2005-07-26, 03:37
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Wurzburg, germany
Posts: 506
here are lyrics from a bright eyes song. I love it. Do you?
The fragile keep secrets, gathered in pockets, and they will sell them for nothing a cheap watch
or locket that kind of gold washes off. The sad at like lepers, they stick to the shadows and long
to ring bells of warning to tell of their coming so that the pure can shut their doors. The angry are
animals senseless and savage. They act without order in logical lapses, they stain their mouths
with blood. So take my hand, this barren land is alive tonight. The corn has grown stalks that
form a wall too high. The wind carries sounds that I can't see from beyond that line. Then the
stalks begin to sway oh stay with me Arienette until the wolves are away. The wicked are
vultures, they bake in the canyons. They circle in sunlight and wait for their victims to collapse
and call to them. The desperate are water. They will run down forever and soak into silence to
just end up together in some dark and distant place. So don't leave me here with only mirrors
watching me. This house it holds nothing but the memories. And the moon it leaves silver but
never sleep. And then the silver turns to gray so stay with me Arienette until the wolves are away.
just die and get it over with.
hi my name is whitney, but you can call me Scrumptious

2005-07-26, 18:57
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 1,136
Oh, it's not original? Sad.  Be creative next time
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2005-07-26, 19:18
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Arlington MA (usa)
Posts: 82
way to fucking emo for me.
"I've got a stiffy" - Jeff Hanneman
Love is for the weak, religion is for the blind.

2005-07-26, 19:52
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
generic emo

2005-07-27, 00:50
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Wurzburg, germany
Posts: 506
alrighty then I have a question...some people say that emo is blink 182...others say it is this kinda stuff. what do you think trans? I mean, yeah it's emotional, but it sure as hell is pretty too. Blink 182= not pretty.
just die and get it over with.
hi my name is whitney, but you can call me Scrumptious

2005-07-27, 01:43
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
blink 182 is pop-punk. punk thats easily accessible, light hearted, and made for marketing
emo is the trendy kind of stuff you posted, you see on myspace all the time. photographs of streets at night and lyrics about losing lovers and being alone and sad... not really blink 182 but emo (emotional) music has some roots in punk and visually is pretty similar (to the new wave of punk, not the old british stuff)

2005-07-27, 01:47
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Wurzburg, germany
Posts: 506
thanks transient!
whats weird about bright eyes is even though the lyrics are blatantly emo the music is anything but new-wave or punk. It sounds more like folk music. its really strange.
I always appreciate your opinion trans...thanks again!
just die and get it over with.
hi my name is whitney, but you can call me Scrumptious

2005-07-27, 01:50
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
aw seriously its nothing
as for emo...i think it does tend to be acoustic... folkish. from what ive heard... and i avoid it!

2005-07-27, 02:51
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: providence
Posts: 1,863
bright eyes is a direct rip-off of lou barlow and sebadoh IMO,minus the sebadoh noise freakouts. sebadoh,sentridoh and the million other projects lou barlow has done predates bright eyes by like 10-15 years. its way better <beyond the most recent stuff>. i really dont like bright eyes, but check out early sebadoh and hear the similarity
oh yeah,most people cite emo comming from a band called rites of spring, which i like very much, that commercially sucessful shit people call emo nowadays hardly resembles the early bands like husker du, fugazi, rye coalition etc. it was just a melodic take on hardcore and wasnt as emotional retarded and sappy as it turned out to be. some guy made a thread called "the truth about emo" a couple months ago and got flamed real bad, but i thought the guy was 100% correct

2005-07-27, 04:38
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 1,136
Correct? Probably, yeah. Does it belong on Metaltabs? No.
Worker bees can leave,
Even drones can fly away.
The queen is their slave.

2005-07-27, 22:22
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Hampshire , Uk
Posts: 159
don't mean to pro-long the emo thing but fugazi were like a decade ahead of everything
emo (or the term used for the fashionable crap now) is for guys who look like girls trying to get laid by girls who want to have sex with guys who look like girls
isn't emo even a lifestyle now
back to metal
got the new belphegor album - yyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeessssssssss
The female necrophiliac wants her money back
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