2005-08-25, 01:45
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Massachusetts
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Get a load of this:
My Gigantour show this Friday is going to be at a venue with seats...FUCKING SEATS. How fucking ridiculous is that? Nevermore will make me go insane, there will be moshing...seats or no seats.

2005-08-25, 01:55
Noob lud
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Hahaha, i want to see a mosh pit over seats.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2005-08-25, 01:55
Forum Daemon
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Most of the people who'll be there for Nevermore's set are just DT fans who want to get up close early on so they'll have a good view of Portnoy's kit and Petrucci's fretting hand, and who can't understand why anybody would headbang or mosh or otherwise get into the music. So I doubt there would be much moshing anyway. Warrell kept telling the crowd to start when I saw them, but the crowd just didn't get it. They also looked at my like I was a psychopath who'd break into their house, kill their pets, rape their children, tie them down, and take a nice, relaxing dump on their chests whilst juggling the corpses of their pets and then throwing them at their raped children for headbanging and singing along. I'm glad Dream Theater won't still be on the bill when I see it again, if I see it again.

2005-08-25, 02:02
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Originally Posted by PST 88
Most of the people who'll be there for Nevermore's set are just DT fans who want to get up close early on so they'll have a good view of Portnoy's kit and Petrucci's fretting hand, and who can't understand why anybody would headbang or mosh or otherwise get into the music. So I doubt there would be much moshing anyway. Warrell kept telling the crowd to start when I saw them, but the crowd just didn't get it. They also looked at my like I was a psychopath who'd break into their house, kill their pets, rape their children, tie them down, and take a nice, relaxing dump on their chests whilst juggling the corpses of their pets and then throwing them at their raped children for headbanging and singing along. I'm glad Dream Theater won't still be on the bill when I see it again, if I see it again.
Well fuck me. Nevermore should be fucking headlining. I hope to goodness that Nevermore has a headlining tour after this. I like Dream Theater, but the fans are elitist fucktards. The other bands can bite me (Symphony X isn't playing Boston).

2005-08-25, 02:04
Forum Daemon
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Nevermore should have a headlining tour in the US when they get back from headlining Europe. That's what they say, but they've said the same before. This 30 minutes shit is like a cock tease.

2005-08-25, 02:07
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It's a crime against humanity.

2005-08-25, 02:47
I am a tax on the world..
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I didn't think it was possible to headbang or mosh to Dream Theater.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2005-08-25, 02:50
Forum Daemon
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I left before Dream Theater. I was talking about Nevermore.

2005-08-25, 02:53
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Originally Posted by powersofterror
I didn't think it was possible to headbang or mosh to Dream Theater.
Oh, its not. A slight nod of the head is the most you will ever achieve, as well as the overwhelming desire to cleanse your ears every four seconds due to the horrendous singing.

2005-08-25, 03:08
I am a tax on the world..
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Nawwww, more like...."it makes ya wanna wip out the vacuum cleaner and duster."
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2005-08-25, 03:35
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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lol steve just saw this show and he said there were guards to make sure you sat in your chair and didnt stand up
what a stupid tour

2005-08-25, 03:50
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Massachusetts
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Originally Posted by Transient
lol steve just saw this show and he said there were guards to make sure you sat in your chair and didnt stand up
what a stupid tour
Jesus jizz-mopping Christ. How lame. Someone from Michigan said the guards were lax there, but it will probably be like this example of yours in Boston. Maybe I won't go.

2005-08-25, 03:54
Pokémon Master
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That is quite shit indeed. I think Dream Theatre fags are to blame too. They are even worse than opeth fags.
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2005-08-25, 03:56
Forum Daemon
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That I blame on Mustaine.

2005-08-25, 04:57
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 1,968
Originally Posted by Transient
lol steve just saw this show and he said there were guards to make sure you sat in your chair and didnt stand up
what a stupid tour
Wtf?? My friends went to the concert in Irvine and everyone sat but when Megadeth came on everyone just stood. Seemed like no one was stopping anyone from doing so.

2005-08-25, 05:21
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Dees is burrshit.

2005-08-25, 05:23
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Originally Posted by BeastOfCarrion
They are even worse than opeth fags.
Fuck that, you dont have a metal tour with fucking seats, thats just stupid. A lot of the point of seeing this sorta music live is to go nuts and get into the atmosphere, that just blows having to sit. 
My bands page ^
Think my attitude stinks?? You should smell my fingers.
Originally Posted by BOB_ZE_METALLEU
yeah, one night he (BassBehemoth) came with some GHB and he put it in my drink, when i woke up....i lost my hymen....terrible 

2005-08-25, 11:47
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Location: Yggdrassyl
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Nevermore is comming to my town in september 
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-08-25, 14:22
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Originally Posted by brainsforbreakfast
Nevermore is comming to my town in september 
Where is this? Are they making any other such stops?

2005-08-25, 16:47
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 138
Originally Posted by Pandemonium
Where is this? Are they making any other such stops?
He lives in Europe i belive.

2005-08-25, 17:29
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
haha im not lying, steve had to sit during megadeth

2005-08-25, 17:54
El Diablo sin pantalones
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Yggdrassyl
Posts: 4,321
Originally Posted by Pandemonium
Where is this? Are they making any other such stops?
Holland. They just reopend the stage venue in my shitass town, and already the metal bill is owning both Amsterdam and Utrecht 
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-08-25, 19:22
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Massachusetts
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Originally Posted by brainsforbreakfast
Holland. They just reopend the stage venue in my shitass town, and already the metal bill is owning both Amsterdam and Utrecht 
So fortunate...
I have decided not to go to this shitty tour. The "good seats" are $45, then you factor in gas, parking in Boston...and it is totally not worth it just to see Nevermore.

2005-08-25, 20:03
Senior Metalhead
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When I went to Gigantour people were moshing in the seats............
"The last Christian died on a cross."
-Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
"Faith: not wanting to know what is true."
-Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
teh myspace

2005-08-25, 20:03
El Diablo sin pantalones
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Yggdrassyl
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nevermore is 15 buck, and i only have to cycle to the gig.
offcoarse, for the opeth gig in tilburg i have to go with the train (20 bucks traveling) and i probably have to leave early to catch the last train back.
But I have the opeth gig in amsterdam to make up for it.
And If for some unfortunate event, I still miss parts of that gig, well there 2 more opeth gigs in holland in december
[/fanboy mode]
did i mention i saw bloodbath in wacken?
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-08-25, 20:48
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 1,968
What is this sitting bullshit? Your venues must suck.

2005-08-25, 21:11
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Originally Posted by Silent Night 6 6
What is this sitting bullshit? Your venues must suck.
Well, typically the metal shows here are at a venue called the Palladium in Worcester...where there is a huge floor area. But feeble-minded Mustaine, or whoever did the booking, chose Boston instead...Boston is dirty, crowded, and the main venue has seats!

2005-08-25, 21:11
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Massachusetts
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Originally Posted by brainsforbreakfast
nevermore is 15 buck, and i only have to cycle to the gig.
offcoarse, for the opeth gig in tilburg i have to go with the train (20 bucks traveling) and i probably have to leave early to catch the last train back.
But I have the opeth gig in amsterdam to make up for it.
And If for some unfortunate event, I still miss parts of that gig, well there 2 more opeth gigs in holland in december
[/fanboy mode]
did i mention i saw bloodbath in wacken?
I can't wait to move to Europe.

2005-08-25, 21:24
Noob lud
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Whens that going to be?
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2005-08-25, 21:29
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: providence
Posts: 1,863
what is that the tweeter center or some shit, no wait, i just looked it up, Bank of America Pavilion, what a name for a venue
boston dirty??? its the cleanest city i ever seen, it lacks normal venues is all, everything is owned by some bigshot corporation and yeah it'll have seats coz that shit is built for fat, rich middle age babyboomers and fleetwood mac reunion tour bullshit. middle east and tt the bears is all there is left of the good ol days of normal venues,bars etc. the rat was turned into a high end jewellery store. its all gentrified for rich fucks
boston sucks

2005-08-26, 02:29
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Originally Posted by low-tech
what is that the tweeter center or some shit, no wait, i just looked it up, Bank of America Pavilion, what a name for a venue
boston dirty??? its the cleanest city i ever seen, it lacks normal venues is all, everything is owned by some bigshot corporation and yeah it'll have seats coz that shit is built for fat, rich middle age babyboomers and fleetwood mac reunion tour bullshit. middle east and tt the bears is all there is left of the good ol days of normal venues,bars etc. the rat was turned into a high end jewellery store. its all gentrified for rich fucks
boston sucks
Yeah...I was just venting. The water and air is pretty dirty though.

2005-08-26, 02:31
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Originally Posted by The Execrator
Whens that going to be?
I am going to study there for a year, in a year, then move after I graduate.

2005-08-26, 04:37
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Originally Posted by Silent Night 6 6
Wtf?? My friends went to the concert in Irvine and everyone sat but when Megadeth came on everyone just stood. Seemed like no one was stopping anyone from doing so.
and how  . i headbanged only to the intro of This Dying Soul by Dream Theater, then Labries vocals were pissing me off [the sound was waay to high on his mic and it was just screeching] so I went of to take a shit.
And there were Dream Theater elitist, they looked like 30-50 years old. there was a circle of them yelling, "We're here to see Dream Theater Dammit! These kids (points at me while sitting down because im waiting for my gf to get out of the shitter) and they see me looking right at them and they kind of pipe down, but then go on even louder than before because im a dumb kid "thats just there for Fear Factory or Megadeth". It was such bullshit  .a lot of jackfucks left right after Dream Theater too.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Sex is free if you don't mind spending most of your night in the bushes with both a balaclava and an overblown sense of entitlement.

2005-08-28, 04:02
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I love Dream Theater. I hate Dream Theater elitists, or elitists of any other breed for that matter.
The show in my town was kickass. I was in the seats, front and center, so I had a really good view of the stage. I was thinking about going downstairs for Megadeth to join in the moshing, but was too lazy to get out of my comfy seat. I headbanged like crazy, though, both for DT and Megadeth. I didn't even see any of the previous bands, I got there right before the start of DT's set. And yes, I too was pissed off by LeBrie's vocals. The guy is the luckiest son of a bitch on the planet to still be in DT. You've got a guy like Petrucci on guitar, a guy who knows his shit inside out upside down, and then you have a fucking squealer on the mic who can't even sing all that great. It's sad.
I don't know why there would be security guards to ensure no one got up from their seats, must be some safety policy they have at the venue, I doubt Mustaine would enact something that silly. They had signs all over the place at Hard Rock saying No Moshing or Crowd Surfing, you'll be kicked out if you do, some such bullshit, but that shit just went right out the window when Megadeth hit the stage. For their encore, Holy Wars, the entire floor just exploded. It was fucking insane. The seats weren't a lot calmer either.
The Hard Rock is a cool place to see a show, though, because it has the best of both worlds; great seats if you just wanna sit down and chill out with a beer, and a huge ass floor if you wanna rock out with your cock out. I guess some of you guys just had the misfortune of seeing the show in really bad venues.
Can't really blame Dave for booking the show in small venures, I mean, hell, look at the figures, the California and Arizona shows had horrible attendance. They had one show where the capacity was like 6,000, and only about a thousand people showed up. The Hard Rock was sold out, though. 

2005-08-28, 04:14
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 472
seating is quite possibly the worst thing to be within 20 miles of a metal band.
its extroadinarily aggrivating to be told where you must be whilst watching a band, and then to fill that space with a chair adds insult to injury.
seating is pointless and obtrusive, and nearly as irritating as non-smoking venues.
what a good thing it is that the birmingham NEC hes niether seating nor
non-smoking policies, and that it doesn't cost fucking Ł50 to travel to london to see a band, and that there are loads of other great venues large enough to accomodate bigger bands in the south west. 
"The complexity of the penguins' lifestyle testifies to a Divine Creator," said one commentator on Christian Answers. "To think that natural selection or even the penguins themselves could come up with the idea to migrate miles and miles multiple times each year without their partner or their offspring is a bit insulting to my intellect. How great is our God!"

2005-08-28, 04:20
Join Date: Dec 2004
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seats gotta be more of a hazzard for a crowd, i hate arenas and big venues anyway

2005-08-30, 06:06
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The Hard Rock solved this problem quite nicely. The seats are on a balcony. You get a real nice view of the stage and the band and you can go down into the crowd whenever you feel like it. They're quite comfy, too.
I like moshing and all, but not as much as I did two or three years ago. It's kinda nice when you don't have to spend two fucking hours standing surrounded by selly, sweaty, fat fucks. You can breathe a little.
Breathing = good.

2005-08-30, 06:23
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Location: Where the grass is green, and the girls 69.
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Originally Posted by i_hate_nu_metal
Breathing = good.
+ living.
I know what you mean, we have some fucking brutal moshes here, its just how people mosh.
Especially to fucking metal  You HAVE to be big, if you go in a metal mosh here, and your a twig, you get snapped.
My bands page ^
Think my attitude stinks?? You should smell my fingers.
Originally Posted by BOB_ZE_METALLEU
yeah, one night he (BassBehemoth) came with some GHB and he put it in my drink, when i woke up....i lost my hymen....terrible 

2005-08-30, 07:17
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: In the Uber Kvlt shithole (NZ)
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Stop bitching about seats, at least you get fucking decent bands touring your country, hell you get decent bands touring your city so QUIT YOUR FUCKING BITCHING!!!!
(that said Seats are Uber Gay)
omg t3h @x1s p3d@ls @r3 t3h b3st!!!!!!1!!11

2005-08-30, 17:37
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Los Angeles, CA
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Originally Posted by OpethFan
Especially to fucking metal  You HAVE to be big, if you go in a metal mosh here, and your a twig, you get snapped.
hah yeah, id know, i got sickass whiplash in a Transmetal pit.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Sex is free if you don't mind spending most of your night in the bushes with both a balaclava and an overblown sense of entitlement.

2005-08-30, 19:12
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Brazil
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Seats, damn.
Last year Dimmu Borgir played here and the place were like, half pit, half seats, it was cool, because when you get tired or something, you can go over there and have a seat. (I were seated all the time, just watching the almighty (homo) Shagrath).
Now, Nevermore with seats just don't fit.

2005-08-30, 20:08
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: nowhere,USA
Posts: 1,457
JP's solo record was awesome. yea the guy in DT cant sing worth shit.most good guitarist are stuck with shitty singers. im glad JP went solo cuz they were holding him back.
my opionion. now i cant wait for that new G3
music expresses which words cant emulate
Originally Posted by User01
ibut i wouldnt get any help at a slipknot board, theyre struggling with palm muting!

2005-08-31, 02:29
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Whorelando, FL
Posts: 589
Originally Posted by OpethFan
+ living.
I know what you mean, we have some fucking brutal moshes here, its just how people mosh.
Especially to fucking metal  You HAVE to be big, if you go in a metal mosh here, and your a twig, you get snapped.
I'm not very big, but I can holld my own in a pit. Hell, when I saw Slayer, I was kicking ass and taking names left and right. Got a whole list of people. Some even gave me their phone numbers.
However, once the 200 plus pound rednecks get in there, I politely excuse myself 'cause I know it's about to get nasty. The key is to keep your knees slightly bent and basically use your legs as shock absorbers.
Once, though, I got hit from behind, and I landed on my arm, sprained my elbow a bit, nothing serious, but it hurt for a couple days. I was lucky I didn't break anything that time.
What I really hate is when some asshole goes into a pit to work out some personal shit, and starts kicking and punching and throwing elbows left and right, it's stupid. Pople like that don't last very long though, they usually get picked up by one of the big fellas and tossed to the side.
I guess the main reason I kicked ass for Slayer was because most of the guys there were girly looking gothic boys in mesh shirts. Those little bitches were puny, even compared to me.

2005-08-31, 02:43
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: providence
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when i took judo/aikido i learned something pretty obvious but useful, in a mosh pit or whatever just relax your muscles and kinda crouch<center of gravity>dead weight is harder to move, i find i can stand better and take impact from flying bodies better if my body isnt all stressed and rigid
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