2006-04-23, 03:56
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Land of Dust
Posts: 3,551
I want to see a tab for "The Act of Rebellion". Actually, not a tab, just one riff. It's this sort of "breakdown" kinda, lotsa palm muting of weird chords, it's a part of the song where Nergal recites some evil possessed sounding shit in Arameic or something. Also wanna see more tabs from Thelema, especially with solos.
... and Myterium Coniunctionis from Demigod and Blackest of the Black from ZKC. Actually those 2 would make my day, and earn you some man-on-man love action.
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
(Did you know In Flames had a 2005 album called "Come Clarity"? How prophetic. I think they're trying to tell us all their sperm are dead.)