2005-06-11, 07:56
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 57
Soo wasted
Snap. I am soo fucking wasted I can't sleep or anything, im bedridden with my laptop.. i have re-written just about ever word in this sentence, Tequila, Corona and vodka RULE anyway.. Just thought i would make a post cuz im soooo drunk... lol... drunk posts rule.  by the way i have the best pic ever for you guys!!! http://www.geocities.com/smellslikewetgoat/1.JPG enjoy.. Thats h4xsk8 for those of you that don't know..
e-gang member of the Ryan Parry Fan Club

2005-06-11, 08:11
Muffin Ass
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Sugar Britches
Posts: 2,340
\m/ back at ya you LUSH!


2005-06-11, 08:30
The Stings of Conscience
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Lutz, FL
Posts: 2,245
i was pretty fucked up a while back and i tried to post here, but i couldnt do it. I dont remember too well, but i just couldnt figure it out. I had a good amount of Jim Bean that night.

2005-06-11, 08:34
Lo, they do call to me...
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: virginia beach, VA
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i dont drink, but i like to toy with the happy drunks, i once convinced a friend that she was in love with another friend of mine when she was drunk. it went something like this:
1(me): you wanted alex's number why?
2(her): cus im bored i i want to hang out with someone
1: well, why alex, you want him, dont you.
2: psssh, no, i love my ryan.
1: bullshit, you love alex
2: no i dont
1: you know you do
2: do i?
1: totally
2: maybe i do, he is pretty cute.
Too grim to function

2005-06-11, 09:16
Dog farts
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Posts: 5,008
rrrrrrrrrrright. Congratulations.

2005-06-11, 09:29
Pokémon Master
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Some grim and utterly pointless evil location(Aus)
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Vodka is a ladies drink.
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2005-06-11, 10:39
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Home is where the <3 is
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MoonRaven, you're evil. heehee Yeah, drunks are fun to play with if they're happy ones. The mean ones are brutal. I lived with one that could be that mentally. No fun at all sometimes.
Bob and his dad went out and 'bonded' one afternoon at the bar and it was early when they got home, but Bob was pretty messed up. He and his dad went to give each other a hug and Bob picked him up off the floor and kissed him right on the lips then set him back down. Denny said-Wow, I've never been picked up by a man let alone kissed on the mouth.  I thought I'd die laughing. Bob didn't remember it at all the next day. That was a missed Kodak moment.
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2005-06-11, 12:20
Master Killer
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Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands
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you're not drunk. maybe a little tipsy but definetly not drunk, that was not a drunk post, just a poor attempt at one.
believe me kid, you can't fool me. if you're drunk you're usually not writing on messageboards anyway, thats kinda gay. beeing drunk should be done in public places with hot chicks and shit, it's golden and you'll have a ball!

2005-06-11, 13:29
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Alabama
Posts: 1,942
Originally Posted by Def
beeing drunk should be done in public places with hot chicks and shit

2005-06-11, 14:52
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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drunk posts are really gay. in other news, i have that same amon amarth and alexi laiho magazine pullout on my wall

2005-06-11, 15:13
Schrodinger's Cat
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Is there a reason why you deemed this worthy of a separate thread of its own when there is an RTT to post your rampant ramblings?
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2005-06-11, 16:57
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Posts: 1,865
ive never heard or seen a drunk type/say the word bedridden while their wasted 
Originally Posted by Paddy
Sex is free if you don't mind spending most of your night in the bushes with both a balaclava and an overblown sense of entitlement.

2005-06-11, 17:03
Join Date: Oct 2002
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Originally Posted by Def
you're not drunk. maybe a little tipsy but definetly not drunk, that was not a drunk post, just a poor attempt at one.
and your looking at that pic of zakk pretty...intensly
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2005-06-11, 22:18
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 1,068
Originally Posted by guitar_demon
and your looking at that pic of zakk pretty...intensly
I was thinking the same. And he doesn't even look drunk.
( ( ) )

2005-06-11, 22:20
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Chicago
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Dont you have better things to do then post on a message board when your drunk??
Go outside..
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-06-11, 22:28
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Earth v.6.9
Posts: 355
the guy in the pic isn't him, as stated in the drunken ramblings.
and why do u want be drunk and on a message board.. u type a post and then probably wait like 10-20 mins for a reply? find a chat room.
............_ )).........................
........_( . ,,)_.......................
.......| ____ |........................

2005-06-11, 22:43
Muffin Ass
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Sugar Britches
Posts: 2,340
In my short lived (but consumed huge amounts) drinking days...I never once got drunk alone. Always with friends.
Drinking alone sounds depressing.

2005-06-11, 22:58
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Alabama
Posts: 1,942
Originally Posted by Bia
Drinking alone sounds depressing.
I like it better actually,sometimes other people thats drunk around me annoy me to the point of considering suicide. 

2005-06-11, 23:00
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: vlissingen, the Netherlands
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i dunno bt im drunk alot (maybe cuz i lik ealcohol) and ur typing becoms kinda lousy, so its easy to tel wether somone is drunk o not, lik ein my caes  D:
but thats old news i ghes
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-06-12, 01:01
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 4,723
Originally Posted by Drag the Waters
the guy in the pic isn't him, as stated in the drunken ramblings.
and why do u want be drunk and on a message board.. u type a post and then probably wait like 10-20 mins for a reply? find a chat room.
Haha that guy is haxskate!

2005-06-12, 01:12
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: 昔昔
Posts: 7,547
Originally Posted by k13m
i dunno bt im drunk alot (maybe cuz i lik ealcohol) and ur typing becoms kinda lousy, so its easy to tel wether somone is drunk o not, lik ein my caes  D:
but thats old news i ghes
or you could gfake it
caus ima soOOOeoeoeo dwunkkker! heyeyg wher thege3y bafwoom>0
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2005-06-12, 02:00
Muffin Ass
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Sugar Britches
Posts: 2,340
Most of the time I'm here, if it's after 4:00pm EST I am likely ummm, uh...I'm ahh....I forget.


2005-06-12, 02:02
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posts: 1,816
Originally Posted by Bia
Most of the time I'm here, if it's after 4:00pm EST I am likely ummm, uh...I'm ahh....I forget.

zing... hahaha
Originally Posted by Dahmers Fridge
In the US "fanny" is a word used to describe the ass or butt. Here in the UK "fanny" is a lady garden (vagina)
I was very bemused as a youngster watching the Golden Girls when Blanche said she was going to "spank her fanny" I had visions of a geriatric vertical bacon sandwich red and bruised from being disciplined!!!

2005-06-12, 02:33
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Chicago
Posts: 8,705
Originally Posted by Bia
In my short lived (but consumed huge amounts) drinking days...I never once got drunk alone. Always with friends.
Drinking alone sounds depressing.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-06-12, 09:30
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Isn't it funny how, even when pixels are free, people still manage to waste them?
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."
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