2005-07-29, 16:15
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What ever happened to "My band will blow your band away!"
In my local scene, talent is often overlooked. Eugene is a town full of individuals, yet they all seem to lack taste in good metal. I dread the hardcore scene, not because I think they are musically superior, but because it overshadows the scene I strive to create. Shred is not fucking dead, and I use soloing in every song I have written.
My point is - Why is image so important now!? I am a fan of black metal, but the whole church torching, uber grim necro "side activity" seems utterly pointless in regards to being a good band. Sure, Mayhem did some weird shit, doesn't mean they are automatically a good band.
I will add more later.

2005-07-29, 16:20
Master Killer
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your point JS?
you're trying to create your own 'cool' scene, in where every song includes one solo and a lot of grimness?

2005-07-29, 16:27
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Metal isn't mainstream anymore. Emo and hardcore are. There is your answer sir.

2005-07-29, 16:39
Pirate Lawd
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It seems that way with a lot of music. There is alway some kinda music ( and an image that goes along with it ) that dominates.... for a while. Lots of people just jump on board what every is popular at that time and ride until it it loses steam. A real fan sticks with a curtain type of music and image because that is what they are comfortable with and who they feel they are.
I would say give it some time for people to notice you. Play live every chance you get. Eventually you will attract people that love what you do. After all, Balck Metal is underground by nature, imo. I don't ever want to see the day Black Metal bands are created for the purpose of milking the popular scene.
I would say you should find other Black Metal bands and help support and promote each other. That is what the current hardcore scene does and is likely why they have a huge fan base at the moment. Also, you are right about not having to prove anything other then yourselves as musicians to the Black metal world. Perhaps the fore fathers of Black metal did some crazy shit in their spare time but where are they now? Was it ever about the music for them? Take what they started or through away and make it better.

2005-07-29, 16:48
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
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"Birds of a feather flock together." That's why there's still obscure cross-sections of people that still into gregorian chants. I don't buy the idea that any music genre dies. It just gets moved to the side by youth wanting fresh new ideas and it just repeats itself. And youth can be biological age as well as mental, too. Absorb it all otherwise you won't have bands like Nile doing contemporary classic or Slayer doing 60's rock.
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2005-07-29, 17:39
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This BS metalcore scene is what I hate also. Always remember to refer to it as "metalcore", not hardcore, because it just claims to be hardcore, or even metal sometimes.

2005-07-29, 18:10
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oh boo hoo, i like my bands to have image. look at amon amarth. if they arent modern day vikings WHO ARE? as for the ultra gay trendster scene that exists now... once those guys hit 30 itll all go away. just like billy idol. remember billy idol? i dont because no matter how bad the whole punk image sucked, it didnt stick around THAT much

2005-07-29, 18:49
But why is the rum gone ?
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WTF is hardcore.......can someone suggest me any good bands
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2005-07-29, 18:50
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there are no good hardcore bands. its stuff like .... constant "breakdowns" and the vocals are hollering not death metal

2005-07-29, 18:51
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Hatebreed. Not a good band, but definitly hardcore.

2005-07-29, 18:53
But why is the rum gone ?
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does meshuggah come under it?
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2005-07-29, 18:55
slack as fuck
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meshuggah's good. but yeah for genre classification thats hard
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Bottle of Vodka, $25
Fucking on the couch while posting on Metaltabs and getting caught by your mother....

2005-07-29, 19:03
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by Transient
there are no good hardcore bands. its stuff like .... constant "breakdowns" and the vocals are hollering not death metal
you ignorant cunt!
hardcore isn't 'all' breakdowns, that's just plain stupid... there's plenty good hardcore bands, most of which have a lot of metal influences, bands like Deadlock, Reprisal, Arkangel and Congress..
ofcourse there's you're basic tough-guy hardcore like madball, soia, hatebreed etc.
then there's the real metalcore, a lá Killswitch Engage, Unearth, The Red Chord, Heaven Shall Burn, Caliban, Course of Action etc...
And where it stated out, old school, shit like minor treath, agnostic front and all that stuff.
the other 'side' of hardcore is the emo crap side, which IMO sucks a lot of ass. whiney vocals and makeup, people who wear girl pants because they're trendy. Do I need to tell you more?

2005-07-29, 20:01
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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i wasn going to go into that much detail describing the various subgenres of a kind of music i really dislike. i know you dont seem to mind metalcore/hardcore shit (your vocalist is one himself) but to me it sucks. ive heard the "Best of the best" red chord, dillinger... and those vocals just suck. i cant listen to a band with those kinds of vocals no matter how engaging the instrumentation is
FYI the lot of hardcore bands arent like the bands you listed. the most of them ARE just breakdowns and hollering. ive seen probably close to 15 local hardcore bands and they all sound the same, just breakdown after breakdown. so while you may like the more evolved kinds of metalcore, the kind of hardcore/metalcore that dominates the scene around here is exactly as i described it and i have many friends (MTM) who could vouch for this post

2005-07-30, 00:02
Pirate Lawd
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Originally Posted by Def
hardcore isn't 'all' breakdowns, that's just plain stupid... there's plenty good hardcore bands, most of which have a lot of metal influences, bands like Deadlock, Reprisal, Arkangel and Congress..
ofcourse there's you're basic tough-guy hardcore like madball, soia, hatebreed etc.
then there's the real metalcore, a lá Killswitch Engage, Unearth, The Red Chord, Heaven Shall Burn, Caliban, Course of Action etc...
And where it stated out, old school, shit like minor treath, agnostic front and all that stuff.
the other 'side' of hardcore is the emo crap side, which IMO sucks a lot of ass. whiney vocals and makeup, people who wear girl pants because they're trendy. Do I need to tell you more?
Absolutely, there are some great Hard/Metalcore bands in the world. I really like a good majority of it too, but some of it isn't so good. I bet there some great bands we have never heard of, but there are those people that just hoped into the whole thing recently because of the image associated with it. Right now Hard/Metalcore is riding the coat tails of the Emo wave imo. When Emo finally is moved out of the mainstream I bet Hard/metalcore will take its place. It is all a passing phase of the music industry. Who knows, perhaps gangsta rap or techno will come back 

2005-07-30, 00:04
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Originally Posted by Frozen Soul
I dread the hardcore scene, not because I think they are musically superior, but because it overshadows the scene I strive to create.
I think that your trying to create a scene, and that alone, is disabling your ability to create the change that music needs.

2005-07-30, 00:12
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Originally Posted by Transient
those vocals just suck. i cant listen to a band with those kinds of vocals no matter how engaging the instrumentation is
You like Burzum, silly goose


2005-07-30, 00:12
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Everyone complains about hardcore and emo being mainstream and how there are no "good popular bands." But the second any metal band starts to get just a little popular, its the biggest tragedy the world has ever seen, or they are labled as sellouts because they have more than 100 fans. (i.e. Opeth, In Flames, Dimmu Borgir)

2005-07-30, 00:13
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My surmise for 'band promotion', is simply promote the bands you like, regardless of genre.
Last edited by John Holland : 2005-07-31 at 09:37.

2005-07-30, 00:16
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Originally Posted by Kalmahswamp
Everyone complains about hardcore and emo being mainstream and how there are no "good popular bands." But the second any metal band starts to get just a little popular, its the biggest tragedy the world has ever seen, or they are labled as sellouts because they have more than 100 fans. (i.e. Opeth, In Flames, Dimmu Borgir)
This is teh dumb3st post evarr !1!!.
EVERYONE knows that when you become popular enough/sell enough records to quit your dayjob, doing something not related to music, and doing your music part-time, and be financially secure in your music to do it FULL-time ... you're automatically a sellout
At least that's how that logic goes ...

2005-07-30, 03:51
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John Holland, I needed that. I need to focus on what I'm doing. I guess my point was:
What happened to the days when talent is what got a band big? I'm not saying I am some super good guitarist or anything, I just feel that my band could really go somewhere - just not in Eugene Oregon.

2005-07-30, 04:11
Forum Daemon
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Those days never existed. Luck's always been the hugest factor, along with persistence.
From what I've been told about Oregon from friends, Eugene's the type of place where you can find your scene, whatever it is. But if you really feel oppressed by the local scene, relocate.

2005-07-30, 04:11
Pirate Lawd
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What happened? MTV brother. That is what I think happened. Like I said before man. Play your asses off every chance you get. You will find people that your music reaches out to and they will be your best friends and fans. Remember, your music is for them to share with you and you only really have the moment you are actually playing in front of them to give them everything you got. Play like it is your last show ever 

2005-07-30, 04:28
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damn straight soul.
If im not back in 15 minutes...
Wait longer

2005-07-30, 04:45
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Originally Posted by PST 88
Those days never existed. Luck's always been the hugest factor, along with persistence.
From what I've been told about Oregon from friends, Eugene's the type of place where you can find your scene, whatever it is. But if you really feel oppressed by the local scene, relocate.
Eugene is alot of things. It's a drug mecca for one, and it being notorious for drugs makes it difficult for me to "click" with people I meet. I prefer sobriety these days. My drummer thinks we should relocate as well. Thanks for the good reply.

2005-07-30, 05:14
Pirate Lawd
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I say play your asses off for a month or two if you can afford it. Percedence is a huge factor for a band though, just like PST said. Time my man. Time and playing the music you guys write the best you can. There has got to be people rounds there that liken them some good ol' Gr1m BlAck M3tal. I say, play long enough and they will come.

2005-07-30, 06:56
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i lived in the St. Johns neighborhood in portland oregon. one of the cheapest cities to live in in the country. got a good music scene, cool people, go there.
i myself am thinking about relocating to toronto maybe next winter

2005-07-30, 07:15
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Originally Posted by Def
you ignorant cunt!
hardcore isn't 'all' breakdowns, that's just plain stupid... there's plenty good hardcore bands, most of which have a lot of metal influences, bands like Deadlock, Reprisal, Arkangel and Congress..
ofcourse there's you're basic tough-guy hardcore like madball, soia, hatebreed etc.
then there's the real metalcore, a lá Killswitch Engage, Unearth, The Red Chord, Heaven Shall Burn, Caliban, Course of Action etc...
And where it stated out, old school, shit like minor treath, agnostic front and all that stuff.
the other 'side' of hardcore is the emo crap side, which IMO sucks a lot of ass. whiney vocals and makeup, people who wear girl pants because they're trendy. Do I need to tell you more?
So what do you think of As I Lay Dying? Normally I wouldn't ask but since they're one of my favorite bands that just so happen to be in one of the most hated genre of metal, I was curious since I never heard you mention them. I think they're one of the few metalcore bands that are really infuenced by death metal that I can actually tell. Tim has an awesome vocal range and so does their bassist, Clint. I can't see why most people here look down on them.
I was also curious about Heaven Shall Burn. I really enjoy their music but their vocalist only seems to want to scream. But I only heard "The Weapon They Fear" and I didn't hear much vocal variety.
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
“I'm as firm as red clay and as constant as... drinkin'. I'm constantly drinkin'.” - Early Cuyler

2005-07-30, 11:35
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
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I agree that the more exposure your band has the more fanbase you'll build and the broader it will get. Just make sure your performances are consistent.
A friend of mine is doing quite well with his band and when they have the opportunity to go to any seminars with producers and scouts they do it. I don't know if any of the cities around you do things like that, but it might be worth looking into.
I'm glad you guys are laying off the drugs. That can mess up a good dream.
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2005-07-30, 13:31
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by MyOwnSavior
So what do you think of As I Lay Dying? Normally I wouldn't ask but since they're one of my favorite bands that just so happen to be in one of the most hated genre of metal, I was curious since I never heard you mention them. I think they're one of the few metalcore bands that are really infuenced by death metal that I can actually tell. Tim has an awesome vocal range and so does their bassist, Clint. I can't see why most people here look down on them.
I was also curious about Heaven Shall Burn. I really enjoy their music but their vocalist only seems to want to scream. But I only heard "The Weapon They Fear" and I didn't hear much vocal variety.
As A Gay Dying???
they're allright but not original if you ask me. kinda bland sounding, they're not bad, don't get me wrong.. they just don't appeal to me...
a lot of metalcore is influenced by death metal, try and find some Arkangel or Deadlock!
I guess HIMSA is pretty big in the US too, they're more of a metal band with hardcore vocals, good guitarist...

2005-07-30, 13:33
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Blackheart Eulogy, there's my input.
That snatch is like a glove fit for God.

2005-07-30, 13:35
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by Transient
i wasn going to go into that much detail describing the various subgenres of a kind of music i really dislike. i know you dont seem to mind metalcore/hardcore shit (your vocalist is one himself) but to me it sucks. ive heard the "Best of the best" red chord, dillinger... and those vocals just suck. i cant listen to a band with those kinds of vocals no matter how engaging the instrumentation is
FYI the lot of hardcore bands arent like the bands you listed. the most of them ARE just breakdowns and hollering. ive seen probably close to 15 local hardcore bands and they all sound the same, just breakdown after breakdown. so while you may like the more evolved kinds of metalcore, the kind of hardcore/metalcore that dominates the scene around here is exactly as i described it and i have many friends (MTM) who could vouch for this post
our vocalist is what?
there's metalcore bands with the exact same vocals as metal bands, if you can't stand screaming-style hardcore vocals, well fine. what kinda vocals DO you like? there's bound to be a hardcore influenced band that uses them..
and yes, a lot of hardcore is shit, I'de say about 90%.. I can't stand the cliché'd Hatebreed style bands, there's shitloads of those around in the US.

2005-07-30, 13:44
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Liverpool, England.
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actually, if you want a hardcore band getting death metal down to a tee
From Fresno in california(?) I think, I posted them in the bands forum a few months back, no one took notice....do so now.
That snatch is like a glove fit for God.

2005-07-30, 21:24
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Originally Posted by Soulinsane
I say play your asses off for a month or two if you can afford it. Percedence is a huge factor for a band though, just like PST said. Time my man. Time and playing the music you guys write the best you can. There has got to be people rounds there that liken them some good ol' Gr1m BlAck M3tal. I say, play long enough and they will come.
We don't play any specific style of music. It varies from power Metal with thrashy moments and black metal vocals, to black/death metal. I feel like I'd be limiting myself if I were to try to play raw black metal, it's simple music. Thanks for all the kind words though, it really inspires me. 

2005-07-30, 23:27
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Agalloch are from Oregon 
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