2005-06-05, 05:53
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Longmont, CO, USA
Posts: 1,978
Smiley Contest/Design thing
I think it would be a cool idea to like have a smiley design contest, i derived the idea from the megadeth forums, they have their own custom smiley's (like for each band member) we could have people design smileys that could pertain to metaltabs. For instance we already have a good one in there, the Ban one  , but we could do more like a "your a fucking cunt smiley" or some shit  . I dunno just to have more cool custom smiley's would be cool. Just design send them in and have the mods decide then have nomad upload them on the site. I sorta did the same thing on my old mini forum, its not that hard to upload them into the vB database. Whatever just a cool idea to make the site more interesting 