2006-01-23, 15:02
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 301
Superbowl Thread
Now that Carolina and Denver are knocked out, it leaves Pittsburgh and Seattle to duke it out in motown on feb 5th. I wish it had been Denver this time around, but the way Plummer was playing I guess it's better they hadn't got to the bowl game. Anyway, I'm putting my money on Pittsburgh by a 6 point spread. Bettis is going take a shit down Hasselbecks throat.

"And he piled upon the whale's white hump, the sum of all the hate and rage fely by his race. If his chest had been a cannon, he would have shot his heart upon it."
Sanasta sana tulevi, kipinästä maa kytevi
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Reavers Lament

2006-01-23, 15:30
Join Date: Mar 2004
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i'm rooting for the steelhawks...i like both teams and so it leaves me in a quandry...lived in both places too...pittsburgh first...washington state currently...its a hard choice...i guess i'm gonna flip a coin and decide which half to cheer for who.

2006-01-23, 20:37
Join Date: May 2004
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Steelers all the way. I was rooting for 'em all the way, now that the goddamn Bears blew it.

2006-01-23, 20:51
Join Date: Apr 2004
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i care about the superbowl as much as i care who's on oprah today.

2006-01-23, 21:55
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Eh, I used to be into the NFL when the Dolphins had Marino and the Broncos still had Elway. The game doesn't really tickle my fancy anymore.

2006-01-24, 01:11
Metal As Fuck!
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Steelers All The Way!!
R.I.P. Dimebag
My Music
BuildTheMusic.com is your #1 FREE online guitar resource center.

2006-01-24, 02:18
Noob lud
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Im going to have to go with the Jets. 
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2006-01-24, 02:21
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Location: Naples, FL
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Originally Posted by The Execrator
Im going to have to go with the Jets. 
Hah, I'm a Jets fan! Great year they had ey?
I'm indifferent about the teams, I guess I'll go for Pitt though, since Bettis is everyone's favorite fatass running back.

2006-01-24, 02:49
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: In the Uber Kvlt shithole (NZ)
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I am going for slayer, they beat the crappy superbowl any day of the week
on and btw Rugby owns NFL
NFL is full of pussies in Armour!
omg t3h @x1s p3d@ls @r3 t3h b3st!!!!!!1!!11

2006-01-24, 03:14
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Australia
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i prefer nfl to rugby, rugby seams more gay when they tackle each other they grab they're asses and we all know about hopawati
Originall Posted By problematic
Im a quadraplegic.
Youve made me cry
Originally Posted by problematic
Metal Monkey: retarded comments galore.
RIP this guy

2006-01-24, 03:24
Forum Daemon
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I love it when anonymous internet douchebags call pro football players pussies. All athletes who aren't hurlers are pussies.
I only really cared about Denver. Of the two remaining teams I really don't care. I prefer Seattle as a city. So I can only hope that whoever loses does so in a way that's painful for its fans.

2006-01-24, 04:35
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Any athlete who is not Fedor Emelianenko is a faggot.
Get it right, you halfwit Southern Hemisphere felchbombs.
I will watch the Superbowl. I will not understand 1/10th of what is going on. I will also drink a lot.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2006-01-24, 04:40
Forum Daemon
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That's more or less the point.

2006-01-24, 04:48
Lo, they do call to me...
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Originally Posted by rapeandruin
i'm rooting for the steelhawks...i like both teams and so it leaves me in a quandry...lived in both places too...pittsburgh first...washington state currently...its a hard choice...i guess i'm gonna flip a coin and decide which half to cheer for who.
where in washington?
ill root seahawks just cus i live here, and cus i am not a steelers fan whatsoever
Too grim to function

2006-01-24, 05:35
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Hades
Posts: 227
steelers , ben whats his name is a big time QB , but truthfully im a baseball fan so I dont really care who wins except I love to see the afterbowl riots in the winning city.
I never understood that , fucking idiots fuck shit up in the city that just won , duhhhhhhh , I could see the losing city ablaze by disgruntled fans, but not the winners. Orgies on the corners of the winning city , I could see that . 

2006-01-24, 22:57
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: In the Uber Kvlt shithole (NZ)
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Real men so it without padding.
and they don't even play on real grass, fucking pussies.....
(yeah I don't like NFL, sue my ass!)
omg t3h @x1s p3d@ls @r3 t3h b3st!!!!!!1!!11

2006-01-24, 23:09
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Posts: 4,723
Completely off topic, but how popular is ice hockey in New Zealand?

2006-01-25, 00:07
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NZ drummer: Seriously, shut the fuck up. No one cares about precarious Rugby is.

2006-01-25, 01:32
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Originally Posted by Kai Latvala
Now that Carolina and Denver are knocked out, it leaves Pittsburgh and Seattle to duke it out in motown on feb 5th. I wish it had been Denver this time around, but the way Plummer was playing I guess it's better they hadn't got to the bowl game. Anyway, I'm putting my money on Pittsburgh by a 6 point spread. Bettis is going take a shit down Hasselbecks throat.

So, Finns care about stupid American professional sports? That's depressing. 

2006-01-25, 02:08
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: In the Uber Kvlt shithole (NZ)
Posts: 1,102
but how popular is ice hockey in New Zealand?
Non existant is the answer!
the sports that are populare here are:
the V8 supercars
Drag Racing
NZ drummer: Seriously, shut the fuck up. No one cares about precarious Rugby is.
Sigh another case of rugby envy....
omg t3h @x1s p3d@ls @r3 t3h b3st!!!!!!1!!11

2006-01-25, 04:57
Supreme Metalhead
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I'm going with the 'Hawks. I saw how Pitsburgh played against New England, (which was my team to begin with, but let's face it, they sucked ass this season), and it was shameful. One of the most horrifyingly stale games I've ever fucking seen. Nothing fucking happened until the fourth fucking quarter.
Therefore, I'm going with Washington. Even though I don't really care all that much.
FBS, your knowledge of American football shames me. I live here and I know less about it than you do. I think the total number of games I've seen has yet to make it to the double digits.
EDIT: I just realized it, I am now a Supreme Fucking Metalhead. Post Whoredom, here I fucking come.
Originally Posted by Sigmund Freud:
"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."
Check out my band's, (or lack thereof), web site.
Last edited by i_hate_nu_metal : 2006-01-25 at 05:00.

2006-01-26, 00:30
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Originally Posted by NZ black metal drumm
Cricket ey? That must be as boring as golf.

2006-01-26, 00:58
The Stings of Conscience
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It tickles me to see online nerds that are proud of hating sports. Congratulations, you're going to be a queer for the rest of your life.

2006-01-26, 00:58
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: In the Uber Kvlt shithole (NZ)
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yeah cricket sucks
WRC is the best sport ever.
omg t3h @x1s p3d@ls @r3 t3h b3st!!!!!!1!!11

2006-01-26, 22:17
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Auburn, New York
Posts: 839
Go Giants
Too bad they were roughed up at the end of the season.
So at this point its the Steelers I'm routing for.
Currently selling:
Presonus Firepod - $425 shipped
Gator 4 Space Rack Case - $75 shipped
Rackmount Tuner - $75 shipped
Pacific Drum Works 5000 Double Bass Pedal - $175 shipped

2006-01-26, 22:29
Wasted Custom User title
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fuck the seahawks.
This is my signature.

2006-01-26, 23:48
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: In the Uber Kvlt shithole (NZ)
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It tickles me to see online nerds that are proud of hating sports.
if you are referring to me then you are wrong, I love sport, just not NFL heheheheh!
omg t3h @x1s p3d@ls @r3 t3h b3st!!!!!!1!!11

2006-02-06, 03:13
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2006-02-06, 03:15
Senior Metalhead
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I live here in Pittsburgh, The fuckin city is going nuts!

2006-02-06, 03:21
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Originally Posted by blizzard_beast
Worst officiating in an American football game. Ever.
It made me want to vomit.

2006-02-06, 03:33
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I watched most of - the first time for years. I'm not a big Football fan.
I can't believe the Lakers lost.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2006-02-06, 03:35
Lo, they do call to me...
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that game was sooo fucked, from the first TD pittsburgh scored.
Too grim to function

2006-02-06, 04:10
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Location: Sydney.
Posts: 4,674
Boring, boring, boring!!!
Also, the Rolling Stones were old and boring. When you listen to Cryptopsy all day, you realise how fucking easy it is to play "Satisfaction".
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2006-02-06, 04:31
Crusher of Skulls
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Also, the Rolling Stones were old and boring. When you listen to Cryptopsy all day, you realise how fucking easy it is to play "Satisfaction".

My Trust is in WHISKEY and WEEDand SLAYER
Long live DIMEBAG
ROGspace Cunts. Book us
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2006-02-06, 10:45
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
what a lame show. the funniest part was the commercial for the bear attacking the guy that looked EXACTLY like timothy treadwell. that was great, and quite offensive haha
so whats all this bitching about officials handing the game to steelers

2006-02-06, 11:16
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Sydney
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What?No wardrobe malfunctions?

2006-02-06, 11:28
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
I will watch the Superbowl. I will not understand 1/10th of what is going on. ...
My goodness! We have something in common! For different reasons though.
Well, the nice thing about watching the game last night was Denny just checked back and forth to see what was going on. They had 3 Simpsons and 3 Family Guy episodes on another channel and those were a lot better than watching the game. Something to keep the kids occupied I'm sure. It did us anyways. He hates Pittsburgh so once they started scoring he really didn't care much.
No one here has ever been a Stones fan either so that didn't matter. We didn't watch but 5 seconds of the halftime show.
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!
Last edited by L,B'XXX : 2006-02-06 at 11:31.

2006-02-06, 20:14
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Hades
Posts: 227
Originally Posted by muffmaster
steelers , ben whats his name is a big time QB , but truthfully im a baseball fan so I dont really care who wins except I love to see the afterbowl riots in the winning city.
I never understood that , fucking idiots fuck shit up in the city that just won , duhhhhhhh , I could see the losing city ablaze by disgruntled fans, but not the winners. Orgies on the corners of the winning city , I could see that . 

2006-02-06, 20:15
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
Originally Posted by *insert name here*
What?No wardrobe malfunctions?
praise the lord. i didnt think there was much id place on the list of "rather not see" more than janet jacksons tit but it turns out mick jaggers is even higher on that

2006-02-06, 20:18
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Hades
Posts: 227
after sticky fingers the stones sucked. and that was like 1970 . I rather see Janets boob than the stones anyday.

2006-02-06, 20:24
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Home is where the <3 is
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haha You guys must not be watching the weather channel shows. One of the latest was about Mt Rainier blowing it's top and levelling a lot of that area around Seattle.
And watch out. My boy is out there and so is the Jimi Hendrix Museum.
Mick and the Stones just never did a thing for me and neither does football, but they don't deserve ratings on my KISS scale. Neither is that bad.
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2006-02-06, 20:30
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Hades
Posts: 227
Kiss now theres a legendary band . ACE FREHLEY is a GOD 

2006-02-06, 20:58
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Auburn, New York
Posts: 839
Well, it was quite a boring game for the superbowl. Despite having said that, Pittsburgh definitely outplayed Seattle even though neither team was spectacular. Hopefully the Giants can make it further next year if they stay healthy. Cheers
Currently selling:
Presonus Firepod - $425 shipped
Gator 4 Space Rack Case - $75 shipped
Rackmount Tuner - $75 shipped
Pacific Drum Works 5000 Double Bass Pedal - $175 shipped

2006-02-07, 04:46
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Sydney
Posts: 2,761
Originally Posted by Transient
praise the lord. i didnt think there was much id place on the list of "rather not see" more than janet jacksons tit but it turns out mick jaggers is even higher on that
Ha!Thats what I was thinking.

2006-02-07, 04:57
Forum Daemon
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I missed the bear attacking the Treadwell lookalike. Where was that? That sounds amusing.
Also amusing was the 'Oh the Places You'll Go' bit with the music from Badlands playing. It sounds appropriate, but it's not the reference you want to make and I can barely believe it made it through. The Busby Berkely-esque Burger King commercial was mildly disturbing.
I miss the days when The Rolling Stones rocked. I like what Stevie Wonder said after that extended insult to Motown: 'Let's all come together before we're annihilated.' That's a pretty bleak way to start things up.
Oh, and the game was boring. But guess what? Super Bowls are boring. They weren't always, but they are now. I fell asleep. I drank a lot of Maker's Mark and then fell asleep.
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