2006-01-24, 02:55
The Mountie From Hell
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Halifax N.S. Canada
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Canadian Elections 2006
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2006-01-24, 03:12
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Australia
Posts: 1,156
canada has a prime minister or presdinet??? wow you learn new things every day
Originall Posted By problematic
Im a quadraplegic.
Youve made me cry
Originally Posted by problematic
Metal Monkey: retarded comments galore.
RIP this guy

2006-01-24, 05:22
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 771
So...Stephen Harper is the new PM then? As long as he doesn't privatize health care and isn't all pro-war then I'm fine with him. I tried watching the election coverage but then decided that there were much more exciting things that I could be endulging in.
Last edited by HelpMeHelpYou : 2006-01-24 at 05:24.

2006-01-24, 05:29
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 227
being american , can you tell me the difference in the parties are , here we have democrats usually liberal and republicans usually conservative , even though at times you cant tell the difference they are all full of shit .

2006-01-24, 05:34
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 771
NDP is socialist. The Liberals are coniving drug smugglers. and Stephen Harper reminds me of Darth Vadar.

2006-01-24, 05:37
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Posts: 227
Originally Posted by HelpMeHelpYou
NDP is socialist. The Liberals are coniving drug smugglers. and Stephen Harper reminds me of Darth Vadar.
I take it they suck just as much as american politicos 

2006-01-24, 12:03
The Mountie From Hell
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Halifax N.S. Canada
Posts: 3,017
Liberal - would be your tipical left wing party, but has been cought in some bad times
NDP - The underdogs of "the left" who have more future plans then anything else, but they do stand for some good isues IMO.
PC - Yeah, who ever said it, did it well. DARTH VADER. Bush would be darth sidious and harper would be his bitch.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2006-01-24, 12:27
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Location: Sydney.
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Someone who isn't a halfwit explain this for a total foreigner.
(Note: Bad explanations will be mercilessly mocked.)
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2006-01-24, 12:40
slack as fuck
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Location: Goddamn maritimes..
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The bad guy won, that happened.
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Bottle of Vodka, $25
Fucking on the couch while posting on Metaltabs and getting caught by your mother....

2006-01-24, 13:24
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
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A bunch of Canadians I talk to in a chat were discussing the election and they kept talking about the Green Party. They pretty much all hang around each other in real life so it was pretty amusing. Bunch of potheads. hehe
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2006-01-24, 14:02
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 227
So whats Harpers platform , whats he stand for ?

2006-01-24, 14:03
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 227
Originally Posted by newHELLonEARTH
The bad guy won, that happened.
Why is he the bad guy ?

2006-01-24, 14:08
The Mountie From Hell
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Halifax N.S. Canada
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He wants to BE america. harper wants to go to war with iraq, messup everything the liberals have done in the past 12 years. He wants to join the US in the space defence program, get 3 ice breakers with fully armed troops to patrol canada's artic from invasion, wants to put alot of $ into the military. To sum it up... He wants to fuck up the global views of all canadians by fucking with everyone else.
And worse of all. Hes smarter then bush... so he knows how to think, and THATS going to be our downfall.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2006-01-24, 15:43
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Location: Sydney.
Posts: 4,674
Well, with the exception of the last post, you are all shamelessly retarded. Why did I even bother asking?
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2006-01-24, 16:24
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 771
And the bastard is talking about privatising health care. But atleast they're a minority government so things will be harder to get passed for them.
I also thought that i heard about some dude who didn't belong to any party got a seat. Wasn't he like a DJ or something? I didn't hear it from a reliable source so I'm just trying to clear things up for myself.

2006-01-25, 04:01
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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I voted NDP(New Democratic Party)...Votes don't matter in the maritimes though, it's Ontario/Quebec who decides our elections...because of the high population.
I could go on about this campagne, but it's pushing 1am and I have to be at work for 7am.
Harper is no good, he can't even fake being a decent citizen. The only reason he was chosen was because he was the mainstream alternative to the Liberal party, whom are crooks yet keep the country stable. Gay marriage is currently legal in Canada, and he wants to have a free vote(it was only voted by parliment, not civilians last time) to ban gay marriage. He also wants to get rid of our abortion rights...and cut well placed funding to support our military. The good thing however it is a minority government(the PC's did not receive enough seats to have a full majority), meaning the Progressive Conservation Party do not have total control in federal issues.
The Green Party is mainly about strict Enviromental issues, and well..the legalization of marijuana.
We also have a Marijuana Party..the leader was recently imprisoned on charges of marijuana trafficing..
There is also Independents, the Christian Heritage Party and the Marxist/Leninist Party...which are all very small and really have no coverage in the media.
Canada has a prime minister and the only thing I look forward too about Stephen Harper is the comedy in the newspapers and television.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.
Last edited by BassBehemoth : 2006-01-25 at 04:03.

2006-01-25, 04:09
I am a tax on the world..
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Well, with the exception of the last post, you are all shamelessly retarded. Why did I even bother asking?
If I had my Govt. book with me, I'd recite you pages of correctness--because I don't really remember. But it's at the apartment. All I know is that it's confusing as hell, and the Federalists split into two parties: the Hamiltonian Federalists and the Jeffersonian Federalists. One of them went away, and the other became Democrats, yet these democrats were what today's Republican party stand for. These democrats were the only party for a time....like 3-4 presidents, then came a Whig party to oppose it. The Whigs went away, and the democrats did something......yadda yadda yadda, then the present day Republicans popped up out of no where in the latter 19th century. And that mule went on to save Spring Break.
I can't really say what the present parties stand for.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page
Last edited by powersofterror : 2006-01-25 at 04:17.

2006-01-26, 03:42
Supreme Metalhead
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Posts: 546
Originally Posted by FearFrost
messup everything the liberals have done in the past 12 years.
More like fix the things they fucked up, can you say border security...? Well with your previous comment, i doubt it.

2006-01-26, 06:06
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Someone who isn't a halfwit explain this for a total foreigner.
(Note: Bad explanations will be mercilessly mocked.)
Remember, you're asking Canadians.

2006-01-26, 19:47
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Down the street from nHoE
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Ya, its gay that Harper won, hopfully, hell fuck up like Martin did and have a huge scandal and well have another vote soon. If not, Canada, being the "nice guy" of the universe, is gonna become another US... just our leader isnt retarded (hes just crazy), and our millitary is unarmed, and over trained.
All in all, the nation is gonna change.
Originally Posted by IlikeRiffseveryone
im 50 percent irish and 100 percent pain. (SHAKE DOWN!!!!)
Canadian Brutal Death (So you know it's good)

2006-01-26, 19:57
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Florida
Posts: 484
Damn I wish I still lived in Canada. Its so much better then Florida/USA... Well at least I know where I'm going when I move out.
"The last Christian died on a cross."
-Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
"Faith: not wanting to know what is true."
-Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
teh myspace

2006-01-26, 20:03
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Down the street from nHoE
Posts: 1,716
Dont bother, did you not read the thread? 
Originally Posted by IlikeRiffseveryone
im 50 percent irish and 100 percent pain. (SHAKE DOWN!!!!)
Canadian Brutal Death (So you know it's good)

2006-01-26, 20:32
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Hades
Posts: 227
Originally Posted by Vardanstalt
Damn I wish I still lived in Canada. Its so much better then Florida/USA... Well at least I know where I'm going when I move out.
why so you could be taxed to death ,  No knock on Canada but ask any Canadian if they arent taxed to death ,and the immigration policy sucks.

2006-01-26, 21:46
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 301
Harper is Bushs puppet next door neighbor now
"And he piled upon the whale's white hump, the sum of all the hate and rage fely by his race. If his chest had been a cannon, he would have shot his heart upon it."
Sanasta sana tulevi, kipinästä maa kytevi
Our Stuff
Reavers Lament

2006-01-26, 22:27
New Blood
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 48
The Bloc Quebecois got a bad surprise in Quebec, the Conservatives made some big progress over here.. which is not necessarily good. But with a minority government we're probably gonna go back in election mode in a few months.
All that is left is... aggression

2006-01-26, 22:50
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Canada
Posts: 432
As a political science major I just hafta shake my head reading this thread.
Major Faux Pas found in this thread:
Green party: Is not the "pot" party like everyone thinks. Inform yourself by reading this; http://www.greenparty.ca/greenvalue...tion=115:3.html
Taxed to death: Although it is true we are taxed heavily as compared to our American friends, its not a bad thing. We enjoy lots of public services that our taxes pay for, not to mention free healthcare. I perfer having to pay taxes, it creates a better social net for the country. Plus we have a national surplus, something you Americans can only dream of.
Some idiot also said something about fixing border security: Dear idiot, border security is not really an issue being as all the bad stuff usually comes from America INTO Canada, eg. Handguns, and coke. Although, apperently old Canadian passports are easy to make, thus letting terrorists and such enter America. New passports have been made and are being issued to Canadians as we speak and this was a LIBERAL ideal.
Someone also asked what Harpers offical platform was and what you got was some really bad answers, from some people who apperently know very little. Read this: http://www.conservative.ca/EN/1978/
and if you want the offical platform with every issue covered in full read this
I have no idea why everyone thinks that Harper will ruin the country blah blah blah. He has a SLIM minority government, being said this is my educated perdiction; There will be another election within one year from the date he is sworn in. Many liberal voters that were pursuaded to make the switch to the tories will see that Harper's social policy is way too right winged for Canada today. However I see no problem with Canadian's accepting his economic policies (tax breaks, childcare blah blah blah). Harpers downfall will be his social policies, and with that slim minority the end result will be a vote of non confidence, and harper will be forced to call an election. Remember the senate is still very much Liberal too. This not only gives Canadians a piece of mind that change will not happen fast but it also makes the Tories accountable for their actions (imagine the embarassment if one of Harpers bills was sent back to the house of commons (never been done, but don't rule it out). I probably missed a fuck load of issues and what not but I'll respond to anything else you people say, or wish to know.

2006-01-27, 01:13
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
OK Mr. Universe...I have a degree in SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Sorry, someone had to say it....
BTW, what I said wasn't totally nonsensical..I mentioned that our government being a minority would not change much among other facts.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2006-01-27, 01:36
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Ohio
Posts: 546
Originally Posted by Black_Star
Some idiot also said something about fixing border security: Dear idiot, border security is not really an issue being as all the bad stuff usually comes from America INTO Canada, eg. Handguns, and coke. Although, apperently old Canadian passports are easy to make, thus letting terrorists and such enter America. New passports have been made and are being issued to Canadians as we speak and this was a LIBERAL ideal.
Thats me!
 ... Were not giving out terrorists like candy!

2006-01-27, 02:13
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Canada
Posts: 432
Originally Posted by Shreddist
Thats me!
 ... Were not giving out terrorists like candy!
We should, quite frankly I'm kinda sick of American forgien policy. Its needs to change, and maybe the only way of accomplishing this would be more and more terrorists attacks on US soil. The only way I see american forgien policy changing is if there are more attacks on US soil, but that is cruel and I don't personally wish for anyone to die American or not

2006-01-27, 02:22
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Ohio
Posts: 546
Originally Posted by Black_Star
but that is cruel and I don't personally wish for anyone to die American or not
Glad youre so thoughtful
 Anyways since you all hate america so much, go move to someplace like Iraq, where you HAVE something to bitch about. Whats so bad about here? Oh yeah it sucks we cant smoke pot, and mannn isnt it bad that its illegal to murder and rape people! Doesnt it suck to have freedom of speech, religion, and have the opportuinty to become what you want. You make yourself here, and i wouldnt give it away for anything. You guys just want something to complain about. It really shows what a good country the USA is, that people actually can find the heart to complain about such simple matters! Just be glad youre not complaining about how Saddam murdered your family, or threw them off of buildings while they were alive, most likely even then you wouldnt be complaining cause youd get the same treatment if you did. 
Last edited by Shreddist : 2006-01-27 at 03:48.

2006-01-27, 04:16
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Hades
Posts: 227
Originally Posted by Black_Star
We should, quite frankly I'm kinda sick of American forgien policy. Its needs to change, and maybe the only way of accomplishing this would be more and more terrorists attacks on US soil. The only way I see american forgien policy changing is if there are more attacks on US soil, but that is cruel and I don't personally wish for anyone to die American or not
To be honest A big FUCK YOU to YOU 

2006-01-27, 04:55
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
Originally Posted by Shreddist
Glad youre so thoughtful
 Anyways since you all hate america so much, go move to someplace like Iraq, where you HAVE something to bitch about. Whats so bad about here? Oh yeah it sucks we cant smoke pot, and mannn isnt it bad that its illegal to murder and rape people! Doesnt it suck to have freedom of speech, religion, and have the opportuinty to become what you want. You make yourself here, and i wouldnt give it away for anything. You guys just want something to complain about. It really shows what a good country the USA is, that people actually can find the heart to complain about such simple matters! Just be glad youre not complaining about how Saddam murdered your family, or threw them off of buildings while they were alive, most likely even then you wouldnt be complaining cause youd get the same treatment if you did. 
Saddam killed your family? Rough.
John Stewart said it nicely on The Daily Show tonight proclaiming that America was made up of 80% of good, decent citizens and the 20% left was your government. I won't bash America, it is a great place in many ways.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2006-01-27, 05:47
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 1,318
This is a thread about Canada not America, fucking cunts.

2006-01-27, 06:38
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
True that, I love Canada. I'm going to go hump my parking lot.
Provincial Elections soon! WOOOOOO!
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2006-01-27, 08:50
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 301
so far this thread has triggered the NSA enet alarms 7 times
"And he piled upon the whale's white hump, the sum of all the hate and rage fely by his race. If his chest had been a cannon, he would have shot his heart upon it."
Sanasta sana tulevi, kipinästä maa kytevi
Our Stuff
Reavers Lament

2006-01-27, 08:53
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Australia
Posts: 1,156
when the hell was penis said???
Originall Posted By problematic
Im a quadraplegic.
Youve made me cry
Originally Posted by problematic
Metal Monkey: retarded comments galore.
RIP this guy

2006-01-27, 10:00
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Sydney
Posts: 2,761
Is Canada much the same as its portrayed in Bowling For Columbine??(not ment to sound like a stupid question)

2006-01-27, 15:12
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
Well what was portrayed? We have guns, but most of which are registered to the Police and hunters...VERY few are out on the street, a little different though in the bigger cities. We have crime, most of which is pretty minor. Not a strong gang presence in this side of Canada..it's not really organized at all.. mainly because of our smaller population and how spread out our cities are...again, I can't really speak for the rest of Canada, just the Maritime provinces.
I don't know, I've been to America several times on vacation(usually more than once a year)..I'd still rather live here.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2006-01-27, 18:02
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 771
You know what would make Canada even better? Disneyland, thats what. That has to be the best place in the world.

2006-01-27, 21:11
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Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Well what was portrayed? We have guns, but most of which are registered to the Police and hunters...VERY few are out on the street, a little different though in the bigger cities. We have crime, most of which is pretty minor. Not a strong gang presence in this side of Canada..it's not really organized at all.. mainly because of our smaller population and how spread out our cities are...again, I can't really speak for the rest of Canada, just the Maritime provinces.
I don't know, I've been to America several times on vacation(usually more than once a year)..I'd still rather live here.
heh take the opposite of everything you just said and you get toronto
Canada....USA....same shit, different pile


2006-01-27, 23:19
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Canada
Posts: 432
Originally Posted by Shreddist
Glad youre so thoughtful
 Anyways since you all hate america so much, go move to someplace like Iraq, where you HAVE something to bitch about. Whats so bad about here? Oh yeah it sucks we cant smoke pot, and mannn isnt it bad that its illegal to murder and rape people! Doesnt it suck to have freedom of speech, religion, and have the opportuinty to become what you want. You make yourself here, and i wouldnt give it away for anything. You guys just want something to complain about. It really shows what a good country the USA is, that people actually can find the heart to complain about such simple matters! Just be glad youre not complaining about how Saddam murdered your family, or threw them off of buildings while they were alive, most likely even then you wouldnt be complaining cause youd get the same treatment if you did. 
Dear idiot; I guess you didn't bother reading my post so I will type it out in caps for you. I DON'T HATE AMERICA, I DISLIKE AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY. I guess you didn't take time to use your american freedoms to go to school. Can you say reading comprehension?
Speaking of Iraq, does it make you proud that your glorious country gave the weapons to Saddam that was the cause of all that bloodshed?

2006-01-28, 00:07
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Hades
Posts: 227
Originally Posted by Black_Star
Dear idiot; I guess you didn't bother reading my post so I will type it out in caps for you. I DON'T HATE AMERICA, I DISLIKE AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY. I guess you didn't take time to use your american freedoms to go to school. Can you say reading comprehension?
Speaking of Iraq, does it make you proud that your glorious country gave the weapons to Saddam that was the cause of all that bloodshed?
Hindsight being 2020 we armed Sadam against the Iranians who had taken our people hostage remember the enemy of my enemy is my friend, we armed the afganistanis against the russian same principle , did it back fire well yeah but go know.

2006-01-28, 05:42
The Mountie From Hell
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Halifax N.S. Canada
Posts: 3,017
Originally Posted by Shreddist
More like fix the things they fucked up, can you say border security...? Well with your previous comment, i doubt it.
Every liberal (minus martin) did well in office.
As for border security? It once was a nice thing I.E. you could get from the start of the line to american soil in less then 20 mins... NOW its a good 2 hour long wait. And with dick face harper comming into power it will have a fast lane AKA a line for white people, and every other line will be anal searches and drug dogs, just because your skin is NOT white.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2006-01-28, 14:38
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
FearFrost is an Islamic Extremist...that why he's making up lies and getting mad about them.
Synper - Yes, I figured..the news portrays it pretty dangerous...like that 15 year old kid with the ak-47 beneath his bed his mother found...I wonder how long he was grounded for..
And Canada is becoming COMMERCIAL AS FUCK due to our large American influence....yep, they are building a Super Wal Mart near me...
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2006-01-28, 14:48
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Halifax, nova scotia
Posts: 552
haha, I already have a super wall mart down the street a bit.
i have to make this gay ass puppet, for mole day or some shit.
i need ideas. so far i got children of moldem and yngwie molesteen.
yes its a gay project, and no im not in special needs class.

2006-01-28, 14:58
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
It's sick man...there is a fucking LCD television to watch in a Tim Hortons drive through a 5 minute drive form my place now...all it plays is Tim Hortons commericals...*shoots self in face*
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2006-01-28, 15:48
Forum Daemon
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 4,982
You mean Tim Horton, the Canadian company that's only just starting to expand into America? Yeah, that's definitely our fault.
The wait to get into America, however, is our fault. We control that side of the border, not the Canadian government, and nothing they could do could make us make it less of a pain in the ass to get out of Canada than into it. I remember the day when I didn't need a passport to cross the border. I miss that day. Not much, since, y'know, it's Canada, but a bit.

2006-01-28, 16:42
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
Originally Posted by PST 88
You mean Tim Horton, the Canadian company that's only just starting to expand into America? Yeah, that's definitely our fault.
McDonalds in Timesquare is where I first saw the television directly in front of your range of vision, bolted on to the wall...playing McDonalds commercials and Disney advertisements..while you were eating your shitty meal that doesn't look the same on the commercials you are watching..I said it was an American influence because the commercialism aspect is HEAVY in America, and it's always there before it reaches our cold land mainly due to the huge ammount of money invested. Wait...maybe Tokyo is to blame...
How is Tim Hortons doing in America? Anyone? It has an absolutely insane following in Canada.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2006-01-28, 16:49
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Halifax, nova scotia
Posts: 552
Man, Tim hortons is a fucking plague. i see dozens upon dozens at the mall in line waiting to get the shitty coffee they're addicted to. Im glad i dont drink that stuff
i have to make this gay ass puppet, for mole day or some shit.
i need ideas. so far i got children of moldem and yngwie molesteen.
yes its a gay project, and no im not in special needs class.

2006-01-28, 16:53
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
Oh man, there is crack in their coffee..people are fiends for the shit.
We just brought it too America because they plagued us with Wal Mart.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2006-01-28, 17:26
Forum Daemon
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 4,982
You guys aren't nearly as good at the cultural imperialism as we are. The only people I know who go to Tim Horton's are Upstate kids who want to move to Canada as a kind of outpouring of teenage angst. Apparently teenage angst is expressed through moving to Canada. I'm not saying I get it; just how it is. Anyway, they eat there because they feel it makes them more Canadian. They also drink Molson and ... well, actually that's about it.
Still, I live in a big city in America and manage to avoid all this American culture. Why can't you just do the same? It's easy. Just don't go to the annoying chain restaurant or the obnoxious chain store and you'll keep that shit from polluting your life.
Oh, and Wal-Mart is just a virus. Nobody in America wants it either. It's maybe the only case of us forcing our culture on ourselves.

2006-01-28, 17:49
slack as fuck
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Goddamn maritimes..
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Originally Posted by IlikeRiffseveryone
Man, Tim hortons is a fucking plague. i see dozens upon dozens at the mall in line waiting to get the shitty coffee they're addicted to. Im glad i dont drink that stuff
yep, and I love it.
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Bottle of Vodka, $25
Fucking on the couch while posting on Metaltabs and getting caught by your mother....

2006-01-28, 19:43
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Canada
Posts: 432
Man Tim Hortons coffee is fucking great. Speaking of which, I went driving around Toronto the other day (in a city called oshawa, the fastest growing area in all of Canada) and so I'm driving down the main highway, regional road 2. I swear I passed a Tim hortons every other block/intersection, so I started counting them. The drive to Toronto is about 30 minutes from Oshawa and when I started counting I passed 22 Tim Horton locations. 22! I couldn't believe it, and funny thing each one was packed/had a huge drivethrough line.

2006-01-28, 21:21
slack as fuck
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Goddamn maritimes..
Posts: 3,395
Originally Posted by Black_Star
Man Tim Hortons coffee is fucking great. Speaking of which, I went driving around Toronto the other day (in a city called oshawa, the fastest growing area in all of Canada) and so I'm driving down the main highway, regional road 2. I swear I passed a Tim hortons every other block/intersection, so I started counting them. The drive to Toronto is about 30 minutes from Oshawa and when I started counting I passed 22 Tim Horton locations. 22! I couldn't believe it, and funny thing each one was packed/had a huge drivethrough line.
hah, and that surprised you?
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Bottle of Vodka, $25
Fucking on the couch while posting on Metaltabs and getting caught by your mother....

2006-01-28, 22:59
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
PST - I try to not let it become a huge part of my life, but it does get increasingly difficult just because of the sheer mass of what we are becoming exposed too. These days not much of what you do, eat, visit, look at is not fake and highly manufactured. You said about moving out being a teen angst thing here...hmmm, I wouldn't agree with that too much, most of the people I know move out at 19+..after high school with no immediate plans for post-secondary education. The one's that attend university usually stay at home or on campus, usually paid by the parents. Drugs are still the number one teen angst choice.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2006-01-28, 23:05
slack as fuck
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Goddamn maritimes..
Posts: 3,395
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Drugs are still the number one teen angst choice.
That or Simple Plan 
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Bottle of Vodka, $25
Fucking on the couch while posting on Metaltabs and getting caught by your mother....

2006-01-28, 23:10
Forum Daemon
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I meant for teenagers from Upstate NY, who do drugs and make furtive plans to move to Canada because they're unhappy about how poor their life seems if the grading system is based on merit.
If you're getting that over-exposed you've probably got somebody in charge who's profiting off the situation. So you should probably work on getting that somebody out of charge, or you'll end up like Japan. Who the hell wants that? I live in one of the biggest cities in the US and am pretty free of this shit, and if we can avoid it, anybody should be able to. Unless, deep down, you guys really want it. Then I can't help you.

2006-01-28, 23:18
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
haha Simple Plan.
Man I am an idiot..I've never in thought of it...The post-teen agnst is to move to Alberta to work shitty jobs for double than what they would be making here.
I must know of almost twenty people that have done this, it's like the only resort for some people down here, the "Maritime Dream" if you will.
I mean Canada still has plenty of non-commericalized places..but man, over the past say even five years Halifax/Dartmouth has expanded with insane superstores/megamalls and the new construction of lush condos on farm land. The times, they are a-changing.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2006-01-29, 00:13
slack as fuck
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Goddamn maritimes..
Posts: 3,395
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
haha Simple Plan.
Man I am an idiot..I've never in thought of it...The post-teen agnst is to move to Alberta to work shitty jobs for double than what they would be making here.
I must know of almost twenty people that have done this, it's like the only resort for some people down here, the "Maritime Dream" if you will.
Yeah, my dad and a few of his friends moved to Calgary for, I think, work.. and my friend's father was offered a job up there and almost took it..
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Bottle of Vodka, $25
Fucking on the couch while posting on Metaltabs and getting caught by your mother....

2006-01-29, 01:10
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posts: 1,816
Originally Posted by Black_Star
(in a city called oshawa, the fastest growing area in all of Canada)
im pretty sure the fastest growing sity is Vaughn... you know the one right beside wonderland... that is trying to get wonderland moved because the noise levels are too high at night... the one that was built there to give wonderland a workforce. They're fucked... getting rid of their only major income.
Oh, and you mentioned we had a surplus... did you take into account the $600 BILLION ( http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications...r/2079rank.html) of debt that we got our selves into over the last 30 years? That surplus doesnt sound as good as it used to does it? But hey, at least we aren't as fucked as the US hehehe.
Oh, and Timmies is t3h r0xx0r, the coffee sucks... but everything else is amazing. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Originally Posted by Dahmers Fridge
In the US "fanny" is a word used to describe the ass or butt. Here in the UK "fanny" is a lady garden (vagina)
I was very bemused as a youngster watching the Golden Girls when Blanche said she was going to "spank her fanny" I had visions of a geriatric vertical bacon sandwich red and bruised from being disciplined!!!

2006-01-29, 05:07
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Canada
Posts: 432
Fastest growing area. Area means Durham region.
And I wouldn't be too concerned with national debt. Every big first world nation will always be in debt. No one will come collecting period.

2006-01-29, 05:29
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: providence
Posts: 1,863
i think china owns our debt, they buy it up, i dont know how exactly it goes but the US is in a huge fucking hole to china

2006-01-29, 22:20
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Toronto
Posts: 298
Originally Posted by PST 88
The wait to get into America, however, is our fault. We control that side of the border, not the Canadian government, and nothing they could do could make us make it less of a pain in the ass to get out of Canada than into it. I remember the day when I didn't need a passport to cross the border. I miss that day. Not much, since, y'know, it's Canada, but a bit.
i havent tried getting across the border, but i thought all you needed was a drivers license?
Originally Posted by the_bleeding
im pretty sure the fastest growing sity is Vaughn... you know the one right beside wonderland... that is trying to get wonderland moved because the noise levels are too high at night... the one that was built there to give wonderland a workforce. They're fucked... getting rid of their only major income.
lol i work there, wonderland isnt going anywhere
every tim hortons i've been to has the worst positioned drive throughs ever, usually blocking the parking lot or some exit/entrance or driveway


2006-01-29, 22:51
Forum Daemon
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Posts: 4,982
The driver's license days are behind us. It's passport now. A lot of people seem not to know this, though.
And yeah, China owns a lot of our debt. China, oddly enough, keeps us afloat at their leisure.

2006-01-31, 02:20
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posts: 1,816
i think china owns pretty much everybody's debt...
Originally Posted by Dahmers Fridge
In the US "fanny" is a word used to describe the ass or butt. Here in the UK "fanny" is a lady garden (vagina)
I was very bemused as a youngster watching the Golden Girls when Blanche said she was going to "spank her fanny" I had visions of a geriatric vertical bacon sandwich red and bruised from being disciplined!!!

2006-01-31, 04:00
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.
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