2005-09-26, 07:47
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Any more Hate Eternal songs?
Or just some riffs would be cool.

2005-09-26, 08:04
Life is pain.
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Dude there is H.E. at ROG and here... what other songs do you want and I MIGHT have a look at them?

2005-09-26, 12:58
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Im currently working on Two demons. Infinity might be helping me out with it as well, right?

2005-09-26, 13:20
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When I can get the time man... give me a finished product and I'll go over and change what I think it is and we can compare, amigo.

2005-09-26, 13:25
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Sounds good bro! 

2005-09-26, 14:51
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Do Sons of Darkness 

2005-09-26, 16:03
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hahaha, you won`t be seeing that one from me atleast, that song is too crazy for my (weak) tabbing abbilities  I might have a look at it if two demons turns out good, but don`t expect anything. A tab of that song would rule though 

2005-09-26, 16:27
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2005-09-26, 16:59
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2005-09-27, 01:49
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I'd love to see some tabs from I, Monarch, especially To Know Our Enemies, It is Our Will, Faceless One, and Sons of Darkness. Powertabs or Guitar Pro tabs would be even better.

2005-09-27, 10:43
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Originally Posted by humancorpse
i hate these riffs where you have to slide back and forth over the whole fucking fretboard
I'll just play the 2nd riff like this:

2005-09-28, 03:21
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Actually, something from the first 2 cd's would be awesome. "I, Monarh" was horrible IMO minus a couple of songs. "Kings Of All Kings", "Beyond Redemption", or "Chants Of Declaration" would be great.

2005-09-28, 11:13
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Originally Posted by BTP
Actually, something from the first 2 cd's would be awesome. "I, Monarh" was horrible IMO minus a couple of songs. "Kings Of All Kings", "Beyond Redemption", or "Chants Of Declaration" would be great.
yeah i agree, i was a big hate eternal fan before, i havent listened to em since that crap i monarch came out, GODDAMNED, they killed 2 bandas already
rip hate eternal
rip cryptopsy
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-09-28, 11:19
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why do you think it's such a bad cd?
I fucking adore him
after Nile the best cd from this year 

2005-09-28, 12:04
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Originally Posted by Spellbound
i hate these riffs where you have to slide back and forth over the whole fucking fretboard
I'll just play the 2nd riff like this:
I think that is wrong, you can hear him sliding, it's not clean enough to be string skipping IMO.

2005-09-28, 12:05
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Plus, it's sorta his style to slide around the place... Mishy Mashy

2005-09-28, 13:22
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Originally Posted by k13m
rip hate eternal
rip cryptopsy
That was pure evil  And I agree with myles, It does sound like theres a slide in there. Its more fun playing it like that anyway.

2005-09-28, 15:49
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rutan plays most songson 1 or 2 strings, ive seen some live vids, al he does is play those octave chords and slides those around the fretboard.
i know its evil, but hell that how i think bout the new hate eternal and cryptopsy album, necrophagist better NOT scew up as bad as the above mentioned did 
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-09-28, 16:15
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I thought it was more stuff like this
Anyways, I dubt necrophagist will screw up, they just, well don`t seem like a band who could, hahhaha.
Last edited by humancorpse : 2005-09-28 at 19:31.

2005-09-28, 20:21
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that a dim chord, they use them more on the new album  for asfar as ive heard, most songs on the 1st 2 albums are more octaves (in those harmonized riffs, its kinda hard to hear most of the time)
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-09-28, 20:37
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ah, yeah I noticed there seem to be more of those on the new album than the first two. If im right, conquering barely had them at all.

2005-09-30, 22:03
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Rutan got a thumbs down from me on his guitar work on "I, Monarch". It's not terrible but his early work was much more interesting and technical. I remember when most of his riffs were 2 in 1. For instance 2 guitars playing COMPLETELY different riffs at the same time (not harmonized, I mean 2 actually different riffs at the same time like on "The Obscure Terror", "Dogma Condemned", "Chants In Declaration", etc.) I think their are some parts on the new CD where he does that but they're not as good and it seriously is his worse production job to date. Other bands CD's he produces sound better then his own. "I, Monarch" had so much bass on the kicks that I kid you not, half the time I can't even hear some of the guitar riffs in the songs. The guitars in some parts just sound like noise. And it's not his gear cause Erik uses an ENGL Powerball and those amps are BADASS (Engl users - Hate Eternal, Necrophagist, Severed Savior, Internal Suffering, and I got one, love it!!!)) Has anyone ever heard MORBID ANGEL "God Of The Forsaken", Erik wrote that song and it shows he was at the top of his game back 4-5 years ago. I can see the arguement why people like "I, Monarch". It's a hell of a lot more catchier then anything he's ever done but his work before this CD is what really inspired me cause it was just some badass, crazy shit. If he can bounce back from "I, Monarch" (I'm sure he can, every band puts out at least 1 bad CD) that would make me very happy. Anyone ever notice how much shit people would talk about Hate Eternal, then "I, Monarch" comes out with these catchy death metal songs (some of them are O.K. don't get me wrong but none of them blew me away like the songs from "CTT" and "KOAK") and then all of a sudden everyone likes them now. I remember people would bitch that Derek Roddy used too many blastbeats on "KOAK". For fuck's sake isn't that a part of what makes death metal, death metal. The drumming is the only thing I like on "I, Monarch" don't even get me started on his new vocal approach. O.k. my rant is done, bitch, complain, agree, discuss whatever you want about the above, it's just my opinion.

2005-09-30, 22:08
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The production on koak was kind of a hit or miss - you either love or hate it. I would think I, monarch is more easier for new listeners to get into, production wise atleast. As for which album is HE`s best, Im not sure, I love em all 

2005-09-30, 22:14
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Best Hate Eternal CD for me is "Conquoring The Throne". You just can't beat the rawness and intensity of it. Not to mention the line-up was a death metal supergroup IMO.
Erik Rutan - vocals, guitars
Doug Cerrito - guitars
Jared Anderson - vocals, bass
Tim Yeung - drums
Also I agree the production wasn't great on "King Of All Kings" but at least I could hear the music and not just the drums on it. And I like Roddy's kick sound a lot more on "King Of All Kings". When Hate Eternal lost Jared Anderson that's when I really felt they would'nt be the same. Loosing Doug sucked but Erik is good enough IMO to carry an album by himself. And getting Roddy after Tim left was better IMO also. But Jared was like the glue holding the band together. Sucks he became a drug addict and they had to boot him out.

2005-09-30, 22:44
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It would have been interesting to see how hate eternal would have ended up with their original line up. This new guy, Hersemann, will probably add a new element though 

2005-10-07, 21:45
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Ok, so two demons and the victorious reign are in the pending tabs forum. I`ve started on sons of darkness awell, though im not promising anything. Cheers 

2005-10-07, 22:53
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Originally Posted by humancorpse
Ok, so two demons and the victorious reign are in the pending tabs forum. I`ve started on sons of darkness awell, though im not promising anything. Cheers 
good stuff man
im trying to get the solos on faceless one, and maybe some more solos, who knows
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-10-08, 09:29
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yeah more solo's from Ki3m 

2005-10-08, 15:51
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(I already put this in the 'Future death metal tabs' thread, but awell)
I do know that one riff, in I, Monarch, where everything stops and one of the guitarists play that riff with them diminished chords.. I'll tab it right here, if thats ok, anyways:
Its not 100%, but it does the job.
"The last Christian died on a cross."
-Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
"Faith: not wanting to know what is true."
-Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
teh myspace

2005-10-09, 02:26
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Id be willing to try and tab dethroned with some one
Originally Posted by k13m
so i guess its kinda nice for leads but i thought it sucked ass for soloing

2005-10-09, 09:35
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Maybe I`ll joine you on that when im done doing I, monarch stuff. we`ll see....

2005-10-09, 09:41
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Posts: 143
King of all kings: 10/10
Conquering the Throne: 9/10
I, monarch. 8,5/10
Best songs:
Victorious Reign
Powers that be
Beyond Redemption
Behold Judas

2005-10-10, 20:54
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Shut up 
Victorious Reign - Done
Powers that be - Done
Beyond Redemption - Undoable ( atleast it seems so:P)
Catacombs - Done
Behold Judas - Next one I think

2005-10-10, 22:41
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Originally Posted by humancorpse
Beyond Redemption - Undoable ( atleast it seems so:P)
muahahahah, ow sry.
i have some riffs down on beyond redemption, therefore i will complete that as good as i can. DO EXPECT SOME RIFFS TO BE COMPLETELY WRONG, but some riffs are good to hear, so i think i can get the tab bout 50% correct.
not much but its more than whe have now ey
dont expect it soon though 
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-10-11, 12:42
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I was wrong then, and im fucking happy I was too 

2005-10-11, 13:05
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Hot Spicy's going to look over and correct that Two Demons tab.

2005-10-11, 14:00
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ah ok sounds good 

2005-10-11, 15:57
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yeah, the chorus that guy tabbed in "Two Demons" was pretty off. And the interlude. But not bad for trieing at least. If "Dethroned" was tabbed (wonder in Yura is up to it) then that would be badass.

2005-10-11, 17:17
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hm, I don`t really see whats so off with the chorus, but I agree on the interlude though, but I still think it sounds ok. well hopefully Hot Spicy ( Robert is it?) can make it all sound better 

2005-10-11, 19:57
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whaha maybe assblob can check my upcoming beyond redemption tab, bout 75% is off  damn thats one big bitch song, im gonna write to rutan and call him names for making a song so tab-un-friendly 
< no wonder hes mad!!
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