2005-12-14, 03:34
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Emg 81-7s?
I'm considering getting a seven string guitar because I'm getting really into the hyperblast style shit and am sick of downtuning (I'm currently using B). I was just wondering what Seven string pickup would work best, preferably active, and what the most cost effective guitar would be.
Originally Posted by Transient

2005-12-14, 04:19
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Well a good active pickup for a 7 string guitar is the EMG 707 (7 string version of the 85) i think it should cost around $100 but im not sure though. I also heard something about making a 7 string version of the 81 

2005-12-14, 04:27
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Hmmm. That might work... Its housed in a Bass pickup though, and I don't want to do any routing... I may just get one of those steven carpenter ESP's and wire it to 18volts and be done with it.
Originally Posted by Transient

2005-12-14, 04:30
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the 707 blows
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2005-12-14, 04:36
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Originally Posted by BLS
the 707 blows
Well, its either that or get a regular scale guitar and tune it to B, which I'm fine with doing. I just want some sick EMG tone without a floyd.
Originally Posted by Transient

2005-12-14, 04:43
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
Well, its either that or get a regular scale guitar and tune it to B, which I'm fine with doing. I just want some sick EMG tone without a floyd.
a 81-7 in the brigde + a 707 in the neck... basically a 81-85 setup, but for a 7 string.
any reason you have to have an active pickup? have you checked out dimarzios? they make some sick stuff for 7 strings. duncan has great 7 string pickups too.
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2005-12-14, 05:46
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Originally Posted by BLS
the 707 blows
Do you own a 707 dude? Well i do & its awesome, And read these comments about my tone, because the 707 is where 99% of my tone comes from.
Plus the 707 isnt totally based on the 85 its different, which is why its not called the 85-7, but the 81-7 is also an excellent pickup, if you have a 6-string 81 or played one its the same thing. Just go to harmony-central.com & read the customer reviews on the 707 & 81-7, because the reviews are from actual players & not manufactures. And you can find spec info on the 707 & the 81-7 on the web. Everything i ever found on the web was that everybody prefered the 707 over the 81-7, which i agree also. I ve had them both & the 81-7 just didnt have the tone that i was looking for & the 707 just blew it away. But to each his own.
Last edited by Cyberwaste : 2005-12-14 at 06:00.

2005-12-14, 16:37
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Originally Posted by Cyberwaste
Do you own a 707 dude? Well i do & its awesome, And read these comments about my tone, because the 707 is where 99% of my tone comes from.
Plus the 707 isnt totally based on the 85 its different, which is why its not called the 85-7, but the 81-7 is also an excellent pickup, if you have a 6-string 81 or played one its the same thing. Just go to harmony-central.com & read the customer reviews on the 707 & 81-7, because the reviews are from actual players & not manufactures. And you can find spec info on the 707 & the 81-7 on the web. Everything i ever found on the web was that everybody prefered the 707 over the 81-7, which i agree also. I ve had them both & the 81-7 just didnt have the tone that i was looking for & the 707 just blew it away. But to each his own.
yes actually he does/has... and that's sad if %99 of your tone is in your pickups.
harmony central reviews can't be entirely trusted... you get alot of asshats on there... "MAN I JUST BOUGHT THIS BROOTEL 707 EMG 20 MINUTES AGO TO PUT IN MY AX3!! MY LIMP BIZKIT COVERS ARE GOING TO SOUND SOO MUCHJ BETTER!! I CAN"T WAIT TO ACTUALLY PLAY IT!!!!1"
it's cool if you like it... but i personally don't dig the 707 in the bridge....
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2005-12-14, 16:53
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
yes actually he does/has... and that's sad if %99 of your tone is in your pickups.
harmony central reviews can't be entirely trusted... you get alot of asshats on there... "MAN I JUST BOUGHT THIS BROOTEL 707 EMG 20 MINUTES AGO TO PUT IN MY AX3!! MY LIMP BIZKIT COVERS ARE GOING TO SOUND SOO MUCHJ BETTER!! I CAN"T WAIT TO ACTUALLY PLAY IT!!!!1"
it's cool if you like it... but i personally don't dig the 707 in the bridge....
You might think its sad but its true, i wouldnt get my tone if it wasnt for that pickup, & yes their are some people on HC saying retarded stuff but a majority of people give honest reviews. In the the future it would be cool if people explained why they dont like certain things instead of just saying it sucks to give the person looking for info more insite. Somebody might like what you dont.
Last edited by Cyberwaste : 2005-12-14 at 17:42.

2005-12-14, 19:54
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Actually BLS has told the tale of his 707 on multiple occasions on this board.
I guess he couldn't be bothered writing it out again.

2005-12-14, 20:22
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Originally Posted by Cyberwaste
You might think its sad but its true, i wouldnt get my tone if it wasnt for that pickup, & yes their are some people on HC saying retarded stuff but a majority of people give honest reviews. In the the future it would be cool if people explained why they dont like certain things instead of just saying it sucks to give the person looking for info more insite. Somebody might like what you dont.
That's still sad if you say that 99% of your tone cums from the pu. What, you're fingers, the guitar, and your amp all have nothing to contribute to your tone?

2005-12-14, 20:26
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The 707 is horrible for low tunings.. which a 7 string is tuned in b.. so makes ALOT of fucking sense.
In the bridge its a big no no. The 81-7 would be a much better choice, it might be suitable for the neck, but I currently have one in the bridge of my Ibanez RG7620 and I hate every second of it.
"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2005-12-14, 20:27
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
a 81-7 in the brigde + a 707 in the neck... basically a 81-85 setup, but for a 7 string.
any reason you have to have an active pickup? have you checked out dimarzios? they make some sick stuff for 7 strings. duncan has great 7 string pickups too.
I prefer the cold sound of active pickups, and the sterility and tightness. It also helps that I prefer light alder guitars which don't sound very good with passives.
Originally Posted by Transient

2005-12-14, 21:32
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Originally Posted by Silent Night 6 6
What, you're fingers, the guitar, and your amp all have nothing to contribute to your tone?
I guess that's the other 1% 
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2005-12-14, 21:51
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Hmm... It's either stick with my Ibanez which I love, and get some thicker strings, which I have no problem with. But I need to put EMGs in it anyway, or get that Steven Carpenter Signature, which probably isnt worth the money.
Originally Posted by Transient

2005-12-14, 22:25
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Originally Posted by BLS
The 707 is horrible for low tunings.. which a 7 string is tuned in b.. so makes ALOT of fucking sense.
In the bridge its a big no no. The 81-7 would be a much better choice, it might be suitable for the neck, but I currently have one in the bridge of my Ibanez RG7620 and I hate every second of it.
The 707 is horrible for low tunings! Isnt that what its designed for? But im not gonna argue because its pointless. And 99% was just something to my get my point across, meaning that without it my tone wouldnt be what it is. Look at the artists that use it, mostly all of them tune to A & sometimes G. Its made not to sound bright as the 81-7, you should have read that before you bought it. I hate these childish arguements in threads & thats why i go by nothing anybody says in these forums. Inner-Decay just do research & find out for yourself dude because you gonna get nothing but one sided answers on here.

2005-12-14, 22:43
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Originally Posted by Cyberwaste
The 707 is horrible for low tunings! Isnt that what its designed for? But im not gonna argue because its pointless. And 99% was just something to my get my point across, meaning that without it my tone wouldnt be what it is. Look at the artists that use it, mostly all of them tune to A & sometimes G. Its made not to sound bright as the 81-7, you should have read that before you bought it. I hate these childish arguements in threads & thats why i go by nothing anybody says in these forums. Inner-Decay just do research & find out for yourself dude because you gonna get nothing but one sided answers on here.
Dude, are you pissed because we don't like your emg ?
and innards decay : The steven carpenter signature guitar is a nice axe. I don't know what they cost. But i played one the other day. it was great. And the pickups lay closer together ( sorry for my crappy english ) and that gives a nice sound
.+-+ .....::::: Alive to Live, Not to Believe....In a God that I cannot see :::::..... +-+
Last edited by Six_Feet_Under_420 : 2005-12-14 at 22:46.

2005-12-15, 01:13
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The seven string "Baritone" scale one is about 900 on musicians friend I believe.
Originally Posted by Transient

2005-12-15, 01:31
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The 81-7 is a pretty decent pickup I believe. I've never been to fond of passive 7 string pickups...but I haven't really played a whole lot. The 81-7 sure as hell beats the crap out of the 707.....I hate that fucking pickup. Muddy shit it is.....
Also, the stephen carpenter baritone should be a nice axe. I've never played one (yah...I know) but I have a six string stephen carpenter guitar...and it is fucking great.
On another note, has anyone ever played around with the 7 string JB or Invader?.....I know its no different from tuning down a 6 string to B....but I've never even seen one of those in action.
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
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2005-12-15, 02:11
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Originally Posted by Cyberwaste
The 707 is horrible for low tunings! Isnt that what its designed for? But im not gonna argue because its pointless. And 99% was just something to my get my point across, meaning that without it my tone wouldnt be what it is. Look at the artists that use it, mostly all of them tune to A & sometimes G. Its made not to sound bright as the 81-7, you should have read that before you bought it. I hate these childish arguements in threads & thats why i go by nothing anybody says in these forums. Inner-Decay just do research & find out for yourself dude because you gonna get nothing but one sided answers on here.
I dont care what they say its designed for, there is way to much low end which muddies up the B string pretty easily. My ears can tell me what sounds good better than a simple statement made by the company that manufactures said product.
And It came with the guitar I bought, its simply a backup guitar.. my main axe has Dimarzio's in it which I personally prefer.
and this is hardly an argument buddy, nothing more than a simple exchange of opinions. I dont have time to argue with people online.. not anymore.
Good day
"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2005-12-15, 03:08
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2005-12-15, 04:10
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2005-12-15, 04:16
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Originally Posted by Cyberwaste
The second one was a bit too bassy, but I liked the first one. Not exactly my tone. I think I'm going to stick with what I have now, because I got some sick Devourment type tone today out of my Livewires, and I'm happy about that. Close the thread if you want Def.
Originally Posted by Transient

2005-12-15, 04:28
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Originally Posted by Cyberwaste
too much bass, no mids at all, not alot on the top end... definately very muddy to my ears.... like fizzy/rumbly bees in a can tone...
though to be fair, i'm not really blaming the pickup... you may claim it's like %99 of your tone... but i definately think different eq settings on the amp or pedal, and better recording quality could make it sound decent...
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2005-12-15, 06:15
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
too much bass, no mids at all, not alot on the top end... definately very muddy to my ears.... like fizzy/rumbly bees in a can tone...
though to be fair, i'm not really blaming the pickup... you may claim it's like %99 of your tone... but i definately think different eq settings on the amp or pedal, and better recording quality could make it sound decent...
Everything is raw & unmixed, i was trying to give him an idea of what it sounds like, i just dont have the time to mess with it quickly.

2005-12-15, 06:17
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Originally Posted by Cyberwaste
Everything is raw & unmixed, i was trying to give him an idea of what it sounds like, i just dont have the time to mess with it quickly.
that's fine..... i just wouldnt use those clips to boast about how good anything you use sounds... thats all.. 
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2005-12-15, 06:23
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
that's fine..... i just wouldnt use those clips to boast about how good anything you use sounds... thats all.. 
Well i could post something from Fear Factorys Obsolete album, because hes using the 707 on that album. But that wouldnt give it a fair chance because its certainly not raw & unmixed.

2005-12-15, 13:01
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Originally Posted by Cyberwaste
Do you own a 707 dude? Well i do & its awesome, And read these comments about my tone, because the 707 is where 99% of my tone comes from.
Plus the 707 isnt totally based on the 85 its different, which is why its not called the 85-7, but the 81-7 is also an excellent pickup, if you have a 6-string 81 or played one its the same thing. Just go to harmony-central.com & read the customer reviews on the 707 & 81-7, because the reviews are from actual players & not manufactures. And you can find spec info on the 707 & the 81-7 on the web. Everything i ever found on the web was that everybody prefered the 707 over the 81-7, which i agree also. I ve had them both & the 81-7 just didnt have the tone that i was looking for & the 707 just blew it away. But to each his own.
I totally agree with ya! I have played on the 6 string versions of the 85 & 81 and the 7 string versions and I have to say the 7 string versions own period. Right now I have Dimarzio Blaze pick ups in my guitar that sound o.k but... I am getting a 707 & an 81-7.

2005-12-15, 13:19
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what good 7 string dimarzio combos are there? i want to get some for a 7 strings, it needs to be good for leads and good for chugging.

2005-12-15, 16:37
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Originally Posted by Cyberwaste
Well i could post something from Fear Factorys Obsolete album, because hes using the 707 on that album. But that wouldnt give it a fair chance because its certainly not raw & unmixed.
as i said before... i wasnt blaming the pickup.
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2005-12-15, 23:36
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Originally Posted by User01
what good 7 string dimarzio combos are there? i want to get some for a 7 strings, it needs to be good for leads and good for chugging.
If you go to the Dimarzio site they have all the different characteristics their pick ups have. I read on there that the Blaze pick ups that I have right now in my guitar are good for chunk & are good for smooth fluid leads to were the pick up helps seperate the notes a little better so the dont bleed togther.

2005-12-16, 00:09
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It also matters what guitar you are putting what pickups in,if you go dimarzio.

2005-12-16, 02:03
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Originally Posted by Cyberwaste
Are you joking? The first one sounds extrmely muddy.. I can't even make out half the riffs. I'm not going to bother listneing to the second one.
If you like that tone, great, eat a cookie and shit it out.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2005-12-16, 02:35
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Originally Posted by BLS
Are you joking? The first one sounds extrmely muddy.. I can't even make out half the riffs. I'm not going to bother listneing to the second one.
If you like that tone, great, eat a cookie and shit it out.
Well, it helps that I recognized the song (Perverse Suffering by Cannibal Corpse). It wasnt terrible, I've heard worse (Brodequin for example).
Originally Posted by Transient

2005-12-16, 03:54
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Originally Posted by BLS
Are you joking? The first one sounds extrmely muddy.. I can't even make out half the riffs. I'm not going to bother listneing to the second one.
If you like that tone, great, eat a cookie and shit it out.
Whats funny about this is you talk so much shit here in gear talk, but yet i havent seen you post anything ever to prove your points. Lets hear your tone dude, put up or shut up cunt.

2005-12-16, 04:04
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Originally Posted by Cyberwaste
Whats funny about this is you talk so much shit here in gear talk, but yet i havent seen you post anything ever to prove your points. Lets hear your tone dude, put up or shut up cunt.
Just ignore him, all he does is bitch, seriously...

2005-12-16, 12:46
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Originally Posted by Cyberwaste
Whats funny about this is you talk so much shit here in gear talk, but yet i havent seen you post anything ever to prove your points. Lets hear your tone dude, put up or shut up cunt.
I talk shit eh?
Your tone's muddy.. no shit talking there at all.. its the truth. If you like your muddy tone then GREAT FOR YOU! I'm just stating facts.
Now if I had the proper equipment to record, I would probabaly put a clip up.. scratch that, I'm lazy and would most likely never do it anyways.
Sorry for trying to help you with your tone?
Love ya too Silent sweetie
Good day
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-12-16, 14:02
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Originally Posted by BLS
I talk shit eh?
Your tone's muddy.. no shit talking there at all.. its the truth. If you like your muddy tone then GREAT FOR YOU! I'm just stating facts.
Now if I had the proper equipment to record, I would probabaly put a clip up.. scratch that, I'm lazy and would most likely never do it anyways.
Well i guess you should stop talking stupid shit on other people when you dont even have the gear to prove your points. Take a pic a least, lets see these EMG's of yours. Here is mine by the way...

2005-12-16, 15:04
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Seriously, BLS is the most jaded fuck ever, who does'nt like anything ( well, almost ). The only thing I've ever heard him praise are JB pickups and 5150 amplifiers. You know what, he's going to become so jaded by gear that he just stops playing all together.
He once said that George Lynch needed a 'lesson in tone', just ignore him.
To stay on topic, I say go for the 81-7 if no routing is required. Otherwise, Dimarzio.
Last edited by John Holland : 2005-12-16 at 19:51.

2005-12-16, 16:16
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Originally Posted by Cyberwaste
I'm impressed by your almighty pickup
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2005-12-16, 16:45
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Originally Posted by Cyberwaste
only one emg? !!DOOD MY !!GUITAR HAS !!TWO EMGS!! SO MY!! GEAR IS WAY MORR BRUTALLIC!!...................... seriously though. you act like that emg is something we should be impressed by. it's a common pickup.
Originally Posted by Cyberwaste
Well i guess you should stop talking stupid shit on other people when you dont even have the gear to prove your points. Take a pic a least, lets see these EMG's of yours.url]
bls doesnt have the gear?
i'd like to know your guitars and amps and other accessories.
last time i checked bls's setup(s) was pretty effen sweet. and i've seens some emg's. aswell as other pickups.
besides... why does he need gear to prove points? your tone on those clips were awful imo aswell... i just worded it nicer. and he's explained in various threads about what he hates about the 707... use the search function or check out the stickies about pickups and emg's.
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2005-12-16, 19:37
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
only one emg? !!DOOD MY !!GUITAR HAS !!TWO EMGS!! SO MY!! GEAR IS WAY MORR BRUTALLIC!!...................... seriously though. you act like that emg is something we should be impressed by. it's a common pickup.
bls doesnt have the gear?
i'd like to know your guitars and amps and other accessories.
last time i checked bls's setup(s) was pretty effen sweet. and i've seens some emg's. aswell as other pickups.
besides... why does he need gear to prove points? your tone on those clips were awful imo aswell... i just worded it nicer. and he's explained in various threads about what he hates about the 707... use the search function or check out the stickies about pickups and emg's.
Im was just stating if you gonna talk shit back it up. By the way lets hear your tone aswell! Here are some comments on my tone from other metaltabbers....
"Damn... Sounds good!! I like it. Drums sounds like their just a tad too high, nothing serioius. The guitars can still be heard good. Killer fuckin tone. Nice harmonics too."
"Cyberwaste: Tone sounds alot like dimebag to me. Damn, that's tuned LOW. Killer riffage, those db drum blasts sound sick as fuck. I like it"
Last edited by Cyberwaste : 2005-12-16 at 20:33.

2005-12-16, 20:21
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Originally Posted by Cyberwaste
Do you suck his cock too dude? Im was just stating if you gonna talk shit back it up. By the way lets hear your tone aswell, or dont you have the gear either? Here some comments on my tone from other metaltabbers.... besides you & BLS
"Damn... Sounds good!! I like it. Drums sounds like their just a tad too high, nothing serioius. The guitars can still be heard good. Killer fuckin tone. Nice harmonics too."
"Cyberwaste: Tone sounds alot like dimebag to me. Damn, that's tuned LOW. Killer riffage, those db drum blasts sound sick as fuck. I like it"
XDX has a powerball...
Originally Posted by Transient

2005-12-16, 20:24
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Originally Posted by Cyberwaste
Talking shit?
lets try this again.
The 707 is modeled after the 85, commonly used as a neck pickup in 6 stringer.
Now some people decided to sue the 85 in the bridge position, which adds some low end but with standar tuning or tuning a step down its really no big deal.
Now if you do the same on a 7 string (which is the only option EMG gave you for the longest time before they released the 81-7) the result is mud. Alot of added bass thats just not needed. IN MY OPINION OF COURSE OMG OMG!
Heres your fucking pic http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v...20bkcloseup.jpg
Originally Posted by John Holland
Seriously, BLS is the most jaded fuck ever, who does'nt like anything ( well, almost ). The only thing I've ever heard him praise are JB pickups and 5150 amplifiers. You know what, he's going to become so jaded by gear that he just stops playing all together.
He once said that George Lynch needed a 'lesson in tone', just ignore him.
To stay on topic, I say go for the 81-7 if no routing is required. Otherwise, Dimarzio.
Jaded? Sure. Lets see.. I did not praise the JB once in the thread, I did not praise any pickups.. just stated my reason for disliking the 707.
But yes, I do back the 5150, have I ever recommend any other amps? Sure. The 5150 is just what I prefer, yes me.. not you, me. I even sold my ENGL Blackmore simply because I did not need it seeing as I prefer the 5150. You like EMG's... go you! Dont liet my opinion sway your preference, I'm just trying to tell Innards that the 707 is a muddy pickup and the 81-7 would be a much better match in a 7 string. How dare I state something other than whats commonly praised around here!!! And to say Mr. Lynch has tone in the video posted in just rediculous. Can he play? Fuck yes, but like most shredders his tone is so shrill and hollow its almost unbearable to listen to.
Christ, I feel like I'm talking to a bunch of kindergartners.
Love you all. 
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-12-16, 20:32
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Cool, i just ordered a pickguard to cover up my neck pickup aswell, i was wondering how it might look, anyways the 707 is not modelled directly after the 85 its slightly different because its for the 7-string guitars hence the name 707 not 85-7. Ill find the info on it & post it. And your right this is getting out of hand, we all have our own opinions. 
Last edited by Cyberwaste : 2005-12-16 at 20:37.

2005-12-16, 20:42
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Originally Posted by BLS
Jaded? Sure. Lets see.. I did not praise the JB once in the thread, I did not praise any pickups.. just stated my reason for disliking the 707.
Love you all. 
You know I'm pickin at you
And Cyberwaste : If those tracks you posted ... if that's what your tone sounds like, standing in front of your amp ... 

2005-12-16, 20:48
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Originally Posted by John Holland
And Cyberwaste : If those tracks you posted ... if that's what your tone sounds like, standing in front of your amp ... 
I didnt even use my amp it was directly recorded & unmixed to show him the raw sound of the pickup & what could be done with it.

2005-12-16, 20:53
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Ah, I get it. If anything it does show the "EMG-y" characteristics that we all know and love ( or hate ).

2005-12-16, 21:02
Alumni Staff
Join Date: Aug 2003
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Originally Posted by Cyberwaste
Im was just stating if you gonna talk shit back it up. By the way lets hear your tone aswell! Here are some comments on my tone from other metaltabbers....
"Damn... Sounds good!! I like it. Drums sounds like their just a tad too high, nothing serioius. The guitars can still be heard good. Killer fuckin tone. Nice harmonics too."
"Cyberwaste: Tone sounds alot like dimebag to me. Damn, that's tuned LOW. Killer riffage, those db drum blasts sound sick as fuck. I like it"
please quit while you're ahead...
of course, since i don't agree with you, i should post clips of MY tone... because some how that will justify me saying how shitty your clips sound? i'll get right on that.
i'd also like a list of those people making those great comments. so i can blacklist them and avoid their positive feedback towards anything. 
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-12-16, 21:04
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Chicago
Posts: 8,705
Originally Posted by Cyberwaste
Cool, i just ordered a pickguard to cover up my neck pickup aswell, i was wondering how it might look, anyways the 707 is not modelled directly after the 85 its slightly different because its for the 7-string guitars hence the name 707 not 85-7. Ill find the info on it & post it. And your right this is getting out of hand, we all have our own opinions. 
They are all over ebay. The pickguard's a nice option beccause it covers the sloppy routing job the previous owner did. lol
Someday I might throw that 707 in the neck and grab an 81-7 to put in the bridge... someday, when I have an excess of money 
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-12-16, 21:33
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Cyberdyne, USA
Posts: 455
Originally Posted by BLS
They are all over ebay. The pickguard's a nice option beccause it covers the sloppy routing job the previous owner did. lol
Someday I might throw that 707 in the neck and grab an 81-7 to put in the bridge... someday, when I have an excess of money 
I found this dude at terrapinguitars.com, he made me a custom pickguard like that taken from the universe pickguard mold. It came out real good but the potholes didnt fit because they line up about an inch differently on a RG. So hes sending me another one without any potholes, so i just have to cut the hole myself for the volume knob. I wish it would fuckin get here already! For $46 bucks i cant bitch

2005-12-16, 21:39
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Sydney
Posts: 2,761
Originally Posted by Cyberwaste
For $46 bucks i cant bitch
Im sure you'll find a way 

2005-12-16, 21:50
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Cyberdyne, USA
Posts: 455
Originally Posted by *insert name here*
Im sure you'll find a way 
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