2005-05-01, 21:09
New Blood
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Posts: 10
First of all... Hi, i'm new to the board..
latley i've been listenning to the new compliation of ANTHRAX (The Greater of Two Evils) which by the way KICKS MAJOR ASS, i noticed that the main riff in the song "Be All, End All" its the same one used in Behemoth's "Conquer All" in their lates effort "Demigod"...
what you think of that ????

2005-05-01, 21:12
El Diablo sin pantalones
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I think one should have better hobbies to waste their time on.
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-05-01, 21:26
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2005-05-01, 21:31
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im not sure if it has anything to do with stealing..
i havent heard either one of the songs, but still
maybe they just got the same riff by accident??
i mean coinsidence does exist 
maybe they just heard some of their songs, and then made some riffs and one happend to be the same without them noticing it, ive had that once or twice 
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-05-01, 21:42
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Haha yeah MMM88, you're fucking right. I dunno, maybe they stole it and thought "no one will even know", if so, fuck 'em. They really do sound exactly the same...

2005-05-01, 21:49
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i have a few.
from different bands:
almost the entire of "brujerizmo" has an equivalent to "demanufacture" by fear factory
"imperium" by machine head has basically the same riff to "replica" by FF and "pititis, te invoco" by brujeria
for same bands:
metallica - st. anger (chorus riff)
metallica - damage inc. (chorus riff) these have same lyrics.

2005-05-01, 21:54
New Blood
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Posts: 10
by accident...?? maybe, who knows.. but sounds so fucking the same, try to listen to the both songs and you'll see yourself...
maybe you can call it an inspiration...

2005-05-01, 21:58
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haha MMM dont worry about the second post. its not a hobbie, you just noticed it. i used to have a couple, but i dont remember them anymore
the lyrics in the metallica song are meant to be a tribute. im pretty damn sure james knew that he was writing the same chorus

2005-05-01, 22:05
New Blood
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 10
Originally Posted by andrewc
i have a few.
from different bands:
almost the entire of "brujerizmo" has an equivalent to "demanufacture" by fear factory
"imperium" by machine head has basically the same riff to "replica" by FF and "pititis, te invoco" by brujeria
for same bands:
metallica - st. anger (chorus riff)
metallica - damage inc. (chorus riff) these have same lyrics.
about METALLICA... they r simple a music thieves, check out these:
Enter Sandman - Pure rip off from EXCEL's "Through The Emotional Void", i think all of you heard about this one, Dave Mustaine revealed it last year...
Fade To Black - The last melodic riff is a pure ripp off from Black Sabbath's "A National Acrobat" main riff and METALLICA makes it sound so crappy...
Nothing Else Matters - The beginning of the intro is so similiar to the intro of IRON MAIDEN's "Strange World"... i discovered that myself...
The Unforgiven II - The bass intro also is so similiar to the intro of IRON MAIDEN's "Children of the Damned"...
all of these cant be inspired or even came by acciedent, they r pure ripped off... i
and theres alot of other songs that METALLICA ripped off...

2005-05-01, 22:08
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because they cant write songs for sh**
they should do what they do best play covers.

2005-05-01, 22:21
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Great idea for a thread!! I used to know 5 or 6, I will have some more tomorrow
Malevolent Creation - Premature Burial - right after intro, riff stolen from Slayer - Raining Blood
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-05-01, 22:38
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alot of bands use the same chord progression now and again
but its not completely stealing i guess 

2005-05-01, 22:41
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Speaking of the Anthrax/Behemoth songs that were originally mentioned, Sodom's "Little Boy" (M-16) has that exact same riff at the end of the song.

2005-05-01, 23:25
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No Bodom song is original. Except for maybe the latest album hatecrew....
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
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2005-05-01, 23:58
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yeah they dont neccsarily steal but they take a shitload of their music from classical music
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2005-05-02, 00:23
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Metallica was dead once Dave Mustaine was kicked out plain and simple.

2005-05-02, 00:28
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totally agree.

2005-05-02, 01:28
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Has anyone else noticed the strong similarity between Nile - Ruins and Candlemass - Gothic Stone...? Don't know if it was ripped, or by who, all i know is that they're practically the same riff.
Both songs rule though 
... Flamage ...


2005-05-02, 02:40
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Yeah, I mentioned the Anthrax/Behemoth similarity a while back in the RTT thread. They are totally identical and I thought it was amusing because Anthrax was hosting the Headbanger's Ball and they played that Behemoth song. I've heard a lot of "similar" riffs before, but nothing as blatantly obvious as the Behemoth ripoff.

2005-05-02, 02:46
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I know Niles Unas.. intro riff was taken from some band (candlemass i believe).
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2005-05-02, 03:04
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Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
Malevolent Creation - Premature Burial - right after intro, riff stolen from Slayer - Raining Blood
pff. you mean when he starts singing?
Too bad that song is better than Raining blood regardless of any 'stealing' of riffs that took place.
Originally Posted by Brutally_Hacked
Has anyone else noticed the strong similarity between Nile - Ruins and Candlemass - Gothic Stone...? Don't know if it was ripped, or by who, all i know is that they're practically the same riff.
Both songs rule though 
I listened to the first 30 seconds of that song, and if the riff similarities took place then, then yeah it sounds egyptian, but not like Ruins. I'd say it has a strong similarity to Opening Of The Mouth, though.
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2005-05-02, 03:46
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Slayer - Hallowed Point
Shah - Damned Sinner
Oblivion - Confined Souls
Testament - Greenhouse Effect

2005-05-02, 05:39
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Torture Killer - Fuck Them When They Bleed
is a direct rip off of:
Obituary - By The Light
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2005-05-02, 07:34
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by andrewc
"imperium" by machine head has basically the same riff to "replica" by FF
Hmm, I'm not hearing it...
If a riff sounds similar to another then it's likely to be a coincidence. Even the most complex of sequences can be arrived at separately. For example, Calculus was devised independently by Newton in England and Leibnitz in Germany. Amazingly complex (at times) but a complete coincidence nonetheless.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2005-05-02, 10:21
New Blood
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 10
try these....
also, others that i found:
Primal Fear's "Metal Is Forver" has a riff after the second chorus that sounds alot like the main riff of Black Sabbath's "Lost Forever"......
Grave Digger's "Grave In No Man's Land" on their lates album "The Last Supper" is a pure rip off from Metallica's (should i say Metallica's..!!???) - Enter Sandman
The Haunted - 99, the openning riff and the main riff also is stolen from Vomitory's "Blessed and Forsaken"
Accept - London Leatherboys, the main riff is taken from Judas Priest's "Killing Machine" song, check out the underlyinf riff where Rob says "I gotta contract on you"...
and i have plenty of those things but i just cant recall them all...

2005-05-02, 22:20
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Originally Posted by johnmansley
Hmm, I'm not hearing it...
If a riff sounds similar to another then it's likely to be a coincidence. Even the most complex of sequences can be arrived at separately. For example, Calculus was devised independently by Newton in England and Leibnitz in Germany. Amazingly complex (at times) but a complete coincidence nonetheless.
how come you always take something seemingly simplistic and complex it up by adding in mathematics and big words. I feel like a retard whenever do that.
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2005-05-02, 22:31
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seems like you got a case of stupidphobia

2005-05-03, 11:20
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by Corpsevomit98
how come you always take something seemingly simplistic and complex it up by adding in mathematics and big words. I feel like a retard whenever do that.
Haha, sorry - it was just the best example I could think of!
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2005-05-03, 11:34
New Blood
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Originally Posted by G_urr_A
sorry, didnt notice...

2005-05-03, 12:20
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Good Charlotte - enough said.
Every song i hear from them reminds me of 90's rock E.G. Nirvana
(i know no-one cares but i hate G.C so i'll just diss them a bit more)
felt like it.

2005-05-03, 13:20
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Not Metal but one that pissed me off because I actually like early Suicidal Tendencies..
Mudvein - She Hates Me (I fucking hate that song) the chorus is almost note for note "I Saw Your Mommy" by Suicidal.
I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous....
Liberals ate my baby. 
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