2005-08-10, 19:15
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HARD standard tuning...
i know there have been lots of threadsabout "what bands use standard" but i have already played most of them at least once... i need something harder...
what are some hard standard tuning songs? (not like Steve Vai hard but harder than Slayer/Megadeth etc...)
Originally Posted by IlikeRiffseveryone
im 50 percent irish and 100 percent pain. (SHAKE DOWN!!!!)
Canadian Brutal Death (So you know it's good)

2005-08-10, 19:19
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Harder than Megadeth? The tracks in Rust in Peace should be challenging...
Anything with lots of solos, man. Go for Malmsteen, Vai, and pretty much anything with constant fretboard masturbation.
Some Iced Earth tracks are hard, but I think they use Eb if I'm not mistaken.
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
(Did you know In Flames had a 2005 album called "Come Clarity"? How prophetic. I think they're trying to tell us all their sperm are dead.)

2005-08-10, 19:25
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ive tryed to play Malmsteen stuff but its to fast, im looking for something harder than Slayer, Megadeth etc, but not something that i need to be on steroids to play 
Originally Posted by IlikeRiffseveryone
im 50 percent irish and 100 percent pain. (SHAKE DOWN!!!!)
Canadian Brutal Death (So you know it's good)

2005-08-10, 21:05
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I got a question about a tuning...
what is BADGBe It makes power chords octaves on the top string. I know Dime and Zakk use this tuning for some of their tunes. Does it have a specific name or is it like Standard Drop B or something like that?
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2005-08-10, 21:43
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2005-08-10, 21:48
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van halen. joe satriani.
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Originally Posted by User01
ibut i wouldnt get any help at a slipknot board, theyre struggling with palm muting!

2005-08-10, 21:50
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Originally Posted by davie_gravy
I got a question about a tuning...
what is BADGBe It makes power chords octaves on the top string. I know Dime and Zakk use this tuning for some of their tunes. Does it have a specific name or is it like Standard Drop B or something like that?
just drop B, fret the 2nd fret on the A string and tune like you would with drop D whe suing your ear. I use it all the time on my guitar with zakk wylde strings.

2005-08-10, 21:54
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dimmu borgir... some of there stuff is hard

2005-08-10, 22:08
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where can i find a guitar tab of Retry? Abort? Ignore? from Martyr? to many question marks... 
Originally Posted by IlikeRiffseveryone
im 50 percent irish and 100 percent pain. (SHAKE DOWN!!!!)
Canadian Brutal Death (So you know it's good)

2005-08-10, 22:09
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well taht is in drop-d, but its on mysongbook.com
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2005-08-11, 00:18
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Well, it's not metal, but Pearl Jam used standard E a lot, not sure on which songs though. Maybe some melodic Immortal stuff is a bit tricky. Simple riffs, but you have to tremolo pick like a motherfucker...
I beleive Lamb of God use DADGBE, which is basically standard E except for the 6th string which is tuned down a whole step. I think Immortal also used this tuning on their last album.
Ensiferum songs are pretty fast and tricky, they use standard E. Maybe you could do us all a favor and try to tab "Iron". :P
If you don't mind tuning down a half-step(not sure why you would, cuz many Slayer and 'deth songs are in Eb), I suggest you try some Morbid Angel. Stuff from albums like Altars of Madness, Blessed Are the Sick, and Formulas Fatal to the Flesh. That last one has some rather challenging riffs.
Dream Theatre and Opeth use E, right? Give that shit a shot.
Edit: Of course, you can't forget Judas Priest, Halford, and old Pantera.
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
(Did you know In Flames had a 2005 album called "Come Clarity"? How prophetic. I think they're trying to tell us all their sperm are dead.)

2005-08-11, 00:28
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You can also order Martyr's tab books from their website, tabbed by themselves.

2005-08-11, 03:19
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one problem with the song books, no money...
Originally Posted by IlikeRiffseveryone
im 50 percent irish and 100 percent pain. (SHAKE DOWN!!!!)
Canadian Brutal Death (So you know it's good)

2005-08-11, 04:15
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Originally Posted by Zertonshfits
i know there have been lots of threadsabout "what bands use standard" but i have already played most of them at least once... i need something harder...
what are some hard standard tuning songs? (not like Steve Vai hard but harder than Slayer/Megadeth etc...)
The Black Dahlia Murder...although they are in C standard tuning...they are still standard...might be off a by notes...but hell that isn't always the point of playing is it? If you can master those riffs in the correct/wrong tuning then if you do go to C tuning you got it mastered already.
Old Man's Child has some sweet songs...i don't know about "HARD," But cool.

2005-08-11, 04:25
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Fuck all these fools. Learn one song from each of teh bands I posted and your playing will improve 10 fold.
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2005-08-11, 04:59
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Dissection - Black Horizons, Thorns of Crimson Death
All of the bands DEAD recommended, especially Atheist

2005-08-11, 09:26
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Download Powertab, download any hard song in any tuning, and change the tuning to E in the program.
You can play pretty much everything that way, to practice.

2005-08-11, 11:04
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Originally Posted by DEAD
Spastic Ink
Dillinger Escape Plan
Spiral Architect
Theory In Practice
The best recomendations so far in this thread.
However, Theory In Practice are in Eb, not E.

2005-08-11, 11:05
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Originally Posted by h4x5k8
dimmu borgir... some of there stuff is hard
Oh god.

2005-08-11, 11:57
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What about early Malevolent Creation or Demolition Hammer? Should be in standard-tuning, don't know if you will find it hard to play.

2005-08-11, 12:09
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Originally Posted by Cloaca
However, Theory In Practice are in Eb, not E.
Yeah, but I figure if he is playing Slayer, a half step isnt a big deal. Plus, thoes arpeggios in "Colonizing the Sun" are to die for.
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2005-08-11, 14:55
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Originally Posted by CodeOfHonour
What about early Malevolent Creation or Demolition Hammer? Should be in standard-tuning, don't know if you will find it hard to play.
I don't think Malevolent use standard, I always thought they used Eb and below.
Dude, Helloween and Iron Maiden are always in E. Learn their hardest songs and solos. Or simply learn whatever the hell you want to in E, then when you decide to buy new strings, you can downtune to whatever tuning and not feel like a much of spaghetthi. I assume the only reason why you want to learn stuff only in E is cuz you don't want to downtune and lose all that string tension.
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
(Did you know In Flames had a 2005 album called "Come Clarity"? How prophetic. I think they're trying to tell us all their sperm are dead.)

2005-08-11, 15:05
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Originally Posted by Soeru
I don't think Malevolent use standard, I always thought they used Eb and below.
You're right, I just checked the tabs.

2005-08-11, 19:50
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Originally Posted by Cloaca
Oh god.
HAHA I knew someone was gonna come around and say that. Some of there stuff is harder than metallica and megadeth....

2005-08-11, 19:53
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Originally Posted by Soeru
I don't think Malevolent use standard, I always thought they used Eb and below.
Dude, Helloween and Iron Maiden are always in E. Learn their hardest songs and solos. Or simply learn whatever the hell you want to in E, then when you decide to buy new strings, you can downtune to whatever tuning and not feel like a much of spaghetthi. I assume the only reason why you want to learn stuff only in E is cuz you don't want to downtune and lose all that string tension.
No, he is probabaly using standard because standard is the best. Fuck downtuning.
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2005-08-13, 00:21
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Learn Vinnie Moore's Time Odyssey.. Thats a great album for learning shit in Standard E, and there is also a complete tab book for it.

2005-08-13, 14:38
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Learn some Death end of story

2005-08-13, 15:04
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Originally Posted by Jacob
Learn some Death end of story
Death is tuned in D, this guy is looking for bands in E... I suppose you could get the power tab or guitar pro tabs and change the tuning that way though... or use Audacity... you can change the pitch of songs without making them faster or slower.
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2005-08-13, 17:56
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Originally Posted by davie_gravy
I got a question about a tuning...
what is BADGBe It makes power chords octaves on the top string. I know Dime and Zakk use this tuning for some of their tunes. Does it have a specific name or is it like Standard Drop B or something like that?
you dont have a slight idea what youre talking about. dime never used drop B ... and yes anytime you drop the 6th string form E down to antother note its called dropped not "standard tuning with low e tuned down some steps"
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2005-08-13, 22:15
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2005-08-17, 21:22
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i would recommend listening to Zyklon and getting some of those songs down. Some songs have wierd time signatures and tremolo picking is quite good fun. Also some of the solo are worth listening to.
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2005-08-20, 00:23
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Originally Posted by DEAD
Spastic Ink
Dillinger Escape Plan
Spiral Architect
Theory In Practice
and black dahlia murder and children of bodom


2005-08-20, 00:55
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Jimi freeeekin' hendrix.
he's probobly the only artist I listen to that is technical/in E. Besides SRV, Robin Trower, Frank Marino, Gary Moore and a few other blues cats. But real blues is best when you're down 1 whole step.
sorry i'm off and on on this site...I'm usually too drunk to boot the computer up

2005-08-20, 06:15
New Blood
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Might I recommend Sadus?
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