2005-10-21, 10:00
New Blood
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 1
Death metal riffs
How do you create death metal riffs,is it just play till you got something or is it based on theory or what??!!??
I don't understand anything of any scale,I practised them quite a lot,but I don't know what I'm doing.
Can you use these scales to get something like Obituary,Monstrosity,Unleashed,Pestilence etc??
When I see a tab,I try to get some logica of it,but it seems it doesn't.
Unleashed for example,''where no life dwells'' album,can someone explain a little bit how they could get composing these songs??
I have no band,I just play guitar on my own,so it's very hard to get some riffs together by just play something till you get something..
How can you create some timing in your riffs so everything will not sound the same??