2006-07-25, 22:56
New Blood
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: ORLANDO
Posts: 5
Convegre, wecamewithbrokenteeth, locust, killwhhitneydead, or more cock and ball tabs
"my great devastator"
"the broken vow"
"1 by 1"
"time out"
"eww nigga you smell like french fries"
"wow crackhead runs into wallzZz"
"the half eaten sausage would like to see you in his office"
"hairspray suppository"
"well ill be a monkys uncle"
"solar panel asses"
"you smell excited"
"save your sermons for sunday so i can sleep this hangover off"
"i wouldnt kick her outta bed for eating crackers"
cock & ball torture
"where girls learn to piss on command"
"candy teen pussy pleasers"
"scrotum blaster"
2 Minuta Dreka
"kasumi toilet"
or any thing else by them but if anyone could tab any of this out i would be greatful