2005-04-05, 04:05
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i've finally decided to learn some slayer songs dont ask why i didnt learn them alot earlier i just want to now.
i was just wondering whats the best song to learn to get me started
e.g getting use to kerry kings solo's for a start.
any good tips on his style of playing stuff like that etc....
id be most greatfull.


2005-04-05, 04:13
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 381
1. probably wrong forum.
2. don't learn kerry kings solo's, they're craptastic, improvise your own.
3. how long have you been playing?
4. if you don't know ANY slayer songs, South of Heaven is a good place to start.
I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous....
Liberals ate my baby. 

2005-04-05, 04:19
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if you havent been playing for very long, Rainning Blood is a good song and its really simple.

2005-04-05, 04:19
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Are you fucking kidding me? South of Heaven is not a good place to start for Kerry's solos. It's got good rhythm riffs, but the fucking solo is just chaos and noise. I think the best solo from Slayer is Seasons in the Abyss, cuz it at least uses stuff that make sense, like penatonics and the solo overall sounds cool, plus there's that cool tapping section in the end 

2005-04-05, 04:20
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Originally Posted by garr1
i was just wondering whats the best song to learn to get me started
postmortem, ghosts of war, raining blood
e.g getting use to kerry kings solo's for a start.
thats easy...pick a random selection of notes...they need not be in the key of the song. play the notes ultra fast and there - you have a kerry king solo. but mind you, they should only add to the feel of the song
any good tips on his style of playing stuff like that etc....
right hand technique.
I, Himself - An asshole's gotta do what an asshole's gotta do!!!

2005-04-05, 04:27
Pirate Lawd
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A good Slayer song to start with is Dead skin mask imo. It is kinda slow but picks up nicely in the solos.

2005-04-05, 04:35
Wasted Custom User title
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mandatory suicide is easy and fun.
spill the blood is also easy, and the solo isnt hard.
This is my signature.

2005-04-05, 05:17
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The Antichrist!!!!!!!!!!!
Great string skipping warmup before moving on to Altar of Sacrifice...

2005-04-05, 05:33
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Actually, I disagree that ALL the solos are shitty noise, have you guys ever heard the solo on agressive perfector???
Yeah, learn the solo on agressive perfective, there is no point in learning any of the other solos.

2005-04-05, 05:37
Pirate Lawd
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Slayer solos are tight even if they make them sound reckless and noisy at times. Both Jeff and kerry recreate that noise perfectly every time live. It is actually hard to make it sound as good as they do.

2005-04-05, 06:25
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I love Slayer solos too. They fit the music very well and as Soulinsane points out, they actually do replicate them almost perfectly live. Vernon Reid is the only other famous guitarist who plays like that and he is a fucking god on guitar. 

2005-04-05, 06:29
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Originally Posted by TheDreadfulHoroscope
Actually, I disagree that ALL the solos are shitty noise, have you guys ever heard the solo on agressive perfector???
Yeah, learn the solo on agressive perfective, there is no point in learning any of the other solos.
Dude, I just noticed the "Stan DARSH" in your sig...  When that guy played guitar and sang "Stan DARSH" in the Asspen episode I damn near died laughing. 

2005-04-05, 13:32
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thanks to all of you for your help.
also i've been playing almost 5 years
also ive got seasons of the abyss on album anyway
so thats pretty cool i guess.is Rainning Blood the same as south of heaven.
also thats probably the most likely song i will learn first because of the simple fact that its the first song i heard by them.is angel of death a title of a song
also if it is,is that any good to learn 1st.
its not that i cant play fast its just new to me playing slayer for a change.


2005-04-05, 13:46
New Blood
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South of Heaven is a different song than Raining blood?
I use to play a lot of Slayer, Angel of Death is a great one. Really kick ass rhythm and chops. I've been in a Megadeth playing stage for the past month or so. But yeah, Good luck with yer playing!

2005-04-05, 13:53
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thanks man
like i said i'm new to slayer so i havent got a clue what songs are what.


2005-04-05, 18:41
Crusher of Skulls
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A song to check out is Hallowed Point from Seasons. The solo is actually not the bad....although there is a little bit of mindless shredding....but the rhythm is good for development.
My Trust is in WHISKEY and WEEDand SLAYER
Long live DIMEBAG
ROGspace Cunts. Book us
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2005-04-05, 20:24
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Originally Posted by Kylito
The Antichrist!!!!!!!!!!!
Great string skipping warmup before moving on to Altar of Sacrifice...
Try Necrophobic solo, short, and easy for a Slayer solo. Btw if you want to start shredding, I'd go with some Children of Bodom; Slayer solos are fast and almost always in ramdom pattrens
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-04-06, 11:12
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thanks guys much appreciated.
when i learn one then i will let you know.

2005-04-06, 11:30
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Silent scream is also a good one I think. It helps you build speed. 
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2005-04-06, 14:31
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which album is it on 

2005-04-06, 15:01
Supreme Metalhead
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Dead skin mask is a good song for getting started. And it's actually true that many of the slayer solos are nothing but noise, but they really play awesome anyway.

2005-04-06, 15:03
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silent scream is on south of heaven. Thats a good one. At dawn they sleep and crypts of eternity (both from hell awaits) are good ones too (rhythm anyway, I cant play the solos yet)

2005-04-06, 15:22
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Originally Posted by IRON90
Dead skin mask is a good song for getting started. And it's actually true that many of the slayer solos are nothing but noise, but they really play awesome anyway.
i'm learning it now. 

2005-04-06, 16:19
Wasted Custom User title
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hell awaits is my favorite slayer album. some good songs to learn on that.
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2005-04-06, 16:22
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this is stupid i know.
but can anyone give me list from like 1-10 on what songs to learn
e.g (1)dead skin mask
(2)angel of death

2005-04-06, 17:25
Pirate Lawd
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Originally Posted by garr1
this is stupid i know.
but can anyone give me list from like 1-10 on what songs to learn
e.g (1)dead skin mask
(2)angel of death
(3) Seasons. Another good and easy one.

2005-04-06, 19:05
Metal As Fuck!
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I'll say...
Angel of Death
Mandatory Suicide
Raining Blood
Black Magic
Seasons of the abyss
Slayer is good music to practice to. Playing slayer has greatly improved my overall endurance and strength in my pick hand like a motherfucker!! I'm not sure about solos tho, I don't really play slayer solos.
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2005-04-06, 21:38
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thanks for the list man 

2005-04-06, 21:53
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Don't forget epidemic  Good for alternate picking
.+-+ .....::::: Alive to Live, Not to Believe....In a God that I cannot see :::::..... +-+

2005-04-06, 22:17
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i have just learned dead skin mask with the solos (kerry king)that is pretty cool eh 

2005-04-13, 01:16
Join Date: Oct 2004
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angel of death
raining blood
the anti chist
black magic is fun
kill again also fun
dittohead to build endurance and speed
mind control for dexterity (the main riff is... cant think of the word... )
threshold for fast power chord switching
there all pretty hard (exept for the obvious ones ex: aggresive perfector)
Originally Posted by IlikeRiffseveryone
im 50 percent irish and 100 percent pain. (SHAKE DOWN!!!!)
Canadian Brutal Death (So you know it's good)

2005-04-13, 01:21
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are they all hard to play because of the solo's or
are the hard to play because of the riffs.

2005-04-13, 10:13
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Originally Posted by Zertonshfits
angel of death
raining blood
the anti chist
black magic is fun
kill again also fun
dittohead to build endurance and speed
mind control for dexterity (the main riff is... cant think of the word... )
threshold for fast power chord switching
there all pretty hard (exept for the obvious ones ex: aggresive perfector)
angel of death, intense tremolo picking for near enough the whole song so great for practicing stamina
raining blood is simple apart from the riff before 'Trapped in Purgatory' which is really quite hard
E5320 6430 5320 6430 5320 6430 5320 5320-6430-5320-6430-54320-6430-36
postmorten is a simple one, i love the riffs at the end
anti christ is very simple
black magic is a great song and easy to play as well as fun
i love playing Metal Storm/Face the Slayer from Show No Mercy, loads of cool riffs to learn in that one.

2005-04-13, 11:27
New Blood
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If you want to get the Slayer, you need to take some lessons from other bands, and then take the SLAYER. I did the WAR Ensamble recently. Man, this is the what I like in slayer. Speed and anger. And I think, this is what this band is all about. Now Im trying to get the Divine Intervention songs. Those are hard to understend and play. 

2005-04-13, 11:55
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Southend, England
Posts: 84
War Ensemble is a brillaint song to play, as you full of anger and spped!
Divine Intervention stuff is slightly more difficult to play, not so much of the typical Slayer riffing, i think Kerry King wrote a lot on that one and is a bit more experimental but is definitely worth trying to play, alot of awkward fingering on the fretboard.
Oh and garr1 Tormentor of Show No Mercy is about the easiest Slayer song there is, that's a good one to learn.

2005-04-13, 12:28
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Originally Posted by VizThisAl
War Ensemble is a brillaint song to play, as you full of anger and spped!
Divine Intervention stuff is slightly more difficult to play, not so much of the typical Slayer riffing, i think Kerry King wrote a lot on that one and is a bit more experimental but is definitely worth trying to play, alot of awkward fingering on the fretboard.
Oh and garr1 Tormentor of Show No Mercy is about the easiest Slayer song there is, that's a good one to learn.
that will be the next one i'm learning thank's man. 

2005-04-13, 12:38
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Location: Southend, England
Posts: 84
no probs dude
happy learning man


2005-04-13, 13:58
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War Ensemble is alot of fun.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2005-04-13, 14:11
Join Date: Nov 2004
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that whole album is fun to play, there's only the odd riff here and there that i can't play though
Spirit in Black is one of my personal favs along with Hallowed Point (some wicked riffs in those two songs)

2005-04-15, 00:39
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Originally Posted by VizThisAl
Oh and garr1 Tormentor of Show No Mercy is about the easiest Slayer song there is, that's a good one to learn.
no way, aggressive perfector... EASYEST song by slayer ever!
Originally Posted by IlikeRiffseveryone
im 50 percent irish and 100 percent pain. (SHAKE DOWN!!!!)
Canadian Brutal Death (So you know it's good)

2005-04-15, 08:38
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Southend, England
Posts: 84
actually you're right aggressive perfector is the easiest, i forgot about that one
their cover of Judas Priest's Dissident Aggressor on South of Heaven is easy too.

2005-04-15, 09:15
El Diablo sin pantalones
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I agree with reign in blood being a great beginner song. You only might have some problem with that fast riff at 1:07 in the song.
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-04-15, 12:56
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thanks man 

2005-04-15, 13:03
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RAINING BLOOD... the only problem you might have is that spider crawl riff of 6430-5320-6430-5320 in 16th notes, but after a little practice it becomes second nature
Originally Posted by Dahmers Fridge
In the US "fanny" is a word used to describe the ass or butt. Here in the UK "fanny" is a lady garden (vagina)
I was very bemused as a youngster watching the Golden Girls when Blanche said she was going to "spank her fanny" I had visions of a geriatric vertical bacon sandwich red and bruised from being disciplined!!!

2005-04-15, 13:16
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cool man
any chance you could record it of you playing it i mean 

2005-04-15, 13:52
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Originally Posted by the_bleeding
RAINING BLOOD... the only problem you might have is that spider crawl riff of 6430-5320-6430-5320 in 16th notes, but after a little practice it becomes second nature
thats what i ment with the riff @ 1:07
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-04-15, 14:01
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could any of you guys record one of their song's
i'd llik to hear you guy's 

2005-04-15, 19:03
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by garr1
could any of you guys record one of their song's
i'd llik to hear you guy's 
I might do that sometime this weekend. Are you going to record your version of Malmsteen's "Far Beyond the Sun" that you tabbed? I want to hear that... 

2005-04-15, 19:39
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sure no problem
just keep in mind i cant play it perfect and i only know what i have tabbed 

2005-04-15, 22:57
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by garr1
could any of you guys record one of their song's
i'd llik to hear you guy's 
Here's "Angel of Death" and "Piece by Piece" together.
It came out pretty muddy, but if you cut the highs and boost the mids on the eq in Window Media Player or whatever, it should sound alright. If I do this again today the neighbors will call the cops on my ass for sure... I was also sweating due to the heat with the house closed up and fumbled my pick a couple of times, but it came out decent. Angel of Death is a little faster than the Slayer version and I've always played the chorus riff in Piece by Piece a little different from them as a personal preference. Get crackin' on that Malmsteen...
EDIT: had to remove file from server...will update later.
Last edited by Kylito : 2005-04-18 at 01:43.
Reason: removed file from web

2005-04-15, 23:11
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2005-04-15, 23:16
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i'm not backing out before any of you guys say anything.
it's just i cant play it perfect and i dont know the whole song YET.
but if you still wanna hear me i'll do it this week end 

2005-04-15, 23:36
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Originally Posted by garr1
i'm not backing out before any of you guys say anything.
it's just i cant play it perfect and i dont know the whole song YET.
but if you still wanna hear me i'll do it this week end 
Give it your best man... I've been playing part of that Malmsteen song forever and still can't get it perfect. I haven't even attempted the extended solo parts yet.
There are two tabs for Angel of Death on this site and the newer one looks like it's probably the best. I learned it from the Cherry Lane authorized book which is pretty much dead nuts on as far as I can tell. In my version I play the lower of the two harmony riffs in every case. If something sounds wrong to you with the tabs on this site let me know and I'll post how I play it. I think if I just copied the book I have that would be "illegal" and gay.
And thanks for the compliment! Maybe someday I'll finally take the time to learn the entire album start to finish... 

2005-04-15, 23:46
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if i get stuck i'll let you know dude. 

2005-04-16, 00:45
Join Date: Oct 2004
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hey kylito, that was kick ass, but get your timing more exact... it was a litle fast on the second part of the first riff...
Originally Posted by IlikeRiffseveryone
im 50 percent irish and 100 percent pain. (SHAKE DOWN!!!!)
Canadian Brutal Death (So you know it's good)

2005-04-16, 01:04
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Originally Posted by Zertonshfits
hey kylito, that was kick ass, but get your timing more exact... it was a litle fast on the second part of the first riff...
Thanks yo. That take was a little off for me, but I naturally develop my own personal tempos on songs like that because I don't play along with the album and I've never used a metronome in my life. Whenever I'm jamming with a live drummer things magically happen in perfect time...


2005-04-16, 01:20
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oh by the way
when i record far beyond the sun tomorrow
only part of the song not all of it,i will be using a les paul
so if it sound shit it's cuz i aint got a stratocaster
or if it sound's shit it because it's me 

2005-04-16, 01:46
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 1,968
Hey, Kylito that was really good, what gear do you use?

2005-04-16, 02:30
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Originally Posted by Silent Night 6 6
Hey, Kylito that was really good, what gear do you use?
That was with a USA Jackson with SD pickups, Digitech RP-10 multi-effects processor on modified "Platinum Solo" setting, Marshall VS100 on clean channel half volume, Marshall 1960A and 1960B cabinets, SM-57 mic, Ibanez 15 band EQ, Radio Shack MX-1000 Microphone mixer, Waveterminal U2A USB D/A converter, and laptop with Soundforge 7.0 (wow, that's a lot of crap...). I haven't recorded in my living room before this and that was the first take so I might do some tweaking this weekend and see if I can get a decent sound going. I really need a good tube amp, but the Digitech is alright for distortion if you spend some time fucking with it. Word on the street is we'll be getting a practice studio in a few weeks and I can get back to serious business finally (praise jesus...).


2005-04-16, 13:40
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Originally Posted by Kylito
Thanks yo. That take was a little off for me, but I naturally develop my own personal tempos on songs like that because I don't play along with the album and I've never used a metronome in my life. Whenever I'm jamming with a live drummer things magically happen in perfect time...

Originally Posted by IlikeRiffseveryone
im 50 percent irish and 100 percent pain. (SHAKE DOWN!!!!)
Canadian Brutal Death (So you know it's good)

2005-04-16, 15:17
Senior Metalhead
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everyone hates on kerry and jeffs solos there meant to be like that there thrash solos. there not metallica melodic solos which i also like.

2005-04-16, 16:32
slack as fuck
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hate me if you will but i think agressive perfector is fun to play if you're not that great yet
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Bottle of Vodka, $25
Fucking on the couch while posting on Metaltabs and getting caught by your mother....

2005-04-16, 20:05
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i dont want this to sound big headed but i'm definatley not sh**
i think i could play it a bit of practice. 

2005-04-17, 23:09
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is it okay if i record myself playing dead skin mask
not with the solo because i dont understand what you do with the first one.
2 thing's really you know the beginning bit
where you play the main riff well is the squeal bit a harmonic
or is it just feedback from their amp's.
2nd thing
you know the first solo i know the beginning bit it's easy
but th bit after that is it tapping or is it hammer-ons 

2005-04-18, 10:19
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Originally Posted by garr1
is it okay if i record myself playing dead skin mask
not with the solo because i dont understand what you do with the first one.
2 thing's really you know the beginning bit
where you play the main riff well is the squeal bit a harmonic
or is it just feedback from their amp's.
2nd thing
you know the first solo i know the beginning bit it's easy
but th bit after that is it tapping or is it hammer-ons 
Go for it.
The first part has both feedback and pinched harmonics. The feedback can be identified as a transition from a sustained note.
The solo parts do have tapping in them.

2005-04-18, 12:01
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nice one man
i will try and record it tonight 

2005-04-18, 13:07
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Originally Posted by newHELLonEARTH
hate me if you will but i think agressive perfector is fun to play if you're not that great yet
Agressive Perfector is one of the first songs I learned,the solo isn't that hard either.

2005-04-18, 15:26
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is it jeff and kerry solo's 

2005-04-19, 18:21
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i have just recorded dead skin mask
just the intro verse and interlude.
about the solo
could one of you guys tab the 2 kerry king solo's 

2005-04-19, 18:53
New Blood
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Location: San Antonio, TX
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Angel Of Death. Fast but easy...And who said Raining Blood? That song isn't an easy song to start out with. Are you just trying to fucking impress people or were you joking?
I think of people starving, do you think I care? Let them all die hungry so I can breathe their air. 

2005-04-19, 19:41
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can we get somethin straight
im new to slayer not to playing solo's.
so all i'm askin is an easy starter song to get used to them 

2005-04-19, 19:49
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Try Kerrys solo in War Ensemble, not too hard.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2005-04-19, 19:55
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Originally Posted by dirtmerchant
Angel Of Death. Fast but easy...And who said Raining Blood? That song isn't an easy song to start out with. Are you just trying to fucking impress people or were you joking?
Raining blood is realy that easy. It has quite simple riffs, altough they may be hard to play at top speed in the begining.
And like said, the only riff that might pose a problem, even for the advanced, is the riff thats goes 5-3-2-0-6-4-3-0 on the E string.
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-04-19, 21:42
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Originally Posted by brainsforbreakfast
Raining blood is realy that easy. It has quite simple riffs, altough they may be hard to play at top speed in the begining.
And like said, the only riff that might pose a problem, even for the advanced, is the riff thats goes 5-3-2-0-6-4-3-0 on the E string.
I guess it depends on your skillset. That part is super easy for me, but the part that breaks my balls in that song is right before Tom screams "Raining Blood... From a lacerated sky..."
The semi-alternate string picking and selective muting is weird for me. I consider that to be the hardest riff to play well on the entire album.

2005-04-19, 22:03
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Originally Posted by Slabbefusk
Try Kerrys solo in War Ensemble, not too hard.
nice one dude i will 

2005-04-19, 22:04
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Originally Posted by dirtmerchant
Angel Of Death. Fast but easy...And who said Raining Blood? That song isn't an easy song to start out with. Are you just trying to fucking impress people or were you joking?
i find that angel of death is harder than raining blood, although they are both really easy...
Originally Posted by IlikeRiffseveryone
im 50 percent irish and 100 percent pain. (SHAKE DOWN!!!!)
Canadian Brutal Death (So you know it's good)

2005-04-19, 22:51
Join Date: May 2004
Location: uk
Posts: 1,661
please could one of you's tab atleast one of kerry's solo's
for dead skin mask or just how you would or do play it.
much appreciated 

2005-04-20, 08:12
El Diablo sin pantalones
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Yggdrassyl
Posts: 4,321
Originally Posted by garr1
please could one of you's tab atleast one of kerry's solo's
for dead skin mask or just how you would or do play it.
much appreciated 
Isn't there already a tab somewhere on the site? There are like 5 tabs for each slayer song on metaltabs. If they don't have the solo, get powertab
( www.power-tab.net ) and search the pt archive ( www.powertabs.net ).
And if nobody has tabbed it out, do yourself a favour and learn to tell notes by ear and learn it yourself 
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-04-20, 08:38
Join Date: May 2004
Location: uk
Posts: 1,661
good new's
i decided for some reason my style of playing
is exactly like jeff's instead of kerry's
and also i can play the 1st jeff solo for dead skin mask
is that a good thing.
also about learning it by ear
i used to be able to do that but i just cant anymore.
thank's for your help 

2005-04-20, 09:43
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Southend, England
Posts: 84
hey just go for it man
whether it be jeff's solo's or kerry's if you got a feel for either one, just go for it man, personally, i can't play Slayer solo's, i've never really sat down and tried to be honest, i just love playing the rhythm riffs too much, one day i may try, oh and it helps having a whammy bar, which i don't 

2005-04-20, 11:11
Join Date: May 2004
Location: uk
Posts: 1,661
thank's man
yeah for some reason my style is alot like
him for example i have got this thing about doing
wammy bar stuff and doing alot of hammer ons
and also playing somewhat quite fast
also with women tone which i lke to use 

2005-04-20, 14:07
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Southend, England
Posts: 84
those things are all you need really to mimick hanneman solo's
he canes that whammy bar extensively.

2005-04-20, 16:18
Join Date: May 2004
Location: uk
Posts: 1,661
very true 
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