2005-05-27, 23:05
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
how vital is the internet to your progession and improvement as a guitarist?
like for me, it opens up many doors, with tips, techniques, tabs etc etc.
without it i would be stuck
it gives you great new ideas and shit
so for me its vital! 

2005-05-27, 23:06
Join Date: Apr 2004
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absolutely 100% essential. only way to find out about metal and learn how to play metal songs

2005-05-27, 23:50
Metal As Fuck!
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The internet has taken my guitar playing to all new heights. I've learned all my theory online. I learn all my techniques online as well. I've now collaborated digital recording with my computer as well. It's opened up SOOO much to me I can even fathom
R.I.P. Dimebag
My Music
BuildTheMusic.com is your #1 FREE online guitar resource center.

2005-05-28, 00:05
Senior Metalhead
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I useto whore guitar pro to learn songs, so the nets helped quite alot.

2005-05-28, 00:12
Join Date: Aug 2004
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In my opinion, every guitarist who is serious about their practice should utilize a computer, at the very least. What I've been doing lately is recording riffs using Guitarport, and then playing along to those riffs, and then using a specialized media player to speed up the riffs ... That way you can be very selective with your rythm practice 

2005-05-28, 00:27
Wasted Custom User title
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Well, seeing how a lot of great guitarists (Becker in particular) learned to play guitar extremely well before the internet existed, I would say it's definitely not essential.
Though, the internet has made it A LOT easier to learn guitar without a teacher.
This is my signature.

2005-05-28, 00:39
slack as fuck
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yea the internet really helps like tabs.. lessons.. you name it.. fuck its great for expanding in music taste too.. if it weren't for the internet i'd still be glued to much music or fucking mtv.. so i'd say yes
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Bottle of Vodka, $25
Fucking on the couch while posting on Metaltabs and getting caught by your mother....

2005-05-28, 01:26
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its a good tool, but deffinitly NOT essential...
Originally Posted by IlikeRiffseveryone
im 50 percent irish and 100 percent pain. (SHAKE DOWN!!!!)
Canadian Brutal Death (So you know it's good)

2005-05-28, 02:16
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by Zertonshfits
its a good tool, but deffinitly NOT essential...
yea, im 100% with you on that
its not essential
in someways, the internet and mags spoil you, back in the days you had to figure shit out by ear and sometimes figure out techniques. obviously there were teachers, but if you couldnt afford it and wanted to do well, you just had to take the hard way.
the internet and computers has made playing guitar alot easier for us all 

2005-05-28, 05:20
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Vic, Aus
Posts: 240
You don't need the internet to learn guitar...
But it's a hell of a good way to expand your guitar/music knowledge for free (other than the money you pay to stay connected). I bought my first guitar from the net, and the fact that it's a shit guitar is beside the point. Without it I wouldn't have learnt guitar in the first place. I learnt to play songs/techniques from online tabs (thanks to this site, mainly) and got into more bands from forums and downloads.
Hail internet, for I have not yet paid for one cd!! I'm quite proud that the only money I've spent on all the music I've got is from buying blank cds...
... I need more space on my computer, goddamn it!
... Flamage ...


2005-05-28, 05:30
Pirate Lawd
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Internet=learning faster. Also you can learn to take care of your equipment better.

2005-05-28, 06:16
Muffin Ass
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The ONLY thing that being online has helped me with guitar is that when I feel an urge to learn a particular tune...I can DL it in minutes on P2P
All of my learing simply came from playing along with my favorite tunes.
Only recently have I started making up my own stuff.

2005-05-28, 06:44
Senior Metalhead
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As far as learning quickly goes. .. I don't trust the Internet perhaps because the mode. . . . of Phrygian recieved like a flat 4 from one of the most trusted websites(by me), mxtabs.net. . . that really pissed me off and yeah of course I didn't notice it until after I bought a lot of theory books and shit. . .Anyways that's my opinion on the matter. . . I'm drunk now so I may not be on the right topic or anything, forgive me if so. . . it happens to the best of us so get over it.
"Saying that people have sex only to procreate is like saying people eat only to defecate."
RIP Brian Daniel McDonough: June 30, 1983- April 13, 2006, One of the bass greats that never was discovered

2005-05-28, 13:01
New Blood
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 18
When I started playing guitar, internet wasn't really common use. I had to learn everything out of songbooks, or listen to the albums and experimenting...
The last years, I'm more on the internet but learned a little about techniques (well i mastered most before) on the other hand I did learn a lot about sound, amps, guitars in general. My playing hasn't improved much, but my guitarsound the more
Only drawback is that i tend to spend too much time on the internet, thus playing too little :s
Internet isn't essential for learning, but is a good ressource for the learning guitarplayer. I think a good way to learn is jamming with friends...;

2005-05-28, 13:07
Join Date: May 2004
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 we wouldnt have metal tabs 
One hundred years have gone and men again they came that way,
To find the answer to the mystery,
They found his body lying where it fell on that day,
Preserved in time for all to see,
No brave new world, no brave new world,
Lost in this place, and leave no trace.
iron maiden - stranger in a strange land

2005-05-28, 19:19
Senior Metalhead
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Internet = life.

2005-05-28, 21:58
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by kin
Internet = life.
You = sad.
lol, jkz 

2005-05-29, 01:04
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Longmont, CO, USA
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lolz omgz jkz hehez stopzor it lolz u r making me laugh out loudz

2005-05-29, 01:34
Wasted Custom User title
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Originally Posted by User01
You = sad.
lol, jkz 
You = Gay
No 'JKzz' either.
This is my signature.

2005-05-29, 01:37
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Evil Ian 

2005-05-29, 12:30
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by h4x5k8
lolz omgz jkz hehez stopzor it lolz u r making me laugh out loudz
gdgd, just doing my job

2005-05-30, 04:50
Senior Metalhead
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the internet helps, but isnt essential.

2005-05-30, 15:33
Supreme Metalhead
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Besides Putting my fingers down on a shiny fretboard to make pretty sounds, The internet has tought me the techniques and everything else relevant to self betterment as a guitarist.

2005-05-31, 11:20
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 77
i used to use the internet allot, like for guitar pro and theory, but i havent used it properly in ages, i just play from ear, but i suppose i wouldnt be able to if i hadnt started with the internet
anal prolapse, enough said

2005-05-31, 11:27
Symbiotic In Theory
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The internet has really helped my playing, by accesing videos and tabs and soundclips of other techniques, and things that can generally help your playing and expand your knowledge..
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Originally Posted by metal=life
Hey don't talk back buddy. Give your dick size or don't post.
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