2005-04-06, 07:19
New Blood
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Posts: 25
will switching over from .9 to .10 mess me up?
Ive been using .9 for a long time and i play faster kinda of stuff/shred. Im getting a guitar with on trem so I can downtune to D standard or even C. Will .10's be that much chunkier and will they be fine for that tuning?

2005-04-06, 08:30
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.11 for the win.
I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous....
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2005-04-06, 08:56
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thicker strings give a tighter bass tone most of the time, and since u wanna down tune (wich is gonna lowwwer the tension of the springs) ull need thicker to get the tension bout the same as before.
i guess u play 09 in E so get some 010 for D and 011 for C, then they should feel bout the same as 09 in E i guess
i play 010 in E so i would have 011 for D and 012 for C
hopefully this shit makes some sence, im suck at explaining eventhough i try rilli hard 
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-04-06, 09:20
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even .11 are a bit floppy in c I think. But that's all personal preference. I use the d'addario light baritone set. And those strings are made for baritone guitars and standard guitars you want to tune to B or C 
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2005-04-06, 09:24
El Diablo sin pantalones
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0.10 are pretty normal to use in E. But its no biggy if you tune down up to D. It'll be some adjusting for your fingers if you have been playing .009 for a while tough.
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
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2005-04-06, 14:23
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C or below, i would say atleast 0.11 !!! initially the bends might be an ass, but once you start getting the hang of it, nothing like it.
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2005-04-06, 15:06
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Originally Posted by corroded
C or below, i would say atleast 0.11 !!!
Listen to him

2005-04-06, 15:31
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0.12 are the best.

2005-04-06, 15:43
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i remember when i had once tuned to C with 0.08s  ploink ploink !!!
I, Himself - An asshole's gotta do what an asshole's gotta do!!!

2005-04-06, 15:46
The Mountie From Hell
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i play in E, and i use .09's and those are floppy for me, but i can bend like a mother fucker!
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2005-04-06, 15:57
Wasted Custom User title
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I'm in Eb right now with 10s on there. I think I'll use 11's when I switch to D.
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2005-04-06, 16:31
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in want 011,5 for c#.. but they dont exist 
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-04-06, 17:14
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.10's for E, pretty stiff.
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2005-04-06, 21:13
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i use to play c# with 009's
now i cant play shit with those loose strings 
now i need atleast 010 in E to be able to play sumtin
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-04-06, 21:47
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I used to play .010 in standard C. I had the floyd adjusted and the strings were still tight. not floppy at all. Steve swanson from six feet under always has .010 in C and he has amazing tone. And since I had the same amp he used I tryed it out. And to be honest. Those thin strings sound pretty awesome in C tuning.
But nowadays I play .013 In C. Don't know why. Just tryed it and kept using it.
sorry for the bullshit story 
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2005-04-07, 19:26
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I play in E and just made the switch from 9's to 10s as I break 2 strings a week, to be honest I don't notice the difference that much when shredding.

2005-04-07, 21:18
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.10s for e tuning, .12s for b tuning. Those are the only two tuning setups i really use, so it works for me.

2005-04-07, 23:32
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i use 9's in Eb, they suit me fine!
i have one axe in B and that has 11's on, a little floppy but its allright 

2005-04-07, 23:35
Muffin Ass
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I prefer .09s and have no clue what I'm tuning in...E,C,D (?).....I just tune it the way I was showed.
Says alot about me I suppose........I really need to learn more.

2005-04-08, 00:37
New Blood
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Posts: 6
Yea get like some GHS boomers, preferably .11 gauge, if you play metal, .011+ is the only way to go. But beware any e string (6th) thicker than .052 will warp the neck, you will have to adjust the trustrod, so just stick to elevens, once you get used to them you will much prefer them to the .009's you now play with

2005-04-09, 00:43
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I've got 10-52s on two of my guitars, my Shine RR copy is drop D and my ESP SC600 is Drop Db. I play DM on the ESP and I'm thinking of switching down to 9-46s since my arm is wearing out quickly due to too much legato. My bro's got a set of 10-52s on his Maverick JR-1 drop-tuned to B, they feel light as fuck and the E (4th string) is ridiculously loose, but I can shred away on that and experience very little aching in my forearms
As a general rule, do Floyds tend to make strings feel lighter or heavier? A Kramer I once owned had 11s on it and they felt so heavy even tuned at drop B, by my Ibanez RG7 has 10s on it, is tuned down a step and they feel fine

2005-04-09, 00:51
Wasted Custom User title
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Originally Posted by ukfswmart
As a general rule, do Floyds tend to make strings feel lighter or heavier? A Kramer I once owned had 11s on it and they felt so heavy even tuned at drop B, by my Ibanez RG7 has 10s on it, is tuned down a step and they feel fine
Depends on how the springs are adjusted.
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2005-04-09, 00:52
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Oh my god, change the fucking strings! It dosnt matter what the fuck you are playing, god damned .9's suck so bad. Get 11's man they are the best.

2005-04-09, 01:21
Wasted Custom User title
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hey dumbass,
strings preferences depend on the person and the tuning desired. 11s are not the best if you want to tune to standard, or G.
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2005-04-09, 01:33
Life is pain.
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I tune to standard on both my guitars which have 11's. And obviously it was my opinion - how is it possible that it could not have been my opinion? I stated my mind on the subject, my point of view. I never said:
"It is a fact that 9's suck. I was told by the god of guitar strings."
No, actually, what I said was this:
"Oh my god, change the fucking strings! It dosnt matter what the fuck you are playing, god damned .9's suck so bad. Get 11's man they are the best."
Now, would it have made SO much difference if I had put IMO at the end? I mean seriously, would it? Sorry then, I'll do that now for you. I hereby retract my last statement and replace it with this:
"Oh my god, change the fucking strings! It dosnt matter what the fuck you are playing, god damned .9's suck so bad. Get 11's man they are the best - IMO."
I'm sorry for that o' terrible mix up we just had there. With or without the IMO it was still my opinion, stating my preference, 'dumbass'.

2005-04-09, 03:47
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I, Himself - An asshole's gotta do what an asshole's gotta do!!!

2005-04-09, 04:07
Wasted Custom User title
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11 gauged strings is just a lot of tension on the neck tuned to standard..
and, I use 9's for standard. I like them, great for shredding. But, I dont tune to standard on my main guitar.
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2005-04-09, 08:40
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The guitarist in my old band had 11s (or maybe even 12s :|) on his Zak Wylde Bullseye, and tuned to standard/drop D. He used to say that he liked to feel he was fighting with his guitar, then try and bust out all this super-fast crap when soloing and he just couldn't do it cause his fingers weren't up to it

2005-04-11, 12:26
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I use 0.11:s for E and some very thick motherfuckers to D. 

2005-04-11, 17:44
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i hate using 9's for playing in E, they feel to thin and cut my fingers up when sliding, i much prefer the feel of 10's in E. I usually use 10's for E and D and 11's for C and B. But there slightly to loose
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
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2005-04-11, 19:43
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I think 0.11 will be fine for you. I'm gonna buy some thicker strings too,cause detuning to C#(1.5 step down) is quite weird with 0.10(man i hate that muddy sound from to detuned strings!).

2005-04-12, 12:26
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for C# i use the SLP light top heavy bottom strings from dean markley. I once was checking out the dying fetus site for the tabs and they said they used those so i tryed them out and really like them. They aren't floppy and those thinner strings are better for solo's i believe. I thought the gauges were
.010 .013 .017 .030 .042 .052
And if those are still to thin. You could always get the dean markley SLP med or jazz strings.
the med strings are basicly like the light top heavy bottom strings. Only they have a .011 for the high E and a wounded .020 string for the G
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2005-04-13, 00:38
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IMO 11s are too big... i used 10 in Cb and B and it was fin, not floppy at all... plus i find that the bigger strings give it more of a bluesy sound and not as sharp like 9s...
and who said they cut there fingers sliding? it takes talent to suck that bad 
Originally Posted by IlikeRiffseveryone
im 50 percent irish and 100 percent pain. (SHAKE DOWN!!!!)
Canadian Brutal Death (So you know it's good)

2005-04-13, 02:52
New Blood
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I've always used 10-52's for B and above, anything below B I use 14-56 never had a problem.

2005-04-13, 16:06
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I've returned to using my "signature" tuning : low to high, A E A E A E, using Zakk Wylde GHS 10-60 strings.

2005-04-14, 13:31
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dude seriously, .10s should be mandatory on standard E tuning. standard D tuning will yield best results with .11s, .12s will give you the best for C...noticing a pattern here?
oh by the way .13 is standard Bb tuning 

2005-04-14, 16:11
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i personaly think that thick strings play way faster on trempicking fast picking and sweeping.
i cant play shit with 09's in E
i need some 010's hehe
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-04-17, 00:28
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"...He used to say that he liked to feel he was fighting with his guitar, then try and bust out all this super-fast crap when soloing and he just couldn't do it cause his fingers weren't up to it"
Yeah, but I think you get used to it, and it improves your finger strength.
Anyway, what would be a good set of versatile strings, ok/good for almost all tunings? (if such a thing even exists!)
Would a 10-13-17-30-42-52 (Ernie Ball Skinny Top, Heavy Bottom) set-up put too much strain on the neck when in standard E? What about those ZW Boomers?

2005-04-17, 00:42
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Originally Posted by blizzard_beast
"...He used to say that he liked to feel he was fighting with his guitar, then try and bust out all this super-fast crap when soloing and he just couldn't do it cause his fingers weren't up to it"
Yeah, but I think you get used to it, and it improves your finger strength.
Anyway, what would be a good set of versatile strings, ok/good for almost all tunings? (if such a thing even exists!)
Would a 10-13-17-30-42-52 (Ernie Ball Skinny Top, Heavy Bottom) set-up put too much strain on the neck when in standard E? What about those ZW Boomers?
maybe u would have to set the neck just a litle bit..
but i chanmged from 09 inC# to 012 inC to 010 in E and 011 in D without any differents in my neck so maybe it doesnt matter at all
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-04-25, 02:59
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when you guys are talking about .012 for C, which brands you're using? I'm currently using GHS Strings (.012-.052) and they feel very sloppy..
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Originally Posted by PIONEER
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Make sure you smell them before they dry to make sure you don't have any diseases.

2005-04-25, 03:12
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I use Ernie Ball strings of some sort, .12 gauge. They are good for B tuning because I can bend them that way, and they are perfect for C tuning, tight as a nun's cunt.

2005-04-25, 03:34
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One of my guitars have 42-9 DR's on it. they play alright. holds in DGC and CGC fine.
My other guitar has the Zakk Wylde 60-10 on, but the thick to thin feels weird, so I'm getting an 11.
[edit: dammit andrew answer your PM's]
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2005-04-25, 04:20
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This weekend I took off a set of .9s that I had on my guitar for a long-ass time and put .10s on. The intonation seems ok, based on the 12th fret\harmonic comparison. There was some fret buzz at first but that seems to be going away as they wear in, I guess. The only thing is, they sound too clean or something.. my old strings were there for over a year and a half, and they gave me a sludgy sound for a set of .09s.. but oh well, they're gone now.
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