2005-12-19, 00:51
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 46
Minimalist Black Metal
I know there are those out there into some of the BM bands who are often tagged as Darkthrone clones. Bands who are taking the genre back to the earlier years while introducing new and "blacker" techniques and ideas into the scene. I'm looking to open this thread into a discussion with other musicians into bands such as:
Blut Aus Nord
Leviathan / Lurker of Chalice
Deathspell Omega
and many others...
I'm not big on theory, though I'd like to learn given the time, but I hope to talk about technique and more.

2005-12-19, 22:12
Join Date: May 2004
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I can only stand Xasthur.

2005-12-19, 22:23
Supreme Metalhead
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*Stone cold stunner*
even in my sleep i hack the gibson

2005-12-20, 00:01
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 46
CS...anything in particular that you don't like regarding the other bands? As for Xasthur, I'd have to say "Nocturnal Poisoning" is his best release.

2005-12-20, 03:02
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Chicago
Posts: 1,718
Originally Posted by lohryx5
CS...anything in particular that you don't like regarding the other bands? As for Xasthur, I'd have to say "Nocturnal Poisoning" is his best release.
I just don't really dig 'em that much, nothing in perticular. Leviathan is alright, too i guess.
To Violate The Oblivious is my fav. from Xasthur.
I do however like both Wrest and Malific's work on "SunnO))) - Black 1."

2005-12-20, 09:48
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 46
Yes, the "Black 1" album is great. Looking forward to 2. Have you heard their work with Twilight?
How about techniques? Anything that's really grabbed your attention in recent bands?

2005-12-20, 19:41
New Blood
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 18
I like most of the bands you posted up there (just bought Leviathan-Howl Mockery at the Cross yesterday).
As to techniques, guitar-wise, it's just tons of distortion and riffs that use half-steps a lot. Though many bands are more complex than that, that's the basic idea.

2005-12-21, 05:59
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Chicago
Posts: 1,718
Originally Posted by lohryx5
Yes, the "Black 1" album is great. Looking forward to 2. Have you heard their work with Twilight?
How about techniques? Anything that's really grabbed your attention in recent bands?
Twilight is decent. I just like the raw underproduced sound. It's what black Metal should be, but mostly isn't.

2005-12-21, 09:48
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 46
I think the Twilight album was a decent first offering. Especially considering all the individuals involved come from bands where they write all the music...or are the only ones in the band. Certain elements definitely stood out that you could identify as being Wrest's ideas or Malefic's ideas and so one. It will be interesting to see what they come up with after a little more collaberative work as an actual band.

2005-12-29, 07:22
New Blood
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Portugal
Posts: 14
very good list of bands...
hard to find any tabs from them...
can you help?

2005-12-29, 11:02
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 46
Yeah, it's been hard. There are some tabs here for like Horna, Judas Iscariot, and others. I found a few more on Mysongbook.com and tabs for Craft and Abyssic Hate on doomish.com. I'm sure the recording quality for these bands (which I prefer) and their non-traditional style of riffs make it difficult for people to pick out what's going on. Blut Aus Nord is particularly hard as they seem to break all rules about what is supposed to be right.
As mentioned in this thread and elsewhere, the rhythms they right are usually two half-step chords with some very simple, dissonant melody. Sometimes riffs may be a little more than that. BAN uses a lot of bends and odd things. I know they use a fretless bass, but believe they use a fretless guitar as well.
Additionally, a lot of chords used in BM today seem to be comprised of a root, a fifth, and a sixth. I'm not much for theory, though I hope to change that by finally getting into and studying it, but a chord examply might be like this or any similar variant:
Hopefully someone will look into tabbing some of these bands, even if just for the challenge if they aren't particularly into the style themselves. And BAN would be the hardest and most original to try.

2006-01-01, 06:18
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 81
This trickled down from Emperor mostly. Yeah Blut Aus Nord have some great idea's. I have recorded quite a bit in that style, though some of the material now that I look back I can't remember what the hell I was doing. I guess I should start tabbing this shit.

2006-01-01, 12:49
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 46
Haha, Vomitor, you are quite right. It is hard to remember some of the stuff when writing in the style of BAN. Particularly since it all seems so improvised for the most part. That's what I was hoping others would want to discuss with regards to some of the bands I listed, or the minimalist style in general. There obviously must be some underlying themes going on within each of the riffs that make up a BAN song. Perhaps a lot of two half-stepped chords making the rhthym while the other guitar just does slow bends and dives and stuff. But even then there as to be some sort of rhyme to the reason. Like, which notes work best or are best for that dissonant sound.
So far, I only know of a couple of Mutiilation tabs which are pretty decent, and a Craft tab on www.doomish.com that's excellent. There are some Abyssic Hate tabs there that are just as good.
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