2005-07-17, 07:27
Metal As Fuck!
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Question about guitar necks
I got a few questions...
First, I got an Ibanez RG, shitty model, but I love the neck on it, as least the looks. The problem is I get some fret buzz over the 2nd fret on one string. I've taken the guitar to a professional and had the innotation set, action adjusted, new strings, and whatnot, and it still buzzes. Is there any other way to fixing fret buzz? Also, I just bought a new/used Ibanez RG, can you pretty much just swap necks on em? I couldn't find any threads on swapping necks. Do you think the new guitar would have the same problem if I used the neck off my shitty model? Thanks
R.I.P. Dimebag
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2005-07-17, 10:20
Join Date: Jan 2005
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the fret after the note that make fretbuzz is probaly a litle bit too high, wich causes the string to hit the next fret (u play fret u and the string hits fret 3)
not sure but that m,ight be it, usualy cheap guitars have that problem.
just take it to a dealer or a guitar builder or sumtin, theyll know what to do (they probaly flat the fret a bit).
good luck with it
also, putting that neck on a new guitar wont help shit, since the body doesnt make the buzz, its the fretz on the neck (most likely)
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-07-17, 12:00
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my ibanezRG should be shipped out today
Originally Posted by k13m
so i guess its kinda nice for leads but i thought it sucked ass for soloing

2005-07-17, 13:21
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have you tried using another amp. or a new cord.

2005-07-17, 14:15
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thats not gonna cause fretbuzz
you can switch the neck, but then you have to have it set up so its at the right angle. i hade a freind that his neck off and put the same one back on and it was all fucked up
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
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2005-07-17, 14:23
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Originally Posted by davie_gravy
I got a few questions...
First, I got an Ibanez RG, shitty model, but I love the neck on it, as least the looks. The problem is I get some fret buzz over the 2nd fret on one string. I've taken the guitar to a professional and had the innotation set, action adjusted, new strings, and whatnot, and it still buzzes. Is there any other way to fixing fret buzz? Also, I just bought a new/used Ibanez RG, can you pretty much just swap necks on em? I couldn't find any threads on swapping necks. Do you think the new guitar would have the same problem if I used the neck off my shitty model? Thanks
bring it back to that guy, and tell him to fix it. he will. When i had buzzing problems, it only took me about $25 to fix.
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2005-07-17, 18:25
Senior Metalhead
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Originally Posted by davie_gravy
I got a few questions...
First, I got an Ibanez RG, shitty model, but I love the neck on it, as least the looks. The problem is I get some fret buzz over the 2nd fret on one string. I've taken the guitar to a professional and had the innotation set, action adjusted, new strings, and whatnot, and it still buzzes. Is there any other way to fixing fret buzz? Also, I just bought a new/used Ibanez RG, can you pretty much just swap necks on em? I couldn't find any threads on swapping necks. Do you think the new guitar would have the same problem if I used the neck off my shitty model? Thanks
My guitar teacher is rippin, and he has an RG550 which he swears by. I bought one for a while when he infulenced me on them, and the first thing i noticed was alot of buzz. My teacher says he doesn't even like any of his guitars unless they are buzzing, and he said that Ibanez's buzz the most. If you can get past the buzzing, i bet it feels great right now andyou should probably keep it the way it is. Buzzing can be caused by real low action too, so perhaps thats your deal, and low action is preferred by many especially in the genre we are in.

2005-07-17, 18:32
Join Date: Mar 2005
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You can set up low action without fret buzz though, so why'd you want it?
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Originally Posted by Undone
moonraven?....more like ass raven

2005-07-17, 20:21
Metal As Fuck!
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: LR AR
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thanks everyone for your constructive feedback. The fret buzz doesn't bother me that much, it's only on 1 string on the 2nd fret and I'm gonna mess with the action a bit first to try to minimize the buzz, but fucking my guitar neck up by trying to switch em, yea... that bothers me badly! I figured it was just screw you down another neck since bolt-on is bolt-on. I think I"ll have a word with the local guitar dealerships. Thanks everyone
R.I.P. Dimebag
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2005-07-17, 20:28
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It depends how tight you tighten the bolts, which will compress the wood slightly (only a tiny bit, but every little counts), and different factors like the depth of the heel etc. As suggested, the fret in question may require a little flattening, or the nut is just worn on that particular string 
The Freedom of Chaos
The Secret of The Secret
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Originally Posted by Undone
moonraven?....more like ass raven

2005-07-17, 21:04
Join Date: Dec 2004
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i have the same issue with my RG... its my high strings that do the buzzing... im thinking of adjusting the truss because i can see a tiny bit of warp in it... the strings are realllly close to the frets near the headstock, but when you get closer to the body, my strings get really far away... so yeah... truss rod
Originally Posted by Dahmers Fridge
In the US "fanny" is a word used to describe the ass or butt. Here in the UK "fanny" is a lady garden (vagina)
I was very bemused as a youngster watching the Golden Girls when Blanche said she was going to "spank her fanny" I had visions of a geriatric vertical bacon sandwich red and bruised from being disciplined!!!

2005-07-18, 02:28
Metal As Fuck!
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Originally Posted by sqol
It depends how tight you tighten the bolts, which will compress the wood slightly (only a tiny bit, but every little counts), and different factors like the depth of the heel etc. As suggested, the fret in question may require a little flattening, or the nut is just worn on that particular string 
Great information! The nut housing thing is metal, it's a locking tremolo. Upon further rigorous inspection, I notice the rest of the strings just barely clear past the 2nd fret. Would filing the fret down be a good idea? How can I tell if the board requires a few turns on the truss rod? What are the symptoms of a warped neck as far as how it plays? Wonder what it would cost to get a local guitar shop to swap a neck? Or how difficult it would be to get all the conditions right (angle, tightness of bolts, etc) to do it myself. Anyone successfully changed a neck? Thanks!
R.I.P. Dimebag
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2005-07-18, 20:18
Senior Metalhead
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Filing down the fret is a perfect solution...as long as you are sure that is what needs to be done...if you file it down too much you will have fret buzz farther down the neck and could be in for a long session of filing...I would suggest have a luthier or at least a guitar dealer look into filing for you...

2005-07-20, 15:19
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By Ibanez Spec's there is supposed to be like a 1.4-1.7 mm clearance above the 14th fret on the low end and like a 1.7-2.0 mm clearance on the high end. . . that's what the little booklet that comes with the RG model I had said I do believe. . . I use that as a general guideline for adjusting any guitar though it give you a vague idea of where you want to be. . . anyways.
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