2005-08-09, 01:33
New Blood
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Posts: 16
Jackson SL1 or DK1. Which one?
I have to make a post since info on these guitars is slim. I could barely find anything on the DK1 on Google in terms of reviews from people that actually own one. I am looking at both of these which are in my price range.
So one is a neckthrough and has Seymour Duncans on it and the other is a bolt on neck and has EMG 81 and 85.
What are the pros and cons of each? Which would you buy if you had the cash and why? They both cost around the same and are in my price range.
Bands and sounds I’d go for are
Sonata Arctica
Bruce Dickinson
Blind Guardian
I know for power metal people recommend the EMG pickups. So I was leaning towards the DK1. Basically I am looking for feedback anyone had on these guitars. Thanks

2005-08-09, 01:37
Wasted Custom User title
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If you prefer a neck thru guitar, then get the sl1. if you prefer or dont mind a bolt on guitar, then get the dk1. Pickups can always be changed.
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2005-08-09, 01:51
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Personally, i'd go with the SL1 too, neck-through and its got 2 singles and a humbucker, which i find nicer to play with with that just two hummers. Im not sure how these guitars compare with each other for playability, so i'd suggest going and playing both of them for a bit 
The Freedom of Chaos
The Secret of The Secret
The Truth of The Truth
Originally Posted by Undone
moonraven?....more like ass raven

2005-08-09, 01:54
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i think the soloist is better.
music expresses which words cant emulate
Originally Posted by User01
ibut i wouldnt get any help at a slipknot board, theyre struggling with palm muting!

2005-08-09, 04:10
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Both are great guitars, I'm all about USA Jacksons they shred. You should check out the SL-2H also(dual humbuckers). Go with ebay and you'll find one loaded with the EMG-81 and 85 set. You'll get the best of both worlds...neck thru and the EMG's. I just happend to buy a USA Jackson Fusion earlier today on ebay for dirt cheap, I can't wait til it gets here 

2005-08-09, 04:34
Drugged Unholy
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I have an SL-2 and it plays like a dream. It's probably my favorite guitar i ever even played.
Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
I don't know about you, but I deadlift because I strive to be the first human tree stump pulling machine 
Originally Posted by viewer_from_nihil
the song serial cocksucker changed my life
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Are you going to snort cheap pharmaceutical drugs with your lizard as well?

2005-08-09, 07:07
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Get the neck-through one. You can always change the pickups if you do not like the SDs.

2005-08-09, 07:33
Senior Metalhead
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I would go with that dinky. But i think that the soloist is better, just change EMG's on it and you'll be happy.

2005-08-09, 12:22
New Blood
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2005-08-09, 13:52
New Blood
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 16
thanks for the replies. I've read harmony central reviews but they're not terrible helpful. Not much on the DK1 and %90 of the SL1 reviews are of mid 90s models not the new ones. Plus it would be nice to have a comparison between the two since they’re almost the same price, look the same, but are considerably different. I just want a guitar to play. I dont want to buy something then change the pick ups or frets or whatever. If im not happy with what a guitar has, why would i spend so much money on one to begin with?
Im going to try and play them both but it's going to be hard to fine both of them. Most stores around here stock cheap guitars and order the more expensive ones, so for them to have stock of these would be unlikely.
I guess it comes down to Bolt on VS Neck through and EMG VS Duncan. I guess these can be debated till he end of time. My only concern is high fret access with the bolt on. I head Jackson bolt-ons are very good and dont have a noticeable heal making them as easy to play up top as neck through. Is this correct?

2005-08-09, 14:36
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Originally Posted by Devilito
thanks for the replies. I've read harmony central reviews but they're not terrible helpful. Not much on the DK1 and %90 of the SL1 reviews are of mid 90s models not the new ones. Plus it would be nice to have a comparison between the two since they’re almost the same price, look the same, but are considerably different. I just want a guitar to play. I dont want to buy something then change the pick ups or frets or whatever. If im not happy with what a guitar has, why would i spend so much money on one to begin with?
Im going to try and play them both but it's going to be hard to fine both of them. Most stores around here stock cheap guitars and order the more expensive ones, so for them to have stock of these would be unlikely.
I guess it comes down to Bolt on VS Neck through and EMG VS Duncan. I guess these can be debated till he end of time. My only concern is high fret access with the bolt on. I head Jackson bolt-ons are very good and dont have a noticeable heal making them as easy to play up top as neck through. Is this correct?
I would get the soloist, its neck thru, better sustain, it has Duncans, and it has 2 Single coils which is a cool feature.

2005-08-09, 17:19
Senior Metalhead
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i was just about to buy a new Carvin, but while at guitar camp this one kid had a Schecter Classic. Dude it was rippin seriously. Like it had everything, it was heavy and all neck through mahogany which just gave it the most fullest darkest sound, along with the rosewood fingerboard. And the JB duncan it comes with equals out the darkness a bit, and i swear it screams better than any guitar i have every played. I put a JB in my carvin after playing it (just yesterday) and it still rocked but not as well as the schecter did. I recommend checking them out, i ended up buying the 3 tone burst which is incredible i promise you just go check it out on their site. They are amazing guitars, and i got everything i wanted in a guitar for only 550 bucks off ebay, mint condition. Jackson's are a rockin guitar, but i see too many guitars that are so much cheaper that make me feel just as good when playing them, Schecter and Carvin. I seriously think that you, and anyone else should really check them out.

2005-08-09, 19:55
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id say get the soloist for the neck-thru, but i dont like it having 1 hum and 2 single, but that my opinioun.
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-08-09, 20:16
Wasted Custom User title
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i'd probably get the dinky. I'm just one of those weird people that prefers bolt ons.
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2005-08-09, 20:48
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OMG haha I can't believe it... http://cgi.ebay.com/JACKSON-Custom-...1QQcmdZViewItem
That was my guitar last year and I ended up selling it cause I wanted a King V Mustaine. That soloist is theeee shit!!! Honestly, I fully regret ever selling that guitar cause all these others I keep buying and trying just can't do what that one did. Besides the few dings it has, that guitar sounds brilliant, the neck is super fast, and the pickups allowed little picking effort. And look man they're those badass EMG's.

2005-08-09, 21:13
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2005-08-09, 21:32
Wasted Custom User title
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Originally Posted by BrutalGtrPlayer
OMG haha I can't believe it... http://cgi.ebay.com/JACKSON-Custom-...1QQcmdZViewItem
That was my guitar last year and I ended up selling it cause I wanted a King V Mustaine. That soloist is theeee shit!!! Honestly, I fully regret ever selling that guitar cause all these others I keep buying and trying just can't do what that one did. Besides the few dings it has, that guitar sounds brilliant, the neck is super fast, and the pickups allowed little picking effort. And look man they're those badass EMG's.
I like those crackle finishes.
This is my signature.

2005-08-10, 00:22
New Blood
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Posts: 16
the finish i want is just straight black or metallic black. I might even consider transparent black. It's just my style more than anything else. I appreciate everyone's reply. While the Soloist is great, i am leaning more towards the DK1 at this point. I will make my decision soon and purchase something. I'll make sure to post picks and a review as soon as i get one of them since i appreciate the help i got so far.

2005-08-10, 03:29
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Originally Posted by Devilito
the finish i want is just straight black or metallic black. I might even consider transparent black. It's just my style more than anything else. I appreciate everyone's reply. While the Soloist is great, i am leaning more towards the DK1 at this point. I will make my decision soon and purchase something. I'll make sure to post picks and a review as soon as i get one of them since i appreciate the help i got so far.
Well you'll really like the DK-1 I got to play one at this really nice guitar store by my house. It's a really awesome guitar, great feel and sound.

2005-08-10, 13:44
New Blood
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Originally Posted by BrutalGtrPlayer
Is it true what it says about it having 85's in the neck and bridge? That's a tough lookin' axe.

2005-08-10, 14:36
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Originally Posted by Donzi
Is it true what it says about it having 85's in the neck and bridge?
euhm what do they say??
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-08-10, 17:51
New Blood
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Location: Texas
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Originally Posted by Donzi
Is it true what it says about it having 85's in the neck and bridge? That's a tough lookin' axe.
Originally Posted by k13m
euhm what do they say??
"it" being the ebay ad.
Last edited by Donzi : 2005-08-10 at 17:54.

2005-08-10, 23:02
Join Date: Aug 2003
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Originally Posted by Donzi
Is it true what it says about it having 85's in the neck and bridge? That's a tough lookin' axe.
That's what the dude that sold it to me said it had. I know that the guitar sounds badass.

2005-08-11, 00:10
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: vlissingen, the Netherlands
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damn i wish ive never sold my warrior usa1 and got a ibanez 
im gonna get me a jackson again SOON
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-08-11, 00:17
Join Date: Jan 2002
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I have an SL1, it is by far the best sounding and most playable guitar I have ever played. Get it, the Duncans allow such a wide variety of tones. EMGs would be a waste on such a quality instrument.
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2005-08-11, 00:27
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The neck-through with Duncans, I would buy that one, especially to play stuff like you mentioned. Sure the Duncans might not be able to pull of some br00t3l d3ath m3tal as well as the EMG-ones, but I think you'll like it more. And c'mon, it's a neck-through.
I don't think a lot of PM bands use actives...
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
(Did you know In Flames had a 2005 album called "Come Clarity"? How prophetic. I think they're trying to tell us all their sperm are dead.)

2005-08-11, 04:33
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Me personally The DK1
I think the DK1 is for me over the soloist. Im not into the single coil shit , THe DK1 seems harder to find for some reason but if it were me thats the one id go for .

2005-08-12, 03:15
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
I think the DK1 is for me over the soloist. Im not into the single coil shit , THe DK1 seems harder to find for some reason but if it were me thats the one id go for .
yeah I hear that dude. I always have a problem picking that damn middle coil pickup on those designs. It just gets in the way.

2005-08-12, 04:21
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I'm more into the double-coil guitars myself..though my Ibanez Ex only has one on it..lol.. My new Jackson has 3 double coil's..more than enough for what I need...far as pitch harmonics..etc..

2005-08-12, 15:34
New Blood
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Originally Posted by BestialWarrior
I'm more into the double-coil guitars myself..though my Ibanez Ex only has one on it..lol.. My new Jackson has 3 double coil's..more than enough for what I need...far as pitch harmonics..etc..
What model Jackson do you have?
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