2005-08-22, 10:51
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Which Guitar...?
im, thinking of getting a new guitar now, and i was just considering alternative guitars to ran which appeal to me. I came across two guitars which were really standinng out amongst the rest. The ESP LTD M-1000 and the Ibanez RG2570. which of the following two guitars would be better for me
ESP LTD M-1000
i mostly play metal (slayer, chimaira, killswitch etc etc) but im trying to branch out into shred. im starting to learn how to sweep, and im starting to do speed building excercises.
which one of those would be better for me?
i would also like to know, if possible, out of the two guitars, which has the thinnest neck, and i would also like to know if a bolt on neck joint would be better or worse than a neck through joint.
stock pickups are not a problem as i will change them if i dont like them (altho i would prob keep the emgs in the esp or at the very most change the neck to an 85)
thanks a lot
P.S. sorry if this is like the 48764546546th thread like this, its just that i wasnt able to find a thread with the info i needed.

2005-08-22, 11:48
Join Date: Jan 2005
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You will probally prefer the rg.A neck-through joint provides more sustain,but a bolt on can be replaced,ect.The ibanez has a wizard neck wich is super-thin,the most comfortable neck i've played on,good guitar to get you into 'shredding'.Similar guitars,but try them both out,and see what you prefer.I'd go the rg.

2005-08-22, 12:02
Supreme Metalhead
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In my opinion The LTD
The 1000 series are truely excellent guitars you have choice of 81s
81/85 Ala Slayer , Duncan combos Jb/59s ,They are beautiful play well and come in Les Paul shape , SG or super strat ,
I just got a MH-1000 with 81/85s kicks ass and mind you I predominantly play Gibsons ,
another Axe that may tickle your fancy is The Dean Dime Flame, it has a dimebucker it shaped half explorer half v , licensed floyd , around the same price as the LTD
 good Luck

2005-08-22, 12:18
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Both guitars have their attributes,its a matter of what you prefer yourself.

2005-08-22, 13:09
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that dean dime guitar sure looks sweet, but i heard it has a fat neck when compared to ibanez guitars and it has 22 frets.
i love the look of the M-1000, the abalone and white neck binding is killer, and the neck thru, emgs and original floyd is a bonus.
but i prefere the body shape of the rg and the neck.
hmm, i'l prob get the M-1000 and a cheap ibanez, like an rg370

2005-08-22, 13:31
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Actually the Dean is a fast neck
Originally Posted by User01
that dean dime guitar sure looks sweet, but i heard it has a fat neck when compared to ibanez guitars and it has 22 frets.
i love the look of the M-1000, the abalone and white neck binding is killer, and the neck thru, emgs and original floyd is a bonus.
but i prefere the body shape of the rg and the neck.
hmm, i'l prob get the M-1000 and a cheap ibanez, like an rg370
The Dime is a fast neck as Dimebag was a shred meister ,
Enjoy whatever one u decide on 

2005-08-22, 14:17
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I would get the ESP, it looks nicer (binding, flame top) and its neck through and comes with better pups.

2005-08-22, 14:19
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yeah, the ESP.

2005-08-22, 16:08
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by User01
hmm, i'l prob get the M-1000 and a cheap ibanez, like an rg370
I have the 370dx. Takes some adjusting and replacing of electronics to make it good. So, yes, sounds like a good plan.
Originally Posted by foxguitar
The Dime is a fast neck as Dimebag was a shred meister ,
Enjoy whatever one u decide on 
One, he said compared to. Alot of necks are fat compared to the WizardII necks. And do you really think that the model they are selling is the same thing Dime played on? Of course not. They are just cheaper ripoffs in an attempt to whore the name Dimebag Darrell into sales.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.
Last edited by Dissection : 2005-08-22 at 16:10.

2005-08-22, 16:26
Supreme Metalhead
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OK but
One, he said compared to. Alot of necks are fat compared to the WizardII necks. And do you really think that the model they are selling is the same thing Dime played on? Of course not. They are just cheaper ripoffs in an attempt to whore the name Dimebag Darrell into sales.[/QUOTE]

2005-08-22, 16:29
bugfucker strikes back.
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: 19713, Delaware
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Your attempt at a comeback failed. Nice job quoting me.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-08-22, 16:35
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: NY just south of heaven
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OK but
One, he said compared to. Alot of necks are fat compared to the WizardII necks. And do you really think that the model they are selling is the same thing Dime played on? Of course not. They are just cheaper ripoffs in an attempt to whore the name Dimebag Darrell into sales.[/QUOTE]
You Think. Of course its not the same guitar , non of these signature axes or Amps are the same , Most of the so called signature series are facsimile , Most pros have their shit modded. Anyway The dean is a nice guitar in its own right. Have you tried one ? 

2005-08-22, 16:41
bugfucker strikes back.
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Yes, and it was one of the most uncomfortable things I've ever played on.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-08-22, 16:47
Supreme Metalhead
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Ok cool
I never said it was the greatest guitar but it plays good IMHO , My favorite guitars are Gibson Les Pauls , alot of cats hate em too heavy etc. To each their own. 

2005-08-22, 17:14
bugfucker strikes back.
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: 19713, Delaware
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I'm getting an Epi Les Paul Standard. I'd much rather another RG, but I'm not in the mood to put out a shitload of money for one, and ebay is full of snipers with a higher budget than I who post at the last second. Asshole. Ruined me getting an RG 470.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-08-22, 17:17
Supreme Metalhead
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Can I suggest something
Originally Posted by Dissection
I'm getting an Epi Les Paul Standard. I'd much rather another RG, but I'm not in the mood to put out a shitload of money for one, and ebay is full of snipers with a higher budget than I who post at the last second. Asshole. Ruined me getting an RG 470.
May I without getting flamed , Have you tried the LTD EC1000 , much better than a EPI paul, IMHO , EPI to Gibson is not as good as LTD is too ESP. 

2005-08-22, 17:23
bugfucker strikes back.
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I do not have the money for the EC. I've looked. And I've played on the Standard, and like it. Not as good as my RG, but the strings on the store model were shit, and the action was too high for my liking.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-08-22, 17:26
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Location: Longmont, CO, USA
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Originally Posted by foxguitar
May I without getting flamed , Have you tried the LTD EC1000 , much better than a EPI paul, IMHO , EPI to Gibson is not as good as LTD is too ESP. 
I agree, i hear a lot more good things about the Eclipse's. And LTD's kick ass for the price.

2005-08-22, 20:42
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As for playability, I'd say the Ibanez. But if you're really not picky about neck width I'd say the ESP(not that they have fat necks or anything). Considering your musical tastes, you already have those EMG's in the M-1000, and you have a Floyd Rose to have fun with. The ESP also looks much nicer.
If they're around the same price I'd say get the LTD, but that Ibanez is bad-ass too, I just don't like that finish. 
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
(Did you know In Flames had a 2005 album called "Come Clarity"? How prophetic. I think they're trying to tell us all their sperm are dead.)

2005-08-22, 21:40
Metal As Fuck!
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Heh, I always say that. Ibanez, IMO, fuckin rule for metal guitars. The wizard II neck is the baddest fuckin neck in the world, so thin, so light. I can now actually sweep clean instead of a muck sweep. I have WAY more control, less thud notes. ESP does have the EMG's, but hell, you can drop those in the Ibanez and be off!!
R.I.P. Dimebag
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2005-08-23, 04:14
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by davie_gravy
Heh, I always say that. Ibanez, IMO, fuckin rule for metal guitars. The wizard II neck is the baddest fuckin neck in the world, so thin, so light. I can now actually sweep clean instead of a muck sweep. I have WAY more control, less thud notes. ESP does have the EMG's, but hell, you can drop those in the Ibanez and be off!!
Ibanez don't only rule for metal. It is the shit for my rock/light stuff too. Now to see how it'll fare in my grind band.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-08-23, 06:03
Metal As Fuck!
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Location: LR AR
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I play metal/rock/pussy rock/prog rock/alt/blues/bluegrass/folk or anything else on my Ibanez. Hell... it even makes for good toilet paper, or a emergency tampon.
R.I.P. Dimebag
My Music
BuildTheMusic.com is your #1 FREE online guitar resource center.

2005-08-23, 17:08
Senior Metalhead
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Originally Posted by Dissection
I'm getting an Epi Les Paul Standard. I'd much rather another RG, but I'm not in the mood to put out a shitload of money for one, and ebay is full of snipers with a higher budget than I who post at the last second. Asshole. Ruined me getting an RG 470.
I too have been looking at the EP Les Paul Standard. Think you can tell me about how it plays and stuff, good stuff about it etc what its good for and compare it to the RG370dx

2005-08-23, 19:30
Senior Metalhead
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Originally Posted by Dissection
I do not have the money for the EC. I've looked. And I've played on the Standard, and like it. Not as good as my RG, but the strings on the store model were shit, and the action was too high for my liking.
you know that you can have the bridge set up for lower action, but you either have to be a luthier or have experiance in messing whit bridges. 

2005-08-23, 20:36
Join Date: Jun 2004
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Originally Posted by antipunx
you know that you can have the bridge set up for lower action, but you either have to be a luthier or have experiance in messing whit bridges. 

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