2005-04-15, 22:32
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Mick thompson signature NJ VS dime 2-sthm
Recently (1 year) I changed a guitar Igot for a BC rich NJ warlock Mick Thompson signature with seymour duncan SH-6 in the bridge and an emg-HZ in the neck.
Now I want to sell (or change)it, but a "friend" wants to change our guitars. THe other (the one I could have) is the DIME 2 sthm . It is 2 years old. I only know that.
What should I do, which guitar is better, I think the MIck thompson now is better, but I like more the Dimes body shape, and I´ve readed that the dime guitar, is VERY NECKY HEAVY. I can´t play that guitar because he lives very far from me.
Should I change my guitar with him???

2005-04-16, 00:02
Wasted Custom User title
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I dont know man.
2 signature guitars. One being a signature of slipknot, the other of pantera. Pantera kicks the living shit out of slipcock.
This is my signature.

2005-04-16, 00:15
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Yeah, no real contest there. 20 years from now the Dime signature will likely be worth some serious kiznash and the Slipnut special will be worth jack shit.

2005-04-16, 00:19
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whats with the NJ's being made in Korea now anyways..?!?!
This is my signature.

2005-04-16, 00:22
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
whats with the NJ's being made in Korea now anyways..?!?!
Cause the luthiers work for 10 grains of rice per hour... 

2005-04-16, 00:31
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Originally Posted by Kylito
Cause the luthiers work for 10 grains of rice per hour... 
ah, cheap labor! 
This is my signature.

2005-04-16, 00:36
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get gtthe dime dude!!!"

2005-04-16, 00:40
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id say the dime sig because i like the pantera sound better than the load of dog shit that is slipknot... 
Originally Posted by IlikeRiffseveryone
im 50 percent irish and 100 percent pain. (SHAKE DOWN!!!!)
Canadian Brutal Death (So you know it's good)

2005-04-16, 00:46
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the Dime, no question about it.
There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell

2005-04-16, 00:50
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well personally, i would go with the dime guitar even tho i am a huge slipknot fan. ALL bc rich signature guitar are fucking shit. theyre nothing compared to the customs that the actual artists use. ok, ino thats the same with alot of other companies sigs, but the bcrich sigs are really bellow the standard of other brands.
but i really dont think that you should dis-own the guitar just because you dont like mick thomson. that would be fucking queer and pathetic, especially if your happy with the guitar itself.
well at the end of the day its up to you, i say you should try out the dime guitar to see if it really is neck heavy in your opinion and wether you feel comfortable playing it. if it is comfortable and to your liking, then go for it, but if you dont feel happy with it, then look for another guitar if you really are keen to get rid of your NJ.
my opinion...go for the dime
Originally Posted by Zertonshfits
id say the dime sig because i like the pantera sound better than the load of dog shit that is slipknot... 
its not like slipknot sound "shitty" because of their gear. that really is a poor excuse. ok i know that alot of you hate slipknot, and thats cool, but you cant just say "oh, it must be shit because slipknot use it". and doesnt their sound depend on a lot of things like amp settings, amps, tunnings, effects and electronics and shit like that...? alot of other bands use some of the same gear of slipknot and manage to make good music aswell, i really dont think you can just assume that something is crap because a certain band uses it.
lol, sorry to go off on one, im rather sensitive 
Last edited by User01 : 2005-04-16 at 00:56.

2005-04-16, 00:54
Wasted Custom User title
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slipknot sucks. shut up user01.
I'd get rid of it just so I wouldn't embarressed to have that gay "HATE" inlay on there.
This is my signature.

2005-04-16, 01:02
Join Date: Jan 2004
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Originally Posted by User01
lol, sorry to go off on one, im rather sensitive 
and you're also rather homoerotic.
normally i would say the BC over everything....but in this case, i'll recommend the dime on it's value alone. i reckon you'll make the right choice though dude.

2005-04-16, 02:34
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
whats with the NJ's being made in Korea now anyways..?!?!
They really need to change the model name...
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-04-16, 10:34
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I don´t know. I like the DIm emore too, but the warlock is a bit better, I think. And its newer.
" is better the bad known that the..."
I´m not sure what I´ll do, because I NEED someone who has the DIme 2 sthm, or the 2st, or the 332,.... I need to know how good or bad is it and if its neck is that heavy.
Holy shit!
P.D. Continue putting your opinions. Thanks

2005-04-16, 11:44
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Originally Posted by BEHEMOTH
... I need to know how good or bad is it and if its neck is that heavy.
Any guitar thats' upper strap-pin is below the 12th fret (Flying V, Dime, Les Paul (?), will be neck-heavy, but if its inline with the 12th fret, it'll stay put..... obviously the dimes' isn't inline with the 12th, and the size of headstock won't help the weight issue, but it shouldn't be a problem imo.

2005-04-16, 11:52
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Okay my view.
The Dick 7 sig Nj:
Good material in the body, 24 frets, a good pickup in the bridge already. Ugly inlay, bolt on if that disturbs you any.
The Dime:
Good material, set neck I reckon which is also in mahogany. Floyd, but its a licensed though. Washburn pickups  , 22 frets (nothing bad said about 22 fretters just is that I like 24 fretters more.)
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2005-04-16, 21:01
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Originally Posted by sqol
Any guitar thats' upper strap-pin is below the 12th fret (Flying V, Dime, Les Paul (?), will be neck-heavy
I've got a Jackson Ke3 and a custom designed thingy, and they've got their upper strap-pins at 19th and 21st fret, respectively, and they stay right where I put them. Most electrics built have the neck-to-body joint above the 16th fret.
seems like you got a case of stupidphobia

2005-04-17, 19:11
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If a guitar is neck heavy it can usually be sorted out by a good ass leather strap. Anyways a mate of mine has a dime 333 camo sig guitar, the same one as this
Its a fairly good guitar. His, is not neck heavy so whoevers been saying there neck heavy is wrong. I love the body shape, its very comfortable and it looks killer. The only things i dont like, are that the floyd rippoff is fucking shit, the pickups are fairly weak and the neck is a bit wide for my liking. But the floyd and pickups can be changed so it dont matter about them, and the neck is good but its just i prefer less wide necks due to having small hands. Overall its a kickass guitar. Much beeter than that sig warlock. I hate bcrichs, definetely not worth the money 
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2005-04-18, 01:04
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I wouldn't trade until you've tried out the guitar just incase its not comfortable

2005-04-18, 03:10
Wasted Custom User title
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I'd try to play the guys guitar, or find a similar guitar somewhere, and see what you think first.
This is my signature.

2005-04-18, 03:13
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Yea there are so many things that you could find out you don't like about the guitar when you get it. You could find the neck to be uncomfortable, you might not like the pickups or it not sound very bright with your amp just to name a few. All of which could be fixed with money but you don't want to end up getting the guitar and then having to go out and spend $200 on pickups or $250 on a neck.
Last edited by HelpMeHelpYou : 2005-04-18 at 03:15.

2005-04-18, 15:13
Senior Metalhead
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I don´t have any friend who has that guitar, and in the store the guitar that is most like the dime guitar signature, is the mick signature. IRONIC??
I don´t know what to do. I´m waiting the photos, and I´ll see. But I don´t know, because I have small hands and don´t like wide necks.
Fuck I´m fucked.
P.D: I´m thinking I´ll post the 2 guitars photos and see what you think about them.

2005-04-18, 15:28
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
slipknot sucks. shut up user01.
I'd get rid of it just so I wouldn't embarressed to have that gay "HATE" inlay on there.
I really, really would'nt want to own a guitar with as something as contrived as "HATE" in the inlay, disregarding whose signature it is. If the guitar itself plays and sounds great however, I might reconsider it. Nothing against Slipknot, they can obviously play, but I like the inlay on my Schecter C-1 Classic, thank you very much.
I personally would'nt choose either of these guitars among the selection of every brand. If I had to choose one of these, it would be the Dime.
Last edited by John Holland : 2005-04-18 at 16:24.

2005-04-18, 15:52
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This is teh guitar. Can you see it????
http://by102fd.bay102.hotmail.msn.c...843733624167967 Who is diamond darrell??????

2005-04-18, 16:13
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Originally Posted by BEHEMOTH
This is teh guitar. Can you see it????
http://by102fd.bay102.hotmail.msn.c...843733624167967 Who is diamond darrell??????
You need to take the link of the picture outside of your hotmail. If possible, find the "properties" of the picture by rightclicking on it. Then copy and paste everything before .jpg of the picture.
Diamond Darrell was who Dimebag was before requesting that the public dicard the moniker of "Diamond", and instead he was called "Dimebag" henceforth.

2005-04-18, 16:43
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These are the Dime 2 sthm photos.

2005-04-18, 16:44
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Originally Posted by BEHEMOTH
These are the Dime 2 sthm photos.
Buy it, and install new pickups.
Is this E-bay? If so that ding on the wing will bring the price down quite a bit on a perfectly good guitar.

2005-04-18, 17:20
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fuck, im having a hardon.
what are you goddamn waiting for

2005-04-18, 18:57
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Seriously, a signature guitar of a fallen hero with his original nickname on it. That spells collectors item regardless of the damage (which could be fixed to look as if it never happened by a good luthier). What the hell are you waiting for?

2005-04-18, 19:08
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Yes. Buy it now.

2005-04-18, 19:39
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GET IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the chip can definetely be fixed by a good luthier, i had a chip in my v, ten times as big and it looks brand new now after taking it to a luthier
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2005-04-19, 04:32
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Forgive me for my previous skepticizm(sp?). Get it! Not only is it a rather sexy looking guitar it is also an investment. In ten years that thing will be able to buy like 18 mick thompson signatures(granted you still want one).

2005-04-19, 04:36
Wasted Custom User title
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Trade up man! go for it!
This is my signature.

2005-04-19, 10:58
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Mick Thompson signatures IMO suck and are quite poser. i mean, c'mon... HATE on your fucking neck is a tad cliche, and if you like that shit then just paint HATE on your neck instead of buying his guitar. IMO ordinary warlocks are better or at the same level of quality and can be yours instead of idolising a guitarist with nothing unique about him. all he does is look cool
so ehh... get that Dime quick!

2005-04-19, 11:38
Supreme Metalhead
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Dime is so much better than Mick.
Buy the dime guitar, cause the mick signature is so fucking bad that he doesn't wan't it any more(he has moved over to ibanez).

2005-04-19, 15:00
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That dime is a bolt on, eww.

2005-04-19, 16:33
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Originally Posted by IRON90
Dime is so much better than Mick.
Buy the dime guitar, cause the mick signature is so fucking bad that he doesn't wan't it any more(he has moved over to ibanez).
dude, mick is fucking shredder, trust me, he is
he dont show it with slipknot, he just uses the 1 finger playing with slipknot
hes not shite

2005-04-20, 14:25
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Originally Posted by User01
dude, mick is fucking shredder, trust me, he is
he dont show it with slipknot, he just uses the 1 finger playing with slipknot
hes not shite
A friend loaned me their new album, and I've since returned it. They do exhibit alot of soloing, even though I don't care for the band altogether. Mick can shred, as is evidenced by "Subliminal Verses".
But Dime was still much better in my opinion.

2005-04-20, 14:28
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Dime wasn't a douche bag.

2005-04-20, 15:12
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Originally Posted by Slabbefusk
Dime wasn't a douche bag.
I know so little about Mick Thompson that I honestly could'nt give an appraisal of his personality. That Dimebag was a generous and forthcoming person is no secret.

2005-04-21, 21:53
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by John Holland
I know so little about Mick Thompson that I honestly could'nt give an appraisal of his personality. That Dimebag was a generous and forthcoming person is no secret.
yea he was extremely generous, micks really a social reject, but whatever
dimem was soo cool, i wish i saw pantera/damageplan live 

2005-04-23, 15:51
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Originally Posted by User01
dude, mick is fucking shredder, trust me, he is
he dont show it with slipknot, he just uses the 1 finger playing with slipknot
hes not shite
Dude sorry i meant the guitar, not the player. Mick thomson rules.

2005-04-23, 16:14
Wasted Custom User title
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to anyone who thinks mick thomson is a good musician:
listen to necrophagist, some death, and Jason Becker. Then shut up.
This is my signature.

2005-04-23, 16:20
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
to anyone who thinks mick thomson is a good musician:
listen to necrophagist, some death, and Jason Becker. Then shut up.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2005-04-24, 21:28
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
to anyone who thinks mick thomson is a good musician:
listen to necrophagist, some death, and Jason Becker. Then shut up.
fuck off
you dont have to be better than or equal to those people/bands in order to be a good musician
get your shit together man

2005-04-24, 21:32
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Posts: 4,723
I've heard some of Mick's "shredding"- basic, simple, unoriginal, boring shit.

2005-04-24, 21:35
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Originally Posted by User01
fuck off
you dont have to be better than or equal to those people/bands in order to be a good musician
get your shit together man
To be unique or sepcial... thats what a musician is.
Mick has yet to show any of his work that isent completly borrific.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-04-24, 21:40
Wasted Custom User title
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Originally Posted by User01
fuck off
you dont have to be better than or equal to those people/bands in order to be a good musician
get your shit together man
judging by your retarded signature, you think mick and kerry are some of the best musicians around. Just by that, you lose A LOT of respect from this board.
I doubt you have ever heard any of the stuff I listed.
You're just a typical nu-metal fag. Please, stop posting on this board. No one likes you.
This is my signature.

2005-04-24, 22:51
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
judging by your retarded signature, you think mick and kerry are some of the best musicians around. Just by that, you lose A LOT of respect from this board.
well thats where your wrong my friend. the best musicians i have heard are rusty cooley, michael angelo and jason becker, those three are fucking awesome in my opinion and are fucking inspiring. so you'd be wrong to assume that.
and what if i did think that mick and kerry are the best musicians around (not that i do)? should i just hide my opinions just because you and some other people disaggree with it...? that doesnt make sense.
so now according to CC, we should censor ourself so we can get the support and respect of other forum members...great  thats what a messageboard is for...to censor our opinions...
Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
I doubt you have ever heard any of the stuff I listed.
well im sure i havent, but its not like i was denying that its good. and how can i compare music to stuff i have never heard before...?
Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
You're just a typical nu-metal fag. Please, stop posting on this board. No one likes you.
i dont think i will stop posting just because you and some others dont like me
i dont think i should stop posting or get banned because my music tastes arent in line with yours...
why cant you just leave me alone, if you dont like the music i like, then why comment? its not gonna do you or me any good. get over your elitist attitude .
Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
I doubt you have ever heard any of the stuff I listed.
* any of the stuff I have listened to.
sorry to be a real dick, but thats the way i feel
Last edited by User01 : 2005-04-24 at 22:54.

2005-04-24, 23:31
Wasted Custom User title
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Well, having a signature that says Gods Of Metal:
and a pic including mick 7 from fucking slipknot..
I mean, man your fucking asking for it. Slipknot is widely hated here, and to consider him a 'god' of metal, and to show it in your signature...
This is my signature.

2005-04-25, 12:05
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
Well, having a signature that says Gods Of Metal:
and a pic including mick 7 from fucking slipknot..
I mean, man your fucking asking for it. Slipknot is widely hated here, and to consider him a 'god' of metal, and to show it in your signature...
yea i spose your right
but what your doing is soo predictable and unoriginal (wow, i've never seen a death/black metal fan take the piss outta a slipknot fan  ). look...do what most of the other people on this board do...ignore it. your not making yourself look any smarter and what you say certainly isnt funny.
well i've done my bit and i've said what ive said, im not gonna argue this anymore

2005-04-25, 23:19
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You cannot compare mick thompson to those death metal guitarists like necro~ since they both play two different types of music, in the case that mick thompson branched into death metal id think he would keep up with others since thrash metal is incorporated into death and melodical death metal a lot, prime example : dimmu borgir.
im not into V guitars, washburns look cool, if your a diehard DD fan id get it. if it were me and i were thinking about it, id save my fucking money and get a nice rg, maybe a prestige series for 700 >.> im not one for signature series guitars.

2005-04-27, 19:27
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Originally Posted by Gamma
You cannot compare mick thompson to those death metal guitarists like necro~ since they both play two different types of music, in the case that mick thompson branched into death metal id think he would keep up with others since thrash metal is incorporated into death and melodical death metal a lot, prime example : dimmu borgir.
im not into V guitars, washburns look cool, if your a diehard DD fan id get it. if it were me and i were thinking about it, id save my fucking money and get a nice rg, maybe a prestige series for 700 >.> im not one for signature series guitars.
Now I´m doing that. I like the Rg 2620 or something like that but another colour. Which one do you recomend.?

2005-04-28, 07:08
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The Dime Rules over Micks.


2005-04-28, 13:54
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Originally Posted by blizzard_beast
I've heard some of Mick's "shredding"- basic, simple, unoriginal, boring shit.
And I suppose that you heard the solo from pulse fo the maggots?
To the one who can do that arpeggio in the third part, congratulations.

2005-04-28, 14:22
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Originally Posted by BEHEMOTH
Now I´m doing that. I like the Rg 2620 or something like that but another colour. Which one do you recomend.?
Garr I have the 2620! It Rocks! Over here I can get it in Sapphire Blue which I have and Transparent Deep Brown. Its also available in Ice Cube or something.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2005-04-28, 14:23
The Mountie From Hell
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Well I own 2 dimes, a 332, and a 333, get the dime man, i've not played a better NON-custom/us made guitar, hell it stands up against a jackson usa build jackson! Dudes around here have some nice guitars along with bad ones, and everyone who has played the 333 will trade any of their guitars for it. Just do what i did/still doing... PIMP THE MOTHER FUCKING DIME! New pick-ups, new floyd (used if you want to save some $) and your set. I got both dimes used, and they fuckin' blow everything away.
As for the slipcock bc rich shit... FUCK bc rich. They sold their souls to the "nu-metal kids".
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon
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