2006-03-28, 13:56
Senior Metalhead
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A thought I just had about metal vocals
I was just looking through the pages here in the vocal section, and I got thinking. Is there really a technique for metal vocals?
To me, metal is the most expressive art form and deals with all negative aspects of life, so when you want to sing with such thoughts in mind, should it not come out as a natural scream, not a pre-thought out rehearsed scream?
I know that technique can help keep your vocal chords from fucking up, but can you put too much thought into technique?
Are metal vocals the means by which the singer can express deep emotions or are they merely there to enhance the music? Because the more I think about it the more I fear it is the latter.

2006-03-28, 14:23
Senior Metalhead
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I think it's a little bit of both. I completely agree with the whole idea about how you shouldn't plan so much of what you do when it comes to an art form, that you should just let your "spirit" guide you, so to speak. But I also think that there are plenty of styles of singing that require practicing and observation of other singers. One guy might want to just come up with his own style and let his own inspiration flow from his vocals in the form of a scream, while another guy might have a crappy natural scream and needs to sit down and organize his own style for the best outcome. And then there's the other styles of metal vocals that aren't simply screams, which usually require at least a tiny bit of that observation and practice to accomplish. Either way, I think it's safe to say that the ones who take it naturally and don't need advice won't be spending a lot of times in those threads you speak of, and the ones who do...well, come on, it's common sense. I just hope you don't get flamed for not putting this in one of the stickies or other threads that might have to do with this. Still, it's got my vote for a nice discussion piece.
EDIT: "Are metal vocals the means by which the singer can express deep emotions or are they merely there to enhance the music?"
It just came to my mind about that last little part of your post. Playing guitar is a form of artistic expression (usually anyway), but don't all guitarists have to learn their instrument and grow in their knowledge of it to be able to express themselves as broadly as they desire? If you separate the vocalist from the rest of the band and hold him higher just because he's speaking literal words instead of just notes...I don't know, I just don't see it that way. Notes on the guitar are a language in their own, just as notes with the voice or even sounds with the voice can express emotions without the right words to help explain it. So I think the singer is just part of the band and, just as the other members, has an obligation to express himself in the best and most appealing way. That takes some study and precision. Of course, I'm not trying to put your post down, just trying to offer an alternative view.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
Last edited by mortpayne : 2006-03-28 at 14:32.

2006-03-28, 15:24
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Originally Posted by JAMF
I was just looking through the pages here in the vocal section, and I got thinking. Is there really a technique for metal vocals?
To me, metal is the most expressive art form and deals with all negative aspects of life, so when you want to sing with such thoughts in mind, should it not come out as a natural scream, not a pre-thought out rehearsed scream?
I know that technique can help keep your vocal chords from fucking up, but can you put too much thought into technique?
Are metal vocals the means by which the singer can express deep emotions or are they merely there to enhance the music? Because the more I think about it the more I fear it is the latter.
No one is born with a George Fisher voice. If you don't pre-reherse, you will suck.
You can't sing anything without using your own interpretation of the style. Therefore, you are using emotion. Enhancing the music is secondary.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2006-03-28, 23:53
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 65
I take the opposite position from the OP.. practicing screaming/growling gives you better tools with which to express yourself.
Playing angry music on guitar "naturally" would involve banging the hell out of the strings, but all you get is noise. If you practice and learn to play well, then you can play music that sounds angry, or sad, or happy, or anything else. It's the same way with vocals..it sounds like crap until you know what you're doing, then you have the tools to get the effect you want.

2006-09-30, 00:26
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 3
I agree with mortpayne on that the vocals are just another instrument in a band.
And they should be mastered if you want to use it as an expressive tool. You cant just scream something you think is emotional and just hope it comes out the way you meant it to.
Originally Posted by JAMF
To me, metal is the most expressive art form and deals with all negative aspects of life
I hate it when people say this. Like metal always deals with the negative. Metal can be joyfull, sad, agressive, philosophical, spiritial, and anything else you wish. It's not a fixed formula.

2006-09-30, 20:02
Join Date: Sep 2005
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mortpayne where the fuck have you been?
I think there is alot of technique to it

2006-11-04, 22:45
New Blood
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: hell
Posts: 46
whell i do agree man metal is awesome and i dont think metal has a style but very fifferent vocalstyles wich realy sets it apart and bands should change vocal styles depending on the song
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