2007-04-24, 13:30
New Blood
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 2
hi i've also been searching in vain for pelican tabs, my ear is also not really good enough to hear whats going on through the sludge. another user on this forum, Mammatus, helped out a lot by pointing out that the tuning for basically if not all of their songs is low-hi B F# B E B E. its extremely cool sounding, but you might need to get some thicker guage strings heh, thats a pretty satanic tuning. their stuff really isnt very intricate actually so its probably possible to tab out everything just knowing that. ...he had tabbed out a bunch of their songs but his pc crashed taking the tabs down with it and so far noone has managed to persuade him to re-tab them...  he just recently posted a tab of Gift by Old Man Gloom which I believe is a side project... correct me if im wrong.
but i took the liberty of tabbing GW (from australasia) it took me ages and its only 3mins long. the percussion is just for fun and i think the second "verse" is wrong but im sick of it. its hard to stay motivated when tabbing a 10 min instrumental song when the band says (and I roughly quote) "we try to cram as many riffs as possible into one song".
anyways here is the guitar pro version and an ascii export.