2006-03-06, 12:16
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 55
Ion Dissonance "Solace" tabs... if possible
I'd love to see some tracks from Ion Dissonance's newest album "Solace" tabbed. Particularly "O.A.S.D" "Nil:Solaris", and "Signature". There is a very sweet harmony at the end of Signature that is almost Maudlin of the Wellish that I can't figure out.
But I don't know if they CAN be tabbed. For one thing, they keep their tuning a secret. They use 7 strings, and I'm pretty sure they are go down to E, maybe E-flat. But I'm not at all sure their tuning is anything close to standard. Hard music... will take a great guitarist.

2006-03-06, 16:51
New Blood
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Ukraine
Posts: 42
ION DISSONANCE tune to A-standart. (hahaha its very funy trying to tune 7 string to 6-string standart tuning...)
I will complete some songs soon cause this band is very interesting!!!!

2006-03-06, 18:03
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 55
Awesome... thanks for the quick response. I was sure they were in E, but you'd know better than me, lol...
And yeah, best of luck with the tabs. They are definitely interesting. If you need any rhythm/time signature help, send me an email.

2006-03-06, 21:39
New Blood
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Location: Ukraine
Posts: 42
Ab not A. sorry for spell mistake.
maybe they in drop, I am not sure.. anyhow I will check it on videos for sure...

2006-03-06, 23:32
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 55
Weird... so, my friend emailed the guitarist, and the wrote back saying they wouldn't tell him the tuning.
But that their low string was a Gb... wtf... Gb? Very weird.

2006-03-06, 23:33
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 55
oh, and what videos do you have? I have one for "The Girl Next Door is Always Screaming", but that's off of Breathing is Irrelevant, not Solace.

2006-03-07, 10:05
New Blood
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Ukraine
Posts: 42
Gb... too low I think.... anyhow its official info??? maybe they kidding???
anyhow here is videos I have:
I iwll not tab them in near fututre cause I hae no a 7-string and its really pain in the ass to switch between bass and 6 string tabbed it.... maybe soon I will try it with maximum attention!!!!

2006-03-07, 17:10
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 55
Maybe they were kidding. But I think their tuning has changed since "Breathing..." the album that all of those songs are off of. Solace sounds to be lower. Listen to "A Preludge of Things Worse to Come". You can hear the LOW string :-) And thanks for your help.
Oh, could I get those vids from you somehow? Would you post them, or maybe I could get them over MSN or email?

2006-03-07, 17:43
Supreme Metalhead
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Have you guys considered they tune to something other than standard intervals, too? It sounds like, if theyre not going to tell people their tunings, that theyve started using their own ideals and different intervals between the strings. I havent listened to Ion Dissonance much as I couldnt get in to them, but it could be the case.
even in my sleep i hack the gibson

2006-03-07, 18:58
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If the guy did really said that, he's a stupid prick.
I wouldn't bother to tab those crazy, throwed notes from ID, but i find their music to be very interesting too.

2006-03-07, 19:34
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 55
Yeah, I was thinking they may use different intervals... I just don't have a starting ground. I'm primarily a drummer, but have played guitar for a little over a year. I'm not great at tabbing.... If I had some clear videos, I would start. Their sound is so strange, lol. Very difficult to tab, but I would very much love some tabs.

2006-03-07, 20:35
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i dont think its possible
great album though!
Originally Posted by k13m
so i guess its kinda nice for leads but i thought it sucked ass for soloing

2006-03-07, 20:38
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 55
heh, don't discourage them!!!  (the musical will do that anyway, lol)
Well, I'm working on drum parts right now, although I'm doing it as sheet music. I'll upload jpg's if I ever get it done. I've started w/ She's Strychnine, just because it's fairly popular, and is one of their easier ones to play. Not at all my favorite, but should be a good starting point.

2006-03-08, 03:16
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2006-03-08, 19:01
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: PEI, Canada
Posts: 1,103
thats awesome, now i can actually count a few measures haha
i was convinced ION didnt even use time signatures
Originally Posted by k13m
so i guess its kinda nice for leads but i thought it sucked ass for soloing

2006-03-08, 20:51
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 55
heh, they most certainly do... It's just tricky sometimes figuring them out. I've almost finished She's Strychnine. I'll then probably do another easier one like Cleansed by Silence. Then maybe some harder stuff...
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