2002-08-14, 23:26
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what kind of guitar do u use?
this isnt another thread about someone wanting to know which guitar to buy...i just wanna know what kinda guitars u guys use
for me, i use an eric clapton strat for clean solos/clean bluesy rythems
i use my jackson rr-it guitar for disorted solos/sweep picking (theres sumthin magical about that guitar...i cant sweep pick on anything else..  )
i have a Taylor 6 and 12 string acoustic guitars...theyre NICE!! koa wood

2002-08-15, 00:00
Senior Metalhead
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i use my gibson les paul gothic. i'm also thinking about getting a used or cheap strat for more non-metal stuff.

2002-08-15, 01:31
i have a shitty strat copy that i use for E tuned thrasing in my band (saving up for an Ibanez S series to do that though).
an Ibanez RG drop B tuned (my main guitar in my band)
and an Encore acoustic that is E tuned most of the time.

2002-08-15, 02:36
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 81
As my main guitar i operate a parker p-38 with an EMG 81 in the bridge postision. I cant complain about anything on this guitar, i can get a decent metal, a decent clean, and a decent classic rock sound. The neck is thin, the action is low, and it gives me alot of options with the piezos and the emg.
My bad ass piece of shit guitar is a PRS santana SE. I bought it at gc a while back because it was 150. It was so low because it had a little paint chip in it. I ended up stripping the paint and getting a pretty decent wood finish. The paint is still around the edges so it has kinda an original look. I was bored one day and i never used it so i took an old gibson fixed bridge and put it in there. The santana SE has a tremelo system on it. SO uh....theres a huge gaping whole now. When i finally got it all dont i noticed the action was pretty uneven and high on the higher frets so i had to rout a hole into where the bridge fits so the action and intonation was where i needed it.
I also have a left handed takamine acoustic that i switched around to make it right handed. i had to wire one of those stationary dean markleys in it to get it to work correctly because i couldnt the wire the old pickup in due to some of the work i previously did.

2002-08-15, 03:32
Join Date: Jul 2002
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you say the santana prs was 100 bucks from guitar center cause there was a chip in the paint?? thats how i got my amp.....its an 80 watt marshall and i took a pocket knife to the vynal and made a little rip in it....i got that amp for $200
(i know its wrong but i dont regret it)

2002-08-15, 05:25
I am a tax on the world..
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Originally posted by Clad in Shadows
gibson les paul gothic.
that sounds cool, tell me more...
i use jackson, i don't know what kind though
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2002-08-15, 14:24
all i use is an Ibanez iceman...I also may sometime use a fender strat...

2002-08-15, 18:31
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for metal, my les paul. For the blues and other stuff I play a fender strat.
Fender0823: ok here's a good one.........
Fender0823: what if u could have all the babes u wanted in ur bed, but once a month u had to wear a shirt in public that said "I like my men in short shorts" would u do it
Fender0823: :-X god im scary
Fender0823: lol
Fender0823: this is what alcohol does to me.
Ulimnar: hell yeah i would, lol, that'd be hilarious
Fender0823: lmfao!!!!!!!
Fender0823: hahahahahahaha
Fender0823: can i put this in my sig on metaltabs
Fender0823: lololol
Ulimnar: but I'd also carry a gun for any homos that took it seriously
"Wally Leaves us officially" - Ulimnar: lol I think it'll work now...goodbye man
Ulimnar signed off at 10:09:37 PM.

2002-08-15, 22:46
New Blood
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i have a ibanez rg220 with a x2n pickup and a jay turser strat copy

2002-08-17, 14:42
New Blood
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I have an ESP LTD DELUXE M-1000 and It is great! 

2002-08-17, 22:44
New Blood
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i have samic fly v

2002-08-20, 00:28
Dime 3 STD. Check my avatar!

2002-08-24, 19:04
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Grassroots M60,I think.
I'm thinking of changing the pick-ups
Burnin' and a-lootin' tonight
burnin' all pollution tonight
burnin' all illusion tonight


2002-08-24, 21:34
New Blood
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BD Rich NJ...
Wrong ways of disgrace, forget all lies God has told you,
Burnt once no chance to threaten with firehell,
Devil's force infernal forever stay with me,
With aim to unite with Satan, with Master rule and bleed.
HATE - No life after death

2002-08-25, 00:01
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i got a yamaha rgx721DG...its great...pretty amoldable to anything....also an ESP F-207 pretty cool too///
"Yodeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiii hoooooooo" 

2002-08-25, 00:12
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I got a cheap samik from a pawn shop. i got 40% off because it had a big chink of its finish missing. My dad fixedit up though. it sounds fine.
I have a fuked little fender that i put through a 100 watt bms speakerand, it sounds pretty decent.
Ill have to try screwing a new amp into my own deal like that other guy did. heehee! 

2002-08-26, 15:23
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Jackson Stealth EX
Join the hordes!!

2002-08-26, 15:32
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i have a cheap smaikc rip-off of some jackson uitar. i found the real jackson one day when i walked into astore and saw my guitar with a different head.

2002-08-28, 17:51
Fender Fat Strats w/ EMG's (C#, C, B)
Bc Rich NJ Neck-Thru Series Warlock (E, Eb, D) w/ Duncan Invader in bridge, stock Bc Rich neck pick up...it's good for sweeps, or any other solo I guess.

2002-08-29, 01:35
New Blood
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i usesed to ues a squire start but i know own a epiphone sg which is ok cause i got it for 150 instead of 200 
zakes my idol

2002-08-29, 03:29
What the hell are you trying to say? 

2002-08-29, 16:37
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i've been getting a lot of guitars lately...next week, im getting a jackson soloist 1 w/ cherry sunburt finish (its like Thom Youngblood from Kamelot)..at the end of this year im looking to get the new Taylor nylon string acoustic.... 

2002-08-30, 05:02
The Jackson Warrior XT's are nice. Some of them come with Kahler tremolo's instead of Floyd's, which is even better!

2002-08-30, 09:14
Master Killer
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I think I want to try out one of them magic kahler tremolo's... haneman uses one, so it's probably pretty good stuff...

2002-08-30, 16:55
Originally posted by *Def-Fx*
I think I want to try out one of them magic kahler tremolo's... haneman uses one, so it's probably pretty good stuff...
The good thing about Kahler tremolo's is that you don't need to adjust the springs if you want to tune higher, or lower, or get a thicker or thinner gauge string, for it will level itself.
You can bend up way higher because the cavity is very deep. More sustain added to your Guitar because it is heavy duty, unlike the Licensed Floyd Rose. (Although Original Floyd Rose's have the heat treated steel bottom for the Sustain part).
Now, I'm talking about the "Kahler Pro" or the "Kahler Flyer"...the Kahler "Spyder" (the one that comes with the Warrior XT, is Floyd Rose-like, and it works like a Floyd Rose, just different look, and name.)
I believe Jeff Hanneman uses the Flyer. The Pro, and Flyer, are both the same I think, I don't see a difference in them.

2002-08-30, 18:24
Master Killer
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woh, so you mean you can tune your guitar in D or C# without having to fuck with the bloody springs on the trem?? and without having a banana shaped neck??
are these things sold seperatly and can you replace a floyd for a kahler without extra drilling and stuff?
yeah about the floyds, most are fake, like on ibanez etc... I didn't ever try a real one I think.. well, maybe I wouldn't even notice the diffrence, I'm a bassplayer not a real guitarplayer.. but guitar is also fun.

2002-08-30, 23:15
No, your neck won't get messed up, the Kahler adjusts to what the tension is on the strings.
You do not have to mess with springs.
You know, Kahler tremolo's where first made for Basses? what do you think that kind of bridge is on Les Claypools (Primus) Bass?
You can't replace your Guitar with a Kahler until you drill a bigger cavity, because as you see, it's not the same shape as a Floyd Rose.
And if your body doesn't even have a Floyd Rose cavity, you have a lot of work to do.

2002-08-31, 16:27
Master Killer
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ofcourse it has
but that's fucking amazing man, are these things expensive? I hate fucking around with those floyd springs...
I know les claypool, but I don'tlike his style and I don't like his band 
I don't really see the point in having a trem on a bass, but it's probably fun to do a slide on a 5-er, E slide down to 12th and B slide up to 1 while using a trem :P :P :P

2002-08-31, 18:59
I don't like Primus either...I just brought that up with the Kahler thing..
Kahler's should be around the same price as ORIGINAL Floyd Rose's.
Unless you want to buy the cheap version of Kahler's.....they're called "Schaller". 

2002-08-31, 21:18
Master Killer
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I wonder if it'll easily fit in a Jackson dinky 27' hmmm...
schaller, where have I heard that name before, ohyeah the tuners, and I've got schaller straplocks on my stickerbass

2002-09-01, 19:36
Yeah, they also make shit tremolo's. 

2002-09-02, 18:24
Master Killer
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hehehe apperently they do 

2002-09-05, 21:52
When they first came out with the Washburn>Dime Stealth series, they put Schallers on them; I'm not sure if they do anymore though.

2002-09-05, 23:10
Schaller bridegs are fuckin awesome. i got one on my stealth and it stays in tune FLAWLESSLY and i absolutly kane the hell outta my bridge like dumping it and hitting harmonics with the slack of the string, doent go outta tune at all..

2002-09-06, 18:15
Master Killer
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then I wonder what a Kahler will do 

2002-09-07, 03:05

2002-09-07, 06:14
Schaller's are zero when compared with a Kahler. That's all I have to say.

2002-10-30, 10:29
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Im not sure about the exact model but its dean cadillac anyway...
Doom what thou wilt

2002-10-31, 04:52
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i use a red B.C Rich Warlock

2002-10-31, 15:01
New Blood
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Well I have bc rich warlock and it's fucking good..my friend ordered ibanez steve vai model from germany(from place called thomann)!it's gonna be here in about 2 weeks!damn it's fuckin great guitar!costs 2333 euros from germany.steve vai bridge and everything!that's awesome!so what do you guys think about it?have you ever tested one?
High above yer sahdow smiles at me...

2002-10-31, 15:45
Britney Spear's Pimp
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Get a life.... RIGHT NOW!!!!!

2002-11-03, 23:14
New Blood
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I used to play esp kh-2 but now I'm all into IBANEZ!
-the cheap ones sucks though!
I have a JEM7DBK and a 7-string universe 777PBK
plus an old esp eclipse custom
and a wasburn
fuckin' rocks.....thats it
put the pedal to the metal...........and put the rest to the test!!!!!

2002-11-04, 07:14
Master Killer
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hey delete, it's not that hard to fit a kahler in there, but it just has to fit, in depth and shit, you know.....
well its pretty fucking neat, a kahler tremolo kicks fucking ass, it's even better than a floyd!

2002-11-06, 14:32
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I use a Jackson Warrior XT, and a BC Rich NJ Warlock.
Procrasination and masturbation are one in the same--in the end, you're just fucking yourself.

2002-11-22, 17:24
New Blood
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Posts: 2
I have a RG7621 with EMG-707Žs and a Dean Dimebag-ML that there are like 15 in word of, i dont know something like that.
"Jag dricker linement för att hålla mig vaken jag"

2002-11-22, 19:35
Master Killer
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Fuck, EMG's 707
those must have costed you a fucking fortune, they are hard to get and are really expensive over here, 400 dollar a piece

2002-11-22, 20:26
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Originally posted by *Def-Fx*
Fuck, EMG's 707
those must have costed you a fucking fortune, they are hard to get and are really expensive over here, 400 dollar a piece
holy fuck! why so expensive? the EMG list price is only $128!

2002-11-23, 09:50
New Blood
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Posts: 2
I got them used, 900 swedish kronor = about 90$ a pop. They are some crazy pickups, kills my old blaze2Žs.
"Jag dricker linement för att hålla mig vaken jag"

2002-11-24, 14:42
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A Jackson PS-4 with flipflop metallic blue body, & EMG85 in the bridge, & a homemade
jackson Kelly with Bill Lawrence & Carvin pickups.

2002-11-24, 21:07
Master Killer
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Originally posted by PantericA
holy fuck! why so expensive? the EMG list price is only $128!
yup, I know but it's hard to get them here and dealers fuck guitar players over royaly over here...
normal EMG 81's are also more expensive here, it just sucks, but the 707 is even harder to get...

2002-11-24, 22:17
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i use a ibanez RG7421XL for metal and for non metal i use a samick

2002-11-25, 17:40
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Originally posted by *Def-Fx*
yup, I know but it's hard to get them here and dealers fuck guitar players over royaly over here...
normal EMG 81's are also more expensive here, it just sucks, but the 707 is even harder to get...
that's fucking gay! why do they do that? some sort of unspoken aggression? that's just wrong.

2002-11-25, 17:52
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i have an old peavey raptor (strat) but now i play i Washburn Dime 2ST kicks fucking ass

2002-11-25, 18:14
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Def, order online at musicians friend and have them ship them to you. 

2002-11-30, 01:42
my Guitars
I have a Samick accoustic and a Ibanez rg270 there both awsome. Also its not really that samick rips off of other companies they just make the guitars for the company and borrow the design (its an Indian company) with 50% of the guitars in the world are made by samick. 

2002-11-30, 21:59
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Re: my Guitars
Originally posted by TheKtuluCall
I have a Samick accoustic and a Ibanez rg270 there both awsome. Also its not really that samick rips off of other companies they just make the guitars for the company and borrow the design (its an Indian company) with 50% of the guitars in the world are made by samick.
You spelled Testament wrong in your profile 

2002-11-30, 22:45
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reign in blood from a lacerated sky bleeding its horror now i shal reign in bloodl

2002-12-20, 00:03
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2002-12-20, 01:54
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I have an Ibanez SA160 done in the transparent grey and an acoustic jasmine cutaway by takamine.

2002-12-20, 02:09
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i use a fender hm strat greg howe sig model. it has a org. floyd seymour duncan rear hum bucker, mid singel coil, and front singal coil, and locking nut system. the neck is the fastest one ive ever played on i just love that guitar
i also have a ephiphone les paul custom
~ BeWaRe ThE pEnGuInS ~

2002-12-20, 05:59
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i have an Austin Era Flame Deluxe.. and an Epiphone SQ180 accoustic
im planning on getting either an Epiphone les paul goth or the sg goth in a few weeks
Well, shit on my head and call me 'John Paul'

2002-12-20, 19:13
New Blood
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Movements in the dark
Constrict the thoughts of cognition,
Weve drifted into an abyss of dire blindness,
Theres no turning back,
The mirror casts the reflection black,
The pain lets me know Im not dead yet...

2002-12-20, 22:59
Epiphone korina SG (the special edition)
I also play on my Dad's guitar lol, a lefty- Strat
I think I will have to buy a new guitar
maybe Jackson RR 

2002-12-20, 23:08
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i have a jackson soloist with semour duncan pickups (would like to get EMG 81's though). but doesnt have a floyd rose bridge, but has a locking nut. has a whammy bar and sharkfin inlays.
Tammie Big Nuts saved my soul in africa today.

2002-12-21, 18:25
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I got an Ibanez GSA60 with an EMG HZ and a Seymour Duncan
Hot rails SC in the middlepickup area = So far my fav. guitar
I suck at guitar.

2002-12-21, 18:31
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Originally posted by metal=life
you say the santana prs was 100 bucks from guitar center cause there was a chip in the paint?? thats how i got my amp.....its an 80 watt marshall and i took a pocket knife to the vynal and made a little rip in it....i got that amp for $200
(i know its wrong but i dont regret it)
Hell yeah! I'm gonna bring my swiss knife and carve my initials on
Crate Gx900h Amp head and pretend its not my initials and
probably ask for it for about 200 bucks because it originally costs
400 bucks but right now I'm freggin Broke!!!!!!!!
LMAO! = Laughing My Ass Off
I suck at guitar.

2002-12-21, 18:33
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What marshall amp was it?
Is it a amp head?
I suck at guitar.

2002-12-21, 19:24
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lol if i tried summtin like that with my luck id end up getting caught and have to pay double
~ BeWaRe ThE pEnGuInS ~

2003-03-03, 00:37
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i use jackson sl1h soloist with cherry sunburst finish 
i like the darkness i eat whats light..... i am... FAT man

2003-03-03, 11:11
New Blood
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Posts: 13
I got an Ibanez RG with an EMG81 at the bridge, and empty holes were the cheap neck and middle pickups have been taken out  . I've set it up for D tuning on the floyd rose cos i play mainly death metal stuff 

2003-03-03, 17:11
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Posts: 387
It's somthing like this... but other collours. Fender
 Why hate fender 
Originally Posted by deMANUfacture
Avril lavigne - sk8ter boi


2003-03-03, 17:14
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i use an esp ltd 7string...has a dimarzio tone zone 7 pickup at the bridge. i also have a strat-copy yamaha eg303...surprises me though, it sounds really really good for a somewhat cheap starter guitar, good clean tones but can get some nice chunk too.

2003-03-03, 18:02
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the only one i have and use is a bc rich warlock, the rope just fliped loose so now the element is broke  fuckingshit 

2003-03-03, 23:19
New Blood
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I have a Fender Stratocaster. Im saving up for a ibanez RG 7 string
Smash Your Enemies

2003-03-07, 18:02
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BC Rich Beast, Virgin and Ibanez 7-String

2003-03-07, 18:30
New Blood
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i use a jackson dr7 7 string for my fast hard solos style and a beat up fender strat for the easy powerchording brainless stuff
"no man can ever just be, he is always becomeing."

2003-03-07, 23:17
Senior Metalhead
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I use a Gibson Explorer and a Bc Warlock.

2003-03-08, 07:57
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couple of black ESP V350 with emg 81 and 89 in them. usually tuned to C or Bb.
wouldnt mind an explorer...
i like 12yo blonde russian skoolgirls but INTERPOL thinks im skum

2003-03-08, 14:53
Join Date: Mar 2003
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My main preforming Axe is a Gibson Gothic Flying V with Brite wires (9-46). It has a GREAT SOUND to it and but I think when I get the Gibson Flying 67, I will make it a secondary stage guitar
My main practice guitar is a Gretch(I don't know the model cause it was an heirloom from my dad. He bought it in '81.) But it has DiMarizo pickups and britewires as well and it sounds GREAT. I think I would use it for ballads on Stage cause it doesn't have much of a bass heavy sound as the V when it's clean
RIP Dimebag
"Dime brought the life into so many people, how could somebody take his?" - Charlie Benante

2003-03-09, 12:15
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tansen flying v with floyd rose double locking bridge & seymour duncan pickups.......tuned at c# & galli rockstar 0.08 strings...................ITS KILLER !!!!!!!!!!!
I, Himself - An asshole's gotta do what an asshole's gotta do!!!

2003-03-09, 15:12
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I had a Vester and An Epiphone Les Paul, but since yesterday I have an Epiphone Gothic Explorer...
Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2003-03-16, 01:21
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Just got a new SL-3 Jackson see-thru red

2003-03-16, 02:04
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Originally posted by damonta
Just got a new SL-3 Jackson see-thru red
I suck at guitar.

2003-03-16, 03:14
New Blood
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Posts: 4

2003-03-16, 06:56
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i have a squire, old acoustic and a novaro which is spanish nylon string guitar
I Seek And Destroy

2003-03-19, 16:49
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 65
I got a Bc Rich... Custom Tribal Jr V. ...Just like the One Kerry King Plays... Emgs... Kahler tremelo.... the inlays are too fuckin sick... and it plays like a fuckin dream... but it broke bank...2000+ worth every penny...

2003-03-20, 15:31
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nice fuckin guitar!

2003-03-20, 18:56
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Mmm.... I have a BC Rich.... but I have no idea what type..... It's a (BLOOD)red one...
Alles kan stuk..... skål!

2003-03-20, 20:56
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Originally posted by SinThetIc
I got a Bc Rich... Custom Tribal Jr V. ...Just like the One Kerry King Plays... Emgs... Kahler tremelo.... the inlays are too fuckin sick... and it plays like a fuckin dream... but it broke bank...2000+ worth every penny...
that's one sick axe

2003-03-24, 04:23
New Blood
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Posts: 26
My guitar...
Schecter C-1 that I put a pair of Seymour Duncan Invaders in. This has become my mainstay guitar. I love the way it plays, very smooth...fast neck and because it has a fixed bridge it stays in tune. I want to get one with a set neck. Working on that next. I have had a Gibson Les Paul Studio, a couple of standard (fat and traditional setup) Stratocasters, a couple of Squire strats, three Kramers (two Strikers and a Berreta...from way back in the day, can you say 1985?) Several acoustics, my favorite was an Ovation. I have no idea what model. I traded an old Peavy bass for it. I play through a Digitech GNX3 and a Fender Champion 30. That GNX3 is the shit. Even though I hate tremolo bridges, I WILL get an ESP Kamikaze (ala George Lynch) and an Ibanez Satriani model (JS100 I think). Just because they are my heros.
Ordinarily he is insane, but occasionally has a lucid moment when he is only stupid.
Last edited by Jeff : 2003-03-28 at 22:18.

2003-03-28, 13:58
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: the putrefying road in the nineteenth extremity
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hers a pic of my new axe.... 
I, Himself - An asshole's gotta do what an asshole's gotta do!!!

2003-03-28, 23:06
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Corona, California
Posts: 1,824
I might be getting the DXMG if I do all my chores and my homework
I suck at guitar.

2003-03-28, 23:14
New Blood
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Joplin, Mo.
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While not a big Jackson fan, I would have to say that I would love to have a DKMG Archtop in Black Forest. That is the only Jackson I have played that I could get used to and afford. Maybe someday.
Ordinarily he is insane, but occasionally has a lucid moment when he is only stupid.

2003-03-29, 00:26
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 835
haha, jeff, the DKMG archtop black forest is exactly what i have.
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-03-29, 00:44
New Blood
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Joplin, Mo.
Posts: 26
Originally posted by artofnothing6
haha, jeff, the DKMG archtop black forest is exactly what i have.
Is it your only guitar? How does the tremolo hold up? I really liked it, I'm partial to archtop guitars, they just look so much better in my opinion. The black forest finish is sweet, there was a cobalt blue one I saw also, but I didn't like it as much as the black forest one.
Ordinarily he is insane, but occasionally has a lucid moment when he is only stupid.

2003-03-29, 00:52
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: New Jersey
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nope, i've got 5 or 6 other guitars. The DKMG is the only, ONLY, ONLY guitar i haven't had to work on. Even when i am messing with the tuning and stuff, the bridge doesn't get to bad and i know its only temporarily so its fine. The floyd rose is extremely nice, it may be a pay in the ass but oh it is such a pay off when you have everything perfect on it.
.hiding, the meaning of.

2003-03-29, 05:32
Supreme Metalhead
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i have fender squire, best washburn acoustic ever and an old levin acoustic, last time i seen it i was throwin it around at this party, Warnerve is good at that 
run at me

2003-03-29, 11:55
Senior Metalhead
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warnerve cant play for shit
I Seek And Destroy

2003-04-24, 04:55
Senior Metalhead
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i have a westone-electra spectrum (h/s/h)
and a bc rich warlock that i begin to loath as the days progress.

2003-04-26, 16:24
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: The Miasma
Posts: 694
A Morgan (Strat copy) with three single coils in it, currently tuned to C, but has no locking tremolo system, so it's the guitar that I use for non-Eb tuning.
And a Jackson KE3, tuned to Eb (I play a hell of a lot Iced Earth), and seldom tuned to anything else.
seems like you got a case of stupidphobia
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