2005-04-23, 15:28
You gamma-minus fucktards
Forum Leader
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Location: Sydney.
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Possible gay troll
Heya. Just a brief heads up - ignore this if you like. Seems I've got a gay troll on my MSN. It's possible that professional fags or bots that collect for other forms of homosexualism are picking up on our associated email addresses here. Enclosed in brief:
<blank> says:
hi asl
* Dr. C - Pished senseless. says:
<blank> says:
age sex location
* Dr. C - Pished senseless. says:
sounds jkinky
* Dr. C - Pished senseless. says:
what the bejesus hella re you talking about?
<blank> says:
where u from age and r u a girl
* Dr. C - Pished senseless. says:
waht the fucking radge bastard cunt whore from hell???
* Dr. C - Pished senseless. says:
who told you to spell 'you' with a 'u'? where did you find me?
Anyone who wants to be safe from big fagging fagatronic fagnasties should remove their email from their public profile ASAFuckingP.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2005-04-23, 15:51
Join Date: Oct 2002
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thats why I never put mine in there
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2005-04-23, 15:54
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Angelskingarden
Posts: 2,395
I was almost going to make a similiar thread warning about someone similiar. I recieved this PM :
Username : Gatsby
New Blood Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 0
" hey
Hey, can you check out my board? It's really cool.
And this one. They're both awesome. New cool colors!
Sorry if you've already got this. "
Whether this person means well or not, it still reeks of malodorous lunchmeat, i.e., spam. Watch out for Gatsby.

2005-04-23, 16:20
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Wesel; Germany
Posts: 964
I don't use MSN ! 
It's Good To Be Bad!!! 

2005-04-23, 16:21
Join Date: Apr 2004
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Ban him!
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2005-04-23, 16:57
Master Killer
Alumni Staff
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done. he's obviously spamming more people too

2005-04-23, 18:46
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Home is where the <3 is
Posts: 8,881
Yeah, i went to the ones that Gatsby sent me. I registered at one, but when I went to delete it, it wouldn't let me. Hmm.... I wish I'd seen this thread before I did. I thought the name was familiar to here so I didn't investigate. Dumb me. Glad I didn't do them both.
Oh yeah, and Gatsby can't receive pm's back either. Shitty.
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2005-04-23, 20:18
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Alabama
Posts: 1,942
I received one from the fucker.

2005-04-23, 21:30
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Home is where the <3 is
Posts: 8,881
Apparently they must be out in droves today. There was 2 that hit up where I mod that got banned.
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2005-04-23, 21:57
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: In the Uber Kvlt shithole (NZ)
Posts: 1,102
I love tormenting idiots on MSN, but it wasn't me, everytime some idiot starts sending me crap online I gain a small sadistic pleasure from tormenting them and making THEM leave ME alone.
omg t3h @x1s p3d@ls @r3 t3h b3st!!!!!!1!!11

2005-04-23, 22:34
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: vlissingen, the Netherlands
Posts: 2,680
eehehe glasd the fuck gatsby is banned
sry that didnt make sence
i guess its the full moon around here, it drives me CRAZY 
so blame the moon 
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-04-23, 23:02
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Home is where the <3 is
Posts: 8,881
THAT explains why my day has been so weird. Full moon.
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2005-04-24, 02:19
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
i'm taking jim's advice about spamming their forum. EVERYBODY DO IT. me and some mates have managed to get one forum shut down in the past. sleektheelite.com.au, the guestbooks shut down.
let's spam the bitches forum!!! 

2005-04-24, 15:10
El Diablo sin pantalones
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Yggdrassyl
Posts: 4,321
Maybe some sort of limit on viewing emails and such in public profiles is in order? I.E. you have to be registered, an are limited to 3 or 4 email watching a day? That could limit the fuckers possibly.
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-04-24, 15:32
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Home is where the <3 is
Posts: 8,881
Well, I'm in correspondence with the one who posted those and I told her that her method wasn't appreciated. I'm not being hostile, but voicing the displeasure and 'bad business skill' used in the promotion of the sites. Hopefully she may learn something from it. And I also told her I was probably old enough to be her mom so she doesn't think I'm a teenager giving her crap.
I'm such a mom. 
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2005-04-24, 15:47
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
excellent work bobbi. with what i said to her, i don't think she'll be coming back here anytime soon
good stuff peoplezzz!
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