2005-08-25, 21:27
Join Date: Dec 2004
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LTD EC Deluxe
Has anyone tried this guitar before?
It looks pretty nice for it's price and it comes w/ an 81/60 config. The guitars I really want are an RR-1T and a Les Paul, but I don't have that much money right now, and saving up for both would take me forever. I haven't found a nice RR that fits my needs, except for a Jackson Stars one, but that's overseas and so I'd rather not deal w/ it now. Anyways, tell me how this LTD is and if it'd be a good buy, because it' a LP style and it seems to fit my needs, like the EMG's already coming in stock.

2005-08-25, 21:37
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I have played the LTD with the 81/81 the amber one with duncans and the 2005 version with 81/60s ,It is a sick in a good way axe for the money , It plays like a guitar that costs alot more . I have the LTD MH1000 , also Dv8 and a few real ESPs ,
The EC1000 is outstanding , it plays real well its lighter than a Gibson Les Paul ,24 XJ frets. The entire LTD 1000 series are awsum guitars , they are a great bang for the buck , Id recommend it in a heartbeat.
good Luck

2005-08-25, 22:56
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I really like the way the Eclipse's work, and for the price its a deal. I agree its great how it comes with "good" pickups (im not a big fan of emg's), I can say its probably a better alternative rather than going with somthing like epiphone.

2005-08-25, 22:59
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i have, and my only dislike, for me, is that for a 24 fret guitar, it has a super thick neck, and a tad bit hard fret access. but thats just me, and a thick neck adds alot of tone, but i personally believe not enough that a real good pickup couldnt fix.

2005-08-25, 23:18
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Originally Posted by h4x5k8
I really like the way the Eclipse's work, and for the price its a deal. I agree its great how it comes with "good" pickups (im not a big fan of emg's), I can say its probably a better alternative rather than going with somthing like epiphone.
Yeah, and it doesn't have dual 81's like most guitars, which I think is a waste. The other one comes w/ the JB/59 comb. which a lot of you guys here say is one of the best Duncan config. Another thing that impressed me on this guitar was the spertzel locking tuners.

2005-08-25, 23:28
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Location: Longmont, CO, USA
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Originally Posted by Silent Night 6 6
Yeah, and it doesn't have dual 81's like most guitars, which I think is a waste. The other one comes w/ the JB/59 comb. which a lot of you guys here say is one of the best Duncan config. Another thing that impressed me on this guitar was the spertzel locking tuners.
If im not mistaken it has one of those advanced innotation nuts. And the sperzel tuners is a great deal. I like the JB and the 59 a lot more than the emg's and the 81 is a waste in the neck, although people say that the jazz and jb are a perfect combo, I own a jb and a 59 (on 2 seperate guitars) and I like them, but i have yet to try the jazz.

2005-08-26, 02:44
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the 2005 LTD EC 1000 comes with 81/60 the older comes with dual 81s and the amber is with the duncans.
You can if you want get a strat shape MH1000 that comes with 81/85s or one with Duncans

2005-08-27, 01:12
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Just a random thought, but I just remembered that Nergal uses this guitar.

2005-08-29, 19:20
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I own the amber sunburst version, with the JB/95's and i love it to death. the ONLY problem is high fret access for a 24 fret. other than that i love the guitar to death.
nørthern dragon
Last edited by northerndragon : 2005-08-29 at 19:23.

2005-08-29, 19:30
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Location: NY just south of heaven
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Originally Posted by northerndragon
I own the amber sunburst version, with the JB/95's and i love it to death. the ONLY problem is high fret access for a 24 fret. other than that i love the guitar to death.
Cool Axe ,Great guitar for the money , the access on the higher fret is a problem shared by Les paul shaped guitars.


2005-08-31, 01:26
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I have an ESP EC-1000 the See Thru Black Cherry version. . . The sperzel's end up pissing you off if you like to use gauges above a .052 for your low E. . . I tried to use a .06 and that shit was too big for the hole. . . other than that it is a great guitar. . . well except I play it in jazz band and I have to buy 9 volts all the time. . . It is a great investment though. . . I turned down a Gibson Les Paul classic for it. . . I think that should say something.
"Saying that people have sex only to procreate is like saying people eat only to defecate."
RIP Brian Daniel McDonough: June 30, 1983- April 13, 2006, One of the bass greats that never was discovered

2005-08-31, 01:30
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Location: East Texas, Contact and will drink if in area
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Originally Posted by h4x5k8
If im not mistaken it has one of those advanced innotation nuts. And the sperzel tuners is a great deal. I like the JB and the 59 a lot more than the emg's and the 81 is a waste in the neck, although people say that the jazz and jb are a perfect combo, I own a jb and a 59 (on 2 seperate guitars) and I like them, but i have yet to try the jazz.
Erm. . . If I'm not mistaken the 59 is a "jazz." At least that's what I've always heard it referred to as. It's the same configuration as in the Schecter C1 Classic and as in Dave Mustaine's V. . . . At least I'm pretty sure but I always doubt myself.
"Saying that people have sex only to procreate is like saying people eat only to defecate."
RIP Brian Daniel McDonough: June 30, 1983- April 13, 2006, One of the bass greats that never was discovered

2005-08-31, 06:13
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 1,968
Dude, I just started looking at a DV8-R more closely and I gotta say I'm hooked on that guitar also. The guitars look so much better when you actually see a real picture of it rather than just pics on the ESP site:
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