2005-07-14, 18:49
New Blood
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requesting french black metal tabs
france is rich in black metal, would love tabs of bekhira, mystic forest, seigneur voland, kristallnacht, osculum infame, funeral, blut aus nord, etc.

2005-07-14, 18:54
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how about that crappy LLN

2005-07-14, 19:03
New Blood
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how about that crappy LLN
vlad tepes is decent, but not worth covering

2005-07-14, 19:50
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Don't forget Anorexia Nervosa 

2005-07-14, 19:56
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cant forget the oh-so-evil and grim band "we run from every fight" \m/ now they truely know their shit ARGH MATEY
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2005-07-14, 21:06
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Originally Posted by Surixurient
vlad tepes is decent, but not worth covering
I would cover them anyday.

2005-07-15, 05:02
New Blood
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Name a song from Blut Aus Nord - Fathers of the Icy Age, and i will get around to it. I've been meaning to tab the last song, but i'll try a different one if someone else will get something out of it as well. Fuck, that whole album rules. \m/ shitty clean vocals \m/

2005-07-15, 15:41
New Blood
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1 6 and 7 are my favorites of the album. would be happy to cover any of them though.

2005-07-21, 05:36
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Originally Posted by LordofStorms
I would cover them anyday.
As would I. I don't understand why so many people dislike or even hate black metal. Is it the aesthetics involved? Or perhaps the atmosphere that few death metal bands can achieve? My guess is most people's low IQ's and idiotic mindsets do not enable them to transcend mundane states of mind thus accepting the factors portrayed in black metal.
That aside, me and Jittery have tabbed out a shitload of LLN. Vlad Tepes is more than decent, and if you are listening to black metal for technical musicianship, well, you shouldn't be listening to black metal at all.
Black metal does not need technicality to be considered good quality black metal.
So, if you want some LLN tabs respond and I will most likely submit them.

2005-07-21, 16:30
New Blood
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As would I. I don't understand why so many people dislike or even hate black metal. Is it the aesthetics involved? Or perhaps the atmosphere that few death metal bands can achieve? My guess is most people's low IQ's and idiotic mindsets do not enable them to transcend mundane states of mind thus accepting the factors portrayed in black metal.
I listen to black metal almost excusivly, but the LLN has always struck me as "the emperors new cloths" effect. Those bands are liked more for their mysteriousness than their music. I do listen to vlad tepes but the production seems to be purposly made to sound like shit, and that is retarded. If all you have is shit equiptment and you produce awesome black metal..that is good. If you purposly make your album sound like shit to be elite..i dont go for that.
My standard for production is as follows... if i can not even make out the riffs without using headphones, i will not listen to it. Vlad Tepes is an exception because it gets good after several listens. But other LLN bands are not worth exploring in my opinion.
Last edited by Surixurient : 2005-07-21 at 16:37.

2005-07-21, 17:21
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I agree for the most part Surixurient,I don't like any other lln bands other than vlad tepes.I hate all those bands that sound so shitty just to be "true" and "kvlt".Their all ripping off Darkthrone anyway,but back to the topic at hand......

2005-07-21, 17:28
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Originally Posted by guitar_demon
cant forget the oh-so-evil and grim band "we run from every fight" \m/ now they truely know their shit ARGH MATEY
 ...nuff said

2005-07-21, 21:13
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Originally Posted by Surixurient
I listen to black metal almost excusivly, but the LLN has always struck me as "the emperors new cloths" effect. Those bands are liked more for their mysteriousness than their music. I do listen to vlad tepes but the production seems to be purposly made to sound like shit, and that is retarded. If all you have is shit equiptment and you produce awesome black metal..that is good. If you purposly make your album sound like shit to be elite..i dont go for that.
My standard for production is as follows... if i can not even make out the riffs without using headphones, i will not listen to it. Vlad Tepes is an exception because it gets good after several listens. But other LLN bands are not worth exploring in my opinion.
I like LLN for the music, and not for their feeble attempt at remaining underground. I truely enjoy the music of LLN, especially Mutiilation and Vlad Tepes, I am also a fan of Belketre. The production values are what gives LLN a certain aesthetic very few bands can touch. I repsect your opinion, yet I disagree.
I not only listen to almost all black metal. I create it. I am also in a melodic black thrash band that seems to be successful in an underground sense.
Either way, Hails

2005-07-21, 22:15
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Originally Posted by Frozen Soul
I like LLN for the music, and not for their feeble attempt at remaining underground. I truely enjoy the music of LLN, especially Mutiilation and Vlad Tepes, I am also a fan of Belketre. The production values are what gives LLN a certain aesthetic very few bands can touch. I repsect your opinion, yet I disagree.
I not only listen to almost all black metal. I create it. I am also in a melodic black thrash band that seems to be successful in an underground sense.
Either way, Hails
Forgot all about Mutiilation,great band.I know its the most popular but Norway has produced the best bm imo.Frozen Soul post some clips of your band in the "Post Your Band" thread,I'd like to hear it. 

2005-07-21, 22:33
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Originally Posted by LordofStorms
Forgot all about Mutiilation,great band.I know its the most popular but Norway has produced the best bm imo.Frozen Soul post some clips of your band in the "Post Your Band" thread,I'd like to hear it. 
I don't have the technological requirements to do so. That and my drummer is a flaking out on me. He doesn't want to record, either that or he makes up excuses. I did the drums on the original demo. I'll see what I can do. I could always send you a demo.
Back on topic.
I will be posting tab(s) of various LLN bands later tonight. Most likely Mutiilation.

2005-07-24, 22:49
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Posts: 279
I agree that most of Black Legions bands really blows, some of them have feeling, but the thing that makes the un-listenable is the very bad production and lack of musical talents.
But I think this is only linked with majority of Black Legion bands, I like very much of Mütiilation, Vlad Tepes and Belketre. Why? I just said the production and lack of talents ruin the music, but here there either isn't really such (or in their "major" releases) or they have somehow used it as an "advantage". If you can listen to Darkthrone's A Blaze in the Northern Sky, then you can listen to these. If not, then don't bother.
Mütiilation sure has this album "Remains of a Ruined Dead Cursed Soul", which lacks of production, but into this album that production fits, it is like how you have to listen to funeral doom metal; you have to give it few listens until it "opens". Why the production actually is an advantage to this music (where as to other Black Legions not)? It is purely the feeling. First of all there is the vocals, which are very odd and sick ones, somewhat 'screechy' and very emotional, and from those you can sense huge amound of depression (I cannot say that it would be intentional, everything can be just huge scam, but hey wait, I don't care?), and to create such emotion through music, you just need such distorted guitars too. I think, if you listen to this album, you'll realize (though cannot guarantee, hehe, it can just be me).
For me Vlad Tepes is great for the riffs and drumming. They just fit very well together. The production would ruin this kind of music, but particurlary in Vlad Tepes' side of the split "Marching to..." is actually decent produced, I can't really say well, but just fine.
I said also Belketre... but why's that? They sound like a broken radio or something like that. Or does they? I think Belketre is maybe the only band (besides that Mütiilation album) that's music is actually the production itself, it is build on "bad production", we could actually say that all other Black Legion bands that are badly producted, are just very bad copies of Belketre. But if something is just bad production, then it must be bad, because it is bad? Well, for me bad production is hizzy and buzzy and too loudy and such, but what if one uses them kind of "same frequences". I mean, you add very distorted guitar, "channel" it through bad production that is somehow still listenable (I wonder how they do that), and now you have guitars that sound worse than even Darkthrone's distortion tune. But now to vocals, they have probably now also song "distorted way", craspy what ever, but then again "channeled" them through the very same bad production; now they sound same as Vikernes' vocals on Filosofem album. Drum "hits" are also channeled through this same, they also have that same "scrach" on them. It is like the whole music is just "scrach". But I find this ingeniously done, the music is actually quite simple and maybe even mediocre, but the "harmony" of bad production makes this very interesting music (however, I cannot tell have they really have done their music this way, but what ever, this shit sounds good). Though, again, you'd have to give few listens to it, and try to recognize this "harmony" from the music. However, I cannot guarantee that any of you would like it, but maybe it is just me. Though, before downloading anything from Belketre, I have to say, don't try anything other besides Belketre's side of "March to..." split album. I haven't heard anything other from them, and this Vlad Tepes-effect would be same there, that they "loose touch" in the other releases.

2005-07-25, 14:31
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I have heard of Belketre,but never heard any music.I always enjoy your posts Decrepify,very informative.

2005-07-25, 16:21
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No one here knows shit about French BM. Except for me, maybe. I'm a big Seigneur Voland, Aakon Keetreh, Satanicum Tenebrae, Blut Aus Nord, Moevot fan. But yeah, I second that. Aakon Keetreh should be easy to tab yourself.

2005-09-18, 04:42
New Blood
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DameFraMorkum, you have a new mate that knows alot of French BM, emails me anytime if you wanna chat LLN or other French acts. Psychocandy77@aol.com I'm on soulseek too under psychocandy77.

2005-09-19, 20:21
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By the way: if anyone has the newest Blodsrit album, please tab the song Melancholy. 

2005-10-05, 03:59
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i like antaeus.
not exactly black, but i like the essential nihilism that is their music.
it reminds me of panzer division marduk, which is also one of my faves.
i like 12yo blonde russian skoolgirls but INTERPOL thinks im skum

2006-04-28, 20:56
New Blood
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Belenos, Antaeus, Bekhira, Blut Aus Nord are all excellent. I still am amazed at how the French can come up with the most disturbing BM. The LLN is on a different level completely. They made black metal sound the way it should always sound, raw and disgusting. 

2006-04-28, 23:09
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the french and metal? is that even possible? I would imagine some sort of vortex would open up and engulf us if the french and metal ever united...

2006-04-28, 23:27
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mutilation is my favorite of the lln.
both blut aus nord and osculum inflame are also real good. i know blut... uses a lot of bends, but thats the only thing i could tell u

2006-04-30, 23:22
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Isnt Haemoth French?
Haemoth are fucking awesome

2006-05-01, 00:55
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Originally Posted by Doktorskell
Isnt Haemoth French?
Haemoth are fucking awesome
why yes they are. i've got vice, suffering and destruction. good stuff.

2006-05-10, 17:24
New Blood
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Posts: 29
I tabbed a seigneur voland song and it was turned down, so I'm not bothering doing this shit anymore. I also tabbed a Kristallnacht song and I did La Revenant by Mortifera. I don't think this site will accept them so I'm not wasting my time.

2006-05-10, 21:05
New Blood
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Originally Posted by Mortifera
I tabbed a seigneur voland song and it was turned down, so I'm not bothering doing this shit anymore. I also tabbed a Kristallnacht song and I did La Revenant by Mortifera. I don't think this site will accept them so I'm not wasting my time.
Could you send me the tab from La Revenant from Mortifera?
I would really like to have this!

2006-05-11, 12:32
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Originally Posted by andras
i like antaeus.
Yeah!Them and Arkhon Infaustus are the best
Burnin' and a-lootin' tonight
burnin' all pollution tonight
burnin' all illusion tonight


2007-07-10, 11:04
New Blood
Join Date: Nov 2006
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can anyone please make some tabs from SEIGNEUR VOLAND and MORTIFERA?

2007-07-10, 12:07
Join Date: Aug 2006
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I could tab more AntaeuS... if there are serious requests...
So this Georgian Olympian runs into a bar
Aosoth - New album III out now on Agonia Recs
Epoch - bass, guitars, drums, MetaStasizing out asap
Asphixa - bass, demo out asap
Adustum - bass, guitars, full length out soon on XXXXXXXXXX recs
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Tetianblood? ... Well, 'Necrosemen' to you too. Twat.
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