2005-05-05, 20:21
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new axe!!!
so i just thought i'd brag about the 1995 parker fly deluxe i just bought for $600!!!!!!
oh yeah.... pics are coming soon, as is a full review.
so far i love it.
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2005-05-05, 20:22
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$600.. not bad, I still wouldn't buy it though.. but thats because I hate Parkers.
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2005-05-05, 20:25
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i agree, i hate parkers
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2005-05-05, 20:32
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$600 not bad????
dude, you'd be lucky to find a used one under a grand.
anyways, i love parkers... never have i played a smoother guitar.... it's light, and is soo comfortable to hold and sit with. the neck is thin and sleek, yet still there much like a wizard(i like it even better in a way). not to mention the carbon glass fretboard.. wow, my tap melodies and shit are so much cooler now.
the versitility is huge. with the peizo's you can get the most amazing acoustic/electric sounds, and you can blend them with the regular pickups for a smooth sterile clean sound.
it has a nice round output to it, the custom wound dimarzio's sound alot like tonezone's(as that's what they're based off of).
anyways. i'm stoked about it.
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2005-05-05, 20:32
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I used to hate them, but i think they're really nice now- i may get one after i've got my Ran and a new amp (and cab)  $600 is a really good price too!

2005-05-05, 20:42
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ive always wanted to play one. i saw a jazz band play one sounded great. heard about all thier stuff and they're really expensive.
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
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Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2005-05-05, 21:05
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I've never played one but, I don't like the way thay look. I've heard they sound awsome thoug 
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2005-05-05, 21:35
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2005-05-05, 21:39
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Don't Akercoke use Parker Flys?

2005-05-05, 23:04
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my parents went on vacation and took my digital camera... it'll be about a week before i get it back.
i think they look sweet... it's not some gay pointy b.c. 
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2005-05-05, 23:16
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Originally Posted by ukfswmart
Don't Akercoke use Parker Flys?
Yea they do- quality guitar, quality band!

2005-05-05, 23:47
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I hate the way they look. 

2005-05-06, 02:06
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
$600 not bad????
My friend actually bought one for $550 awhile back, with the roland peizo installed. It just isen't a good deal to me because I hate his Parker.. But if you like it than cool!
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
anyways, i love parkers... never have i played a smoother guitar.... it's light, and is soo comfortable to hold and sit with. the neck is thin and sleek, yet still there much like a wizard(i like it even better in a way). not to mention the carbon glass fretboard.. wow, my tap melodies and shit are so much cooler now.
Call me old fashioned but I prefer a thick guitar made of wood..
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
the versitility is huge. with the peizo's you can get the most amazing acoustic/electric sounds, and you can blend them with the regular pickups for a smooth sterile clean sound.
Yeh his are pretty cool
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
it has a nice round output to it, the custom wound dimarzio's sound alot like tonezone's(as that's what they're based off of).
I really dont think the pickups did much for me, maybe if the guitar had a thciker body, a real headstock and a real fetboard than I would be more impressed with the passive's..
"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2005-05-06, 10:24
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Akercocke are a great band, they had Ibanez S guitar's before the Parkers I think, does anybody know if the new guy Matt is gonna be using Parker's or is he sticking to that banged up red guitar, I don't even know what it is.


2005-05-06, 11:19
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Originally Posted by Slabbefusk
Parkers are kinda cool but Def's new guitar shines all over them.
get out of his ass.
@xdislexicx, the guitar looks cool man!

2005-05-06, 11:21
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I deleted it, enough of this asslicking. I want to see xdx guitar now.
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2005-05-06, 13:21
Symbiotic In Theory
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Parkers rule, they look and sound lush!
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Originally Posted by metal=life
Hey don't talk back buddy. Give your dick size or don't post.

2005-05-07, 14:49
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here are the specs from parker, for those who don't know.
and here's what it looks like, to hold you guys off until i get pics.
mine is a really dark green...
Originally Posted by BLS
My friend actually bought one for $550 awhile back, with the roland peizo installed. It just isen't a good deal to me because I hate his Parker.. But if you like it than cool!
i'm sure i'm not the only person that's gotten a hell of a deal.
but good luck trying to find one under a grand.... if you could find one at all.
is his a fly deluxe or is it a different kind? they have several different fly's.. and what year is it? that's all pretty important too.
Originally Posted by BLS
Call me old fashioned but I prefer a thick guitar made of wood..
nothing wrong with thick guitars...
and FYI, the fly deluxe IS made of wood.
Originally Posted by BLS
I really dont think the pickups did much for me, maybe if the guitar had a thciker body, a real headstock and a real fetboard than I would be more impressed with the passive's..
i'm not sure exactly how this thing is set up... but the pickups definately depend on the battery. i bought it, and it sounded kinda weak, but right after replacing the battery, it was like it transformed from a gecko into a firebreathing dragon.
it does have a real headstock and fretboard, they just arent like other guitars.
i personally preffer the feel of the carbon glass fretboard... smoother than any other fret board on the planet.
doesnt sound any "thinner" than a les paul to me... and thats with side by side comparisons.
Originally Posted by Slabbefusk
Parkers are kinda cool but Def's new guitar shines all over them.
that's like saying an apple is better than an orange... it's totally subjective.
personally, he can keep his ran, and i'll keep my parker. 
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2005-05-07, 14:56
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Hmmm, I like the Body, but the headstock is to narrow for my taste. Heard they play great though. ( Mainly from this thread. :P)
Anyway, Have fun with your new axe!

2005-05-07, 15:12
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ha, i found a site that has a couple new ones still in stock... here
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2005-05-07, 15:25
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I might have to try one of those.
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2005-05-07, 15:52
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holy shit, those are ugly
seriously, I still can't stand their looks. I once played one but I have no idea which exact model it was, I think it must have been a cheaper one, it had a solid white (yellowish) finish.
they're super light and play super light but I didn't dig their tone much, sounded kinda thin to me even though it did have enough sustain (not les paul like but for a small guitar, still pretty okay..)
it's whatever floats your boat, I'de rather buy an RG750 for 400 bucks 

2005-05-07, 17:27
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Originally Posted by Def
holy shit, those are ugly
seriously, I still can't stand their looks. I once played one but I have no idea which exact model it was, I think it must have been a cheaper one, it had a solid white (yellowish) finish.
i think it looks rad... but i'm into guitars with mojo, not gay pointy things.
the new P-series are a joke, still better than most guitars in that price range. but it's literally the worst parker has put out. you need to find a real parker  these are to parker like an epi lp special is to a gibson lp studio.
Originally Posted by Def
they're super light and play super light but I didn't dig their tone much, sounded kinda thin to me even though it did have enough sustain (not les paul like but for a small guitar, still pretty okay..)
thin sounding? it might be thin and lightweight, but it sounds nothing like it. with a fresh set of ernie ball "not even slinkys" tuned down a half step, and a fresh 9v battery, this thing has easily as much balls as my ibanez's. maybe even more.
sustain not les paul like? i'd be willing to challenge a les paul in a sustain battle.
in fact i already have challenged a modified epi lp plus, and a modified gibson sg special... and i won.
we're talking a big win too, no buy a secon or two, like 8 seconds.
Originally Posted by Def
it's whatever floats your boat, I'de rather buy an RG750 for 400 bucks 
i already have an ibanez rg570 and a pgm30... time for something different. 
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2005-05-07, 18:35
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
i think it looks rad... but i'm into guitars with mojo, not gay pointy things.
the new P-series are a joke, still better than most guitars in that price range. but it's literally the worst parker has put out. you need to find a real parker  these are to parker like an epi lp special is to a gibson lp studio.
thin sounding? it might be thin and lightweight, but it sounds nothing like it. with a fresh set of ernie ball "not even slinkys" tuned down a half step, and a fresh 9v battery, this thing has easily as much balls as my ibanez's. maybe even more.
sustain not les paul like? i'd be willing to challenge a les paul in a sustain battle.
in fact i already have challenged a modified epi lp plus, and a modified gibson sg special... and i won.
we're talking a big win too, no buy a secon or two, like 8 seconds.
true, gay pointy bc riches etc don't appeal to me either but I just don't like the Parker design, to each his own I guess!
By 'thin' sounding I didn't mean to say it doesn't have any balls but it just didn't do it for me, overall it sounded like the tone was missing 'body' or however the hell you say it. I wasn't really impressed, it was really clear sounding but IMO the high notes didn't shred as much as I'de like them and the whole tone was a bit too cute for me  But I don't know what model it was, it's been a while ago too. First thing I noticed was how light the thing is!
an epi lp sucks, at any way you look at it. SG Specials are the crap of SG's.. allmost as crap as the epi sg's if you ask me. Both models have shitty wood, I don't think a parker can beat an lp standard when it comes to sustain! (or at least, not the model I played!)
sustain battle... how gay does that sound 

2005-05-07, 18:45
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
$600 not bad????
dude, you'd be lucky to find a used one under a grand.
anyways, i love parkers... never have i played a smoother guitar.... it's light, and is soo comfortable to hold and sit with. the neck is thin and sleek, yet still there much like a wizard(i like it even better in a way). not to mention the carbon glass fretboard.. wow, my tap melodies and shit are so much cooler now.
the versitility is huge. with the peizo's you can get the most amazing acoustic/electric sounds, and you can blend them with the regular pickups for a smooth sterile clean sound.
it has a nice round output to it, the custom wound dimarzio's sound alot like tonezone's(as that's what they're based off of).
anyways. i'm stoked about it.
Fuckin A!!!.....good to hear.
Cant wait to see some pics....and some audio or video of ya jammin too.

2005-05-07, 18:57
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
.and FYI, the fly deluxe IS made of wood.
Cool, no composite graphite bogus plastic fretboard bullshit?
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
it does have a real headstock and fretboard, they just arent like other guitars.
Its missing some wood..
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
i personally preffer the feel of the carbon glass fretboard... smoother than any other fret board on the planet.
You said the guitar was made of wood.
As long as your happy then thats all that matters.
"Believe the word
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2005-05-07, 20:15
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Originally Posted by BLS
Cool, no composite graphite bogus plastic fretboard bullshit?
Its missing some wood..
You said the guitar was made of wood.
it's not missing anything, and yes it is made of wood...
did you read the specs? because if you would have gone to the link i posted several posts back, you can read it all for yourself.
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2005-05-07, 20:34
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Glass Carbon didn't come from a tree last time I checked.
Poplar body?  Now I see why the pickups weren't wowing me. I really think Active Pickups belongs in a guitar like that, passives + shitty tone wood + glass carbon fretboard = not a good mix.
I do like the stainless steel frets though
"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-05-07, 20:49
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Meh, I like to know my guitar is "au naturel". A carbon glass fretboard might be good, but while playing it all I would think is "damn, I wish this was wood".

2005-05-08, 01:40
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Originally Posted by BLS
Glass Carbon didn't come from a tree last time I checked.
Poplar body?  Now I see why the pickups weren't wowing me. I really think Active Pickups belongs in a guitar like that, passives + shitty tone wood + glass carbon fretboard = not a good mix.
I do like the stainless steel frets though
so i guess you still havent read it?
that carbon glass composite is just for the fretboard, not the neck, and imo sounds and feels better to my fingers than most wood fretboards(i own several other nice guitars with wood fretboards mind you).... the neck is basswood and the body is poplar. there is nothing wrong with poplar. especially with this body design.
fine tone woods + carbon glass fretboard + stainless steel frets + passives + the genius parker design = brilliant mix. trust me, i own one. and honestly it's one of the best guitars i've ever played imo. both to feel and sound.
and i'm not sure if the pickups are passive, because it runs off of a battery for the piezo's, but the battery has a huge effect over the tone of the pickups. but when i opened the back of this bad boy up, there was a huge fucking computer chip in there and i was dumbstruck on how this guitar works..
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2005-05-08, 02:16
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
so i guess you still havent read it?
that carbon glass composite is just for the fretboard, not the neck, and imo sounds and feels better to my fingers than most wood fretboards(i own several other nice guitars with wood fretboards mind you).... the neck is basswood and the body is poplar. there is nothing wrong with poplar. especially with this body design.
fine tone woods + carbon glass fretboard + stainless steel frets + passives + the genius parker design = brilliant mix. trust me, i own one. and honestly it's one of the best guitars i've ever played imo. both to feel and sound.
and i'm not sure if the pickups are passive, because it runs off of a battery for the piezo's, but the battery has a huge effect over the tone of the pickups. but when i opened the back of this bad boy up, there was a huge fucking computer chip in there and i was dumbstruck on how this guitar works..
If you read my post I clearly state that Im aware it has a carbon glass fretboard.. thats not wood.
Thats an odd wood selection.. Basswood neck?? Basswood isen't the toughest wood (I should know I have two Ibanez' with Basswood body's) very odd... I guess thats Parker though.
"Believe the word
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2005-05-08, 04:00
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Originally Posted by BLS
If you read my post I clearly state that Im aware it has a carbon glass fretboard.. thats not wood.
Thats an odd wood selection.. Basswood neck?? Basswood isen't the toughest wood (I should know I have two Ibanez' with Basswood body's) very odd... I guess thats Parker though.
well who said it was wood?
you were just trash talking how parkers arent made of wood or something... they are made of wood... the fretboard is is carbon glass though.
seriously, no guitar is %100 wood.
i don't know, it says basswood... parker is into be innovative, and so far they've made it work wonderfully. my guitar is over 10 years old(first year of production) and it's in amazing condish because it's sat in a case most of it's life. they're a whole different league of guitars..
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