2005-04-05, 11:07
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Keyboard and Piano forum
load up the flaming guns bitches
i would love to have a keyboard and piano forum. this came to me as i'm more of a fan of metal bands that have keyboards, having done a few keyboard tabs myself, yadayada. i just got my piano tuned today and so i'm going to be able to do a few more.
the only problem i see is lack of people that play keyboards, but hopefully that will increase.
c'mon, be sweeties. what do you say ay? 

2005-04-05, 11:08
Master Killer
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piss off. 

2005-04-05, 11:18
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Hasn't Nomad already said no, twice?
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(x.x) (> <)
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2005-04-05, 11:46
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Yes. Bye andrew!

2005-04-05, 11:58
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when i posted this, something inside me went 'bad idea.'
tristan, that thread in chit chat, i never saw the outcome of it.

2005-04-05, 12:54
round the world
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: San Francisco
Posts: 979
Guitar tabs: 6510
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Keyboard tabs: 8
Power Tab tabs: 346
Guitar Pro tabs: 255
Power Tab Corner (since 2004-03-21):
Threads: 11
Posts: 159
I can extrapolate this for the Keyboards/Piano forum:
Threads: ~0.000669/day or ~1,500 days per thread
Posts: ~0.00967/day or ~103 days per post.
The case is closed until there're substantially more keyboard tabs.
I ride too fast to worry about cholesterol...

2005-04-05, 13:00
Join Date: Jan 2004
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and fair enough too, good sir.

2005-04-24, 22:19
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Do piano tab for "In This River" by BLS
Worker bees can leave,
Even drones can fly away.
The queen is their slave.

2005-04-25, 01:17
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send it to me i will.

2008-10-11, 13:03
New Blood
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So no keyboard section in the forum... but everything else is there, not cool

2008-10-11, 13:38
Join Date: Jun 2008
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Posts: 92
Did you read the previous posts in this thread before you posted? At the moment, metaltabs has 2 keyboard tabs available. Make more tabs and bring in some more people who play piano, then there will be a keyboard forum. But at the moment, it just won't make much sense, I guess.
Welcome to metaltabs, anyway 

2008-10-11, 14:41
Death to all but metal!
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three and a half year old postwhored thread 
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2009-04-07, 17:18
New Blood
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 2
hey I'd love to have a piano/keyboard forum. let me know

2009-09-13, 09:00
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 1,068
Good concept... anyone post in the drum and guitar and bass forum anymore? I'll check...
( ( ) )

2009-09-14, 13:17
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And the review section.

2011-01-03, 09:18
Forum Daemon
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I don't see what a lack of keyboard tabs has to do with the creation of a keyboard forum. Personally I couldn't give a fuck either way, but there are probably plenty of people here who play and would therefore discuss keyboarding, even if they don't tab. I mean, how many threads about guitar tabs are in the Guitar forum? They're all threads about general playing/technique, tunings, buying new gear, repairing gear, advice, inspiration, practise regimes and so on.
The Tabs subforum itself would be the most likely place to discuss keyboard tabs, as well as all other tabs, so a keyboard forum wouldn't necessarily benefit from hundreds of keyboard tabs even if they existed, just as the guitar, bass and drum forums don't benefit from a high number of guitar, bass and drum tabs, given how little tabs and tabbing are discussed there.
I also don't believe that the lack of tabs shows a lack of interest in keyboarding. I think it instead shows that keyboard tabs are pretty shitty to play from - and a nightmare to create - and most keyboardists would prefer standard notation, which they'd most likely get elsewhere. If we could start uploading images or PDFs of standard notation for keyboards I imagine the number of available tabs would sky-rocket. ASCII keyboard tabs shouldn't really exist, frankly.

2011-01-07, 13:43
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
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As an old timer mod from another forum that had a few keyboardists, they rarely posted at the keyboard forum. In fact between the present and Dec. 2008 there are 23 topics with 105 posts.
I was wondering why anyone would tab keyboard anyhow. It sort of threw me back to the old Magnus Chord Organ days.
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
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