2005-04-01, 20:03
Forum Daemon
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Peyton Gin Amp Fund
Austin, TX-based metal band Peyton Gin has fallen on hard times, as guitarist E-String (formerly of Necrofucker) has found his amp to be unserviceable. Right now we (Friends of Peyton Gin, hereinafter referred to as FPG) are trying hard to come up with some money to raise the cash needed to get him a new one. I'm asking you here, as a fan of thrash, to donate some money. Contact slayme_returns or me for details.

2005-04-01, 20:05
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i say let him save up like the rest of us had to
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2005-04-01, 20:08
Forum Daemon
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The rest of you suck in comparison.
This is like being a patron of the arts, like the old aristocratic families of Europe did for the major composers. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't have the music of, well, anyone. Since there is no aristocracy for metal, FPG are relying on donations from Listeners Like You (LKY) to keep decent music alive.

2005-04-01, 20:09
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ah well since im not a listner of them this but not apply to me 
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2005-04-01, 20:13
Forum Daemon
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I was referring to listeners of metal in general. Of course you don't listen to them, but only because you won't buy E-String an amp. What would have happened if, on the verge of recognition, James Hetfield, or Dave Mustaine, or Trey Azagthoth, or Chuck Schuldiner, had been deprived of both their equipment and their financial means before you'd heard of them? Wouldn't the world have suffered? At least the world of metal? Don't be so superficial and callous.

2005-04-01, 20:15
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the world would have sufferd but we would never have known so it wouldnt make much a difference im sure theres an amazing metal guy our there right now that noone knows but could blow us all to hell but we dont know so it doesnt matter
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2005-04-01, 20:20
Forum Daemon
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Right, but FPG are giving you the chance to know about it. You're choosing to deprive yourself. There's a difference between innocent and willful ignorance, and your specious rationalization of your decision does nothing to change that. It does matter, if you have the opportunity to foster a talent and choose not to do so. That was the entire theory behind patronage, a more recent example of which being author and philosopher Robert Musil, whose subsistence was maintained by a group of friends in order to allow him the luxury of writing what they could not, which was ultimately more than the small donations each contributed. Same deal here.

2005-04-01, 20:21
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Originally Posted by PST 88
Austin, TX-based metal band Peyton Gin has fallen on hard times, as guitarist E-String (formerly of Necrofucker) has found his amp to be unserviceable. Right now we (Friends of Peyton Gin, hereinafter referred to as FPG) are trying hard to come up with some money to raise the cash needed to get him a new one. I'm asking you here, as a fan of thrash, to donate some money. Contact slayme_returns or me for details.
One question- have you seen my brutally morbid axe? I wish my amp was unserviceable. That would mean I used to have an amp.
In all honesty, though, this seems like a good cause, but I do think perhaps some more information would be warranted before anybody offers and serious donations.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!
Last edited by Chris Rezendes : 2005-04-01 at 20:42.

2005-04-01, 20:22
Forum Daemon
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Anyone who wants additional information should PM slayme or me.

2005-04-01, 20:24
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Originally Posted by PST 88
Anyone who wants additional information should PM slayme or me.
Fair enough. Oh, there should be a smiley for a shrug. That way I could say- :shrug: Fair enough.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-04-01, 20:25
Forum Daemon
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They added all these new smilies and don't have a shrug? Damn. I guess smilies don't have shoulders, though.

2005-04-01, 20:32
Muffin Ass
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Is paypal an option?

2005-04-01, 20:48
Forum Daemon
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I believe so, but slayme's really handling that financial aspect, and he's out for the weekend. On Monday I'll have him explain the payment options, or you can PM him yourself in the meantime.

2005-04-01, 21:43
Attorney at Bird Law
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I have a question- does this guy accept change? I have almost 5 dollars in quarters, nickels, and dimes and almost 3 dollars in pennies. This isn't a joke, I just keep change because I'm usually broke. I'm one of the guys you'd see bend over in the middle of the street for a dime.
I also have a few loose dollar bills. Ask your friend if that would help at all, I'd send it to him if he really needs it this bad.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-04-01, 21:49
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Originally Posted by Chris Rezendes
I'm one of the guys you'd see bend over in the middle of the street for a dime.
shit if i see a penny ill pick it up
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2005-04-01, 22:12
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Originally Posted by guitar_demon
shit if i see a penny ill pick it up
It used to be really hard, because I bit my nails. I haven't bitten my nails in almost 3 weeks, and now I can pick up dimes off of marble! Wow! [/infomercial]
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-04-02, 00:56
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Why dosent he get a job.. this thread sickens me.
Sell shit, suck dicks, borrow money.. do whatever. Dont ask your fucking FANS to buy you shit.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-04-02, 01:07
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Originally Posted by BLS
Why dosent he get a job.. this thread sickens me.
Sell shit, suck dicks, borrow money.. do whatever. Dont ask your fucking FANS to buy you shit.
Sorry some people haven't been blessed with as much money as you. Sorry if other people being poor offends you, Richie Rich. My, aren't we fancy today, BLS! Shouldn't go back to your grand piano, your lobster, and your mansion, you heartless bastard? Go fuck yourself.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-04-02, 01:08
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by Chris Rezendes
Sorry some people haven't been blessed with as much money as you. Sorry if other people being poor offends you, Richie Rich. My, aren't we fancy today, BLS! Shouldn't go back to your grand piano, your lobster, and your mansion, you heartless bastard? Go fuck yourself.
Most people are trying to save up money for their own shit. We can't be expected to just start throwing cash for someone else.
Just get the bastard an amp from musiciansfriend.com and put it on the pay-per-month plan. Not that damn hard.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-04-02, 01:13
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Originally Posted by Chris Rezendes
Sorry some people haven't been blessed with as much money as you. Sorry if other people being poor offends you, Richie Rich. My, aren't we fancy today, BLS! Shouldn't go back to your grand piano, your lobster, and your mansion, you heartless bastard? Go fuck yourself.
Job = Money
I do this neat thing were I work all day and then spend most of that money on expenses such as rent and car insurance, then the little amount I have left is saved. Eventually that little amount becomes bigger, and then I sell old crap I dont need on ebay.. I combine my savings and my earnings from ebay and buy luxury items such as guitar amps.
I know my situation is COMPLETLY different from this E-string's but Im sure its a start.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-04-02, 01:15
bugfucker strikes back.
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BLS has a point. Everyone has their money struggles, and there is no point to support someone we don't know. Its one thing to get close friends of the band to do it, but shit, asking people who have never heard the band to donate is moronic.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-04-02, 01:42
Forum Daemon
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I understand your concerns. Hell, I sympathize with them; I used to suffer the delusion that I had talent. But you're missing the point (especially Dissection, who's a pampered high school student and golfer - golf being perhaps the most decadent sport outside bullfighting - and should be quiet while grown ups discuss financial matters). The question is not 'Can E-String get a damn job himself?' - of course he can. The question is 'Shouldn't the truly talented focus on making music, subsisting on the money proles have to spare?' You and I were made to have jobs; he was made to write riffs. Your argument would make a lot more sense if you were equals, but that isn't the case.
And PM slayme if you want to hear the band or have any questions about payment (though I think an envelope filled with change will be stolen by a postal worker). I think he has some mp3s of them. Like I said, E-String used to have an amp; it just tragically blew out. I really don't see why you don't have compassion for his plight.

2005-04-02, 01:53
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Doesn't he have friends to loan him the money instead of getting unknown people on a metal forum to support him?

2005-04-02, 01:56
bugfucker strikes back.
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Dude, fuck you. You act like he is greater than everyone else. At guitar playing, yeah, maybe, but otherwise, he's just a normal guy. It would be a much better story if the douchebag got a job to pay for the amp instead of taking handouts like a bitch.
So you know what? Fuck you, fuck E-String, and fuck everyone else for begging for handouts.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-04-02, 02:02
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 4,723
Yeah real mature there in your sig dissection.
PST 88 and Slayme, do you know this guy personally? And what makes him so special compared to the other 1 million and 1 upcoming guitarists?
I mean, it's all fine and dandy if I knew the guy, but what makes you think I'd give him money just like that, from postings at a internet forum?

2005-04-02, 02:04
bugfucker strikes back.
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No, tell E-String to be a real man and get a job.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-04-02, 02:08
Crusher of Skulls
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I agree with both sides here (well more PST 88 actually).
First of all, he isn't BEGGING for "handouts". Its called a fucking donation.
I agree with BLS that he should have a fucking job. Maybe he is unable to get/hold one at the moment, you need to see both sides of the picture here.
Dissection, you should PM the guy before you start jumping to conclusions, thats just not right, also its immature to put that shit in your sig. WTF man?
OH yah Chris Rezendes, don't worry, you aren't the only one bending over to pick up pennies and dimes in the middle of the road. Even when I run with my unit, if I see some change on the ground, I'm gonna stop and pick it up!!!!
My Trust is in WHISKEY and WEEDand SLAYER
Long live DIMEBAG
ROGspace Cunts. Book us
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2005-04-02, 02:08
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Jesus dude, you wouldn't even do that for a friend?

2005-04-02, 02:12
bugfucker strikes back.
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I was about to take it off anyway. I made my point. And for a friend, I would. For some stranger? Fuck no.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-04-02, 03:25
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Originally Posted by PST 88
You and I were made to have jobs; he was made to write riffs. Your argument would make a lot more sense if you were equals, but that isn't the case.
Most touring metal musicians have side jobs when they arent on the road, their is no way he could possible make a decent living only by writing riffs.
Their are plenty of great, really cheap amps which he could easily afford by working at Burger King for two weeks.
Of course I bet he's greedy and wants an ENGL Powerball.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-04-02, 04:01
Muffin Ass
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I live in a city where I am asked perhaps 3-10 times a week for "bus fare" or "money for food" or "my baby needs medicine" and growing up in the same neighborhood my whole life I see these same crackheads and wine-Os begging.
They are mostly males 20-40 and very able bodied....FUCK EM.
However a simple humble truthful plea for a little help is something diff in my eyes.....I would be willing to PayPal 5.00 towards some guys new amp.....I dont believe in god/karma or any of that other crap.....but do often feel the need to live by the golden rule.

2005-04-02, 04:18
New Blood
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I pay for my own school, pay for my own apartment, and pay for my own musical equipment. I struggle to pay bills, but would never ever beg people to buy me an amp. This e-string guy is fuckin dumb and lazy. He needs to get off his ass and work, its that simple. Im sure most people on these forums
save up and work hard to buy their gear, and i think this begger should do the same. This is only my opinion, if you feel obligated to donate your check, go head. Begging his fans for an amp, thats just fuckin hilarious, and it's even more fuckin hilarious how some of you support his begging.

2005-04-02, 04:22
bugfucker strikes back.
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Location: 19713, Delaware
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FUCKING A. You know, now I don't feel like such an asshole.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-04-02, 05:26
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Originally Posted by Dissection
FUCKING A. You know, now I don't feel like such an asshole.
You're a golfer so you can't possibly be an asshole. Golfing is the greatest thing since guitar playing...
I might contribute X amount of money for homeboy's amp in exchange for a guarantee that his band puts me and X number of my friends on their guest list when they play in San Diego. This of course would require upfront audio proof that they are actually as talented as claimed. 

2005-04-02, 05:34
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Originally Posted by AcousticMike
I pay for my own school, pay for my own apartment, and pay for my own musical equipment. I struggle to pay bills, but would never ever beg people to buy me an amp. This e-string guy is fuckin dumb and lazy. He needs to get off his ass and work, its that simple. Im sure most people on these forums
save up and work hard to buy their gear, and i think this begger should do the same. This is only my opinion, if you feel obligated to donate your check, go head. Begging his fans for an amp, thats just fuckin hilarious, and it's even more fuckin hilarious how some of you support his begging.
Why can't you soulless automatons see the big picture? How is this guy supposed to get a job when he is busy writing the grounbreaking music he plans to use to take metal by storm?
Now, never having heard this guy before, I can understand why some of you are so apprehensive. Most of you are apprehensive, though, because you are selfish pieces of gutter trash. You are subhuman maggot infested shit balls, what with your typical greedy American me-first attitude. You act like you are somehow justified in not donating money to a fucking broke virtuoso just so you can blow it on a burrito, a nickel bag, and some porn so you can cuddle up with you cold, lonely cock. It's no wonder why you need to fuck your hand. Nobody wants to touch a person with no heart or conscience.
Except for Bia, the whole lot of you are unscrupulous, immoral, excrement.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-04-02, 05:35
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I would offer some, but my Australian money is worthless.
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
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(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2005-04-02, 09:38
You gamma-minus fucktards
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You dingus, that's a lame excuse. The exchange rate is better than you think.
Did you get mine yet, Rich?
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2005-04-02, 19:54
Forum Daemon
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Jim - of course. And from what Jim's told me, the exchange rate isn't that bad anymore, and in a few, say twenty, years it'll be great.
BLS - I know that most of our favorite musicians work excessively at places like Applebees, but I don't think they should have to. If I knew one of the others like I know E-String, I'd do the same. Of course, for reasons I'll explain in a second, E-String's a somewhat unique case.
Listen, I understand that there's some confusion, and it's probably my fault, so I'll try to clear it up. As it is, E-String works a job. He works unusually long days for some bullshit start up company and supports his sister and nephew. He doesn't just sit around playing riffs, though it's the only thing he's good at (after he got out of the service his PTSD manifested kinda like autism, unfortunately or fortunately). He already saved up to get an amp himself (how the hell do you think it became unserviceable if he didn't buy one to begin with?), but it tragically broke down during a period when the shows are coming frequently but he's tight on cash. I thought you'd appreciate the gesture if I gave you a genuine chance to contribute to something artistic, but I guess I was wrong. I'd do the same for any of you if you'd convince me you wrote anything worthwhile, since I believe the metal scene's obligated to foster talent. It's just, in this case, that he has it and you don't.
As I said before, any questions about payment or music should be directed to slayme. And I'm sure they'd put you up if you asked, Kylito; obviously, some kind of privilege system would be worked out for those who donated, since there's never any reason for a band to forget its fans.
Oh, and I missed Dissection's sig, so somebody fill me in. I also missed the point when he wasn't some spoiled teenager still living off his parents, so somebody fill me in on that too.
Last edited by PST 88 : 2005-04-02 at 19:59.

2005-04-04, 03:52
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Originally Posted by Chris Rezendes
You act like you are somehow justified in not donating money to a fucking broke virtuoso just so you can blow it on a burrito, a nickel bag, and some porn so you can cuddle up with you cold, lonely cock.
My cock may be a little lonely at the time, but I'll be damned if it's cold. What shameless lies. 

2005-04-04, 12:55
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This thread looks like the inside of a microwave after a baby's diaper had been in it on high for 10 minutes.
I love it.

2005-04-04, 13:04
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by BLS
Why dosent he get a job.. this thread sickens me.
Sell shit, suck dicks, borrow money.. do whatever. Dont ask your fucking FANS to buy you shit.
ah well, they make kickass music, so donate the allowance you get from your mommy ya fucker!

2005-04-04, 13:08
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I talked to the band over the weekend, their morale was pretty low to say the least.
Though when I mentioned that a metal forum on the shiternet was possibly donating money they all dropped their alcoholic beverages, withdrew their members from random groupies they were penetrating, wiped the cocaine from their noses and stared at me in disbelief and began weeping tears of metal joy. I've never seen them so emotionally vulnerable.
Peyton Gin needs you and you need Peyton Gin.

2005-04-04, 13:10
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Originally Posted by slayme_returns
I talked to the band over the weekend, their morale was pretty low to say the least.
Though when I mentioned that a metal forum on the shiternet was possibly donating money they all dropped their alcoholic beverages, withdrew their members from random groupies they were penetrating, wiped the cocaine from their noses and stared at me in disbelief and began weeping tears of metal joy. I've never seen them so emotionally vulnerable.
Peyton Gin needs you and you need Peyton Gin.
If they want donations, they shouldn't be doing lines. 

2005-04-04, 13:11
Master Killer
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Slayme, I don't have money, will they accept beer to easy the pain for the time beeing?
It seems they could really use it during these hard times of depression

2005-04-04, 14:59
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Originally Posted by Cloaca
If they want donations, they shouldn't be doing lines. 
Yeah, well how the fuck do you propose they catch that second wind that allows them to practice and play gigs after working all fucking day? I'm not condoning cocaine use, because you should always say no to drugs. But some people really need it. In this type of case, I'd consider it an over-the-counter energy supplement.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-04-04, 21:57
Muffin Ass
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I'm willing to bet the cocaine comment was facetious.......
Slayme....I sent you a PM 2 days ago about a donation.....please reply.

2005-04-04, 23:22
Attorney at Bird Law
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Originally Posted by Bia
I'm willing to bet the cocaine comment was facetious.......
Slayme....I sent you a PM 2 days ago about a donation.....please reply.
If you knew Slayme, you'd know sarcasm, or humor at all, is something he absolutely abhors. He would never sacrifice the grave importance of this thread for a joke. He's 100% serious, I can assure you.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-04-05, 00:21
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Originally Posted by slayme_returns
...wiped the cocaine from their noses and stared at me in disbelief and began weeping tears of metal joy. I've never seen them so emotionally vulnerable....
If you were actually serious, then you've put a lot of people off donating money!

2005-04-05, 00:23
Muffin Ass
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Originally Posted by blizzard_beast
If you were actually serious, then you've put a lot of people off donating money!
That's correct.....I'm not going to donate to someone that can afford cocaine but not an amp.

2005-04-05, 00:35
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by Kylito
You're a golfer so you can't possibly be an asshole. Golfing is the greatest thing since guitar playing...
I might contribute X amount of money for homeboy's amp in exchange for a guarantee that his band puts me and X number of my friends on their guest list when they play in San Diego. This of course would require upfront audio proof that they are actually as talented as claimed. 
I won't disagree with you about the golf thing, but I'm an asshole reguardless.
PST - My signature said something along the lines of "Tell E-String to get a job," or to "fuck off and get a job." The exact words escape me at the moment.
Also, about being a spoiled teenager? Fuck you. For one, I do not have a job because I am supposed to be concentrating on school work, which should come as no suprise, considering that I am a fuck up.
Now, mummy and daddy have bought me my amp (in 8th grade, no less. An 8th grader could hardly be expected to pay for such things as an amp), my guitar, and two of my pedals. But they were all gifts at seperate times, for different occasions. Amp = Christmas, Guitar = B-day (and I needed a new one anyway), and the pedals = Another b-day. But I have put my own money into alot of my shit. My mixer and mics, my pickups and their installation fees, and numberous other things.
now, ASSHOLE, I do not get gifts without an occasion. I do not just show up at home, with guitar stuff just sitting there. That would be absurd.
But the difference between E-String and I is the fact that he is no doubt, old enough to get off his lazy hippy ass and find a steady job to support his music career. I don't give a fuck if this guy is the next Steve Vai. To me, he's a friggin bum who doesn't have the mental capacity to work a register at McDonalds.
And I sure as hell would not support a band who cannot afford an amp for their own mate, if they are blowing all their money on Cocaine. Granted, yes, some people need it to create, and the best music has been created on drugs. But the fact is, one could give up the habit if it meant an amp could be purchased with such saved money.
So, Mr. PST, until you have the facts about me, and my own personal life, I'd appreciate you not criticizing me for "being spoiled," and using my own money, on my own band, so that I can record MY music instead of wasting it on some washed up coke head who will probably go the way of Def Lep's Steve Clark, and die by the age of 30.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.
Last edited by Dissection : 2005-04-05 at 00:38.

2005-04-05, 00:51
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Originally Posted by Dissection
But the difference between E-String and I is the fact that he is no doubt, old enough to get off his lazy hippy ass and find a steady job to support his music career. I don't give a fuck if this guy is the next Steve Vai. To me, he's a friggin bum who doesn't have the mental capacity to work a register at McDonalds.
And I sure as hell would not support a band who cannot afford an amp for their own mate, if they are blowing all their money on Cocaine. Granted, yes, some people need it to create, and the best music has been created on drugs. But the fact is, one could give up the habit if it meant an amp could be purchased with such saved money.
Whoah, whoah, bugfucker. Get your penis out of the drosophila and take a deep breath.
In the 17th century, all artists had patrons. Why? Because it was considered incredibly insulting that they'd have to work at something apart from their art to support their music. They just wouldn't do it. The reality today is much more grim, and there's no telling how many artistic souls it crushes. I think a little compassion is called for here.
Sometimes I need drugs to help me write, when words won't come and ideas stick in my head like it's constipated. E is no different. Getting sauced is pure creative fuel.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2005-04-05, 00:53
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Originally Posted by Chris Rezendes
If you knew Slayme, you'd know sarcasm, or humor at all, is something he absolutely abhors. He would never sacrifice the grave importance of this thread for a joke. He's 100% serious, I can assure you.
Yeah, no question. He's one seriously grim, formally gay, little man. He could teach Extreme Grim For Black Metallers at a learning annex.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2005-04-05, 01:45
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Yeah, no question. He's one seriously grim, formally gay, little man. He could teach Extreme Grim For Black Metallers at a learning annex.
That's true. He is grim and he loves black metal.
Dissection, shove a sock down your putrid gullet. 'Oooh! Oooh! I'm not spoiled! My mumsy got me this ammmp for my biiiirthday! Surely I deserved it!' Shut the fuck up. Nobody got me an amp for my birthday. Nobody got me pedals, either. But I can't complain because I'm obviously not anywhere near the musician this E-String guy is, and it's not hard to see that you aren't, either. You are a selfish, greedy, spoiled brat. It's clear to see you won't open your wallet, you smarmy villain. But you owe us an explanation. Why won't you help somebody who both needs and deserves to be helped? What are you saving up to be? Jewish?
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-04-05, 01:52
Join Date: Aug 2004
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To interject here, I think Dissection is actually Jewish.
If I had a credit card and a means of sending money, and if this guy's band was as kick ass as everyone says, and if the bands apparent crack problem is a joke, then hell yeah, I would send money.

2005-04-05, 02:10
Muffin Ass
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My offer continues to go ignored........
I grad HS with excellent grades......worked ALL through 10th,11th and 12th grades......bought every guitar and amp and pedal I own myself......never recieved them as gifts from mom or dad or anyone else.....there is honor in working for what you want....this has nothing to do with the discussion about Peyton but more to the "spoiled kid" stuff I'm reading.
If the coke senario is true...I could only hope people/fans were turning them on to it and they were not spending money on drugs instead of gear.....I love my bags of weed I buy but on the occasions I want a high priced item.....I slack off on my marijuana spending and use it towards the items I desire....once I have them.....it's back to BURN BABY BURN!!!!
So.....I am still willing to help.....and we all need to relax and hope for the best for ANY & ALL musicians that have a true love for their craft.
I have no desire to be in a band or be famous.....but am happiest when jamming my fav tunes on my guitar....no matter how bad I suckass.


2005-04-05, 02:10
Attorney at Bird Law
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Originally Posted by blizzard_beast
To interject here, I think Dissection is actually Jewish.
If I had a credit card and a means of sending money, and if this guy's band was as kick ass as everyone says, and if the bands apparent crack problem is a joke, then hell yeah, I would send money.
It wouldn't surprise me if he was Jewish. Those people control the country right now through the media, and that's probably why Americans are so selfish and greedy. Obviously this country has come under Jewish influence.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-04-05, 02:19
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 4,723
Yep. 'Tis true.
Anyway, could anyone hook me up with some of Peyton Gin's material?

2005-04-05, 02:32
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Originally Posted by Chris Rezendes
It wouldn't surprise me if he was Jewish. Those people control the country right now through the media, and that's probably why Americans are so selfish and greedy. Obviously this country has come under Jewish influence.
please tell me your jokeing. The problem with greed in America doesnt come from some conniving Jews in the media causing everyone to in turn become greedy. That just sounds ignorant and angsty.. Its all about capitalism and huge enterprises here. And i dare you to back up the factt that Jews are anymore greedy than christians or muslims. But hopefuly your joking around and all, those kind of generalizations just annoy the shit out of me
And on topic, I think if yo wanted to get the best results and support and online forum like this is not the best choice. Or atleast set up how the donations are going to work, before you get it started.
Anyway, i hope evrything works out for them, regardless if theyre really as good as you hype them up to be. 

2005-04-05, 02:48
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Originally Posted by Def
ah well, they make kickass music, so donate the allowance you get from your mommy ya fucker!
I've never gotten allowance, which made me work to gain money. This guy should try it... that or explain what the problem is with his amp and see if anyone can fix it or tell him how to.
Either way, I hope your bud gets an amp or figures something out. Ive said all I've wanted to say and really dont wish to continue in a pointless flame war.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-04-05, 03:38
Attorney at Bird Law
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Originally Posted by BLS
I've never gotten allowance, which made me work to gain money. This guy should try it... that or explain what the problem is with his amp and see if anyone can fix it or tell him how to.
Either way, I hope your bud gets an amp or figures something out. Ive said all I've wanted to say and really dont wish to continue in a pointless flame war.
That's because you're a pussy.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-04-05, 04:40
Forum Daemon
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A few clarifications:
1. As I said, E-String already has a job. Remember this?
Originally Posted by Me, you illiterate bitches
As it is, E-String works a job. He works unusually long days for some bullshit start up company and supports his sister and nephew. He doesn't just sit around playing riffs, though it's the only thing he's good at (after he got out of the service his PTSD manifested kinda like autism, unfortunately or fortunately). He already saved up to get an amp himself (how the hell do you think it became unserviceable if he didn't buy one to begin with?), but it tragically broke down during a period when the shows are coming frequently but he's tight on cash.
He actually already works much harder than you do, you spoiled little golf-playing bugfucker. His mommy doesn't buy him anything, never gave him allowance, and told him to keep his dick away from entomological museums. Y'know, just in case.
2. Dissection, playing golf at a young age is equivalent to being spoiled. Golf is probably the most egregious flaunting of wealth imaginable. Why? Because there are people who need land for their homes, but the available land is instead going to the service of one of the most useless activities of all time.
3. As I understand it, they were turned onto the coke by their groupies, who are always good for a few lines and a quick fuck, but not an amp. Who are they to turn down their fans? See how giving they are? I find it interesting that nobody had a problem with their drinking, though.
4. The Jews run the media and all the corporations from a bunker buried one mile deep in the Earth's core. I was never trusted to know the location. Seriously; I know I sound like I'm joking, but find somebody with Orthodox Jewish connections and chances are he can get things done that defy the accepted logic of what's possible in the world. Look at the Orthodox situation in Israel; they're better set up than mafia dons or Renaissance popes. And, while it's true that the greed is a manifestation of capitalism, it's good to remember that capitalism, not salvation, comes from the Jews. Just because they've gotten other religions and ethnicities to mimic their behavior doesn't mean that they're not the fountainhead of it all; that's a natural byproduct of success. I just wish I'd realized all this when I was younger, so I could've been a better Jew and gotten in on the conspiracy. I've got other Chosen People who will corroborate what I've said here.
5. Any questions regarding the music or payment options should be directed to slayme. I'm unsure of the details on the latter, and though I'm fairly sure there's a Peyton Gin demo out there, I don't currently own a copy, being as I'm broke as fuck.
Thanks for all your concerns, and, please, help support an artform. This is how the metal scene stays alive; the people lacking in talent put aside their delusions and support those with it.

2005-04-05, 04:43
Muffin Ass
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Originally Posted by PST 88
playing golf at a young age is equivalent to being spoiled. Golf is probably the most egregious flaunting of wealth imaginable......but the available land is instead going to the service of one of the most useless activities of all time.
OMG I love you!!!!
Damn...just for that....instead of 5 dollars...I'm gonna send 10

2005-04-05, 05:19
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Originally Posted by PST 88
A I don't currently own a copy, being as I'm broke as fuck..
Is this because you sent all your pennies to E-string?
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2005-04-05, 06:02
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Originally Posted by PST 88
playing golf at a young age is equivalent to being spoiled. Golf is probably the most egregious flaunting of wealth imaginable....but the available land is instead going to the service of one of the most useless activities of all time.
OMG I fucking hate you!!!!
Damn...just for that...instead of 0 dollars...I'm gonna send some mafia guys to break his fucking guitar as well
(kidding of course, but golf courses are far better than city parks and they make a profit instead of being paid for by John Q. Taxpayer. If I ever hear of someone converting a golf course into a low-rent housing project I will go fucking ballistic. Why don't we convert the rainforests into low rent housing projects while we're at it? The lumber is right there and we wouldn't have to pay for shipping!!!  Getting some fresh air, some good exercise, improving upper body strength and hand-eye coordination, and spending quality time with friends/family away from the boob tube is NOT equivalent to being spoiled. Concerts are far more suited to description of "the most egregious flaunting of wealth imaginable" than golf is and we all love concerts...) 

2005-04-05, 06:51
Forum Daemon
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A concert is, aside from often being attended by those without wealth, at least a cultural positive, if music, art, etc are to be considered that. Golf is not. And, while I don't think golf courses should be converted into housing projects, I don't see any reason that land shouldn't go to actual housing (i.e. houses with lawns and such), especially as much of it already went to actual houses before the previous owners were run out so that some rich assholes could pretend to be exercising as they conduct business meetings. Go check out the situation as golf resorts are being built in the Blue Ridge. Even if you want to put a positive spin on it, it's ultimately a leisure activity in a way that anything genuinely creative isn't. If people would get off their lazy asses and really exercise, there would be no excuse. If my father wants to spend some time outside, getting some exercise, improving hand-eye coordination, upper body strength, and aerobic endurance, spending quality time with me, I'm available for real sports at any time, as are most. There are thousands of activities with better personal, social, and cultural benefits than golf, a 'sport' with only one justification for existence: decadence. A park, which serves as a location both for real sports and as a venue for concerts and art shows of all kinds, is infinitely superior to a golf course, which serves as a location for the rich to flaunt their wealth, exclude minorities from all but service positions, collude in private, arrogate the pleasures of a verdant nature, and otherwise act like proper cunts, all the while deluding themselves into believing they're getting exercise and living a healthy lifestyle. Leaving the forest standing would also be cool in my book. Also, it keeps rich people's money tied up in a useless activity, rather than patronage, which benefits culture as a whole, both now and in posterity.
On the other hand, when that guy golfed across Mongolia, that was awesome, especially since he didn't actually kick the Mongolians out while he did it.
And E-String has always had my pennies, but I'm broke because I pay for my education, and it costs quite a bit. Hell, I don't even have an amp of my own, but I know my limitations, unlike you delusional cunts, and realize my money's better spent supporting talented musicians rather than pretending I am one. Just realize it yourself and you'll see how right I am.
Last edited by PST 88 : 2005-04-05 at 07:02.

2005-04-05, 06:59
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Originally Posted by Chris Rezendes
If you knew Slayme, you'd know sarcasm, or humor at all, is something he absolutely abhors. He would never sacrifice the grave importance of this thread for a joke. He's 100% serious, I can assure you.
Well I don't know Slayme that well. And Bia was right.

2005-04-05, 07:05
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Originally Posted by SmotPoker
please tell me your jokeing. The problem with greed in America doesnt come from some conniving Jews in the media causing everyone to in turn become greedy. That just sounds ignorant and angsty.. Its all about capitalism and huge enterprises here. And i dare you to back up the factt that Jews are anymore greedy than christians or muslims. But hopefuly your joking around and all, those kind of generalizations just annoy the shit out of me
Right on, man.

2005-04-05, 07:17
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by PST 88
On the other hand, when that guy golfed across Mongolia, that was awesome, especially since he didn't actually kick the Mongolians out while he did it.
That was in fact retarded, but mildly amusing at any rate as stupid publicity stunts go...
I think it would be much cooler if someone walked across Mongolia playing screaming electric guitar.
I do hope your buddy gets his amp. 

2005-04-05, 07:39
Forum Daemon
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It was awesome compared to a normal game of golf. Mongolians would probably kill one of us for walking across their country blaring our music, but it would nevertheless be better than a stunt involving golf. I've never met E-String, or been to Texas since my parents drove through it when I was three months old, but I hope he gets a new amp too.
Interesting that a man who hates Muslims in all forms would support Jews. I guess we're more insidious and less easily seen.

2005-04-05, 09:17
Master Killer
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ah well, my sixpack of heineken is on it's way over there, I hope the guy puts it to good use 

2005-04-05, 10:14
I am a tax on the world..
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Sorry I can't be of help. The only money I get is from financial aid and gigs about once or twice per year. Though that is enough for school--and I have a 5 day meal plan--I can't really afford to buy more than 1 large meal per weekend. And like Chris, I also pick up change off the ground. Hmm, but I'll drink a beer for him...I do that every couple of weeks.... 
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2005-04-05, 11:51
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Originally Posted by Kylito
Getting some fresh air, some good exercise, improving upper body strength and hand-eye coordination, and spending quality time with friends/family away from the boob tube is NOT equivalent to being spoiled.
Fresh air? Try sitting on the roof.
Exercise? You must be kidding. Blowing your nose burns more calories.
Upper body strength? Hahahahahahaha no.
Quality time? On a golf course? Talking to people who play golf? Oxymoron.
Golf is evil. It breeds bad fashion and kills your sperm. Take up a
real sport.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2005-04-05, 11:51
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I sent you a PM, Bia.

2005-04-05, 11:57
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Fresh air? Try sitting on the roof.
Exercise? You must be kidding. Blowing your nose burns more calories.
Upper body strength? Hahahahahahaha no.
Quality time? On a golf course? Talking to people who play golf? Oxymoron.
Golf is evil. It breeds bad fashion and kills your sperm. Take up a
real sport.
Hey, it's Big Bad Bob Saff (sp?)!!
But he ain't got nothing on Ernesto Hoost. FBS, do you know who the white guy is?

2005-04-05, 16:13
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Originally Posted by Kylito
OMG I fucking hate you!!!!
Damn...just for that...instead of 0 dollars...I'm gonna send some mafia guys to break his fucking guitar as well
(kidding of course, but golf courses are far better than city parks and they make a profit instead of being paid for by John Q. Taxpayer. If I ever hear of someone converting a golf course into a low-rent housing project I will go fucking ballistic. Why don't we convert the rainforests into low rent housing projects while we're at it? The lumber is right there and we wouldn't have to pay for shipping!!!  Getting some fresh air, some good exercise, improving upper body strength and hand-eye coordination, and spending quality time with friends/family away from the boob tube is NOT equivalent to being spoiled. Concerts are far more suited to description of "the most egregious flaunting of wealth imaginable" than golf is and we all love concerts...) 
The fact that forests are demolished for the development of something as decadent and morally reprehensible as a golf course shows exacly what a selfish, greedy, morally bankrupt country this is.
Concerts are not far more suited, they are far less suited. How many lower middle-class people do you see at concerts? Conversely, how many lower middle-class people do you see on your shitty little exclusive golf course?
You want to get some fresh air? Some excersize? You want to improve hand-eye coordination? You want to improve upper body strength? Well, golly, what can we do besides GOLF?! Hey, I know! You can pick up some poor kids without dads and take them to go play a game a baseball. But, you'd probably consider that charity work, and in your book that's probably almost as bad as donating money to the needy, like E-string.
Or, teach these kids about science and bring them out into the woods to look for animals. Try catching a snake, that will certainly improve hand-eye coordination, much more than your precious little golf ever would. But, again, helping kids probably isn't your thing.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!
Last edited by Chris Rezendes : 2005-04-05 at 16:15.

2005-04-05, 18:18
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Originally Posted by Chris Rezendes
Or, teach these kids about science and bring them out into the woods to look for animals. Try catching a snake, that will certainly improve hand-eye coordination, much more than your precious little golf ever would. But, again, helping kids probably isn't your thing.
What a bunch of random pent-up phony hatred for golf and the supposed morally bankrupt economically elite around here.
Hate all you want, but green fees are about the same as concert tickets and there are way more assholes and scum at concerts overindulging themselves in various depravity and excess.
Yeah, catching snakes is good too and rattlesnakes are pretty tasty when fried up like chicken. Helping kids? Not really my thing unless they want to learn guitar, physics, electronics, or my precious little golf...
Has anyone posted MP3's of this Peyton Gin act yet or what?

2005-04-05, 19:18
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 454
Golf is a great sport. Every once in a while me and my dad will go and play a game together, or just go to the driving range. Its a good way to bond and just spend the day together. Ive also met a few respectable guys that where in the military that give good advice on careers you can get there(since goldsboros big thing is seymour johnson AFB, half the guys that golf are in the air force). Golf courses are big as shit too, and hiting a tiny white ball around it all day seams like a good way to spend a day outdoors.

2005-04-05, 22:03
Muffin Ass
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Originally Posted by slayme_returns
I sent you a PM, Bia.
Back at you......thanks.

2005-04-05, 22:08
Muffin Ass
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Originally Posted by SmotPoker
Golf is a great sport. Every once in a while me and my dad will go and play a game together, or just go to the driving range. Its a good way to bond and just spend the day together.
My father and often spent time together too....but we prefered ocean swimming at night or going into the forest for a weekend camping trip on foot.....making a new site each evening....when I see a golf course....the first thing that pops into my mind is GAY.
No disrepect intended....just sharing a diff view.
please forgive the double post all.

2005-04-05, 22:34
Attorney at Bird Law
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Originally Posted by SmotPoker
Golf is a great sport...
Golf is neither great nor a sport. It's more like a self-indulgent, ostentatious exhibition equivalent to Bill Gates closing down a public pool in the middle of July, filling it with Franklins, and then rolling around in it naked while scores of poor, sweaty kids look on in their brown, tattered clothes. It's also kind of like Donald Trump going to a soup kitchen and shitting in the homeless people's food, wiping his ass with large bills, then heartily laughing as he makes his exit to go to get himself a $50 steak, as baffled and disheartened onlookers wonder if they are going to get to eat that day.
Only with golfers it's worse because they make sure they won't have to look at the poor people they are screwing, whereas at least Bill Gates and Donald Trump are men about it.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-04-05, 22:48
Join Date: Aug 2004
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Fresh air? Try sitting on the roof.
Exercise? You must be kidding. Blowing your nose burns more calories.
Upper body strength? Hahahahahahaha no.
Quality time? On a golf course? Talking to people who play golf? Oxymoron.
Golf is evil. It breeds bad fashion and kills your sperm. Take up a
real sport.
yea, and while you're one the roof try to fall off
haha yea, I was working at a golf course last summer and most of the guys were old and fat... not looking like they've had much exersice.
I tried talking to peoble playing golf, most of them sucked and were boring, trying to concentrate on hitting the fucking ball so no time to talk
golf sucks, it's boring.
There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell

2005-04-05, 22:56
Muffin Ass
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Sugar Britches
Posts: 2,340
Originally Posted by Kylito
What a bunch of random pent-up phony hatred for golf and the supposed morally bankrupt economically elite around here.
there are way more assholes and scum at concerts overindulging themselves in various depravity and excess.
Golfers are the elite...you are mixing you stereotypes...duhhhhh
More assholes and scum at a concert?
The fagass stupid clothes wearing golf fuckers are the biggest "assholes" and "scum".....I meet nothing but nice, kind, generous and badass people at concerts....big or small......well...those and the few on so much alcohol/pills that they could be on Mars for all they know......LMAO

2005-04-05, 22:59
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by PST 88
A few clarifications:
1. As I said, E-String already has a job. Remember this?
He actually already works much harder than you do, you spoiled little golf-playing bugfucker. His mommy doesn't buy him anything, never gave him allowance, and told him to keep his dick away from entomological museums. Y'know, just in case.
2. Dissection, playing golf at a young age is equivalent to being spoiled. Golf is probably the most egregious flaunting of wealth imaginable. Why? Because there are people who need land for their homes, but the available land is instead going to the service of one of the most useless activities of all time.
Allowance? HAH! You must be fucking kidding me. I have recieve maybe 4 or 5 allowances in my entire life, and that was around the age of 8. Golf is not flaunting wealth, you twat. Yes, some people do, but I enjoy it as a pass time, considering the only thing I do to stay active, is hockey. I do not play at country clubs. I play at a shitty public course that is in horrible shape. Yeah, thats showing wealth: a golf course in terrible shape right in the middle of a predominantly black and unwealty area. Yeah. Real flaunting of wealth, you self rightous fuck. Get over youself. I am allowed to enjoy whatever I want, reguardless of its fucking bugs where that came from is beyond me, FBS..., or playing golf.
Who the fuck are you to judge me? Criticize the psuedo-sport, but to criticize me for enjoying it is asinine. Lick my small hairy arse, you twat waffle.
FBS, if I were big enough to, I'd box but fucking bugs stunts your growth, apparently...
Edit: and yes, I missed the part where douche farm has a job. I came in a page after you must've said that. But before, you said that he didn't have one. Hm? Whether you fucked up, or you are just inventing a reason to try to be a dick, I don't know.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-04-05, 23:04
bugfucker strikes back.
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Posts: 5,739
Originally Posted by Bia
Golfers are the elite...you are mixing you stereotypes...duhhhhh
More assholes and scum at a concert?
The fagass stupid clothes wearing golf fuckers are the biggest "assholes" and "scum".....I meet nothing but nice, kind, generous and badass people at concerts....big or small......well...those and the few on so much alcohol/pills that they could be on Mars for all they know......LMAO
The clothing is fucking stupid, we are quite aware of. Unless I'm in a match, I am wearing jeans, a band t shirt, and a sweatshit to cover said shirt. Don't act like we enjoy it.
Thats all I have to say on the golf subject, considering its useless defending myself against a bunch of drunks and drug addicts. Heh, what I find funny is the fact that metalheads hate getting "judged" as low class and stupid people, when they turn around and do the same things.
Hypocrites, every single one of you who felt the need to bash us outright for playing golf. (this does not include the people who said golf was boring, or made a smartass coment about the clothing).
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-04-05, 23:11
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Where the slime live...
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Originally Posted by Bia
Golfers are the elite...you are mixing you stereotypes...duhhhhh
More assholes and scum at a concert?
The fagass stupid clothes wearing golf fuckers are the biggest "assholes" and "scum".....I meet nothing but nice, kind, generous and badass people at concerts....big or small......well...those and the few on so much alcohol/pills that they could be on Mars for all they know......LMAO
Golfers are mostly blue collar in my town. They wear normal street clothes. You people shouldn't base your views on gay movie stereotypes. Anyone else commenting on golf that hasn't actually played at least 30 full rounds of it at a variety of courses should take a breath of reality and realize that they aren't qualified to speak on the subject in the first place.
Chris: Golf courses around here are also just about the last wooded areas in town and are home to many protected rattlesnakes and other various fauna... You should be thanking your lucky stars that they exist. 

2005-04-05, 23:16
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by Dissection
fucking bugs where that came from is beyond me, FBS...
That came from Bia's User Name thread. The anagram of Dissection is "I Do Insects"

2005-04-05, 23:21
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Originally Posted by Kylito
Golfers are mostly blue collar in my town.
Man alive! BLUE COLLAR GOLFERS? That's really, really not how it is here. Fat green fees, mostly closed courses, an absolute haven for suburbanite crawlers. I know many people who play golf (hell, I grew up with them) and while some of them are nice, well, they're all wankers deep down.
Now, who's sending money to Peyton Gin???
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2005-04-05, 23:23
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Originally Posted by Dissection
I am allowed to enjoy whatever I want, reguardless of its fucking bugs where that came from is beyond me, FBS..., or playing golf.
That's the spirit, roach-porker!!!   
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2005-04-05, 23:37
Forum Daemon
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Well, Kylito, if those are your terms, than I am quite qualified. Thanks. I have played many, many rounds of golf, on a wide variety of courses, from ones that hosted major PGA tour events to the shittiest ones I could find in Jersey. Let me repeat that: the shittiest ones I could find in Jersey. As in New Jersey, not any place in England. I always study up on things I dislike, and even try my best to allow them to win me over. Golf, ultimately, struck me as, at best, the physical equivalent to something along the lines of cliff notes; just near enough to serve for the real thing, but really just a rationalization for modern laziness.
Now, I know I've been criticized for arguing semantics, but I said E-String shouldn't have a job, not that he didn't, young Dissy. Obviously, we're not quite as rich as the Esterhazies and can't support him so well as to allow his true vocation to be his only one. What I'm proposing here is baby steps.
A golf course in horrible shape is still using up land that would be better put to other purposes than a boring, useless, inactive game. But, I guess you're right; I mean, calling me a twat and using large, bold letters is so logically persuasive. It's not my fault you've chosen a terrible pastime over better ones.
Where are these 'alcoholics and drug addicts'? Chris, as far as I can tell, is more sober than the rest of this site combined, and Jim's the only one who habitually uses any kind of listed substance. I've been known to drink, but the last time I've done so in a while was my friend's 21st, and even then I had to stay fairly sober to make sure she was okay. So where's the straw man? Peyton Gin? They haven't said shit about golf. As far as I know, they love the shit more than golfers love punishment.
Also, to be a hypocrite I'd have to be one of those who hates being judged. I love every second of being judged, and being judgmental, especially on the internet where whiney little spoiled brat agelastes are so easily provoked.
Hockey rules, though, so I have to give you props for playing that, especially in these cruelly anti-hockey times. And, of course, you are allowed to enjoy whatever you want, as am I; in this case, criticizing you for enjoying something.
I love you people. How long, by the way, has this discussion been going on?

2005-04-05, 23:54
bugfucker strikes back.
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Originally Posted by Kylito
That came from Bia's User Name thread. The anagram of Dissection is "I Do Insects"
Oh, oh oh. I don't post in that, so haha. Thats where thats from. Thanks.
FBS - See, I have no problem with you you kangaroo fucker.
PST - See, I disagree with Kylito. Golf is good for walking, if your lazy ass doesn't get a cart. But as for strength and such? No, no no. Not gonna happen. That happens in the Gym to prepare for golf, and even then, I only know competitive people who do that. Improving concentration, on the other hand, you have a better chance of doing by golfing.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-04-06, 00:01
Forum Daemon
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Fair enough. I'll still maintain that there are better ways to do that, but, really, I'd like to get back to helping E-String, if everyone doesn't mind.

2005-04-06, 00:03
Attorney at Bird Law
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Originally Posted by Dissection
...Lick my small hairy arse, you twat waffle...
Twat waffle wasn't funny the first time you said it, and it doesn't project to suddenly become humorous or witty at any point in the future, near or far.
Originally Posted by PST 88
I love you people. How long, by the way, has this discussion been going on?
I'd have to guess around 5 days now.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-04-06, 00:04
Forum Daemon
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Five days huh? How d'you figure?

2005-04-06, 00:05
Attorney at Bird Law
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Originally Posted by PST 88
Five days huh? How d'you figure?
I don't know, but let's see how long we can ride this baby before it runs out gas.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-04-06, 00:07
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by PST 88
Fair enough. I'll still maintain that there are better ways to do that, but, really, I'd like to get back to helping E-String, if everyone doesn't mind.
Yup, like playing guitar.
Yes, I'm done. So for future arguement's sake, shut it Kylito, and let it die. 
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-04-06, 00:13
Attorney at Bird Law
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Originally Posted by Dissection
Yup, like playing guitar.
Yes, I'm done. So for future arguement's sake, shut it Kylito, and let it die. 
That's because your a pussy and I can smell your cowardice all the way in Massachusetts.
You know you don't have a legitimate reason to not donate your money, and the more time you spend it this thread, the harder it is for you to justify it for yourself in order to ease your conscience. If you even have one, you obdurate, heartless piece of gutter trash.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-04-06, 00:15
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by Dissection
Yup, like playing guitar.
Yes, I'm done. So for future arguement's sake, shut it Kylito, and let it die. 
Done. Golf Sucks. Hockey Rules... 

2005-04-06, 10:20
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Jesus fucking christ, what a cesspool this thread has become!
Now to get back on topic of patronage, I agree a bit on both sides.
Yes, it's a damn shame artists aren't patronaged anymore, but unlike the royalty in the 17th century, I don't have money to give to this fellow.
I see this person struggeling, but so am I. I have to pay for my study and any musical equipment myself. And I too need a new amp and a better guitar, but nobody is going to give me one.
I would donate some if I had any, but i'm pretty penniless. Well, I have about 4 dollars on my paypal account I could transfer, but I doubt it would mean anything.
Considering golf (when did this sneak up in this thread?), it IS elitist. So it might be "healthy" exersise and "fresh" air, these fucking snobs need a fucking park sized, exclusive terain for their exersise, while us mere mortals have to do with a small sports hall or grass field.
And dissection, maybe or maybe not your pampered by your parents, but you do must realise that you're in an uncommon postition. Nobody gets their fucking amps or guitars for christmas man. And who is funding your golf and hockey 'hobby'?
ps. over here, hockey is even more elitist than golf. just FYI 
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-04-06, 10:29
Muffin Ass
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Originally Posted by brainsforbreakfast
And I too need a new amp and a better guitar, but nobody is going to give me one.
Then we should hook you up next. I'd donate a small amount several of you here if I thought that enough of us giving a little added up to alot and it went towards gear.
I want a flying V really bad.....I'm considering making a few sacrifices and start saving up here soon as I am just pulling myself out of a small debt.
Oh yes...and golf is still GAY

2005-04-06, 12:40
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Golf is VERY gay.
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