2005-07-08, 22:40
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An idea for pending tabs
I noticed pending tabs getting pretty far backed up sometimes (I understand Alex, there are more important things than constantly goofing around an internet forum that one needs to be doing) and I had an idea.
Could you give the Chris/Father Death the authority to review and archive updated tabs? I figured that it would speed things up a bit and keep everyone happier, and making your job shorter as well.
Just a thought...
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-07-08, 22:54
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yeah, ive wondered over this myself. but nomad probably wants 100% of control over the archiving business, just for the sake of security and his piece of mind when it comes to whats being posted, not as an offense to chris or father death, just as a protective daddy feels

2005-07-09, 03:09
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2005-07-09, 13:50
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Originally Posted by Infinity

My thoughts exactly... sometimes they do get updated every day for a week though.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-07-09, 20:58
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yeah, I don`t think there has been any new archived tabs in over a week now. But i guess he probably has a life...... 

2005-07-09, 23:43
Forum Reverend
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Nomad is currently in the process of moving to another country, so needless to say everything but this site is an important matter for him right now.
just less than a year ago Nomad was 1-2 months behind archiving tabs almost constantly, and that lasted for several years. you have all been spoiled w/his archiving within a few days trick he's been pulling for a few months now, so there is no reason to get your panties in a twist people. all will be settled in time, and that is all we can ever ask really...PATIENCE!!
as Transient said, this is Nomads baby, so He and only He will ever be archiving, until the day comes he gives control of this site to someone else.
the patterns are everywhere...

2005-07-10, 13:39
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Originally Posted by Father Death
Nomad is currently in the process of moving to another country, so needless to say everything but this site is an important matter for him right now.
Yea, I kinda made that evident in my post...
Originally Posted by Father Death
as Transient said, this is Nomads baby, so He and only He will ever be archiving, until the day comes he gives control of this site to someone else.
Yea, I kinda figured that to be the answer, just thought I should bring it up.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-07-10, 14:04
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Bullshit, without us there would be no site, he should do something about congestion, even if there is like after a fortnight all tabs get automatically submitted if they havn't been locked by the mods, anything.

2005-07-10, 14:16
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You guys should stop talking for Nomad and let him make his own decisions.
"Hey, I've found a way that world peace can work where everyone can live in paridise and eternal pleasure, everyone would love it, Everyone would be rich, I swear to god, it's faultless!"
"No, nope, we can't have that, Nomad wouldn't want that, because it's not in his interests, he's a misanthrope, he wouldn't want that."
"Awt, damn, looks like the rest of us have to suffer."
I've got nothing against Nomad, he's granted all my requests and done what I've asked, he's great, but I've said it before, it's because of him the site is here, it's because of us the site is a success and is fun to be at, and it's because of us that the site lasted longer than a few months.

2005-07-10, 15:10
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nomads a great guy but he has little to do with these forums. i dont think he gives a shit about us, and essentially just checks in on us every now and then. the archiving back logs a bit puzzling, but at least all the tabs are being archived. its not like hes sloppy about it

2005-07-10, 17:57
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Originally Posted by Transient
i dont think he gives a shit about us, and essentially just checks in on us every now and then.

Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-07-10, 19:55
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his concern is what most people that come to metaltabs see. he doesnt care about the forums, just the main site itself. the forums a pretty elitist area, only about 50 regular members id say. and we take care of ourselves, so he doesnt bother to come in here much

2005-07-10, 20:52
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Well said

2005-07-11, 01:12
Forum Daemon
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I don't really see the problem. Everybody here whining knows the Pending Tabs forum exists, and it's no less a tab if you get it there.
If it's a matter of getting your own tabs archived, well, you can try shutting the fuck up. It's pretty effective, in my experience.
Anyway, I'm sure Alex'll get around to it when he has the time. Considering that this is something he pays money to do in his spare time, it's not that much to ask that you be patient. And I doubt he chooses to update infrequently; it's just the way life is. Your life's the same way. I mean, it would be if you weren't a co-dependant netizen.

2005-07-11, 02:05
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Originally Posted by PST 88
I don't really see the problem. Everybody here whining knows the Pending Tabs forum exists, and it's no less a tab if you get it there.
If it's a matter of getting your own tabs archived, well, you can try shutting the fuck up. It's pretty effective, in my experience.
Anyway, I'm sure Alex'll get around to it when he has the time. Considering that this is something he pays money to do in his spare time, it's not that much to ask that you be patient. And I doubt he chooses to update infrequently; it's just the way life is. Your life's the same way. I mean, it would be if you weren't a co-dependant netizen.
a helpful suggestion, not whining. oh, to be as perfect as you

2005-07-11, 02:38
Forum Daemon
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Chilling out about unimportant shit's the easiest thing in the world, Tranny. There's no reason to stress out over minor annoyances like how long it takes an internet tab to be moved from one part of the site to another. If not having so much invested in a website that I can let tab archiving bead up and slide off me looks like perfection to you, then sure, I guess I'm perfect.
But thanks for your awesome sarcasm. I laughed so hard I plotzed. Plotzed.

2005-07-11, 02:52
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I wish Nomad were here right now to lock this worthless thread. Seriously, I don't think I've ever been more annoyed by whining on here than I am now.
Honestly, Steve, this isn't actually a bad suggestion, but it can't happen the way the site is run. Even if it could happen, Alex would want to take care of that himself, so it wouldn't.
To answer your unnecessary question, Infinity, we are "talking for Nomad" instead of allowing him to do it because we talk with him on a regular basis regarding the site and forum and how it runs as well as the fact that Alex is busy right now moving to a different continent. Excuse we browbeating mods for happening to understand things that you aren't in a position to know and then having the audacity to explain those things when asked by other members who aren't even you. Don't be angry with us because the answer isn't what you would like it to be, we didn't make it that way.
It's not as if we are bullying Alex into making these decisions- he makes all the decisions, we are simply relaying the fact that the proposed scenario wouldn't work considering the way the site is built. It's really as simple as that, it's nothing to get excited over- just sit back, relax, have something to drink, maybe some chips, and wait for Nomad to archive the tabs when his life isn't quite as hectic as it is right now.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-07-11, 02:59
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Originally Posted by PST 88
Chilling out about unimportant shit's the easiest thing in the world, Tranny. There's no reason to stress out over minor annoyances like how long it takes an internet tab to be moved from one part of the site to another. If not having so much invested in a website that I can let tab archiving bead up and slide off me looks like perfection to you, then sure, I guess I'm perfect.
But thanks for your awesome sarcasm. I laughed so hard I plotzed. Plotzed.
thanks for pointing me out, but i didnt actually bitch about how long it takes for tabs to be archived. i have a whopping total of 3 tabs anyways, so its not a problem i run into

2005-07-11, 03:05
Forum Daemon
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I was defending what I said, not directing that to you in particular. The entire gist of my first post was directed at Infinity and anybody who complains about the time it takes to archive tabs. I really don't understand a nihilist who claims nothing matters bitching about how his needs aren't being met by somebody over the internet. I didn't have a problem with anything you said in here until you directed something at me. Had I, I would've singled you out beforehand.

2005-07-11, 03:16
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Originally Posted by Chris Rezendes
To answer your unnecessary question, Infinity, we are "talking for Nomad" instead of allowing him to do it because we talk with him on a regular basis regarding the site and forum and how it runs as well as the fact that Alex is busy right now moving to a different continent. Excuse we browbeating mods for happening to understand things that you aren't in a position to know and then having the audacity to explain those things when asked by other members who aren't even you. Don't be angry with us because the answer isn't what you would like it to be, we didn't make it that way.
Haha, the way you worded that is pretty funny.
So, what part are you telling me I didn't fully understand?

2005-07-11, 03:20
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alright then, im done posting in this one. nothings gonna happen here

2005-07-11, 03:23
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Originally Posted by PST 88
I was defending what I said, not directing that to you in particular. The entire gist of my first post was directed at Infinity and anybody who complains about the time it takes to archive tabs. I really don't understand a nihilist who claims nothing matters bitching about how his needs aren't being met by somebody over the internet. I didn't have a problem with anything you said in here until you directed something at me. Had I, I would've singled you out beforehand.
Well the idea that I took interest in tabbing some songs for people anywhere on the planet could access them, and gaining nothing from it, wasting my time to do it, putting in the effort without reward, but then not even having them archived is pretty ridiculous. All the tabbers are doing Nomad a favour, what if we just pulled out, what if noone tabbed anymore? Well, the site would probably keep running at this point with all the tabs already archived, but what if none of us tabbed to begin with? Then there would be no site.
And I'm not even going to begin to describe why I'm not supposedly a Nihilist who bitches about things.  Actually, yeah I am, it's because I'm not a Nihilist?

2005-07-11, 04:03
Forum Daemon
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Repeatedly saying that nothing has any value is being a nihilist. Your signature is like the Nihilist Credo. Sorry if you don't like the label you've earned through your repeated statement of your angsty teenage beliefs.
Considering how this site started, I figure it'd still be up. The green screen wasn't always a big tab site, and 'www.metaltabs.com' sucked before Alex took it over. Just ask Jarrod. If you think that's a coincidence, or that it's all because of you, you're just helping my case for your inflated self-importance, which, again, is amusing if 'nothing anyone does matters to anything in existence ... it all amounts to nothing.'
Anybody who really wants your tabs can still find them if they're willing to look. They're still on the internet. They're not any less on the internet for being in this forum. That's the point of having a 'Pending Tabs' forum rather than having all submissions go directly to Alex and only to Alex, like they used to do. If that's not good enough, I guess you should complain about it more, and then let us know how important you are for being a tabber. I know I'm impressed, so somebody else probably is too. I know I've had a few conversations with Chris about how impressive being an internet tabber is, so at least he's on board.
Gotta be up for work in a few hours. I'll take this up again next time I come through.

2005-07-11, 04:15
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Originally Posted by PST 88
Repeatedly saying that nothing has any value is being a nihilist. Your signature is like the Nihilist Credo. Sorry if you don't like the label you've earned through your repeated statement of your angsty teenage beliefs.
Considering how this site started, I figure it'd still be up. The green screen wasn't always a big tab site, and 'www.metaltabs.com' sucked before Alex took it over. Just ask Jarrod. If you think that's a coincidence, or that it's all because of you, you're just helping my case for your inflated self-importance, which, again, is amusing if 'nothing anyone does matters to anything in existence ... it all amounts to nothing.'
Anybody who really wants your tabs can still find them if they're willing to look. They're still on the internet. They're not any less on the internet for being in this forum. That's the point of having a 'Pending Tabs' forum rather than having all submissions go directly to Alex and only to Alex, like they used to do. If that's not good enough, I guess you should complain about it more, and then let us know how important you are for being a tabber. I know I'm impressed, so somebody else probably is too. I know I've had a few conversations with Chris about how impressive being an internet tabber is, so at least he's on board.
Gotta be up for work in a few hours. I'll take this up again next time I come through.
It's funny you calling me a Nihilist because I guess 10 or 15 so pages back in the RTT I explained this entire system thoroughly and I think the word is "Hedonistic" - a religion where you believe mans highest accomplishment is pleasure. So, while I'm claiming nothing matters, and its true I believe this, I'm still abiding by laws and I'm still folowing rules and I'm still trying to have a great time and enjoy life. If you actually are even interested in what I have to say though you can pm me because I'm sure noone actually wants to see me justify my points. So, stop bagging on me for shit you know nothing about [the way I'm living].

2005-07-11, 06:57
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Well..........this thread has went to hell in a handbasket.(by the way where is nomad moving to?)

2005-07-11, 09:23
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The wrong city.... Sydney. At least he might have fun in King's Cross.
And Myles, come on man, you're making it sound like you want a reward for tabbing songs..... I'm still waiting for Nomad to mail my paycheck too.

2005-07-11, 09:59
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I'm just saying if it weren't for the tabbers there would be no metaltabs.
Last edited by Infinity : 2005-07-11 at 10:10.

2005-07-11, 15:48
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If it weren't for the nomad there would be no metaltabs. Don't get confused.
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The queen is their slave.

2005-07-11, 15:59
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Ok, if it weren't for guitars there would be no tabs for Nomad to have made Metaltabs for.

2005-07-11, 19:49
Schrodinger's Cat
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I agree with the erstwhile Mr PST. Furthermore, if anybody wants their tabs archived instantly I suggest creating their own webpage and posting them there. Hell, if Tim can do it...
...only kidding, lad! 
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2005-07-11, 22:20
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Originally Posted by PST 88
I laughed so hard I plotzed. Plotzed.
Jeasus christ what a bunch of fucking BABIES. I was asking a simple, straight forward question, and all I get in response is: "Nomad doesn't care about us!  " and "metaltabs is nothing without us!  " and "Wah.  "
Sorry I brought up the question. Geez.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-07-12, 01:00
Forum Reverend
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Originally Posted by PST 88
Sorry if you don't like the label you've earned through your repeated statement of your angsty teenage beliefs.

the patterns are everywhere...

2005-07-12, 01:14
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Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
Jeasus christ what a bunch of fucking BABIES. .
says the guy who whined and threatend to leave because his 'modship was tested'
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2005-07-12, 01:59
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one of the most kind and beneficial (possibly) threads was turned into a fucking hate zone! cunts!

2005-07-12, 02:41
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Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
Jeasus christ what a bunch of fucking BABIES. I was asking a simple, straight forward question, and all I get in response is: "Nomad doesn't care about us!  " and "metaltabs is nothing without us!  " and "Wah.  "
Sorry I brought up the question. Geez.
Shut the fuck up you stupid son of a bitch. Don't try to get yourself out of this. You are so spineless, you backed out as soon as some of the more respected guys jump on you. I can't believe that, what a fucking hypocrite.

2005-07-12, 04:20
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Originally Posted by johnmansley
I agree with the erstwhile Mr PST. Furthermore, if anybody wants their tabs archived instantly I suggest creating their own webpage and posting them there. Hell, if Tim can do it...
...only kidding, lad! 
Eh, you're basically right.
.... Fuck you, you wooden-shoed bastard. Let's kill the Dutch!

2005-07-12, 04:59
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Originally Posted by Infinity
Haha, the way you worded that is pretty funny.
So, what part are you telling me I didn't fully understand?
Let's start with the part where you didn't understand that the proposed idea is an impossibility given the way the site is built. That was pretty evident by the way you bitched out Father Death just for answering the question which, I might repeat, wasn't even asked by you.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-07-12, 05:43
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Originally Posted by guitar_demon
says the guy who whined and threatend to leave because his 'modship was tested'
man thats such a burn.
btw MTM, badass avatar. Cancer kicks balls. 
Originally Posted by Paddy
Sex is free if you don't mind spending most of your night in the bushes with both a balaclava and an overblown sense of entitlement.

2005-07-12, 05:49
The Stings of Conscience
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fuck this thread dude.
Infinity, shut the fuck up. Your arguments are just stupid, and the fact that you want a reward for your tabbing is pathetic.
PST, just stop fucking arguing with him. You perfectly presented your point in your first post, and he just refuses to accept it, so why continue to reply?
MTM, it was a good suggestion man, but you unknowingly created a battlefield. THANKS FEGGHIT!!
All of you just shut up, and someone lock this god damned thread.
EDIT: just noticed Infinity is suspended, so i guess this thread will die... sorry for my unnecessary little rant.
Last edited by Rapture : 2005-07-12 at 05:53.

2005-07-12, 09:59
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wow.... At tread starts of as just a suggestion, and it ends with someone being suspended.........damn

2005-07-12, 16:38
Muffin Ass
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Originally Posted by PST 88
Chilling out about unimportant shit's the easiest thing in the world. There's no reason to stress out over minor annoyances like how long it takes an internet tab to be moved from one part of the site to another.
Words of wisdom.
Ever consider serving the public as an elected official?
You'd do well.

2005-07-12, 18:25
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Originally Posted by Infinity
Bullshit, without us there would be no site, he should do something about congestion, even if there is like after a fortnight all tabs get automatically submitted if they havn't been locked by the mods, anything.
don't forget it's us running the show without Nomad around...
Apperently you allready found out, someone got tired of your bitching 

2005-07-12, 18:47
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i start to hate this fucking forum

2005-07-12, 19:09
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man, this thread is saucy.

2005-07-12, 19:13
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that was a good laugh, brightened up my day a bit, makes me wish i had free time to tab out songs, let alone be a whiney cunt
these are for you, infinity.
Too grim to function

2005-07-12, 19:25
Master Killer
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haha, talk about flogging a dead horse

2005-07-12, 19:29
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whats with the infinity hating anyways? it was MTM being the "whiney cunt" or as most normal people would see it, "helpfully suggestive"

2005-07-12, 19:30
Master Killer
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I think you need to re-read infinity's posts in this thread.
on another note, I didn't suspend him.

2005-07-12, 19:32
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haha, ive pretty much got this whole thread memorized from reading it so many times. quite entertaining
anyways, infinitys got some shit going on, mentally. id say lay off, but you didnt ban him anyways. it was probably one of the fantastic triad

2005-07-12, 19:50
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I don't understand! After all that does this mean we will get our tabs archived sooner????

2005-07-12, 20:58
Forum Daemon
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I enjoy arguing, Rapture. I'd think that was obvious.
Infinity's got whiney teenage angsty mental things going on. There's no need to add to it, but, really, stopping him from banning on an internet forum for two weeks shouldn't push him over the edge, unless he was very, very close to the edge to begin with.
Infinity got the hate because of the attitude he projected and the way he stated his case. If Steve had acted the same way ... well, he probably wouldn't be a mod in the first place.
Infinity, nothing you've stated separates you from a nihilist. Every nihilist since they fixed the suffix '-ist' to the word 'nihil' and formed a belief system has done the exact same thing. You're just a whiney nihilist with a poor grip on philosophy, probably because you're still high school aged, and therefore ignorant, and from a Western-style civilized country, and therefore soft. Live and learn a bit and we'll see how much of a shit you give about how long it takes a tab to be archived. Though I'm not sure I think you should've been suspended. Eh.

2005-07-12, 21:40
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Originally Posted by MoonRaven
that was a good laugh, brightened up my day a bit, makes me wish i had free time to tab out songs, let alone be a whiney cunt
these are for you, infinity.
 Do not mess with Arhnold.
Worker bees can leave,
Even drones can fly away.
The queen is their slave.

2005-07-13, 00:12
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If and when I tab a new song, I better not ever see it archived the next day. That's ridiculous. Why the hell would I want my tabs archived in the first place?!?! ....like...ya know....man....if it's not archived then it's underground therefore more grim and necro than everyone else's tabs. You must differentiate yourself to be cool and metal, otherwise you are just a winey cluster fuck.....dude...what the fuck are you looking at?
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2005-07-13, 00:31
Forum Reverend
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Originally Posted by powersofterror
if it's not archived then it's underground therefore more grim and necro than everyone else's tabs.
only if the tab is black metal.
the patterns are everywhere...

2005-07-13, 00:52
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youre only really, tr00ly grim if you tab bands that arent on metal-archives.

2005-07-13, 01:45
I am a tax on the world..
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Does that include Simon and Garfunkel? 
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2005-07-13, 01:49
Muffin Ass
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Originally Posted by powersofterror
Does that include Simon and Garfunkel? 
Paul & Art...heh
This thread will need "Bridge Over Troubled Water" as a theme if the playa hatin keeps up.


2005-07-13, 09:44
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by Transient
anyways, infinitys got some shit going on, mentally. id say lay off, but you didnt ban him anyways. it was probably one of the fantastic triad
Fantastic Triad?
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2005-07-13, 14:41
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steve chris and pst, but pst's not a mod 

2005-07-13, 21:53
Forum Daemon
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I wish you could see the times I've disagreed with a suspension or ban in the mod forum. But you can't, because we rule too much to be read. Try somebody who actually bans if you want to bitch.

2005-07-13, 23:34
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Los Angeles, CA
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Originally Posted by PST 88
I wish you could see the times I've disagreed with a suspension or ban in the mod forum. But you can't, because we rule too much to be read. Try somebody who actually bans if you want to bitch.
now thats friggin badassity. i wonder what badassity would taste like? i bet it would taste good.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Sex is free if you don't mind spending most of your night in the bushes with both a balaclava and an overblown sense of entitlement.

2005-07-14, 00:31
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
Originally Posted by PST 88
I wish you could see the times I've disagreed with a suspension or ban in the mod forum. But you can't, because we rule too much to be read. Try somebody who actually bans if you want to bitch.
i was just teasing, i acutally like all of you. you three just stick together, thats all

2005-07-14, 03:36
Forum Daemon
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 4,982
I was just flattered you thought I was fantastic enough to include me.

2005-07-14, 14:36
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
its funny that one of the few threads nomad is likely to read, there is some of the most concentrated aggression in all of metaltabs land
then, in true metaltabs.com/forum style, it turns into an RTT

2005-07-14, 14:52
Attorney at Bird Law
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Originally Posted by Transient
i was just teasing, i acutally like all of you. you three just stick together, thats all
I'm not even sure what this means, I've spent more time talking to you than I have to Rich and Steve combined. Do Rich and Steve even talk to each other?
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-07-14, 16:57
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
well, steve likes PST and respects him, and i think PST gets a kick out of him too right?

2005-07-15, 06:27
The Stings of Conscience
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Location: Lutz, FL
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Originally Posted by Transient
then, in true metaltabs.com/forum style, it turns into an RTT
This whole fucking forum is one big RTT deep down. You know that. Some threads are just a little more undercover than most.

2005-07-15, 15:48
Forum Leader
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Shit, that's pretty confusing now Rapture.

2005-07-21, 18:27
round the world
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: San Francisco
Posts: 979
Hello there. I will archive all valid pending tabs by mid august. I'm on leave now and have limited internet access.
As to the MTM's suggestion I will probably improve the archiving process by 2006.
I ride too fast to worry about cholesterol...
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