the fuck up. We don't need people like you preaching to others while you kill this planet by driving your SUV that gets 5 miles to the gallon. So get a honda, stop fucking up everyone else's shit, and most importantly of all:
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-03-31, 14:54
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 318
Wow, another political thread about how stupid american's MIGHT be. Hey, buddy, I'm an american and I'll be the first to tell you that we're as stupid as they come. The entire human race is stupid -- as well as unbelievably arrogant. No one can be right, because that would make everyone wrong. We're all gonna die and finally know what shit mattered and what shit didn't. But as for now it's gonna be hell. The truth is beyond on our comprehension. Every damn bit of it. We're stupid. Worthless. And how does that respond to this thread? Shit if I know. But if it's anything remotely political, I'll be first in line to hack it to pieces and let ya know that yes, we are fucked. 

2005-03-31, 15:21
bugfucker strikes back.
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: 19713, Delaware
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My thing is, if you badmouth america, at least have some facts behind your shit. And I hate this country. 
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-03-31, 16:21
Master Killer
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Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands
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the whole suv bullshit thing is so american, just like random gas-guzzling cars, its not like anyone gives a damn but cars over here are all way more economical then over there, you hardly see big V8's over here. some cities don't even allow SUV's in the city centre, haha.
all diesel cars need to be equipped with some filter to save the ozon layer, it's been like that for two years and every new car has it, which is a good thing I guess. plus some cars run 33km's on 1 litre here, ofcourse with all calculating bullshit done, you'll find out that its insanely cheap to run on fuel and good for the enviroment.
then again, an '68 mustang big block does have its charme too.
I don't hate America at all but some people over there are extreme dumbasses. don't worry, we've got those over here too but we just shut them the fuck up before they get the chance to speak up 

2005-03-31, 16:44
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Longmont, CO, USA
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Originally Posted by Def
the whole suv bullshit thing is so american, just like random gas-guzzling cars, its not like anyone gives a damn but cars over here are all way more economical then over there, you hardly see big V8's over here. some cities don't even allow SUV's in the city centre, haha.
all diesel cars need to be equipped with some filter to save the ozon layer, it's been like that for two years and every new car has it, which is a good thing I guess. plus some cars run 33km's on 1 litre here, ofcourse with all calculating bullshit done, you'll find out that its insanely cheap to run on fuel and good for the enviroment.
then again, an '68 mustang big block does have its charme too.
I don't hate America at all but some people over there are extreme dumbasses. don't worry, we've got those over here too but we just shut them the fuck up before they get the chance to speak up 

2005-03-31, 16:54
The Mountie From Hell
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Halifax N.S. Canada
Posts: 3,017
Originally Posted by Def
the whole suv bullshit thing is so american, just like random gas-guzzling cars, its not like anyone gives a damn but cars over here are all way more economical then over there, you hardly see big V8's over here. some cities don't even allow SUV's in the city centre, haha.
all diesel cars need to be equipped with some filter to save the ozon layer, it's been like that for two years and every new car has it, which is a good thing I guess. plus some cars run 33km's on 1 litre here, ofcourse with all calculating bullshit done, you'll find out that its insanely cheap to run on fuel and good for the enviroment.
then again, an '68 mustang big block does have its charme too.
I don't hate America at all but some people over there are extreme dumbasses. don't worry, we've got those over here too but we just shut them the fuck up before they get the chance to speak up 
Here in my provence we have a "green system": every 2nd week for garbage day its "green bin day", we have regular garbage (for me last thursday) and then today is green bin day, its a big trash can given out by the city and you throw your organic stuff in it and they bring it to a BIG compost heap.
On PEI (another provence) they use glass bottles only, after use they take them clean them and put more coke, pepsi, beer... in them and use the bottle again.
In ontario because of the black out 2 years ago you get your sales tax back if you get a "low energy cost appliance", my sister and her husband bought only low energy stuff and they didn't pay sales tax.
But its time for the electric car to rule the streets, so what if it does not have 10,000,000 horse power, it fucking better then the "econo tank" known as the SUV.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2005-03-31, 17:00
Death to all but metal!
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Big suprise, I'M not suprised, earth and mankind is fucked
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-03-31, 17:24
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: NYC
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Originally Posted by Dissection
Yeah seriously. If you don't already know this, you are either a right wing conservative who has their gas guzzling truck plastered in Bush 04 and 'I Love Love My Country (ironically enough)' stickers, OR, you are Terri Shiavo.
Now, I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea, and misinterpret my views as "Republicans are destroying this planet." While they are slowly choking this country to death, thats a different story. No, even worse than republicans:
Morons. The dreaded "duh-duh-duh-DUMBASS" is killing our planet. Rather than get on with our lives, and try to make the world a better place (yup, you should've seen this coming), the dreaded moron is wrapped up in the Terri Shiavo case, taking off work to protest, and have fat kids OWN the shit out of you ( http://i149.exs.cx/img149/6074/starwars5se6gg.jpg).
These are the same people who have such a lack of intelligence, or any kind of common sense what so ever, that stand outside abortion clinics acting as if they were making a difference by shoving their opinions down someone else's throat.
You know what folks? Sit down, shut the fuck up. We don't need people like you preaching to others while you kill this planet by driving your SUV that gets 5 miles to the gallon. So get a honda, stop fucking up everyone else's shit, and most importantly of all:

2005-03-31, 18:05
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Posts: 1,863
bush is evil,so was reagan and clinton,plain and simple. the worst thing about bush is he's destroying credible science and scientist in this country. everything from the return to debate of creative design theory in our schools to hiring industry nuthuggers<scientist who work in the oil industry,auto industry,raytheon,dupont etc> to convene independent committees for research,and it turns out they obviously are selling the bush agenda thru convoluted bogus science.he has hundreds of these types of comittees to study everything. so now you cant even trust the DATA produced from our government, its not objective, its stilted in every angle. reagan was famous for bogus,flawed science, i remember long ago he set up a study to test the effects of marijauna on monkeys. they had them wear gas masks, send pot smoke thru a tube into the gas mask, something like 100 joints worth of smoke, alot of the monkeys suffocated, or had brain damage from the smoke inhalation and lack of air to breath, it totally fucked them up due to the lack of air, this was all cited and touted as scripture for the then new war on drugs, this type of stuff goes on every day, they are trying to kill objective science therefore impeding even the study of cause and effect to our problems that are supported by credible research, people are scared to cross our country's policy with research,that they might be ostricized, its total bullshit
edit: i make this point cause bush always gets a committee going to refute european studies that are published that usually state the obvious about our drain on world resources, our wasteful society and apathy towards change. as far as the kyoto treaty we ignored, apparently new science indicated the ozone is just fine and the greenhouse gas emissions thing is only an unproven theory
Last edited by low-tech : 2005-03-31 at 18:15.

2005-03-31, 18:13
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 318
Originally Posted by low-tech
bush is evil,so was reagan and clinton,plain and simple. the worst thing about bush is he's destroying credible science and scientist in this country. everything from the return to debate of creative design theory in our schools to hiring industry nuthuggers<scientist who work in the oil industry,auto industry,raytheon,dupont etc> to convene independent committees for research,and it turns out they obviously are selling the bush agenda thru convoluted bogus science.he has hundreds of these types of comittees to study everything. so now you cant even trust the DATA produced from our government, its not objective, its stilted in every angle. reagan was famous for bogus,flawed science, i remember long ago he set up a study to test the effects of marijauna on monkeys. they had them wear gas masks, send pot smoke thru a tube into the gas mask, something like 100 joints worth of smoke, alot of the monkeys suffocated, or had brain damage from the smoke inhalation and lack of air to breath, it totally fucked them up due to the lack of air, this was all cited and touted as scripture for the then new war on drugs, this type of stuff goes on every day, they are trying to kill objective science therefore impeding even the study of cause and effect to our problems that are supported by credible research, people are scared to cross our country's policy with research,that they might be ostricized, its total bullshit
No disrespect to you, but don't you think it's time that we give Bush a rest? EVERYONE hates him in this country (well, almost everyone). It seems so monotonous by now. Yeah, okay. Republicans work for the devil, Democrats are good. Bush is horrible, we need better. Frankly, its the bullshit I can't stop from hearing by all the MTV fuckers and todays young brainwashed society. Republicans and Democrats both suck bulls. Big balls, too. And sure, Bush can be an idiot. But all we know is what the fucking rigged media tells us. And obviously, the media hates Republicans and Bush. So even if they were all evil and Bush is a total dickhead, we need to move on. I wish Bush would be fucking assassinated. Then everyone would stop bitching about it. Bush isn't god, ya know. All the problems in our country don't stem from him. He doesn't have THAT much power. Please, kill him and be done with it. I'm tired of the multiple beatings of Bush.
...ah...there. That feels better. Now please, don't bitch at me. I have a right to throw a meaningless hissy fit as well.
(seriously, I'm just fucking around for the most part)

2005-03-31, 18:18
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Posts: 1,863
to kill him would marytr his cause, i just hope he falls off his bike more often

2005-03-31, 18:31
Legio Draconorum Orkian
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: upon raging waves
Posts: 4,499
as long as i die past the age of 50, and do most of the things i look forward to doing, humans can fuck up anything they want. selfish? maybe, but not too bad.

2005-03-31, 18:39
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 318
Originally Posted by timedragon
as long as i die past the age of 50, and do most of the things i look forward to doing, humans can fuck up anything they want. selfish? maybe, but not too bad.
Imagine if the last five generations would've had that viewpoint. We'd be fucked. That's why we must start it now -- so our great grandchildren will be fucked. 
No kidding. I'm up for contribution to destroying the world one person at a time. But we must stick together.
....Hail Hitler...

2005-03-31, 18:46
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 454
haha thats right  we need to start getting rid of all these nukes too, getting kinda dusty just sitting around for all these 60 or so years.
if you give it enough time i think the problem will sort itself out, i mean oil isnt going to be around forever. and the next thing that takes its place is probably going to be electricity.

2005-03-31, 18:51
Attorney at Bird Law
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Originally Posted by FearFrost
I can't believe people would need this article to show them what is going on right in front of their faces. I'll refrain from snapping off my mighty "this world would have been so much better off without us" diatribe, even though it's 100% true.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-03-31, 19:12
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Originally Posted by SmotPoker
if you give it enough time i think the problem will sort itself out, i mean oil isnt going to be around forever. and the next thing that takes its place is probably going to be electricity.
Much of our electricity is generated by burning oil. Carter was the only president who was dead serious about alternative energy and look what happened to him and his policies... There's only 20 to 40 years left on conventional oil reserves but there are plenty of other vast oil sources that have been identified already when the need for them arises.
I'll add another conspiracy to the list while I'm at it. I've been working with wireless communications shit for the last 13 years (cell phones, radars, base stations, comm links, etc...) and that shit is every bit as hazardous as the worst reports you have heard. All that shit operates on the same principle as microwave ovens. Much of the consumer wireless shit is 2.4 GigaHertz which is exactly the same frequency band that microwave ovens operate on. How did they determine the safe exposure levels? It's largely based on minimum power necessary to provide semi-reliable service to cell-phone users. If you take a cellular phone apart, put it in transmit mode, and then touch the metal element at the antenna output it will burn your finger. If you pay close attention when on a cordless or cell phone for an extended period of time you may notice a slight itchy weird feeling in your head by the phone. Russia has been conducting some actual studies on the consequences but the U.S. brushes that shit under the table because of the economic boom it has brought us. If you get one of those belt units to keep it away from your head, just make sure you keep it away from your nuts. There is an abnormally high birth defect rate and infertility rate associated with people who work around radars. Keep your wireless phone calls short and don't buy wireless crap because it's easy, only buy it if it is absolutely necessary... Sweet Dreams.
Outside of that, don't have kids. That is the biggest environmental problem. Join the Big Brother/Sister organizations or something if you experience the classic "Empty Nest" syndrome. Other people's kids need education in a big way (like musically for example) and you won't be legally burdened by them ever... 

2005-03-31, 19:37
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Location: upon raging waves
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Originally Posted by shimbolla
Imagine if the last five generations would've had that viewpoint. We'd be fucked. That's why we must start it now -- so our great grandchildren will be fucked.
yeah, im glad they didnt have that viewpoint. But no matter how i see it, I am not contributing to this problem anymore than anyone else. Ill leave it to the big guys to take care of it. Im not helping or hurting in not caring.

2005-03-31, 21:27
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by timedragon
yeah, im glad they didnt have that viewpoint. But no matter how i see it, I am not contributing to this problem anymore than anyone else. Ill leave it to the big guys to take care of it. Im not helping or hurting in not caring.
Actually they had that viewpoint moreso than this generation. Population growth has slowed dramatically and environmental regulations, endangered species protection, etc... are all current generation legislation. The previous five generations were the most wasteful and irresponsible generations in world history due to their ignorance of science and technology. Anyone who tells you differently is distorting history. 

2005-03-31, 22:02
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Philadelphia
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It's China's fault.
This was predicted about 4 years ago as China's economy started to grow. They are becoming a 1st clas country with more and more Chinese buying cars. Meaning higher demand for oil, meaning more people are going out to produce oil since the price has skyrocketed, menaing we are going to depleet the oil supply even faster than thought before. This is going to have HUGE reprocussions on the entire world. The price of oil going up means bussinesses can't produce as effienctly meaning anything that needs to go on trunks to be transported (ie EVERYTHING) will go up in price. We as American's will not be able to afford the living we currently have. The standard of living as a whole will go down all because the standard of living in China is going up from a 2nd world country to a 1st world country. It's basicly like the idea "Sweedish Socialism" on a global level. One big redistribution of wealth.
I'm not angry with the Chinese or saying "Dur lets go to war with them!" but it is partly thier fault.
I'm personally looking forward to the massive gas prices. I recently wrecked my car so I don't have to buy gas anymore. This also means more people trading in thier SUVs in place for smaller cars and hopefully more grants for fully hyrogen dependent cars. There have been projections from economic analylists I saw today saying there is a good chance that this will be a long term jack up in oil prices maybe even reaching $150 a barrel (it is currently around $54). My hopes for a less polluntant world may progess as this will be snatching American's in thier proverbial balls, also known as thier wallets forcing them to rethink driving thier hummers 2 blocks to mail a letter.
I think thoes insurgents should start setting fire thoes black oasises in Iraq.
No fear, nor fight
Comforting silent side
So free, through flight
Comforting silence

2005-03-31, 22:06
Master Killer
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HAHAH! 'it's China's fault!'
that shit is hilarious 

2005-03-31, 22:38
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Chicago
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
We needed another climate study to tell us we're destroying the planet?
Flog. Dead. Horse. Blah.
Exactly.. Im pretty sure any idiot already knows.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-03-31, 22:49
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by BLS
Exactly.. Im pretty sure any idiot already knows.
Not hardly. We would have to translate these studies and drop pamphlets on all the poor uneducated fucks in the third world who are now the biggest problem we face as they continue to procreate like mad rabbits who only know the "Scarface" approach to life ("Eating, Sleeping, Fucking, Sucking..."). Unfortunately, that would require killing a forest to make all that paper and we would be the bad guys again...
I think we need to sponsor gigantic low-earth orbit lighted billboard arrays that display tree-hugger propaganda in every language as they circle the earth...

2005-03-31, 23:00
Wasted Custom User title
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Location: Minneapolis.
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Theres so many people that dont deserve to live..
There should be an IQ test, and anyone scoring low enough, shall be killed. There should definitely be an IQ test before a man and a woman procreate, to ensure not another dumbass is born.
Those who are on deathrow should be test subjects to scientific experiments/research.
The depletion of fossil fuels, I see anyways, is a good thing. It will force car companies to produce elecrtic powered cars.
This is my signature.

2005-03-31, 23:28
The Mountie From Hell
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Location: Halifax N.S. Canada
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
The depletion of fossil fuels, I see anyways, is a good thing. It will force car companies to produce elecrtic powered cars.
Not really, by then the air would be fucked up beyond repair.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2005-03-31, 23:43
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: providence
Posts: 1,863
i think theres pretty much an unlimited supply in oil under the earth, its just a matter of tapping the reserves, getting facilities up and running, this is why the technology is stagnating as far a fuel sources are concerned for vehicles, gas is a mainstay, anything competing with it will threaten huge oil buisness. they have a powerful lobby, they can crush all opposition, they even start up bogus enviromental initiatives that are doomed to fail, like those ethonal gas stations they made in the midwest, total flop. i think bush mentioned hydrogen cell technology in a speech somewhere, probably pork barrel shit anyway, like when the Romans were fucking around with steam power back 2000 years ago, it was successful but wasnt efficient<or in this hydrocell case its too efficient>and more importantly it wasnt tooken seriously, so they dumped it, had they stuck with it.............
Last edited by low-tech : 2005-03-31 at 23:46.

2005-03-31, 23:59
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Location: Sydney.
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These is NOT an unlimited supply of oil, you mutt. Neither is there an unlimited supply of coal or nat. gas. Or uranium. The only thing that seems boundless is human stupidity.
Originally Posted by DEAD
It's China's fault.
This was predicted about 4 years ago as China's economy started to grow. They are becoming a 1st clas country with more and more Chinese buying cars. Meaning higher demand for oil, meaning more people are going out to produce oil since the price has skyrocketed, menaing we are going to depleet the oil supply even faster than thought before. This is going to have HUGE reprocussions on the entire world. The price of oil going up means bussinesses can't produce as effienctly meaning anything that needs to go on trunks to be transported (ie EVERYTHING) will go up in price. We as American's will not be able to afford the living we currently have. The standard of living as a whole will go down all because the standard of living in China is going up from a 2nd world country to a 1st world country. It's basicly like the idea "Sweedish Socialism" on a global level. One big redistribution of wealth.
I'm not angry with the Chinese or saying "Dur lets go to war with them!" but it is partly thier fault.
The current oil prices are partly readjustment and currently fluctuation. I don't think they'll be causing any kind of bizzarro ripple-effect socialism any time soon.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2005-04-01, 00:02
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Where the slime live...
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Originally Posted by low-tech
i think theres pretty much an unlimited supply in oil under the earth, its just a matter of tapping the reserves, getting facilities up and running, this is why the technology is stagnating as far a fuel sources are concerned for vehicles, gas is a mainstay, anything competing with it will threaten huge oil buisness. they have a powerful lobby, they can crush all opposition, they even start up bogus enviromental initiatives that are doomed to fail, like those ethonal gas stations they made in the midwest, total flop. i think bush mentioned hydrogen cell technology in a speech somewhere, probably pork barrel shit anyway, like when the Romans were fucking around with steam power back 2000 years ago, it was successful but wasnt efficient<or in this hydrocell case its too efficient>and more importantly it wasnt tooken seriously, so they dumped it, had they stuck with it.............
Nothing's unlimited. The harder it is to get the oil (shale, Canadian sand, etc...) the more costly it becomes. Meanwhile clean energy sources are becoming more affordable all the time (wind, solar, etc...). That conspiracy stuff about oil companies squashing the opposition is largely bogus. There is no economically comparable opposition yet, but there will be as oil prices increase and other technologies are better developed. The government directs these changes when they feel like it. For example, Carter gave tax breaks to people using solar and wind power in the 70's and mandated fuel efficiency improvements in the auto industry. Reagan threw all that shit out the window and gas-hogs came back in style shortly thereafter. All that shit was re-legislated recently, but gas is much more affordable right now than it was during Carter's presidency so fewer people are jumping on the bandwagon and the rebates are now expiring. You can still get tax breaks right now for purchasing clean energy technologies, but the rebate is less than it was a few years ago. I got a $2000 tax deduction for buying my Honda Civic Hybrid in 2003, but it was $4000 more than the standard Civic and it will take a long time to pay for the difference in gas savings which makes me an economically reckless tree-huggin' hippie... 

2005-04-01, 02:08
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: providence
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i said that there is PRETTY MUCH an unlimited supply, oil isnt running out anytime soon, there is enough oil in the earth to service cars to destroy the ozone 10 times over. and i'll state my source on that: ralph nader in a 2000 election speech, hes the guy that fought the car industry to get seat belts, emission standards, regulated miles per gallon etc etc
i didnt know they gave tax breaks on hybrid cars, i wonder how it is compared to tax breaks for SUV's

2005-04-01, 03:34
Join Date: Jan 2002
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No no, what I ment was China's growing economy will cause the Socialism- esque ripple effect. China's growing economy is also a major factor in the rising oil prices. That was my point, not the other way around.
No fear, nor fight
Comforting silent side
So free, through flight
Comforting silence

2005-04-01, 03:38
The Mountie From Hell
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Location: Halifax N.S. Canada
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India too brother.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2005-04-01, 06:30
Muffin Ass
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Location: Sugar Britches
Posts: 2,340
We're all guilty.....the moment we were born.
We're all gonna die....that's what's funny.....no one gets out alive.
Nothing funnier than seeing some retarded upper middle class dorkwoman on her cellphone....trying to park her SUV in a store parking lot......
Put the fucking phone down for 20 seconds you ignorant cunt!
Take some lessons in parking your behemoth leviathan...LOL
And while you're at it....start disciplining those tarded little snot lickers.....spoiled worthless fucks.
Heh....that felt good.

2005-04-01, 09:17
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Where the slime live...
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Originally Posted by low-tech
i said that there is PRETTY MUCH an unlimited supply, oil isnt running out anytime soon, there is enough oil in the earth to service cars to destroy the ozone 10 times over. and i'll state my source on that: ralph nader in a 2000 election speech, hes the guy that fought the car industry to get seat belts, emission standards, regulated miles per gallon etc etc
i didnt know they gave tax breaks on hybrid cars, i wonder how it is compared to tax breaks for SUV's
If Ralph Nader actually said that then he is fucking senile and that would explain why half of the Green party has abandoned him in favor of other candidates. Car exhaust emissions do not contain any ozone depleting substances. The only ozone depleting substance found in vehicles is the refrigerant in air conditioners. Greenhouse gases are a different story.
There are no tax deductions for purchasing SUV's. In California you actually have to pay large penalties in registration and other taxes/fees when you purchase a vehicle which does not meet the current definition of "fuel efficient". 

2005-04-01, 10:44
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by Kylito
We would have to translate these studies and drop pamphlets on all the poor uneducated fucks in the third world who are now the biggest problem we face...
And how do you propose that these 'poor uneducated fucks' read the pamphlets?
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2005-04-01, 14:00
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 318
I actually kind of hope there will be a huge revolution--in a darker way. The way I like it is "all or nothing". Obviously, the world is not going to become a better place. At least not better in the wide-point-of-view sense. Therefore, instead of acting like idiots and trying to push our general human society forward (which we can't), let's just degrade it. Let's bring the end of the world ourselves. If we can't live in harmony and with the peace of knowing that we can enjoy the simple things in life, then fuck the simple things. Let's tear the whole world apart. Let's get several thousand necromancers to do a bunch of weird shit with the dead and all of that so there can finally be a sort of revolution. We must break the wall between all physical and nonphysical realms, bend time itself, and bring complete anarchy among this horrible world. Shall death rule over all!
...And if that doesn't work, maybe we can start the hippie movement back up again. 

2005-04-01, 17:51
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Where the slime live...
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Originally Posted by johnmansley
And how do you propose that these 'poor uneducated fucks' read the pamphlets?
Damn, you owned me on that one.
I guess it's back to CC's KILL KILL KILL theory. 

2005-04-01, 18:57
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: providence
Posts: 1,863
kylito, i just said "destroy" the ozone and so did Nader, he wasnt specific to whether it was the fact that the earth is choked in smog or if there was simply no ozone left, that distinction is a moot point, car exhaust cause smog,smog is bad<LA, mexico city>, to put it lightly. depletion of ozone is bad......get my point,global warming in general is bad, cars are a double whammy with air conditioning and smog,these two things obviously dont even out,i think better public transport is a step in the right direction,its not and end-all-be-all solution, i do however believe in the conspiracy that the powers that be, politicians and oil barons, people with ties to the car industry are slowly running public transport into the ground, america had trolley services everywhere, they were ran into the ground, amtrack has been subsidized and near bankrupt ever since day one,now they get NO money, the acela line sucks, meanwhile everywhere else people got bullet trains that go mach 10 on magnetic rails and shit, if we can spent trillions on interballistic missles we can have a kick ass train line,updated subway systems that expand with population growth. in boston they spent 16billion on a stupid bridge and a tunnel system<big dig>took them long enough to complete it<20 years or so>meanwhile plans to extend the subway get proposed and scraped evey few years, its madness
i really thought there is a tax break on SUV's.

2005-04-02, 01:57
Legio Draconorum Orkian
Join Date: Jan 2004
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Originally Posted by Def
HAHAH! 'it's China's fault!'
that shit is hilarious 
heh, i laughed too... For me, it was not a very particular reason though, im drunk so most things strike me as funny right now
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