2005-10-23, 02:01
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 35
Floyd Rose
fuck man how do u work this shit? i have a Ibanez Rg1570Lbk and i had 9's on there and i thought id try tens now but when i put my tens on i cant fucking get it to go into standard tunning. the closet i got so far is Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb .. half step down or w\e. so yeah everytime i tighten the strings the bridge goes up and its driving me insane. Do i fuck with the springs...but i think they may be tighten almost to the max cuz i had the same fucking problem when i was putting on my nines before. If theres room to tighten the springs and i tighten them and it works could it be bad for the guitar when the springs are tighten to the max? I dont get this floyd shit can someone tell me how it works please. it would make my day cuz i dont wanna fuck my guitar up or anything.

Last edited by outlawstar_101 : 2005-10-23 at 02:06.

2005-10-23, 02:20
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: nowhere,USA
Posts: 1,457
its the springs on the underside of ur guitar, u need to tighten them 
music expresses which words cant emulate
Originally Posted by User01
ibut i wouldnt get any help at a slipknot board, theyre struggling with palm muting!

2005-10-23, 02:35
Pirate Lawd
Join Date: May 2004
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Voodoo. Floating bridges work buy Voodoo.
Get your chicken bones out and hang them above your gutiar. Now start with the low E and tune it. Make sure the other strings have a similar tentions or else have other sets of strings on standy ready for the same fate. Go to the high E and tune it. Now go back to the low E amd tune it. Repeat until they are both in tune while there is a similar tention on the other strings. Now tune the A and B string then go back to the E strings and repeat until all the E, A, and B strings are tuned. Now tune the D and G string and retune the E, A, B strings. Repaet until all strings are in tune.
While doing all this, if at anytime the bridge is not level with the body then adjust the springs just a little so that the angle is not serious.
Repeat from start until the guitar is in perpect harmany both tune wise and floating bridge wise. Then the next day repeat again as the strings might have stretched by then. This my take you hours.
Thats the crash course. With time you will be able to judge how to retune a floating bridge in minutes.
Next course! How to adjust the intonation after you have changed string gauges after having successfully adjust the tuning and bridge level.
It involves repeating all this again, maybe a few times. Once done though you will only have to replace your strings with the same type and gauge of string.
Wecome to floating bridges 

2005-10-23, 07:51
Metal As Fuck!
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Location: LR AR
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Nice guitar!
Adjust the screws in the back holding the plate connected to the springs.
R.I.P. Dimebag
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2005-10-23, 09:16
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2005-10-23, 11:48
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 35
if i have to tighten the springs in the back alot could that be bad for the guitar? and what if i cant tighen the springs anymore and the bridge is still fucked?

2005-10-23, 11:59
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: Two Steps Short of Nowhere!
Posts: 81
Nah, you won't damage it. If for some odd reason you can't tighten them any more, just put some more springs in the back. Just remember it's a bit of a balancing act that takes patience and time.

2005-10-23, 18:29
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: nowhere,USA
Posts: 1,457
maybe u should buy another spring then, how many do u have in there, and what guage are u using. u may also need to stretch the strings. i suggest u do this with a 9 volt batter wraped in electrical tape
music expresses which words cant emulate
Originally Posted by User01
ibut i wouldnt get any help at a slipknot board, theyre struggling with palm muting!

2005-10-23, 18:37
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: vlissingen, the Netherlands
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Originally Posted by YJM04
u may also need to stretch the strings. i suggest u do this with a 9 volt batter wraped in electrical tape
WTF r u talking bout if i may ask  a batterie for stretching strings???
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-10-23, 19:26
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: nowhere,USA
Posts: 1,457
Originally Posted by k13m
WTF r u talking bout if i may ask  a batterie for stretching strings???
yea u raise the bridge up and put the batterie thing in the space between the bridge and guitar body for about 2mins then tune up
music expresses which words cant emulate
Originally Posted by User01
ibut i wouldnt get any help at a slipknot board, theyre struggling with palm muting!

2005-10-23, 19:36
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: vlissingen, the Netherlands
Posts: 2,680
what would that help???
sr im just not quite getting the point.
i just restring, to the tuning i want.
i play for 5 mins or so, just some heavy trempicking, and i bend all the strings up a few times, retune, and done
ahwell, everyone has his own way i guess 
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-10-23, 20:55
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 35
i got 10's on there right now and they wont go to fucking standard tunning man even when i tighen the springs all the way. The bridge remains at a upward position grrr. shuld i throw 2 mroe springs on there? but i if i throw 2 mroe spring on there and tighten them and say the bridge finally goes down do u guys think id have to re-adjust my tross rod or what?

2005-10-24, 18:20
Senior Metalhead
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2005-10-24, 18:30
Senior Metalhead
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2005-10-24, 19:21
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Scotland
Posts: 1,061
It just needs time and care. Follow the instructions on the floyd rose website (I posted a link earlier) rigorously, and you will be fine - don't cut corners, it will make it harder.

2005-10-26, 04:13
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: hell
Posts: 82
hahah sweet i got the rg---bk model guitar aswell and i ahev that same fucking problem i bought my 9 string and i put it on and up went the bridge and i was being a jackass so i took my whammy bar and pushed it down and pop goes 3 fucking strings damn shit! i love the guitar tho looks classy with the mirror pickguard and sweet inlays im thinking of getting a jackson dxmg thoo 

2005-10-26, 12:04
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: nowhere,USA
Posts: 1,457
dkmg's are pretty good, but i think u should check out carvin, they have some pretty sweet guitars.
just speaking of carvin their making a movie about jason becker and its called "Mr. tambourine man" and its going to be a mainstream movie or so it seems, cuz some of the actors in it. sorry if this is old news to some of u
music expresses which words cant emulate
Originally Posted by User01
ibut i wouldnt get any help at a slipknot board, theyre struggling with palm muting!

2005-10-27, 02:33
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: hell
Posts: 82
carven eh? yeah rings a bell. at the main music shop ( all the sell is fuckin gay fenders and gibsons) had a used carvin i liked it 24 jumboooo frets emg picks and it felt liek marble haha it was bought after about a week of sitting their
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