2005-11-23, 15:38
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 840
My writing challenge
I was challenged to write this by some one. For a pretty stupid reason. Anyway everyone seems to like so I thought I'd post it here.
Hearts twist and contort as the ground quakes, and the skies tremble.
Piercing shrieks ravage human ears
Men and women a like gasp for air as they are suffocated on dust, and ash.
They run and panic engulfed in unforgiving flames.
The young and old are bereaved of their appearances as their facial features become distorted.
They fall! Bodies are crushed, and entombed in their concrete coffins.
The inane screams fill the streets as the humans run, and flee for their lives.
The air born folk lose consciousness as they throw themselves to their doom.
Embedded in stone forever their souls escape their batter bodies.
The earth opens up and reaps the human waste into an abysmal disgrace.
Entombed shells are left behind, and are consumed by that which breeds filth.
Friends and foes a like help to search for the dead.
Pieces of mangled bodies are carried off by birds of prey.
The living are scarred souls that have been fed upon by flames.
Raw nerves are exposed touched, and fed upon by living bacteria.
The shredded bodies are carried emergency rooms, and are operated upon.
Sheets are stained blood red.
Tears of medical staff drip onto the carcasses of the ones who they could not save.
Putrid stench fills my nostrils as I breathe the foul air.
I watch as the dieing speaks incoherently as they writhe in pain.
Doctors franticly cut into the dead realizing they have failed to save their fellow mankind.
A country has been sent into distress and the leaders prepare to speak words to calm the of their nation people.
I can only laugh as my eyes watch through the hour glass of time knowing that this is but a glimpse of what is to befall this feeble breed.
I slip silently back into my restful state awaiting the next tragedy that I shall beckon upon this weak and arrogant breed.
Last edited by estringrev : 2005-11-26 at 15:16.