2006-03-23, 18:26
Senior Metalhead
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Need Some Opinions On My Vocals
Hope it's okay to start a new thread for this. I didn't see any existing thread that I thought it would go in. Anyway, I was hoping some of you could observe my death vocals and help me figure out what's missing (or what's wrongfully included). Here's a sound file of myself on guitar with a drum machine, with what I guess you could call my average vocal style when it comes to death-ish stuff. It's not absolutely horrible, but something about it just doesn't sound right. Maybe too breathy? I'm wondering if there's anything you guys might notice that could help me change it for the better. Thanks for any imput.
Here (UPDATE, April 2006: sorry, there are some new songs on there and the vocals are temporarily unavailable -- making this thread pointless to anyone who happens to stumble upon it while searching the forums -- my apologies)
EDIT: I think you're right, walpurgis, part of the problem was I too close to the mic. So I tried recording it again being further away from the mic, that way the underlying problem (if there is one) can be more detectable and the mic thing can be ruled out. Still, that's a tip for me from now on. Never eat the mic. 
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
Last edited by mortpayne : 2006-04-12 at 18:24.

2006-03-23, 18:31
Drunken Yeti God
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Yeah, I noticed the breath thing...sounds almost like you're a bit too close to the mic maybe. I don't know exactly how to fix it, but other than that it sounds alright.
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2006-03-24, 05:16
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 2,149
I think you have something there. Remember some of the attempts at growling we have come across on this forum?
I have noticed some growlers that do hold the mic to close to their mouth, but remove it a bit when breathing.
Other than that, how much though do you give to your breathing? It might be the recording, but I think you got beef it up a bit if you just practiced a bit more on that part. Let me know if you want any tips on the subject!
Listening to Cannibal Corpse and cutting trees with a chainsaw, now that's metal
"He preferred the hard truth over his dearest illusion. That, is the heart of science."
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2006-03-24, 14:07
Senior Metalhead
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Thanks, Amadeus, for the input. At first I thought the breathing thing could help the sound of it. With each word or syllable, as my growl fades and becomes breathier, I think it also becomes lower, with a more guttural sound. But I doubt the effect is worth it, because in my opinion, listening back to the song again, the main problem is that I sound too weak. The growl is low and harsh enough, but it's just too contained or something. I think it does have a little to do with the recording. I made the track by running the guitar and drum machine through the mic jack in the computer, and recorded the music with the standard "Sound Recording" feature that basically every Windows computer comes with (I fucked with it a bit so it would record over a minute on this one). Then I played back the instrumental file and used a crappy, simple headset microphone (you know, the kind used in chat rooms and whatnot) and edited it in. Maybe not having the music as loud as I would with an amp made me tame my strength a little (not aggressive enough?). And, of course, I'm sure the mic quality had something to do with it. But this recording technique is the only way I can record something with near-stuido quality. Regular tapes have way too much background noise. So I don't know, maybe it's the lack of a real microphone that's hurting it. Either way, I'm sure more practice will help it out. Do you think I should try making the growl more "stripped" of its breath and basically just the voice? It would change the tone a bit, but maybe for the better. I'll definitely mess around with some of those ideas though. 
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

2006-03-24, 17:57
The Man Who Is, MGI.
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 2,216
Brutal stuff man!!!!!
That is some good shit those palm mutes on the guitars sound fucking brutal as the sick song!!!!!
Vocals are damn good too man keep it up.
Originally Posted by ImBored
I feel a bit arabic spending 30 minutes in the toilet.

2006-03-24, 18:51
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Beelzebub's Traveling Circus
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Thanks, man. I think through experimenting with the boundaries of my growl voice I've discovered that that's really the best I can come up with. It's just my style. So hopefully it's not really that bad and it's more of just myself beating it down. I mean hell, it's pretty simple metal. Not like I'm trying to win a fucking Grammy. 
I think if I make the music a little louder and the mic a little softer then it'll kind of drowned and won't sound as weak. Not to mention get some better goddamn recording equipment. 
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

2006-03-24, 19:20
New Blood
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Location: Toronto, ON
Posts: 45
That's actually a very good production considering you didn't even use a multi-track recording program. You obviously have been practising your vocal technique, and it sounds pretty refined. Only thing I noticed about the vocals is that they often fade out, as if you run out of breath at the end. I don't know if that's the case, or you are doing it like that purposely. But it might sound cool if you practised keeping the power level of the vocal consistent right through to the end (i guess u could think of it as "follow through"?). Good work, though. I suggest you go on Ares or Kazaa or some shit and download a multi-track recording application such as Cakewalk, Acid, or Cubase, you will be able then to adjust the volume of each instrument after it is recorded - that will help the sound of your production greatly (in this one the guitar kind of drowns out the other stuff)

2006-03-24, 19:55
The Man Who Is, MGI.
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 2,216
My home recording stuff is the shittest ever It's hard to sound good with the stuff i have.
Originally Posted by ImBored
I feel a bit arabic spending 30 minutes in the toilet.

2006-03-24, 20:45
New Blood
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Location: Toronto, ON
Posts: 45
Originally Posted by Robbie Filth
My home recording stuff is the shittest ever It's hard to sound good with the stuff i have.
What do you use?

2006-03-24, 23:15
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Emory, Texas
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First off I'd like to say that's some really good shit. Nothing really bad with the vocals. On a couple of parts I noticed some weakness in doing certain syllables, but lots of people do that(myself included.) So yeah.......Good stuff.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Man oh man I'm in the mood for some meat right about now, so much so that I don't even care how implicitly gay this sentence is.

2006-03-25, 15:40
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 2,149
I hope you didn't misunderstand my earlier post; I do believe you have potential too get pretty far, growling-vocal-wise.
As for the lack of strength at the end of lines and at certain syllabeles, that happens to singers everywhere. It can be helped though, very much, simply by taking the time to plan when to breathe. I know I have to do that with every more advanced or complicated piece.
Listening to Cannibal Corpse and cutting trees with a chainsaw, now that's metal
"He preferred the hard truth over his dearest illusion. That, is the heart of science."
- Carl Sagan
"Imagination is more important than intelligence" - Einstein

2006-03-27, 03:13
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Beelzebub's Traveling Circus
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Well, just as an update. I tried it out some more. It's in the link in my sig (the first and third songs are the new ones, the second is the one I already posted). I tried taking your recommendations. Less breathiness (although there's some, but only because I wanted that fade effect) and stronger, more persistant growling (still a few syllables come out weak, but less than before I think). Anyway...

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
Last edited by mortpayne : 2006-03-27 at 16:43.

2006-03-27, 23:30
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: The United Republic of Hell
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Congrats on the recording, it doesnt sound to bad at all.
As for the vocals, if i thought that you were even saying SOMETHING, maybe i would give you some suggestions but all i hear is crap. Making noises should not be called vocals. Suggestion? How about posting the lyrics to that track and maybe i could actually follow what your trying to accomplish.
(ive got over 10 years experience recording metal bands, so think before you bash this post i just made). Those are my honest comments, they aren't all going to be good ones.

2006-03-28, 01:41
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Originally Posted by MorbidGuitar
Congrats on the recording, it doesnt sound to bad at all.
As for the vocals, if i thought that you were even saying SOMETHING, maybe i would give you some suggestions but all i hear is crap. Making noises should not be called vocals. Suggestion? How about posting the lyrics to that track and maybe i could actually follow what your trying to accomplish.
(ive got over 10 years experience recording metal bands, so think before you bash this post i just made). Those are my honest comments, they aren't all going to be good ones.
I don't have any problem with the more negative posts -- I encourage them. I didn't really ask for ass-kissing, rather some help. So it doesn't upset me that you pointed out something wrong. I do have to say, though, that I am saying words. I know what you mean about just vocal noises, and even though I do that a few times in each song (I think it's obvious when I do it, it's like "EEEEEEEE") I actually spoke words for the rest -- hence the trouble with some syllables. Unfortunately, since I realize how unintelligible it is, I didn't write official lyrics for each take. Because of that, coupled with the fact that my memory sucks, I would have a hard time writing down the lyrics for you. So sorry, I'm not really going to be able to stand up well for myself on that one. As far as "sounds aren't vocals", if I may be technical in terms, I'd have to disagree. Growling in death metal music (to me anyway) uses the vocals as another instrument. Usually, it's meant to be a form of singing, but come on, like the guys will ever hit actual notes. I think "vocals" would be the best term for growling, basically because that's what is being used. I use my voice as another form of an instrument, not necessarily for singing. Of course you know I'm not trying to argue or seem aggressive, that's just my opinion. And if I were to try to get the words out clearer, I know that the depth of the growl would be lost and I would sound kind of like Chris Barnes or something. I personally put tone before clarity (not that it should always be that way, it's just what I personally like). But either way, thanks for the criticism. After all, if you don't get insults, you might never see your mistakes. 
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

2006-03-28, 06:47
The Man Who Is, MGI.
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 2,216
Yeah i definately think you can get somewhere with your vocals 
Originally Posted by ImBored
I feel a bit arabic spending 30 minutes in the toilet.

2006-03-29, 04:14
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Do you sometimes feel like coughing or choking after you growl?
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2006-03-29, 16:01
Senior Metalhead
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I sometimes clear my throat afterwards, but I never have any troubles with coughing or choking. Surprisingly, it has practically no effect on my throat.
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2006-03-29, 20:22
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i do
Originally Posted by powersofterror
Do you sometimes feel like coughing or choking after you growl?
I have this problem when attempting death vocals. Also I have a prob with certain syllables(sp?!?!?), but not always. Like I can do certain words almost 100% perfect, but some phrases take a couple of attempts to come out with a death metal sound. I never really have to cough, but after like 5 or 6 lines it becomes more difficult to get the gruff out. I realize as an inexperienced singer I am probably stressing my throat in some way, but I never allow it to mess with my speaking or throat. As soon as it is uncomfortable I stop. any hints??

2006-03-29, 23:44
I am a tax on the world..
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Originally Posted by mortpayne
I sometimes clear my throat afterwards, but I never have any troubles with coughing or choking. Surprisingly, it has practically no effect on my throat.
Well, it just sounded forced to my ears.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2006-03-30, 01:08
New Blood
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 15
You've got some good lows, just try to project more so it has more presence. Also, try to through in some high pitch screams. Just fuckin belt it man

2006-04-07, 04:48
Join Date: Apr 2006
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i think maybe going a bit lower if you can couldnt hurt but if thats as low as you can go then your doing awesome and you are anyway man 
Brutal and Technical?

2006-06-26, 06:23
New Blood
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 4
Originally Posted by powersofterror
Do you sometimes feel like coughing or choking after you growl?
When I have to cough or clear my throat, I just disguise it as a growl or scream.
As for choking, sometimes I want to choke my guitarist for not getting the timing right.
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2006-06-27, 09:02
Senior Metalhead
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I nearly spewed home alone today walking around the house doing gutterals  , this only happens after a while and when i dont stop for a breath as much as im use to.
PS: My toilet has awesome acoustics lol, I always growl when i go take a pee. Try growling in your bathroom or in another tiled room, it owns.

2006-06-28, 09:56
New Blood
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 22
Originally Posted by Hez
I nearly spewed home alone today walking around the house doing gutterals  , this only happens after a while and when i dont stop for a breath as much as im use to.
PS: My toilet has awesome acoustics lol, I always growl when i go take a pee. Try growling in your bathroom or in another tiled room, it owns.
haha lol i know what you're talking about.

2006-06-29, 17:23
slack as fuck
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Originally Posted by Hez
I nearly spewed home alone today walking around the house doing gutterals  , this only happens after a while and when i dont stop for a breath as much as im use to.
PS: My toilet has awesome acoustics lol, I always growl when i go take a pee. Try growling in your bathroom or in another tiled room, it owns.
About the puking thing, I'm fine at gutturals, but I've never had this problem. I've heard of so many people who have..
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
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