2005-05-29, 13:29
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Alabama
Posts: 1,942
Originally Posted by Jittery Sniper
You can't already play pure holocaust back to front Lord of the Storms? By the way, the lightning is striking heavy in Oregon. Thunderstorms....I like them.
The song that was requested is on Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism., but if you tab out all of pure holocaust for us then great. You do all the popular black metal, or as much as you want and I'll work on the obscure kuvult 9rim oober nekcrow schiit.
No dude,I just recentley got Pure Holocaust.Its ok but so far its my least favorite Immortal album,and I have them all except for Damned in Black.Yeah you do the more obscure shit,Its not really my cup of tea.(Vlad Tepes does kick ass though,thanks to you or I would've never heard of them) 