2005-05-02, 21:53
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: London, UK
Posts: 1,841
untitled as yet (im afraid)
collide like mountains,
our passion disagree.
tenderhooks wild,
but yet you don't weep.
tears pour from emotion,
noting held back.
your eyes do deceive,
your eyes turn to black.
memories just images,
behold no more.
erased by you,
memories forlorn.
the breeze of the summer,
far away from delight.
a solemn figure stands,
and days bleed from plight.
impossible reasoning,
your brutal approach.
hand breaks from hand,
heart breaks from heart.
sqol/Oli 05-2005
Last edited by sqol : 2005-05-02 at 22:00.