2005-05-21, 14:47
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: vlissingen, the Netherlands
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wich ENGL??
k im probaly gonna get flamed again bout SEARCH U ASSHOLE etc  lol
anyway, i will have money soon  say in 2 weeks  bout 1500 euros, and im thinking of buying an engl e570 SE preamp
but im also thinking bout a powerball
thing is, i cant play loud where i live, so a preamp is likely a better option for me since i wont have to open my volume (powerball) for a nice tube sound
wich if better a powerbal or a e570 se preamp (i know stupid question)
its just, isnt the se preamp suppose to be the preamp section of the se head?? wich is almost 2 x the price of a powerball 
im not sure if theres any difference since ive never played em
i will play them anyway when i go to germany in bout 2 weeks
ok anyone got sugestions?? or personal experience or whatever??
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-05-21, 15:02
Senior Metalhead
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Id go with the Preamp... Unless you play alot of shows the Powerball, but as you said you need quietness, and hell you can always buy a powerball later.
- you suck and your stupid
- Rise of Elitism: Yes the bands you like are gay
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
it was too hifi for me...
it's like a hot chick that is horrible in bed.

2005-05-21, 15:08
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: vlissingen, the Netherlands
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Originally Posted by Myrmidonlord666
Id go with the Preamp... Unless you play alot of shows the Powerball, but as you said you need quietness, and hell you can always buy a powerball later.
yeah i guess so

< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-05-21, 16:20
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well if you get the preamp, engl's preamps have little 1.5 watt s.s. poweramps built in. nice for headphone jamming or even pushing a cab at lower bedroom levels.
yes the e570 is basically a midi version of the SE head's preamp.. teamed up with a nice tube poweramp like a vht, mesa, soldano, or even a matching engl. you'd have something equally as good as a powerball. maybe even better.
so for bedroom jamming you could just plug the preamp into your cab, and then when gig time comes. use the real poweramp.
my .02 usd
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2005-05-21, 16:37
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: vlissingen, the Netherlands
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
well if you get the preamp, engl's preamps have little 1.5 watt s.s. poweramps built in. nice for headphone jamming or even pushing a cab at lower bedroom levels.
yes the e570 is basically a midi version of the SE head's preamp.. teamed up with a nice tube poweramp like a vht, mesa, soldano, or even a matching engl. you'd have something equally as good as a powerball. maybe even better.
so for bedroom jamming you could just plug the preamp into your cab, and then when gig time comes. use the real poweramp.
my .02 usd
just wondering, wil that 1,5 watt poweramp be enough to make sound coming from my 2x12 140 watt?? or doesnt that matter
AND makes the inbuild poweramp recording posible without a seperated poweramp?? i have a marshall valvestate poweramp (2x80) but i guess its easier to record without it :P
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-05-21, 18:48
Join Date: Jan 2002
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140 watts is the max it can handle, so yes you can run the preamp through the cab, but dont expect speaker breakup or anything of the sort.
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2005-05-21, 18:55
Master Killer
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I've had an Engl preamp too, the built in power amp stinks but the preamps are damn good. Though with the built in power amp you won't really enjoy the sound of your preamp, believe me...
ofcourse you can allways buy a nice poweramp later, or maybe get some mesa 20/20 or marshall 20/20 for cheap.... (and upgrade if you need it, later on)
don't worry, the 570 rocks damn hard, I figure it's even better then a powerball if you have a great poweramp to match it!
The powerball doesn't low volumes too well, even at '1' it's too loud to use in your bedroom, that kinda gives you an idea. You could use it with a power-brake kinda thing but I guess you're better off with the 570 man.. also, rack gear allways seems to keep more value, and Engl amps allready sell for high prices used.

2005-05-21, 20:17
Supreme Metalhead
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Get the 570. I have a 530, and can vouch for what def is saying about the power amps. They'll give you a bit of a fizz in the high end which is almost impossible to get rid of without sacrificing some clarity, but get yourself a tube poweramp and it will roar. the poweramps are good for jamming though. and they're still loud if you push them through a cab. But you can turn them down to bedroom levels.
I say get the 570, but you'll need to spend more on a tube poweramp, which will set you back anywhere from $300 to $1000.

2005-05-21, 21:54
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: vlissingen, the Netherlands
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hehe the preamp it is then  , i have a poweramp for now (marshall valvestate 2x80), i dont gig anyway, i dont have a band yet so i should be ok for a while (id better be cuz all my money is gonna go into it)
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-05-22, 08:17
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if you have a poweramp already then i say go for the preamp.
those valvestates 8008's don't suck to bad. you have plenty of volume and head room for gigging and shit, and it wont sound to shabby either.
sure it's no 2/90/2. but hey.
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2005-05-22, 11:00
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
if you have a poweramp already then i say go for the preamp.
those valvestates 8008's don't suck to bad. you have plenty of volume and head room for gigging and shit, and it wont sound to shabby either.
sure it's no 2/90/2. but hey.
they are 80 + 80 watt @ 2 ohms for those who wonder

2005-05-22, 14:17
Master Killer
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solid state that is..
k13m, where are you gonna try the Engl's? Germany?

2005-05-22, 19:52
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: vlissingen, the Netherlands
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Originally Posted by Def
solid state that is..
k13m, where are you gonna try the Engl's? Germany?
YES, music produktiv or sumtin
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-05-22, 19:55
Master Killer
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I don't know if they have the 570/580 over there, you'de have to call for that man...
they do have the savage 120, the powerball, ritchie blackmore, SE, savage SE and about 50 different kinda 4x12 cabs 

2005-05-22, 20:20
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: vlissingen, the Netherlands
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Originally Posted by Def
I don't know if they have the 570/580 over there, you'de have to call for that man...
they do have the savage 120, the powerball, ritchie blackmore, SE, savage SE and about 50 different kinda 4x12 cabs 
i thought of that before
anyway, first im gonna make sure i have the money, depends on when my boss gives me my vacation money, and then im gonna call them if they have that preamp in stock etc
if they dont have it them can probaly order it i guess/hope 
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-05-22, 21:13
Master Killer
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or go to musicstore Koeln. anyways, theres enough big-ass german stores, don't worry
Musik Productiv is closests though!

2005-05-22, 22:23
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Originally Posted by Def
I don't know if they have the 570/580 over there, you'de have to call for that man...
they do have the savage 120, the powerball, ritchie blackmore, SE, savage SE and about 50 different kinda 4x12 cabs 
well he could just play the SE for a taste of what the 570 can do when teamed up with a bitchin' tube power section. if he's impressed(which i i'd bet money he would be) then he should definately give the 570 a go.
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2005-05-22, 23:36
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: vlissingen, the Netherlands
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
well he could just play the SE for a taste of what the 570 can do when teamed up with a bitchin' tube power section. if he's impressed(which i i'd bet money he would be) then he should definately give the 570 a go.
im pretty sure illget the e570
since i like the engl tone (necrophagist) the 570 should aesome
the clip i heard of it o rocksolid amps was awesome, that clip gotme into it so it shoulb be good
anyway it kinda depends on my boss giving me me vacation money soon or like in a while, ive heard mst companies got their vacation money already so i dunno bout mine, and if i getit its up to my bank if they want to lend me a few hundred euros  they better be, im so exited bout finaly getting a engl and finaly getting rid if that crap mt2 and marshall 9001 sound
ill let yall know if i might be able to get it or not 
< no wonder hes mad!!
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